Heppner gazette-times. (Heppner, Or.) 1925-current, November 02, 1950, Page Page 4, Image 4

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Heppner Gazette Times, Thursday, November 2, 1950
Lexington School
Presents Two One
Act Plays Wed'sday
The Lexington high school pre
sented two one act plays last
Wednesday night. They were a
comedy, "A penny Saved" with
the following cast, Daniel Dab
ney, man of the house, Earl Mil
ler, Dolly Dabney his wife, Alene
Shannon, Ethel Dabney their
daughter, Dorothy Loury, Wilbur
their nephew, Eugene Sawyer,
Mr. Jones tax collector, David Bu.
chanan and Fanny, the negro
maid, Patricia Majeske; and a
mystery "Murder in the Family"
with the following cast: Abagail
Wentworth, the grandmother,
Betty Lou Messenger, Olive Par
nell, her niece, Darolene Balser,
Gloria Weneworth, Beverly Nol
an, Terry Weneworth, Richard
Peck, Dr. John Dane, Asa Way,
Jennie Jones, Shirley Hunt, Ken
neth Gray Maxwell Breeding.
Production staff was as follows,
Earl Miller, Bill Steagall, Bob
d Dennv McMillan;
properties. Joan Breeding and YV
onne Breeding. For the first play
Ronald Fahl was stage manager
sun iniin Fdwards rjronerties.
The plays were under the direc
tion of the tngnsn teacner, jurs.
Janet Rands, and were exception,
ally good.
Lexington grange had its boos
ter night a week ago with a fine
program proceeded by a pot luck
dinner. The program consisted of
patriotic songs by the group with
Mrs. La Doucer at the piano.
Talk on grange by the master,
Armon Wihlon; Mrs. Tom Wilson
played two violin numbers ac
companied by Mrs. Clyde Dun
ham. Piano solos by Sharon Cuts,
forth; a reading by Richard Wih
lon, piano solo by Janice Martni,
a clever reaaing Dy Mrs. j. a.
Troedson, two short skits a pia
no solo Dy juay winion, vocai
duet by Rena Marquardt and Bet
ty Messenger accompanied by
their mother, Mrs. Truman Mes
senger and Burton Peck gave a
reading. The first skit was put on
by Charles and Ida Buchanan
and the second one by Armin
Wihlon and Delpha Jones.
Mr. and Mrs. O. G. Breeding
o Your Duty
as an American Citizen
Go To The Polls Tues.,
November 7 And Vote
To Help Preserve Our American Way of Life we need able pub
lic servants -men who have been tried and not found wanting.
In Senator Wayne Morse, Congressman Lowell Stockman,
and Governor Douglas McKay, Candidates for the three top
positions, the Republican party is offering you men of unques
tioned ability and integrity. The same holds true all down
the line and we recommnd to you the entire Republican
For United States Senator in Congress
His recognized ability has made him an outstanding
member of Congress
r V, v
For Representative in Congress, 2nd
District of Oregon
"A Big Man for a Big Job"
" r x hi
' W - PA
i 1 H; , "r iM
For Governor of Oregon
He knows Oregon's problems and how to handle them
19 WILLIAM E. KIMSEY, of Marion County
21 REX ELLIS, of Umatilla County
23 GILES L.FRENCH, of Sherman County
24 HENRY E. PETERSON, of Morrow County
25 BRADLEY D. FANCHER, of Morrow County
28 W.O. DIX
Third District GEORGE N. ELY, of Jone
Fifth District WILLIAM E. GARNER, of Boardman
Sixth District J. 0. HAGER, of Heppner
Eighth District GUSTAVE FISHER, of Irrigon
Pd. Adv. by Morrow Co. Republican Central Comm., Mrs. Omar Rietmann, Secretary,
lone, Oregon.
spent the week-end in Pendleton
visiting their daughter and fam
ily, Mr. and JVIrs. Bill Mathews.
They brought their grandson Jay
nome wnn mem.
Mr. and Mrs. W. I. Miller and
two sons of La Grande and Thay
er Miller of North Platte Neb.
visited Earl Miller last week.
Mr. and Mrs. Charles Breshears
visited in The Dalles Sunday.
Mr. and Mrs. Wilbur Steagall
were Portland visitors last week.
Mrs. Roger Anderson spent the
week-end with the Robert David,
son family.
Lexington P.T.-A. sponsored a
card party Saturday night. The
proceeds went to tne not mncn
Mrs. George Graves was host
ess at a Halloween party for the
intermediate Camp Fire girls.
