Page 8 Heppner Gazette Times, Thursday, October 19, 1950 Mr. and Mrs. Car McDaniel lias as their guests over the week end. Mr. and Mrs. Edgar Albert and daughter Fern. The other Al. nort girls, Tatsy an dGayle were Kuests of Mrs. Joe Hughes. Truly Washable Children's Hospital School Dedicated A one-coat "Vitalised Oil" base j paint mat costs) let, out covers, l out lasts end gives far mors j beauty and satisfaction than ordt- j nary paints it's the only Wall j Faint enriched with Pittsburgh'! j exclusive process "Vitollied Oils" j to give controlled penetration, j Comes In Flat, Semi-Gloss, and Gloss finishes. $4.31 per Gallon Com In today for FREI booklet, f Color Dynamic! for your Hom.M Heppner Hardware r Electrice Co. The new $50,000 children's hos pital school in Eugene was for mally dedicated recently in Eu gene in impressive ceremonies conducted by the A. F. and A. M. The school, operated by the Eas ter Seal agency, has enrolled 55 children from 21 Oregon counties which is the present capacity. The building includes speech, oc cupational and physical therapy rooms as well as special class rooms, a kitchen, and play areas. It is described as one of the fin est schools of its kind in the United States. Plans are already being made for its expansion. Rands Again Heads List of Aspirants On Boardman Ticket At the town general assembly meeting Monday evening the fol lowing townspeople were nomi nated for city officers to be on the November ballot: mayor, R. B. Rands and Mrs. Clyde Tanne hill; recorder-treasurer, Mrs. Z. J. Gillespie; councilman for two year unexpired term. . J. Gilles pie; Jhree councilmen to serve for three years, Robert Harwood, Seth Russell, Arthur Allen, Wal ter Hayes, Leo Root, Fred Smith, Clayton Allen and W. E. Garner. The first regular meeting of the PT-A for this season was Thursday evening at the school house. Supt. Meidinger gave a talk on the "Children's Bill". Two movies were enjoyed, "Are You a Good Citizen" and "The School." H.E.C. met at the home of Mrs. Clyde Tannehill Wednesday be- LIMITED OFFER-ACT NOW! A BONUS FOR BUYING EARLY! HQSCHARGI " wmmmm WITH ANY NEW AUTOMATIC lame OIL HEATER OR FLOOR FURNACE (SELLING FOR OVER $59.95) It'i yours NO CHARGE with the early season purchase of any SUPER FLAME Oil Heater or Floor Furnace selling for over $59-95. This sensational new "Superan" Blower keeps you cool in hot weath er. In winter it fits under heater and gives you FORCED AIR HEATING. Saves up to 25 on fuel . . . makes any SUPERFLAME Automatic Oil Heater or Floor Furnace perform same as forced air central heating plant. "Superan" is portablt and has doztni oj uses! BUY IARIY OET THIS FORCED AIR HEATINO SYSTEM NO CHARGE! FAMOUS fi itpejamB "FUEL-SAVER" HEATERS GIVE MORI FOR YOUR MONEY! MORE BEAUTYI Only Automatic aUrcKrLAMfi givei you AMERICA'! MOST COMPLITI UN El that beautiful styling that addi to the appearance and blendi attractively witn modern aay nouseiurnishings. MORI COMPORTI Automatic SUPtRFLAME offeri "no work'1 heat. Advanced design increases circulation, distributes warm air throughout entire house evenly from ceiling to Boor level. No fire Tending, no dust, no ashes. NO OTHER HEATERS HAVE THE AMAZING "FUEL-SAVER" tA. . . . ilW'ti.lT AMAZINO FUEL SAVINOSI Only Automatic SUPER- FLAME Heaters and Floor Furnaces have the super efficient "FUEL-SAVER" that incrtasti radiating sur face 100 and dtcrtastt chimney loss up to 40, yon up to ONE-THIRD on fuel bills . . . sometimes more! Gives you modern furnace efficiency! Alore beat from every drop oj low cost fuel oil! Buy SUPERFLAME now for all winter comfort) jj 'Siwerfan SAFE! Ne dangerous fan blodesl SEE US TODAY EASY TERMS BUY NOW - SAVE! GILLIAM & BISBEE Wi Havt Got It, Wo'll Get It, or It Ainl Made ginning with a pot luck dinner. Wayne Conyers, son of Mr. and Mrs. Ray Conyers left last week for Condon, being inducted into the U. S. service. Boardman Garden club mem bers met at the Community churc ! bers met at Community church Thursday for an all day meet ing, clearing and cleaning the yard and setting out shrub and bulbs. Rev. Charles Hawley returned home Thursday from Salmon City, Idaho where he went to of ficiate at a funeral. Mrs. Frank Cole