Page 8 Heppner Gazette Times, Thursday, November 9, 1950 Seasonable Lingerie For Ladies and Children Faerie Munsingwear Pandora gowns Nylon Knits, Crepes PAJAMAS Brushed Rayon, Rayon Knit, Outing Flannel SLIPS Nylon Knit, Nylon Crepe Rayon Crepe Tailored and Lace Trim. PANTIES Tailored Nylons in Briefs and Panties . . . Lace Trim med Nylons in Briefs and Panties . . . Tailored Rayon Briefs and Panties. MUNSINGWEAR NYLON HOSE Apex Non-Run Nylon Hose Jlorak 4 Shop FIRE DESTROYS BARN AND CONTENTS ON BENGE RANCH Fire early Monday morning de stroyed the barn on the Ralph Benge ranch northwest of Hepp ner, according to Terrel Benge who was In town that afternoon. Origin of the blaze was undeter. mined, although It was thought it might have been due to spon taneous combustion. Seven thou sand bushels of barley stored in the barn and all other materials were destroyed with the building. Terrel got a little too close to the blaze in running a fireline around the barn with a bulldozer and sustained minor burns on the face and singeing of the hair not covered by his hat. o CARD OF THANKS Please accept our sincere thanks for the many words of sympathy and for the beautiful floral tributes to the memory of our beloved wife and mother. Elza Vinson and family. IF you want an IRRIGATED RANCH Large or Small Let me know what you want and I will find it for you At the Right Price! 0. C. HUGHES Licensed Broker Rural Route 1, Box 329 Phone 3884 HERMISTON, OREGON McLaughlin-Colvard Wedding Event Of Interest at Pendleton Friday Evening By RUTH F. PAYNE Of interest to their many Hep pner friends is the announcement of the marriage of Miss Varene Colvard, daughter of Mrs. Lucille Colvard, and Joseph McLaughlin, son or Cornelius McLaughlin in Pendleton Friday evening at St. on the program included a piano Mary's Roman Catholic church, solo. 'The Ninetv nnrl Nine." hv HEPPNER GAZETTE TIMES The Heppner Gazette, established March 30, 1883. The Heppner Times, established November 18, 1897. Consolidated Feb. 15, 1912. Published every Thursday and entered at the Post Office at Heppner, Oregon, as second class matter. Subscription price, $3.00 a year; single copies, 10c. O. G. CRAWFORD Publisher and Editor SALE 6 Thursday November L Regular Run of Livestock Bring in what you have for sale and we'll do our best to sell it for you. SALE STARTS PROMPTLY AT 1 :30 P. M. Heppner Sales Yard HAROLD ERWI N, Operator John Varner, Auctioneer Harry Dinges, Clerk Rev. John O'Hara nfficiatpd. The bride was given in marriage by ner brother. Wi am Co varri. Miss Virginia McLaughlin, twin sister of the bridegroom, was the bride's only attendant. James Mc Laughlin of Heppner was best man and ushers were Herbert McLaughlin, Robert McLaughlin, brothers of the proom. FranHs Squires and Stanley Conlon. Jo seph Dohertv was soloist and Mrs. Walter Moore played the wed ding marches. A reception was held in the Vert clubroom follow ing the weddine-. Amnns thnao from Heppner attending the ser vice were Mrs. Gertrude Apple gate, Mr. and Mrs. William Buck num, Mr. and Mrs. James Mc Laughlin and Francis Doherty. Ten tables of bridge and 10 tables of pinochle wene in play at the B. P. O. Elks ladies' nitrht card party Thursday evening. In bridge, Mrs. David A. Wilson re. ceived high score and Mrs. J. D. maimer, second; in pinochle, Mrs. Russell O'Donnell received hie-h and Mrs. Charles Carlson, sornnri Mrs. Maurice Groves of Lexing ton received the door Drize. Kev. eral guests were present from Condon and Pendleton. The Pen dleton lodge presented the initia tory work for severa lcandidates. Hosts and hostesses for the affair included Mr. and Mrs. Floyd Wor- den, Mr. and Mrs. Ben Anderson, Mr. and Mrs. Lawrence Becket, Mr. and Mrs. Charles Becket, Mr. and Mrs. Claude Buschke, Mr. and Mrs. John Bergstrom and Mr. and Mrs. Frank Anderson. The Past Matrons' club of Ruth chapter No. 32, O. E. S., gave a surprise handkerchief shower for Mrs. E. R. Huston at her home on Water street Friday evening on the occasion of her 79th birthday. Present were Mesdames Charles Vaughn, C. W .McNamer, W. O. Dlx, W. O. Bayless, Frank S. Par ker, E. E. Gilliam, Charles Rug gles, Howard Keithley and Fran, cis Mitchell, a guest of the club. Mrs. Keithley made the birthday cake which was presented to Mrs. Huston. Will and David Hynd motored to Pendleton Friday to visit rela tives. Mr. and Mrs. Fred Parrish, Mrs. Earle Gilliam, Mrs. Sara McNa among those from Hennner at ttendine the Girls Leaeue din ner at lone high shcool Sunday afternoon. Mrs. Howard Gilliam and Mrs. Jackson Gilliam of Hermiston are in Spokane this week where thev are guests of the latter's mother, Mrs. W. W. Hindley. Mr. and Mrs. Jack Slnrum anH her daughter, Mrs. Laverne White and baby left Friday for San Francisco and other Doints in California on a three weeks vaca tion trip. During their absence, Mrs. Guy Huston of Milton is looking after their house. Mr. and Mrs. Oral Wrisht and family have moved to Heppner rrom Hermiston. He recently pur chased a garage at Lexington. The Union Missionarv sncietv held its regular quarterly meet ing rriday afternoon at the Church of Christ, with Miss Opal Briggs presiding. Fellowship and unity among the several churches was the theme of the program and was elaborated UDon bv Mrs. R. J. McKowen, principal speaker of the afternoon. Other numbers solo. 'The Ninetv and Nine." bv Mrs. Boyer and a solo, "My Task" by Mrs. Fred Hosklns Jr. Follow ing the meeting, a large birthday cake was presented to Mrs. Ealor Huston and Mrs. Emma Jones, whose birthdays occurred this week. After the guests of honor had cut the first pieces of cake, Mrs. L. A. Humphrey continued with this. Pouring were Mrs. Mat tie Green and Mrs. L. D. Neill. Eighty-nine guests were present at the tea. Rev. Jackson Gilliam and Rob ert Oakley of Hermiston were vis itors in Heppner Tuesday eve ning. Oakley is in charge of the construction of the new Episcopal church in Hermiston which. Rev. Gilliam opines, will be dedicated sometime before Christmas, pro. vided no major catastrophe in terferes. Mr. and Mrs. Ben Eberhatdt observed their 31st wedding anni versary Sunday with a family re union at their home on Gale street, with 31 members of their family present as well as a host of friends and neighbors. It was also the occasion of Mrs. Eber hardt's birthday. Coming from a distance for the oartv were Mr. and Mrs. John Rhodes, Mr. and Mrs. Robert Raymond and Mr. and Mrs. Leonard Snider of The Dalles; Mr. and Mrs. Don Har- wood and family of Grande Ron- ae; Mr. and Mrs. David Eber hardt and family. Mr. and Mrs. Gene Quinn and family and Mr. ana Mrs. Ben toerhardt Jr. of Prineville; Mr. and Mrs. Russell Koberts of The Dalles and Mr. and Mrs. Harry Rhodes of Her miston. others present were Mr. and Mrs. Lowell Rippee, Mr. and Mrs. Howard Bacon. Afton. Nan cy, Jack, Michael and James Eb- erhardt. Included in the guests were 11 children and 12 era mi. children. Mr and Mrs. Carroll Freeman and baby dauehter moved to Lonerock Friday where he is em ployed in a mill. Mrs. Cordia Saling has receiv ed a letter from her eranrisnn. Seaman Jerry Saling, . who was wounded October 12 when his ship was blown up-in the Korean war, in which he states that he is in a base hospital in Jaoan at the present time reruDeraHnp- ... , . , u..l Mis. uewey wesi ana uaugmcr Dewena, Mrs. Ray Gronquist and son Keith, and Larry Thorpe mo. tored to Pendleton Tuesday. , t , yicaem nine recuperating .m"'nd Ruig!ILW!r.e f two broken legs and three ... w Santa Claus Headquarters Watch Our Window and Ads for TOYS and Value GIFTS CASE FURNITURE COMPANY body wounds. He expects to be returned to the States early in December. Mr. and Mrs. Frank Anderson and Mrs. James J. Farley motor ed to Portland Tuesday. Mr. and Mrs. John Berestrom and daughter Marilyn plan to go iu corvauis iriaay to spend the week-end with son and brother, Gerald. Mrs. James Farley, Sr. suffered a badly injured shoulder when she fell down the stairs at her home Sunday. Her daughters, Mrs. Olin Applegate of Hood Riv er and Mrs. John Monahan of Condon came to Heppner Mon day to care for her. Mrs. Apple gate will remain for an