Those attending were Inez Mc
Fadden, Aileen Breding, Pat Stea.
gall, Donna Graves, Sharon Cuts
forth, Anna Winters, Maureen
Groves and Dianne Schwab.
Mrs. Ray Dolven and Mrs. Rob.
ert Davidson were hosetsses to
the third and fourth grades at
school Monday. The children all
wore costumes.. Appropriate re
freshments were served.
The Lexington Rebekah drill
team put on the degree work at
the convention held at Hardman
Monday.Those attending were
Mesdames Thelma Anderson, Flo
rence McMillan, Dimple Munk
ers, Katie Padberg, Lee Wagon
blast, Leile Palmer, Clarice Mc
Fadden, Thelma Smethurst, Jo
Irvin, Delpha Jones, Mildred Da
vidson, Maxine Cox, Gladys Van
Winkle, Freda Majeske, Faye
Munkers, Leita Messenger and
Annie Kane. Men attending were
Orris Padberg and Truman Mes
senger. The Three Links club will en
tertain the state president at
their meeting Thursday.
Mr. and Mrs. J. L. McMillan
were overnight guests at the
home of his brother W. E. McMil
lan. They had been in Portland
and Kelso for a week.
Fred Buchanan, Ida Coleman and
Delia Corson.
Mr. and Mrs. E. W. Bristow
were Walla Walla visitors Thursday-of
last week.
Over $30(1 wa t;iken in nl 1 hp
grange dinner, bazaar and car
nival Saturday night. A large
crowd was server) at the turkev
dinner but the dance crowd was
Mr. and Mrs. Leslie Fnpstrom
of Portland werp wpukunH cnpsts
at the Arthur Stefani Jr. home.
Mr. and Mrs. Paul Balsiger of
White Salmon WMP Inno viifnr
Mr. and Mrs. Walter Dobyns
are visiting in Gresham and Port.
Several Rebekahs from here at
tended the district convention at
Hardman, Monday.
The wind last week hi PU7 RPV.
eral trees down in town, tops off
01 grain Dins, wrecked windmills
and did other damage in the
Mr. and Mrs. Robert Crowell
and son and Arthur Rowell and
son Bill have been picking apples
around Chelan, Wash.
Word was received of the death
Of Jess R. Canles nf PnrtlnnH fVt
27. He was the husband of the
former Ella Mason.'
The Rebekahs had a clean up
day at the hall Friday and held
a meeting in the evening. A pot
luck dinner was served at noon.
Harry Yarnell is having the j
plastering done on his new house.
Grade school coaches of the
countv met at the school house
Tuesday evening of last week to
organize a basketball ana otner
activities league. The P-TA served
a luncheon.
Mrs. E. W. Bristow and Mrs.
Ernest McCabe spent Monday in
The Dalles.
Mrs. Cecil Thome and Mrs.
Gordon White attended the presi
dent and secretary conference of
the American Legion auxiliary in
Portland last week.
Mr. and Mrs. Walter Corley
gave a birthday dinner Tuesday
of last week in honor of Jim Sav
age. Others present were Ronald
Baker, Bill Hubbard, John Bris
tow, Rodger Kincaid, Gene Doh
erty, Jane Seahafer and Joan Rei
ninger. The 40 et 8 of the American
Legion post at Pendleton install,
ed the post officers here Wed
nesday evening of last week.
Mr. and Mrs. Charles Nord of
Portland are visiting at the Ray
Barnett home.
Fred Ely returned home recent
ly from a trip in Washington.
Mr. and Mrs. Noel Dobyns left
for Gresham Sunday.
Dates to remember: Nov. 3, Ex
tension meeting, at Congrega
tional church. Nov. 4, Masquer
ade ball at Legion hall. Nov. 5,
Dinner served by Girls League 'at
school house, 12:30 to 3. Nov. 7,
Election day and dinner at Rebe.
kali hall. Nov. 7, Legion and aux
iliary meeling. Nov. 8, Maranatha
meeting at Congregational church
,Nov. 10, Eastern Star card party
at 8 p. m. Masonic hall. Nov. lb
Study meeting of Topic club.
Medical Society says . . .
UPHOLD the 1949 Legislature's
old age assistance law
1. It brings Federal mopey to
2. It guarantees a decent liv
ing for the aged.
3. It is legal, workable, keeps
aid - to - old - folks out of
Paid Advrtlsamnf
Fvbttc Welfare Education Committee
Judd Greenmanj Chairman
Masonic Lodge At
lone Observes 50th
Year of Founding
Friday evening, October 27,
was a distinctive milestone in the
history o flone lodge No. 120, A.
