OBEY THAT impulse. See Rose wall about getting delivery on a new Ford. PEA VINES FOR FEED Beginning October 15th the Key Steen Pea Pit in Milton Ore gon will have pea vines for sale at $5.00 per ton loaded on your truck at Milton. For rates on vines delivered to Heppner area write to Key-Steen, co Umatilla Canning Company, Milton, Oregon, or telephone 164, Milton. 29-32C 1946 FORD pickup. Has four speed transmission and heater. Pay down $275.00. Rosewall Motor Company. CAN PLACE IMMEDIATELY IN WEST UMATILLA AND MOR ROW COUNTY, reliable man who can meet the public and who is interested in full time permanent position "with oppor tunity to earn better than ave rage Income. Write J. R. Wat kins Co., 137 Dexter Ave., Seat. tie 9, Washington. 29-34c WHAT IS MOTOR DIAGNOSIS? LOST, on Rhea creek One Hereford-Guernsey heifer branded WS on left hip; right ear split, tip off left ear. Wm. Seehafer, lone, Ore. 29-34p THE NEW RPM motor oil is here. Drive in to Rosewall Motor Company for a fresh oil change. MODEL BUILDERS See Tommy for complete line of Model Planes, Trains, Boats, Motors, Fuel Accessories. Hobby sup plies leather kits, Bersted Molding Kits. Erling "Tommy" Thompson, 711 3rd, McMlnn ville, Ore. Mall orders accepted. 29-32c IT'S SMART TO BE SEEN DRIV' ING A FORD. LEGAL NOTICES SUMMONS Equity No. 3925 IN THE CIRCUIT COURT OF THE STATE OF OREGON FOR THE COUNTY OF MORROW JEANFAY CORPORATION, Plaintiff, vs.- STRONG and MACNAUGHTON TRUST COMPANY, a Corpora tion, and R. S. HOWARD, JR., Receiver. ALSO, all other per sons or parties unknown clai ming any right, title, estate, lien or interest in the real estate described in the com plaint herein, Defendants. TO: Strong and MacNaughton Trust Company, a Corporation, and R. S. Howard, Jr., Receiv er. Also, all other persons or parties unknown claiming any right, title, estate, lien or in terest in the real estate de scribed in the complaint, here, in, Defendants: IN THE NAME OF THE STATE OF OREGON, you and each of you are hereby required to ap pear and answer plaintiff's com nlalnt fllpri against vou in the above entitled Court and Cause within four weeks from the date of the first publication of this summons upon you, and if you fall to so appear or answer for want thereof, nlaintiff will aDDlv to the above entitled Court for the relief prayed for in its com nlnint. tn-wit: For a decree quieting title to the following aescriDea real pro perty, situated in Morrow Coun ty, State of Oregon, to-wit: All nf Sprtion one (Din Town hln four (A) North. Ranee twenty-five (25), East of the Willamette Meridian, in tne County of Monrow, State of Oregon, anH that it hp ndiudped and de creed that the plaintiff is the owner in iee simple oi saia reai nrnnprtv and that whatever in- tprpst nr title vou mav claim to have in said real property is null and void and that each and all of you and all persons or parties claiming by, through or under you be forever barred and re strained of and from all claim, right, title and interest in and to said real property and every part thereof, and for such other and further relief as may be just and equitable. This summons is served upon you by publication thereof once a week for four successive weeks in the Heppner Gazette Times, a newspaper of general circulation, published in Morrow County, Or egon, pursuant to an order of the Hon. Garnet Barratt, Judge of the County Court for Morrow County, Oregon, which order is dated September 27, 1950, and the date of the first publication of this summons is September 28, 1950. JOS. J. NYS, Attorney for Plaintiff. Post Office Address: Heppner, Oregon. 28-32 NOTICE OF FINAL ACCOUNT wnTipp to uirpirnv fiiVFN that the undersigned admlnistra tor of the estate oi akimuk l. HUGHES, DECEASED, has filed with the Probate Court of the State of .Oregon, for the County of Morrow, its Final Account of its administration of the estate of the said deseased and that said Court has fixed Monday, the 6th day of November, 1950, at the hour of 10 o'clock, a. m. of said day at the County Court Room at the Court House at Hep. pner Oregon, as the time and place for hearing objection! to LET US underseal your car against dust, rust, and road noises. Rosewall Motor Com pany. FOR SALE Desirable house lots on west side. Blanche Brown, 203 Water street. Phone 462. 