Page 8 Heppner Ga2ette Times, Thursday, October 26, 1 950 VOTE TUESDAY IT A NOVEMBER NORTH HEPPNER: At the City Hall SOUTH HEPPNER: At the Court House Polls open from 8 a. m. to 8 p. m. This advertisement sponsored by the Soroptimist Club of Heppner When the Chill Wind (Blow ... and you are very young . . . Nothing is so snug as a Snow Suit One- or two-piece in sizes 2-3-4' Covert Overcoats for Boys In sizes 2 - 3 - 4 beautifully tailored and up-to-the-minute in style. We also have Winter Jackets for Boys and Girls in Rayon Twill or Flannel Plaid. Each with Moulten collar. GIRLS JEANS-Sixes 2-6-7-14 Nylon Sweaters 34-40 Claudien 4 '"-"If OIL m your Permanent... means Salon famous and Patented NOW1. FOR HOME USE I ..."fie loveliest of Permanent!" ONLY COLD PERMANENT WITH GENUINE OIL CREME BASEI Waves safely in little as 10 minutes! I 1 Marvelous for i 1 CHlLDRtHtoo 1 pi 1 u I JILJ NUTW-TONICS - BM oil for that 1ST' IT" lender M'1 1 w. s ? 0-i,...i I "Vf -. Base, in ever boffe. - 3 - That's why Nufri-Tonic WQvt id fast, yet J U genffer fo the .-'Haiti SAVE... BUY REFILL IF YOU HAVE PLASTIC with 2 liiti 1 1 prof.iirsnaf U palflc ctr.n 225 mcl FLUl Tax SOLD FOR HOMI Oil UNDIR OSITIVI MONIY-IACK OUARANTII Humphreys Drug Co. MODIFICATION OF FINDINGS AND DETERMINATIONS OF THE OREGON STATE GAME COM MISSION WHEREAS, the Oregon State Game Commissidn at its stated meeting held on July 14, 15, 28 and 29, 1950, respectively, pur suant to the provisions of Section 4, Chapter 275, Oregon Laws 1941, as amended by Section 4. Chapter 1G5, Oregon Laws 1945, after hearing, made and adopted writ ten findings and determinations as to what, if any, wild animals or wild birds may be hunted, trapped, pursued or killed with gun, bow and arrow or oth(r means or devices, and of what species, kinds and sex, and in what numbers, quantities or bag limits and in what places, man ner and under what regulations, and at what seasons or times as will not affect injuriously the supply thereof, and WHEREAS, the open season for mule deer and Columbia black tail deer having not less than three forked antlers was fixed and determined as September 30 to October 17, 1950, both dates inclusive, in all counties except Sherman County, and the open season for white tail deer hav ing not less than forked antlers was fixed and determined as Sep. tember 30 to October 17, 1950, both dates inclusive, in Douglas County, and, 3$ WHEREAS, the open season for deer of either sex was fixed and determined as October 21 and October 22, 1950 in the following described areas: LAKE COUNTY: All of Lake County except those portions included in the follow ing areas: The Mule Deer Game Refuge: That part of Lake County south of the Klamath Falls-Lakeview Highway (Oregon 66) and west of the Three Flags Highway (U. a. jvo) soutn 01 LaKeview; That part of Lake County with in the Deschutes National Forest boundaries north and east of the Iremont Highway (U. S. 31); That part of Lake Countv in the following described area: Be. ginning at the junction of Pine Mountain road with U. S. Hieh way 20 at a point 3 miles east of THE AMERICAN WAY f I CANT understand I HOW "THE PIONEER I THE PEOPlF I 6OTAL0N6 wrruouT I W THEIR OWN 1 ANYBODY TO MAKE I PLANNING "Wff'S 1 THEIR PLANS j I WHY THEY MADE I Nothing Strange About It, Lefty ton DIPINDABLI TRANSPORTATION & SUeftc...4? UNION PACIFIC j J A CHOICE OF TRAINS Li TO AND FROM 3 Trains lo serve you STREAMLINER "CITY OF PORTLAND" "PORTLAND ROSE" "IDAHOAN" Choice of Pullman accommo dations; club and lounge can; wonderful dining car mealij reclining coach seats. Enjoy the beautiful autumn weather - vacation enroute at Sun Valley, owned and oper ated by Union Pacific. LOW FARES Let us help With your travel arrangemints. LOCAL AGENT UNION PACIFIC RAILROAD ROAD Of TH DAILY STRIAMLINM ELECT VERNON BULL VERNON DULL 14 Yean Legislative EXPERIENCE Hat Full Support of Farm and Labor Groups ELECT VERNON BULL A MAN WHO WILL WORK Paid Political AdvertUtmtnt Indeptndnt Committee, Tom Rucknuw, ImbUr, OlS Millican in Deschutes County; thence south along the posted road to the community of Lake in northern Lake County; thence easterly along posted roads to junction with U. S. Highway 395 at Wagontire; thence northeast, junction with U. S. Highway 20: erly along U. S. Highway 395 to thence northwesterly along post ed county roads to intersection with U. S. Highway 20 at Broth ers; thence westerly along U. S. Highway 20 to Pine Mountain road, to point of beginning. KLAMATH COUNTY That portion of Klamath Coun. ty described as follows: Begin ning at the junction of The