Heppner gazette-times. (Heppner, Or.) 1925-current, November 16, 1950, Image 1

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$3.00 Per Year; Single Copies 10c
Heppner, Oregon, Thursday, November 16, 1950
Volume 67, Number 35
City's Streets Will
Assume Holiday
Attire Ere Long
Volunteers Wanted
To Help Prepare, ..
String Garlands
Heralding the holiday season,
with its attendant pre-Christmas
shopping, the decorations pro
vided through cooperation of the
Heppner chamber of commerce
and the office force of the local
ranger station will be put in
place in the near future, J. J.
O'Connor manager of the J. C.
Penney company store told the
group at the Monday luncheon.
O'Connor outlined the program
on a tentative basis before the
luncheon group and since Mon
day the plans have become more
As reported today, the boys
from the forest office, headed by
Ranger Glenn Parsons, will go af
ter the garlands and branches
for the street greenery this week,
end. Since there has been some
trouble with the big trees for
the intersections, due to the un
sportsmanlike attitude of a few
motorists who seemed to have an
urge to knock them over or out
of place, it has been decided to
dispense with them. The branch
es for "wraparounds" on tele
phone and electric light poles
will be placed as usual.
Stressing the work involved in
preparing the garlands for string
ing, O'Connor urged more coop
eration on the part of business
people and laymen. He said that
the extent of the cooperation will
decide how soon the decorations
can be put up. With sufficient
help in preparing them the job
can be completed by November
26, and that is the date the com
mittee is looking forward to.
It was reorted to the meeting
that the Morrow County Hunters
and Anglers club had sent a re
commendation to the state game
commission that that body as
sume the financial obligation for
hunting lost hunters.
Orville Cutsforth, chairman of
the Morrow county fair board,
reported that the calf sale, coup
led with several cash donations,
netted the board $1954. This, with
refunding of premiums by many
exhibitors will just about clear
the indebtedness on the new pa.
vilion, he said. Speaking further
relative to the pavilion, Cutsforth
reminded his hearers that the
building is the property of the
people of -the county. As far as
Heppner is concerned, he feels
that it could easily be made a
civic center and he hoped to see
a heating plant and rest rooms
installed at an early date. He al
so expressed regret that the citi
zens of Heppner had not gone
ahead with plans to convert the
former conuty property into a
park, with space devoted to a
playground for little kids, at
least, and suitable rest rooms for
the convenience of the people
who come to town and spend sev
eral hours here. "We from the
other parts of the county feel that
Heppner owes us that consider
ation, and we hope it will come
to pass," he concluded.
Rev. J. Palmer Sorlien announ
ced that the union Thanksgiving
service will be held Wednesday
evening at the Methodist church,
Rev. R. J. McKowen of the Church
of Christ delivering the sermon.
Judge Homer I. Watts, injured
in an automobile accident sev
eral months ago, tendered his
resignation the first of the week
and Governor Douglas McKay,
acting on the expressed desires
of attorneys of both Umatilla
and Morrow counties, Immediate,
ly appointed W. C. Perry of the
firm of Randall, Wells & Perry of
Mr. Perry is well known here,
having appeared in court and
represented numerous clients in
Morrow county.
Mrs. Bradley Fancher has kind
ly consented to assist in the ad
vertising department of the Ga
zette Times during the pre-holi-dav
season, starting next Mon
day. She will make the calls at
the business houses. Mrs. Craw
ford being unable to work for a
few weeks. Mrs. Fancher is ex
perienced in the work, having
been employed In the adverus
in i? doriartment of a large Port
land department store prior to
coming to Heppner.
Mr. and Mrs. Lester Doolittle
were in Walla Walla Tuesday
where she consulted an oculist.
Nuptials Set For
Friday at 8 P. M.
Heppner Church of Christ will
be the scene of the wedding of
Miss Marjorie Graves, daughter
of Rev. and Mrs. Shelby E. Grav.
es, and John Buchanan at eight
o'clock Friday evening, Novem
ber 17. Rev. Cecil Ahalt of Port
land, uncle of the groom, will
perform the ceremony.