21tfc DON'T WALK just because you can't afford a new car. We have used cars priced from $75.00 up. Rosewall Motor Co. FURNITURE For Quality Furni ture at today's lowest prices, shop McGee Furniture Co. We are never undersold. S&H Green Stamps. Open till 9 p. m. we deliver anywhere. McGee Fur niture. Umatilla. 29 tfs. LET US restore that showroom complexion to your car with a Porcelainize beauty treatment. Drive with pride. Rosewall Motor Company. FOR SALE 4-room house, with plumbing, $1,000 cash. See Aus tin Wilson, Heppner. 32p MOTORS in stock for Ford cars and trucks made for the last 22 years. Rosewall Motor Co. ONE TD14 tractor, one 51 Inter national combine; one cnevro let 4x4; one '42 Chevrolet truck; one 'compressor with grease head. Phone 554. 32p WE HAVE three metal men that can paint. Don t worry when vxu hnnir un vour fenders. Drive in to Rosewall Motor Company and say fix it. BEAUTIFUL planter lamps in copper and brass for your Christmas Layaway. Heppner Flower bhop 1949 FORD ton heavy duty truck with 4 SDeed transmis sion -and heater. Pay down $400,000. Rosewall Motor co. coin vinai Armiint and the set tlement of said estate and all Persons having objections there to are hereby required to file objections with said Court on or before the time fixed for said hearing. Dated and first published this 5th day of October, 1950. THE r IK5T WAiiuniALi oAiin. of PORTLAND OREGON JfVS J. NYS Attorney for Administrator NOTICE OF FINAL HEARING NOTICE IS HEREBY G1VKIN that the undersigned as admin istrator of tne estate oi m HILL, deceased, has filed his Final Account and report in said estate with the Clerk of this Court and that the Judge there of has fixed Mondav. the 6th day of November, 1950, at the hour of 10:00 a. m., as tne time, in the County Courtroom in the Pmirthnnsp in HeDDner. Morrow County, Oregon, as the place for hearing objections to tne saia Final Account and the settle ment thereof. P. W. MAHONEY Administrator of the Estate of NELLIE M. HILL 29-33 NOTICE TO CREDITORS NOTICE IS HEREBY UlVfcIN, that the undersigned has been duly appointed by the County Prairf nf Mnrrnw County. State of Oregon, administrator of the es- state of William a. HArts, de ceased, and all persons having claims against the said estate of the said deceased are hereby required to present tne same wun proper voucners auiy veruiea vy law to the administrator at tne law office of P. W. Mahoney at Heppner, Oregon, with in six months from the date hereof. DATED and FIRST PUBLISHED this 19th day of October, 1950. VERNER E. TROEDSON Administrator of the Es tate of WILLIAM A. HAYES deceased. P. W. MAHONEY Attorney for the Adminis trator Heppner, Oregon 31-3jc NOTICE OF FINAL ACCOUNT Notice is hereby given that the undersigned executrix and exec utor of the estate of SYLVIA F. DEVIN, Deceased, have filed their Final Account in the Probate Court of the State of Oregon, for Morrow County, of their adminis tration of the estate of said de ceased and that said Court has fixed Monday, the 13th day of Nnvemhpr. 1950. at the hour of 10 o'clock A. M. of said day at the County court Room at tne court House, at Heppner, uregon, as thp time and nlace for hearing objections to said Final Account and the settlement oi saia estate and all persons having objections thereto are hereby required to file the same with the said Court on or before the time fixed for said hearing. Dated and first published this 12th day of October, 1950. ALMA DEVIN CLOUSTON, Executrix HARLAN J. DEVIN, Executor CUB SCOUT INSPECTION - J SET FOR FRIDAY NIGHT A Dack meetine for all Cub Scouts and their parents will be held in the parish hall at 8 p. m. Friday evening, October 27. Included in the activities will be awarding of badges, a special Inspection of the Cubs' appear ance and a roll call for Cubs and parents. All parents are being urged to attend, Heppner Gazette Times, Thursday, WANTED 25 dirty cars to wash HAVE YOU seen the Flamingo every day. Wash job $1.50. in the Heppner Flower Shop? Rosewall Mtotr Company. WE CUT and fit glass for all WE MAKE head lamp adjust- makes of cars and trucks, ments with photo electric light Drive in for quick service. Rose tester. Drive in for quick ser- wall Motor Company. vice. Rosewall Motor Company. LEFT AT GAZETTE TIMES OF FOR SALE Very limited number FICE one Illinois full case of new Deepfreeze and Philco pocket watch. No identification Freezers 8 to 10 ft. Models. marks. Owner may redeem Save 10 percent on these items same Dy calling and paying if taken before Nov. 1. Terms for thls notjce. 