Dal. les-Caiifornia Highway (U. S. 97) with the north boundary of Kla math County; thence south along The Dalles-California Highway to its intersection with the north boundary of the Klamath Indian Reservation; thence following the boundary of the Klamath Indian Reservation east and south to its intersection with the Klamath Falls-Lakeview Highway (Ore. gon 66) near Bly; thence east along the Klamath Falls-Lakeview Highway (Oregon 66) to the intersection with the east boundary of Klamath County; thence following the east boun dary of Klamath County to inter, section with Fremont Highway (U. S. 31), thence northwesterly along U. S. Highway 31 to The Dalles-California Highway (U. S. 97), the point of beginning. DESCHUTES COUNTY: That portion of Deschutes Coun ty east of The Dalles-California Highway (U. S. 97) outside the exterior boundaries of national forests except that part included in the following described area: Beginning at the junction of Pine Mountain road with U. S. High way 20 at a point 3 miles east of Millican in Deschutes County; thence south along the-posted road to the community of Lake in northern Lake county; thence easterly along posted roads to junction with U. S. Highway 395 at Wagontire; thence northeast erly along U. S, Highway 395 to junction with U. S. Highway 20; thence northwesterly along post, ed county roads to intersection with U. S. Highway 20 at Broth ers; thence westerly along U. S. Highway 20 to Pine Mountain road, the point of beginning. CROOK, HOOD RIVER and GRANT COUNTIES All of Crook, Hood River and Grant counties outside the exter ior boundaries of national for ests except that part included in the following described area; Be. ginning at the junction of Pine Mountain road with U. S. High way 20 at a point 3 miles east of Millican in Deschutes County; thence south along the posted road to the community of Lake in northern Lake County; thence easterly along posted roads to junction with U. S. Highway 395 at Wagontire; thence northeast ly along U. S. Highway 395 to junction with U. S. Highway 20; thence northwesterly along post ed county roads to intersection with U. S. Highway 20 at Brothers thence westerly along U. S, High way 20 to Pine Mountain road, the point of beginning. BAKER COUNTY All of Baker County outside the exterior boundaries of national forests except that portion east of U. S. Highway 30 and south of State Highway 86. UNION COUNTY: That portion of Union County east of U. S. Highway 30 and Oregon Highway 82 outside the exterior boundaries of national forests. HARNEY COUNTY All of Harney County outside the exterior boundaries of nati onal forests except that part in cluded In the following describ ed area: Beginning at the junc tion 01 fine Mountain road with U. S. Highway 20 at a point 3 miles east of Millican in Desch utes County; thence south along the posted road to the community of Lake In northern Lake County; thence easterly along posted 'roads to junction with U. S. High- iway 395 at Wagontire; thence northeasterly along U. S. High way ,395 to junction with U. S. Highway 20; thence northwester. ly along posted county roads to intersection with U. S. Highwav 20 at Brothers; thence westerly along u. 5. Highway 20 to Pine Mountain road, the point of be ginning . WASCO COUNTY All of Wasco County south of iMiieen Mile ureek, north of the Warm Springs Indian Reserva tion and west of The Dalles-California Highway (Oregon High ways 23 and 52). MALHEUR COUNTY That portion of Malheur Coun. ty north of U. S. Highway 28 and west of the Brogan-Miller road. WESTERN OREGON The following described areas west of the summit of the Cas cade Mountains: All current es tablished cultivated agricultural lands and adjacent non-cultivat ed lands within a radius of one mile; exclusive of Tillamook County and all lands within the exterior boundaries of national forests. WHEREAS, in the judgment of said Commission it is in the best interest of the state that said findings and determinations be modified by rescinding the open season for deer of either sex, and by extending the general open deer season, and WHEREAS, the notice of a hearing for the purpose of modi- iying such findings was, for at least forty-eight hours prior to the date hereof, published in the Oregon Journal and the Oregon- mn, two newspapers ot general circulation throughout the state of Oregon, printed and published in Portland, Multnomah County, Oregon. ORDERED, that the findings and determinations of the Ore gon State Game Commission adopted at its stated meeting held on July 14, 15, 28 and 29, 1950, respectively, fixing and de termining the open season for mule deer, Columbia black-tail deer, and white-tail deer as above described be and It here by is fixed and determined as September 30 to October 22, 1950, both dates inclusive in all coun ties except Sherman County and all of the mule deer game refuge ana mat portion ot Lake Countv south of the Klamath Falls-Lake, view Highway (Oregon 66) and west of the Three Flags Highway tu. o. mo) soutn 01 Lakeview, State of Oregon, and be it furth er ordered that the open season ior aeer 01 either sex heretofore fixed and determined as above described be and it hereby is re scinded ana repeated. Dated this 16th day of October 1950. 