Miss Graves will be attended
by Mrs. Ruben Wilson of Umatil
la as matron of honor, Misses
Vernita Persing and Mary Healy,
both of Santa Cruz, Calif., as
bridesmaids, and Marilyn Petty
John and Sharon Cutsforth, cou
sins of the bride, as junior brides
maids. Pastel formals will be
worn by the attendants and they
will carry nosegays of pom pom
chrysanthemums. Mrs. Dean Hun
will light the candles.
The bride has chosen white sa.
tin made with net yoke, fitted
bodice, long sleeves and train for
her wedding gown. With it she
will wear a finger-tip veil. She
will carry a white orchid on a
white Bible.
Music will be furnished by Ru.
ben Wilson who will also accom
pany Elmer Bueno of Santa Cruz,
who will be soloist. Joel Barnett
will serve as best man.
Following the ceremony a re
ception will be held. This will be
in charge of Mrs. Leonard Munk
ers of Lexington, Mrs. Jack Hynd
of Cecil and Mrs. John Ledbetter
of Heppner. The guest book will
be in charge of Miss Leatha
For traveling, the bride will
wear a wine suit with gray ac
cessories. Following their wed
ding trip the young couple will
be at home on a ranch near lone.
Utility's Check
Swells Receipts At
Collector's Office
; Real and personal property
taxes of $13,709.26 were paid to
Morrow county this week by Pa
cific Power & Light Co. This was
$1,560.34 less than -last year's
payment, according to J. R. Huff
man, local manager for the pow
er company.
Taxes being paid by the com
pany to 16 Oregon counties be
fore the November 15 deadline
total $1,060,808, an increase of
$115,288 for the year, Huffman
said. This year's payments to
counties in Washington totaled
Pacific Power & Light's total
direct taxes for the year are ex
pected to run about $4,300,000, of
which approximately $2,320,00 is
being paid to Uncle Sam for sup
port of the federal government,
Huffman said.
"Compact, A Digest of News
About Women, was the title of
an article read for the program at
the wekly Soroptimist club meet
ing at the Elkhorn this noon. The
article dealt with outstanding
women in out-of-the-ordinary vo.
cations and professions.
This was the meeting to which
the club members were to bring
clothing for a box being sent to
Austria to help the destitute peo
ple of that war ravaged land.
Boxes of "goodies" were also
brought for the Christmas pack
age being sent to the "sister"
club in Tamworth, England. Gen.
erous contributions in each in
stance were in eviderfce and the
Soroptimist Club of Heppner
hopes the benefits derived there
from will be commensurate with
the giving.
There will be no meeting No
vember 23, since that is Thanks
giving day.
Friends In Heppner received
announcement this week of the
arrival at 12:15 p. m. Saturday,
November 11 at St. Anthony's
hospital in Pendleton of Albert
Louis Lyons Jr. to make his home
with Mr. and Mrs. Louis Lyons in
Hermiston. The young man tip
ped the beam at 8Vfe pounds. Ev
erybody getting along fine, in
eluding the happy papa,
Donors of calves and cash for
the benefit of the fair pavilion
fund have the grateful thanks of
the fair board, Chairman Orville
Cutsforth said Monday. With this
kind of cooperation he feels that
the indebtedness will soon be re
moved and that nlans to install
the heating plant ancl rest rooms
can be brought to realization.
Delbert Piper, 13, son of Mr,
and Mrs. Rufus Piper, is in St.
Anthony's hospital In Pendleton
receiving treatment for a broken
leg sustained in a football game
two weeks ago.