and Mrs. Clay ton Allen are home from the hos pital. Each underwent surgery. Mrs. Gilmer Bolson who has been a patient at, St. Anthony's hospital for several weeks is at home and able to receive com pany. Mrs. Bolson was very hap py over the cards and flowers sent her and wishes to thank all who remembered her so kindly. Mrs. Guy Ferguson left Satur. day for Kennewick where she will visit her son and daughter-in-law, Mr. and Mrs. Stanley Ferguson. Guests at the home of Mrs. Na than Thorpe were her two aunts, Mrs. Minnie Law, Coeur d' Alene, Idaho, and Mrs. Anna Kempkin, Los Angeles. Mrs. Alvin Duelen of Hermis ton was a week-end guest of her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Edd Kunze. Guests at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Cecil Hamilton are Mr. and Mrs. Bill Hamilton, Prairie, Ida., Mrs. Eric Hamilton and Harold Hamilton of Los Angeles. The two latter and Mrs. Cecil Hamil ton left Saturday for Bellingham, Wash, to visit until Thursday. Mrs. Eric Hamilton is Cecil's mother. Mr. and Mrs. Johnnie Baldino of Portland were guests of her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Walter Hayes. Mr. and Mrs. Herbert Parsons of Seattle spent the weekend at the home of his brother-in-law and sister, Mr. and Mrs. Eldon Shannon. Mr. and Mrs. Everett Dugan of Florence, Oregon were calling on friends in Boardman. They were returning from a hunting trip. Sunday guests of Mrs. James H. Montague were her daughter, Mrs. Earl Brooks and children of Hood Paver. Mr. and Mrs. Reno Wren of Se. attle are visiting at the home of her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Chas. Dillon. Mr. and Mrs. Leo Root attended the Baptist conference in Hermis ton Sunday. o Local News In Brief M. R. Hildebrand motored to Monroe, Wash. Saturday to visit for a week with relatives. Mrs. Hildenbrand and children who have been there for the past two weeks will return with him Sun day. New books placed in circula tion at the Heppner Public Li brary recently include: Boyce, Cloak of Folly; Graham, Corde lia; Schoonover, Gentle Infidel; Ehrlich, Big Eye; Bowen, Heat of the Day; Taber, Especially Fa ther; Streeter, Father of the Bride; Alderman, Arch of Stars; Cinder. ella; London, White Fang; Olli- vant, Bob Son of Battle; O'Brien, Silver Chief; Keene, Nancy Drew Mystery series including Bunga low Mystery, Nancy's Mysterious Letter, Mystery of the Ivory Charm, Clue of the Tapping Heels, Mystery bf the Brassbound Trunk, Mystery of the Moss Cov ered Mansion, Quest of the Miss ing Map, Clue in the Jewel Box and the Old Album. Several members of the Wom en's Society of Christian Service motored to Pendleton last Wed nesday to attend a luncheon of the socioly of the Methodist church. A birthday cake was pre sented to the Pendleton group by the Heppner group. Those attend, ing the party included Mrs. Mat tie Green, Mrs. N. D. Bailey, Mrs. Chris Brown, Mrs. Whitmer Here for bird hunting over the week-end were K. F. Reininger, Paul Demeter, C. L. Reininger, Vern Jensen and N. W. Reininger of Portland. i Your 4-H CLUB NEWS Livestock club members are busy selecting feeder steers for fat beef projects with several club members having theirs se lected and on feed. Others have their steers spoken for and are waiting for the calves to be weaned. Members feeding calves are Ronald Baker, lone, two Short horns from the R. B. Ferguson ranch; Duane Baker, lone, one Shorthorn from his own herd, one Shorthorn from the Howard Cleveland ranch; Janet Howton, lone, one Shorthorn from the Ho ward Cleveland ranch, one Here ford scramble calf donated by Earl Evans; Judy Howton, lone, one Shorthorn from the Cleve land ranch; Shirley Peck, Hepp ner, one Hereford Angus cross donated by Don Greenup; Jimmy Hayes, Heppner. one Hereford from the Harold Wright ranch; Malcolm McKinney, lone, one Hereford from the Emert ranch, one Hereford caught in scramble donated by Slim Emert; Richard and Herbert Ekstrom. lone, each one Hereford steer from the Slim Emert ranch. Calves are difficult to find this year and much time has been spent jn locating the good qual ity steers that 4-H clubbers select to feed out.. - Four of the calves on feed now are to go to