31-32c 51 Oregon Girls And Boys Cited By Keep Oregon Green Assn. Fifty-one Oregon boys- and girls have been cited by the Keep Oregon Green association for outstanding efforts during the . past summer in reducing man-made forest fires. Each one singled out for special honors has been awarded a special "Ser vice Under Fire" badge, and a copy of the book recently pub lished on "Trees to Know in Ore gon", according to Albert Wels endanger, executive secretary of K. O. G. Marion, Clackamas, Douglas flTele-fiin M by Warren Goodrich ' " Better be sure you have the correct number what if a man answered Instead of a bug!" When you're not sure of a number, please look it up be fore you call. The Pacific Tele phone and Telegraph Company. Ill ClSsJ fOfs A-l USED CARS ijtfgOKH KjtHcur roup caoji. Fl owers for all occasions in season or special MARY VAN'S FLOWER SHOP HEPPNER GAZETTE TIMES The Heppner Gazette, established March 30, 1883. The Heppner Times, established November 18, 1897. Consolidated Feb. 15, 1912. Published every Thursday and entered at the Post Office at Heppner, Oregon, as second class matter. Subscription price, $3.00 a year; single copies, 10c. O. G. CRAWFORD Publisher and Editor CARD OF THANKS We wish to express our erate- ful thanks to the people of Hep pner for their manv exDressions of sympathy in our bereavement ana tor the beautiful floral tri butes to the memory of our be loved Harold. Mr. and Mrs. Noble Hampton. 0 Continued from page one adding 100 x 80 feet, This was on the south side of the factory building. All went up In flame last night. One of the sidelights reported by onlookers was the work of the boys on the carriers. They moved right in almost to the fire line to pick ud Piles of lumber and move them back to safety. Seen this morning was the rail road's construction crew remov ing big steel rails that had been warped into snakelike shape by the fire. The rails had been put down but a short time before the fire hit. From the looks of things the track will be in shape fot the freight train on its Friday run. and Jackson had the greatest number. Thirteen Oregon coun ties had boys and girls who qua lified for the highest honor in fire prevention. All of the 51 winners are mem bers of the Oregon Green Guard, the youth activity of K. O. G. which now includes more than 34,000 Oregon girls and boys. Mrs. Robert Self, of Oroville Calif, came to be with her sis ter, Mrs. Noble HamDton UDon re ceiving word of the sudden pass ing 01 her nephew. Harold Man ners, Thursday night. ... the letters start Then many readers of THE CHRIS TIAN SCIENCE MONITOR tell the Editor how much they ' enjoy this daily world-wide newspaper. "The Monitor it tbi most carefully edited mews Paper in the V. S. . . "Valuable aid in teach ing . . -"News that is complete and fair. ..." "The Monitor surely Is a reader's necessity . , . You, too, will find the Monitor informative, with complete world news . . . and as neces sary as your HOME TOWN paper. Use this coupon for a Special Introductory subscription 26 ISSUES FOR ONLY $1 The Qubdan Science Monitor On, Norway St Boston D.Maji., U.S.A. Please lend me an Introductory fub. (cription to The Christian Science Monitor 26 Issues. I endow II. """"(Udrii'l)" (Halt) Flatt's Transfer and Storage Heppner Ph. 1 12 The Dalles Phone 2635 114 E. 2nd St Insured Carrier OREGON WASHINGTON FURNITURE MOVING "We Go Anywhere.Anytlme" PENDLETON HEPPNER FREIGHT LINE Arrives at Heppner, Lexington and lone EVERY DAY. For Pickup or Delivery For pickup, call Red & White, Heppner Padberg Tractor, Lex. Omar Rletrnann, lone Connecting Carrier for Consolidated Freightways Transferring & Heavy Hauling Padded Moving Vans, ' Storage Warehouse . U.PandN.P. Penland Bros. Transfer Co. 39 SW Dorion Avenue Phone 338 Pendleton, Ore. ill? 723 for the answer to your INSURANCE problems. If we don't know the answers we will find them for you. C. A. Ruggles Agency