Where Wind and Glass Battled for Mastery
This is a picture of the REA
building before the windstorm
Wednesday night The seven big
panes along the side and front
Methodist Church
Being Remodeled
The main auditorium of the
Methodist church is undergoing
considerable remodeling and re
decorating. The chancel has been
moved from the west wall to the
north wall and will be arranged
on a raised platform with the or
gan and choir pews arranged be.
hind the pulpit. The present chan
cel has been enclosed, with the
projecting platform removed and
will be used to house a Sunday
school class in the future. The
pews have been arranged to face
the north wall. The ceiling will
be covered with wall board in an
ivory shade and.the walls finish
ed in decco blend blocks. The
work is being done by contribut
ed labor from male members of
the church under the direction of
the building committee, Oliver
Creswick, chairman, Tom Wells,
vice chairman, Cornett Green,
secretary and Mrs. Darl Hudson,
treasurer. Plans for the' job were
made early in the fall by Henry
Mecklenberg, Billings, Mont ar
chitect for the Board of Missions
if the Methodist church.
Mr. and Mrs. LaVerne Van
Marter Jr. were in Seattle during
the wek-end to attend the Wash.
ington-Oregon football game.
Mrs. Lucy Rodgers and Mrs.
Sara McNamer motored to Walla
Walla Saturday to spend the
week-end with relatives.
The annual homecoming ban
quet of the Degree of Honor was
held Tuesday evening at the Me-
David II. Brannon
F.t. Entomology Sp.
Wah. Stat College
"Grain Sanitation" will be the
subject for 1950 presented aboard
the.. Union i Pacific . agricultural
car . in . cooperation., with , the
Northwest Grain Sanitation com
mittee of the Crop Improvement
association and with the respect,
ive state college extension serv
of the office were reduced to only
three good ones after the storm
got in its work. The building is
so located that the full force of
The Gazette Times will go to
press Wednesday evening, No
vember 22. Please send in copy
Monday instead of Tuesday.
Any copy arriving later than
Tuesday morning's mail will be
Irrigon Suffers
Shellacking At
Boardman's Hands
Boardman humiliated Irrigon
in an Armistice day game, the
score mounting to the one-sided
proportion of 64 to 6. Boardman
scored twice in the first quarter
after a start that looked like it
would be a nip and tuck go all
the way. Both conversion tries
were good and the quarter ended
Irrigon scored in the second
quarter but try for point failed.
Boardman scored twice in the se
cond quarter to make the score
37-6. The third quarter ended 51.
6 and with two more touchdowns
in the fourth quarter the final
tally was brought to 64.
Boardman's season ended with
Saturday's game. With eight
games won and two lost, it was
the best season record the school
has made.
Mrs. W. O. Dix is in Portland
this week visiting relatives and
Robert O. Fletcher
Cr. Sanitation Com.
Crop Jmprov. Assoc
Ret Warren
AArlc. Ft. Service
Oregon State Colletka
Kenneth Morrison
Ext. Agronomy Spec.
Wash. State College
Roland W. Portman
Fit. Entomologist
University ol Idaho
ices of Oregon, Washington and
Idaho. The Union Pacific agricul
tural car is especially construct
ed and equipped for such educa
tional purposes, including a 16
mm sound projector and screen,
an dspecial seating arrangements
suited to the requirements of
a south wind smacks it right on
the glass front No other damage
was done to the building. Inside
or out
thodist church with 70 members
and friends present. Following
the dinner, home movies were
shown by R. G. McMurtry after
which a lodge session was held
wherein the impressive ritualis
tic work was presented by staff
officers. Here from Portland for
the meeting was Mrs. Minnie B.
Card, national committeewoman
and state organizer.
Rhea Creek grange was organ
ized July 19 on the lawn of the
now Harold Wright residence and.
received its charter October 20,
1925. The 25th anniversary was
observed at the regular meeting
November 10 by giving special
recognition to those who were
charter members and had be
longed continuously since These
were Mr. and Mrs. Orian Wright,
Mr. and Mrs. Ray Wright, Mrs.
Clyde Wright, S. D. Wright and
O. C. Stephens. They were pre
sented with 25 year pins and
were honored at a sumptuous
supper highlighted by a three
tiered cake replete with candles,
baked by Mrs. Ray Drake.