32c and trades. . Anderson Appliance Co. THE SMART BOYS are having 7739 S. W. Capitol Highway their cars and trucks filled Portland, Oregon with permanent type anti- 32c freeze at Rosewall Motor Com- DRAGGING CARS for 12 years. pany while it as available. When your motor acts up and we CAN again offer you stamped won'f start or you drive off the linen pillow tubing. Heppner road and upset phone 1092 for Flower Shop, wrecker service. We haul them ,m ri t nipn in day or night. Rosewall Mo- W"ATW,ILL a man d0 t6 please tor Company. a laQy- - IMPORTirn HOT I AND RIILBS RSY SAYS: This is National nHced to immediate sale Hep Automobile Dealer Week. Come oner Flowe? Shoo in and let us show you the ., P"er lower nop. facilities we have to serve you. NOW IS the time to let us drain out the heavy worn out trans- . C mission and differential grease aAC rlVlTrt and replace it with RPM winter I 1CVt3 I I Will grade gear grease. It's good gear insurance. Rosewall Mo- k ff tor Company- C A. Urrice FOR SALE One 1937 Dodge se dan, good shape, almost new Livestock men are reminded of tires, new battery; 1 single the fifth annual Midco Hereford disc; 1 good rubber tired mo- association show and sale that wer; 1 5-section spike tooth will be held at Moro, Oregon on harrow; 1 set heavy harness; November 2 and 3. The show on about 4 dozen white leghorn November 2 begins at 2:00 p. m., pullets. All for $200. J. E. the sale on November 3, at 12:30 Craber, Heppner. 32p p. m. Thirty-three Hereford bulls 1946 FQRD tudor. Has radio and are consi6ned heater. Pay down $300.00 Full 00.0 ., price $900.0. Rosewall Motor There are 2,253 soil conserva- Company. tion districts in the continental It rides mor smoothly You'll slid smoothly, steadily, safely over moit roads in a Chevrolet-only low-priced car combining the Unitized Knee-Action Ride and airplane-type shock absorbers. I iff . i mil v-- It drives more easily You'll enjoy finest no-shlft driving at lowest cost with Chevrolet's famoui Powerglide Automatic Transmission ... or finest standard driving at lowest cost with Chev rolet's Silent Synchro-Mesh Transmission. ComUnstltm ft furtrtlUt AuKimtttf Tttmimiulon A i0i-t.f. Enflni optional on Do Lomo modoh ml AMERICA'S DEST SELLER! Main at May Judge ft on ciibihg your "Best r 5 -m.- m llllilllllillli HODGE October 26, 1950 United States encompassing 839,. 551,600 acres of land in farms and ranches. More than 4,712,000 farms are in these districts, or about 73 per cent of all the land and 80 percent of all the farms in the United States. All of Mor row county is now included in the Boardman and Heppner soil soil conservation districts. An interesting program for the 55th annual convention of the Oregon Wool Growers association has been arranged, meeting at Portland November 1, 2, and 3. Recent rains have resulted in increased pocket gopher activi ty in many fields on our creek land in Morrow county. This calls for some action with a little poi son bait to get rid of thes? pests. Alkaloid strychnine is the poison to use. It should be dusted on carrot strips cut about three in ches long, about one-half inch in diameter. Dust these strips thor. oughly, Apples can be used in place of carrots if desired. A probe, made of a half-inch pipe, sharpened on one end, with a cross piece about 12 inches above this point to step on is used in finding the main run way of thggopher. When you find the runway, it is easy by probing close to a fresh mound made by the gopher, drop in a few pieces of carrot, cover up the opening. You'll soon know whether you are doing any good when and if you do not find any new mounds. Experiments carried out by the Pendleton branch experiment station since 1941 show some in teresting results in average yield in pounds per acre of representa tive varieties of wheat, barley and oats. Flynn 37, a spring barley be ing grown by many, of our Mor 'Buy-by M 0d$ jy-.