extended visit. Mr. and Mrs. M. R. Hilriphranrf and children left Saturday for Monroe. Wash, to visit relatives. I Mr. and Mrs. Gus Nikander of Scottsburg, Mr. and Mrs. Harold Case of Seaside, Mr. and Mrs. Ro. bert Evans of Gearhart, Miss Har riet Case of Gladstone and Mr. and Mrs. Don Case of Olympia left the first of the week for their homes after having attended the funeral services for the late M. L. Case. Mr. and Mrs. Al Fetsch were called to Alsea Friday afternoon by the death of his nephew who was Kined in an elk hunting ac cident. A large number of members and guests attended the meeting oi bans faouci Rebekah lodge Fri. day evening at which Mrs. Hplpn Davis, Seaside, president of the Keoekah Assembly of Oregon, made an official visit. She was accompanied bv her mother. Mrs Katherine Olson, Astoria, who Is also Asesmbly chaplain. Several members of the Lexineton and lone lodges were guests at the meeting. A potluck dinner was served prior to lodge. o RUMMAGE SALE TO RUN FIVE DAYS NEXT WEEK A rummaee sale for thp hpnp. fit of the kindergarten rooms will be conducted Monday through Friday of the coming week in the J. W. Farra building by members of the Jay Cee-ette organization. The Jay Cee-ettes are busily gathering and arranging many donated articles for their sale. Several items resulting from the tne ingenuity or diligence of the membership will also be offered for sale. To have items collected, phone Mrs. Edwin Dick, 2902 or Mrs John Pfeiffer, 1352. G05G3 The flUOTflERM Radiant Circulator Fuel Oil Heater Only 5995 It's low in first cost . . . econom ical to operate! These exclusive Duo-Therm features make it big in performance. 1. Duo-Therm's Dual-Chamber Burner mixes air and fuel oil in just the right proportions so that you get more heat from every drop of oil. 2. Special Waste Stopper is built right into every Duo Therm, helps keep the heat from flying up the flue . . . gets more heat into the room. 3. Lattice-work grill is espe cially designed to increase radiant heating efficiency. 4. Finger-tip control assures you workless, dirtless beat! Come in for Easy Terms I Heppner Appliance Dependable Radio and Refrigeration Service Tele-fun by Warren Goodrich "Yet, I do answer promptly. I'm always hanging around near the phone." . . . You won't miss receiving impor tant calls if you answer your telephone' as quickly as pos sible . . . Pacific Telephone. Any firm's a good tim. for Mayflower Milk and how the whole family enjoys its country fresh flavorl Rooms Now Available at the Newly Decorated Rooms from $2.25 up Coffee Shop Dining Room Garage Facilities rtnl Thli Ad lor $1.00 Credit Good on Any Room $. W. 11th at Stark St. Portland. Oregon Flatt's Transfer and Storage Heppner Ph. 112 The Dalles Phone 2635 114 E. 2nd St Insured Carrier OREGON WASHINGTON FURNITURE MOVING "We Go Anywhere.Anytime" - . thm lprtfr .fflrt TTln many readers of THE CHRIS TIAN SCIENCE MONITOR tell the Editor how much they enjoy this dally world-wide newspaper. "The Monitor is the most earefully edited news paper in the U.S. . . ." 'Valuably dd in teach ing . . ." "News that it complete and fair. . . "The Monitor surely is a reader's necessity . . You, too, will find the Monitor informative, with complete world news . . . and as neces sary as your HOME TOWN paper. Use this coupon for a Special Introductory subscription 26 ISSUES FOR ONLY $1 Tbt ChrUilan Scleoct Monitor One, Norwr St, Boitoa 15, Mast., USA. Flow sand ma hi introductory sub scription to The Chriia'in Selene Monitor 26 isnies. i enclOM 1. (mmme) (city) (''') (italif PB9 PENDLET0N HEPPNER FREIGHT LINE Arrives at Heppner, Lexington and lone EVERY DAY For Pickup or Delivery For pickup, call Red & White, Heppner Padberg Tractor, Lex. Omar Riermann, lone Connecting Carrier for Consolidated Freightways Transferring Cr Heavy Hauling Padded Moving Vans Storage Warehouse U.PandN.P. Penland Bros. Transfer Co. 39 SW Dorlon Avenue Phone 338 Pendleton, Ore. (CALL for the answer to your INSURANCE problems. If wo rlnn't l-t,,.. m.. answers we will find them for you. C A. Ruggles Agency