The lone Cardinals swept over
Stanfield Friday with an out
standing 18-0 victory. The Stan
field "8". couldn't seem to set up
a scoring attack until the last
few seconds of the game. When
the final whistle blew, Stanfield
was on Ione's one-foot line and
ready for a touchdown.
Robert W. Every
Auric. Et. Servlc
Oregon State College
Ceorge L. Penrose
Agricultural Agent
Union Pac. Railroad
meetings and classromm proce
dures. The car will be operated
by George L. Penrose, agrlcul
lural agent of the Union Pacific,
Portland, who will also preside
at the meetings.
The car will be at the depot in
Heppner two days, November 28
and 29.
Mrs. Cason Leading
Discussions on 5-6
Year Old Problems
Mrs. Margaret Cason is con
ducting a series of informal dis
cussions on problems facing par
ents of five and six year olds.
The first meeting was held last
night at the Jay-Cee hall and
the discussions will continue In
definitely on the third Wednes-
iay of each month at 8:30 p. m.
The meetings will follow the
monthly potluck suppers of the
Jay-Cee and Jay Cee-ette organi.
zations,-and mothers of kinder
garten children and Jay Cee-ettes
are invited to attend the discus
sions. Other mothers interested
in the meetings will be welcome
as long as there is space.
Mrs. Cason, who now teaches
one of the first grades in Hepp
ner, was for many years a critic
teacher in the training school of
the Southern Oregon College of
Education at Ashland. She is en.
thusiastic about the mutual un
derstanding to be gained from
the discussion group.
Heppner Romps To
22-13 Victory In
Armistice Battle
Confidence won from overcon-
fidence here Saturday when the
teams of the Hermiston and Hep
pner high schools met on Rodeo
Field in the last of a long series
of annual Armistice day clashes.
On the one hand, the Heppner
lads had made up their minds to
win this game and had just the
right amount of confidence and
determination. On the other side
of the line was the Hermiston
team with a greater amount of
confidence, or enough to make it
a matter of overconfidence. What
ever the real situation was, the
Mustangs outfought and out
played the Bulldogs and came
out on the long end of the 22-13
Heppner's '"three touchdowns
were made in the first half of the
game while Hermiston couldn't
get into a sustained drive long
enough at any time to overcome
the lead.
The field was clow but the
the Heppner "mudders" didn't
ssem to mind. It was different
with Hermiston, used to playing
on a turf field, and couldn't ad
just their timing in the first
three quarters.
Heppner received the kickoff
and after three downs was forced
to kick, when Hermiston surrend
ered the ball on a fumble. The
Heppner boys went all the way.
The first score was made with
Piper crashing over from the 4-
yard line. He then added the con
version. The next score was made
by Sumner from the 2 -yard line,
the conversion again being kick
ed by Piper.
Connor received a lOyard pass
from Piper for the third Mustang
touchdown. The try for the point
was blocked by the Bulldogs.
Hermiston got into the game at
this juncture and scored on an
end run, but the conversion fail
ed. The second for the Bulldogs
was a long left-handed pass and
the conversion was good, mak
ing the score 20-13.
A coffin corner kick by Melvin
Piper which rolled out of bounds
on the 1-yard line set up the
stage for Heppner to force the
Hermiston back out of the end
zone, resulting in a safety and
two additional points for the
Mustang herd. Hermiston was
penalized for unnecessary rough
ing and was put back to about
one-half of a yard from the goal
line. From that time on Heppner
was able to hold the visitors back
until the final whistle.
The game proved to be an up
set a surprise for rooters for both
teams. Hermiston outweighed the
local boys in nearly every de
partment and had plenty f re
serves to keep a fresh squad in
most or the time.