-7-T ; It optrates mor economically You'll enjoy extra-fine performance and save money, too; for Chevrolet is the only low priced car with a Valve-in-Head engine-trend-setter for the industry. It lasts longer, too Chevrolet is built to outlast other cars. That's one reason why there are over a million mor Chevrolets on the road than any other make and why Chevrolet is America's most Iiopular car, year after year. Come in and ook it over. CHEVROLET CO. GET STARTED ON -CATTLE LICE CONTROL Cattle lice are among our most common insect pects here in Mor row county, states N. C. Ander son, county agent. Few herds of beef or .dairy animals are free of j these parasites. Cattle lice be come most abundant and their damage the greatest during the winter months. In Oregon we have three species of sucking lice and one species of biting lice on cattle. The sucking lice, as the name implies, feed by sucking blood from their host The biting lice feed on skin par ticles and set up intense irrita tion. Infested animals become weakened and unthrifty and in feed lots will not put on the best gain. Cattle lice may be controlled readily by dipping or spraying or in the case of a few animals, by hand dusting. Spraying with high pressure sprayers has been one of the most popular treat ment methods. Efficient control can be obtained by this manner of treating. All parts of the ani mal should be thoroughly wet ted. Low pressure sprayers such as those usfid in weed control may be used if the high pressure is not available, but using one of these, more time and care in application will be required. The best time to treat is dur ing the fall months October and November. The lice are fewer in row county farmers led the yields with 2771 pounds per acre pro duced. Carleton oats was second, with 2617 pounds per acre, Elgin wheat fourth, 2593 pounds, Rex wheat fifth, 2429 pounds. Farmers who are substituting some grain for wheat on allot ment acres will do well to con sider raising Flynn 37 barley from the standpoint of yield per acre. ...DRIVING CAOD It's better looking all around You'll know it's mor beautiful from every angle, inside and out; for Chevrolet ii the only low-priced car with Body by Fisher the standard of styling. It offers mor for less throughout Think! Center-Point Steering; Curved Wind shield with Panoramic Visibility; Fisher Uni steel Body-Construction; hydraulic brake with Dubl-Life rivetless linings. You get all these and many other fine car features In Chevrolet at lowest cost. AMERICA'S DEST DUYI Page 7 number at this time, the hair is not so thick and there is tetter penetration of the Insecticide, and weather conditions are not likely to be severe. The object should be to treat early to avoid heavy build-up of lice during the rrltiniil winter months. For further information see Station Circular of Information No. 455, available at the county agent's office. o Hooked And Braided Rugs To Be Extension Leaders' Projects Techniques in making hooked and braided rugs will be subjects studied by project leaders of Morrow county at a two-day ses sion to be held at the Methodist church in Heppner November 1 and 2, beginning at 10 a. m. each day. Mrs. Myrtle Carter, home furnishings specialist will con duct the meetings. Hooked rug technique will be demonstrated by Mrs. Carter the first day while braided rug teclt. nique will be the November 2 subject. o Mrs. A. D. McMurdo returned last week from Grants Pass where she had a pleasant little visit with her Scott who is loctaed there now. She went that far with another son, Dr. Bernard McMurdo, who had been at the home of his parents for a visit. Mrs. McMurdo stopped in Port land before coming on home. Mrs. Sophrona Thompson is spending a few days In Walla Walla with Mr .and Mrs. James Webb and family. o Tom Michos, Portland restau rant man and ranch owner in Morrow county, is spending a few days in Heppner on business. Heppner, Oregon