F. & M. and it was fittingly ob
served by Masons of the district.
It was the 50th anniversary of the
founding of the chapter. Visiting
brothers were present from Arl
ington, Condon, Fossil and Hepp.
ner. Distinguished guests includ
ed Jerry Summerhays of Milton,
Grand Warder of the grand chap
ter of Oregon, and Harry Tamb
lyn, deputy Chief Patriarch of
Royal Arch Masons of Oregon,
Heppner. An oyster feed was
served to 65 men following the
Little Judy Eubanks of Port
land is spending the winter with
her uncle and aunt, Mr. and Mrs.
C. E. Brenner.
Warren Stender is taking care
of the Verner Troedson ranch
during the Troedson-Groshen trip
to Europe.
Rep. Henry Peterson explained
the school bills at the regular
P-TA meeting Wednesday even
ing of last week. He was assisted
by Garland Swanson and Berl
Akers. Other highlights of .the
program were tumbling by the
5th, 6th, 7th and 8th gra.des girls
who have been trained by Mrs.
Maureen Nelson, high school in
structor, and a saxophone quar
tet by Malcolm McKinney, Berl
Akers Jr. Judy Howton and
Wayne Ball. At the business
meeting conducted by Mrs. E. M.
Baker, president, it was decided
that the P-TA sponsor the com
munity Christmas tree and pro
gram. Refreshments were served
by Mrs. John Eubanks, Mrs. Lew
is Halvorsen and Mrs. Berl Akers.
Mr. and Mrs. Milton Morgan
made a trip to Spokane last
Mrs. Ted Palmateer accompan
ied her parents, Mr. and Mrs.
John Healy of Butter Creek and
her sister, Miss Cecelia Healy of
Portland to Seattle last week to
visit relatives and friends.
Miss Mildred Carlson of Eu
gene spent the week-end with
her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Leon
ard Carlson. She was acompanied
here by Dr. George Stassney, a
dentist for whom she is reception
ist at Eugene.
Mr. and Mrs. Donald Heliker
gave a dinner party Oct. 27 in
honor of the 38th wedding anni
versary of Mr. and Mrs. Ernest
Heliker. Others present were Mr.
and Mrs. Orville Cutsforth, Mr.
and Mrs. Ed Buschke and Mr. and
Mrs. John Ransier.
Rev. and Mrs. A. Shirley at
tended the Mid Columbia Con
gregational conference at Enter
prise Friday and Saturday of last
Bridge and pinochle were play,
ed at the social meeting of the
Topic club at the home of Mrs.
Fannie Griffith Saturday after
noon. Mrs. Mary Swanson and
Mrs. M. E. Cotter were co-hostess',
es. Mrs. Swanson won high and
Mrs. Frank Lundell won low in
bridge. Mrs. Chas. Carlson won
high and Mrs. Sam McMillan low
in pinochle.
Mr. and Mrs. Frank . Lundell
and sons Billy and Merle of Mil
waukie visited relatives here over
the week-end. Billy enlisted in I
the navy Monday. I
Those from here attending the
bridal shower for Miss Marjoriei
Graves at Heppner last week I
were Mesdames Delbert Emert, I
Darrell Padberg, Ray Barnett,
i. ft tie aid and
Morrow County Fair Sponsored
Choice Calves Offered
to Highest Bidders
NOVEMBER 4, 2:30 p. m.
Come and Buy Your Beef for the Locker
PnI for yourself hew , $ liffX 0 '
fr II W"r')j AUTOMATIC Sa-SX'r Y"T I W J
utilizes the burner flame to give
Siogler offer you all these exclusive features.
Mori Heating Comfort in the "living zone" in every room.
5 Way Heat circulates radiates nkt high floor heat automatic furnace volume, and
Sturdy Cast Iron Construction-pound for pound the lowest priced oil heater on the market
Porcelain Enamel-Finish fused to steel not ordinary baked enamel paint
$2.00 Of Oil Heat For 92;. Siegler utilizes the burner flame to save you money.
Patented Two-ln-One-Heatmaker the secret of Siegler's Hotter Heat.
Guarantee Bond for Highest Quality Standards direct from the factory to you.
Built in Blower System not just a fan attachment
Patented Sieglermatic Draft usually would cost $50 built in free.
2 Free Patented Tropical Floor Heat gets to the bottom of the cold floor problem.
Money Back Guarantee of more and hotter heat over the floor than Any comparable size heatef.