The whole Heppner squad play
ed heads up, rock 'em, sock 'em
football, showing no outstanding
stars and all hands functioning
smoothly and efficiently. Five
members of the team played their
tinal game for the blue and gold
"spangles" and each turned in a
sterling performance. The list In
cludes Vern Bell, Marlon Green,
Lyle Peck, Captain Melvin Piper
and Phil Smith.
A large number of Hermiston
school and townspeople headed
by the school band attended the
game and many Legionnaires
and their families remained for
the banquet and dance given at
the Heppner Legion hall in the
evening. Both football squads
i wcic seiveu uinner at me nan at
5:30, preceding the Legion ban-
Heavy Wind Plays
Pranks With Signs,
Trees And Glass
Power Service Put
Out For Several
Hours Last, Night
Trees were uprooted or snap
ped off, signs were torn from
their moorings here and there,
roofs in some instances were
blown from buildings, and win
dows both large and small suf
fered damage In a heavy wind
which prevailed here Wednesday
evening and night Reports com
ing in from different sections
indicate that the storm was quite
general over the area and while
the velocity here has not been
determined, some Inkling of its
force is seen in the damage
wrought and in the report from
Pendleton that the gale reached
80 miles an hour at times there.
A brief survey here in Heppner
brought to light several instances
of damage. The Columbia Basin
Electric Cooperative building suf
fered heavily so far as glass was
concerned. Four of the seven
plate glass windows were broken
or badly cracked. All will have to
be replaced with new glass.
At the courthouse the gable
window on the south side was
blown out last night Shortly be.
fore noon today the crystal over
the west dial of the clock was
broken and part of the glass fell
to the steps below. Other minor
damage was reported.
The lights went out in Heppner
about 11 o'clock last night when
a tree on South Chase street was
draped over the PP&L's line. The
local crew was in Lexington re
pairing damages resulting from
a part of the roof of the I.O.O.F.
building being blown against the
highline, causing a short which
burned out the transformer. The
lights had been out here about
30 minutes before Manager Huff
man learned about it but the
Lexington Job had to be finished
before the crew could leave there.
Lights and power were restored
here about 1:30 this morning.
Four locust trees at the James
Driscoll place on South Court
were uprooted and leaned ovei
on the Fisher house next door. A
tree was blown across Mrs. Sadie
Sigsbee's house; a similar thing
happened at the Joe Hughes
home south of Heppner when a
tree was blown over the pump
house. Numerous signs were torn
from their moorings by the play
ful zephyrs.
Out in Sand Hollow, roofs of
two grain bins were blown off
and a 10000 bushel capacity el
evator blown over. It is believed
the roofs collided with the ele
vator, causing it to go over.
Doubtless there were many
items of damage in different
parts of the county that have not
been reported In town. The storm
semed to strike with greater force
in the vicinity of Heppner and
Lexington and on over the east
ern part of the county than it did
in the Eight Mile and Gooseberry
One hundred five local families
with children in the Heppner
school have not mailed in their
current P-TA dues in the envel
opes sent them for that purpose.
One hundred fifty members in
the organization were secured in
October through a membership
contest conducted by the grade
school rooms, in which Mrs. Adri
an Bechdolt's second graders won
first prize, Mrs. Jack Estberg's
second graders won second prize,
and Mrs. Edna Turner's first
graders won third prize. Forty
more members were obtained
from the mailing of letters to
parents and at the meeting of
the association last Wednesday
Members of the membership
committee are endeavoring to en.
roll as near 100 percent of the
parents and teachers as possible
this year so that hereafter mem
bership payment each October
will be a routine matter. The fees
are nominal, with the lion's
share being retained by the Hep.
pner association. Only one other
money-making project will need
to be carried on by the group if
all parents pay their dues an
Parents who have mislaid their
stamped envelopes may give or
mall their memberships to Mr.
and Mrs. Edwin Dick, Mr. and
Mrs. John Pfeiffer, or Mr. and
Mrs. J. W. Farra.
Mrs. Grace Nlckerson spent the
Armistice holiday In Arlington
with the Richard Hayes family.