the Oregon Wheat -growers League show and sale in June with the remainder be ing fed for the county fair. When all members have calves they intend to carry as projects on feed, it is expected there will be 29 fat beef projects. This com. pares to 25 this past club year. Herbert and Richard Ekstrom, lone, are busy these days putting finishing touches to their two re gistered Hereford bulls that are entered in the fifth annual Midco Hereford Assn. show and sale to be held at Moro November 2 and 3. These two bulls, raised as 4-H projects, are to be sold with 31 other Hereford bulls consigned by Oregon and Washington breeders. The meeting of the Jr. Stock men's 4-H came to order at Vern Nolan's October 8. President Jim Wightman led in the club pledge and Jean Marie Graham read the minutes of the previous meeting. Mr. Munkers checked our re cord books and then collected them. This is the last meeting of the 4-H club year. Meeting was adjourned and re freshments served. Johanne Wilson, Reporter. o- ' Mel Gordon and Charles Mea- dor of Portland were week-end guests of Mrs. Sara McNamer and Mrs. Lucy E. Rodgers. Guests of Mr .and Mrs. W. C. Collins over the week-end were Mrs. james uouins and sons Richard and Ted of Concordia Kan. They are sister-in-law and nephews respectively of W. C, Lomns. The older of the two boys, Richard, expects to be called to the service in a short time. His father remained at home to look after the farm while the family made the trip. Mr. and Mrs. Dan Buffington (Nora Hughes) of Portland and John Hughes of Salem called on Heppner relatives Saturday. They came up with R. B. Rands of Boardman to attend a land sale at the courthouse. They planned to spend the weekend at Board- man hunting birds. water system let's make a dole to discuss your rvnning water requirements, A phone call will bring us fa your heme where we'll help you choose Hie right MYERS Water System for your needs. Better still, stop In and see eur full range of MYERS fecto and Reciprocating Type Water Sys tems. We service all makes of pumps. New Myett "MN" fiecle Visiting Hours At Hospital Stressed Some misunderstanding "has prevailed relative to visiting hours at the Pioneer Memorial hospital and this has been em barrassing to both the manage ment and to visitors. Two periods have been set aside for visiting. Calls may be made between 3 and 4 p. m. and between 7 and 8:30 p. m. It is not the purpose of the manage ment to keep anyone from visit ing patients but in order to fa cilitate the work it is necessary to place restrictions as to time. Manager George Wadil urges cooperation of the public and gives assurance that the hospital staff will do its part. CARD OF THANKS We want to express our thanks for the many flowers, letters and cards sent our brother in his last illness, and for every kindness shown him through the years. The family of W. A. Hayes Wright, Mrs. Ann Smouse, Mrs. J. O. Hager, Mrs. Elbert Cox, Miss Ona Gilliam, Mrs.Armendus La Douceur and Mrs. L. A. Hum. phreys. AT THE HOSPITAL: A son, Charles Grant, weighing 6 pound 11 ounces was born Oc tober 14 to Mr. and Mrs. Bill Lynch. A daughter, Linda Sue, weigh ing 7 pounds 13 ounces was born October 16 to Mr. and Mrs, C. V. Freeman. Myers Shallow Well Reciprocating Type See Frank Baker Plumbing Mgr. for Case Furniture Co. Goodlly e CMd Ileai iiigilid New Way To Hear . . . A "MVace of Modern Electronics" New Free Book! Like thousands of deaf people you may realize your fondest dreams by reading this valuable little book. For it reveals how to hear clearly again WITHOUT A BUTTON SHOWING IN THE EAR thanks to a transparent, almost invisible device. Get your copy of this remarkable book now. No cost, no obligation. Learn what amaz ing things modern electronics ts doing for people JiiKe you today. Lome in. nhone or mail rnn pon now. f w w r ,i2Ss. PV mono-PAC IQ22mi! One-Unit Hearing Aid Batteries for all Makes James N, Taft & Associates 712 S.W. 9th Ave. Portland, Ore. FREE HEARING CLINIC Heppner Hotel Heppner October 251 to 6 P. M. Evening by Appointment See Mr. B. F. Lemke FOR YOUR BUY OF THE YEAR! Pure Wool Coats IN THIS SEASON'S TOP STYLES. ..TOP FABRICSI I tfAt(k the only smart shopper who knowe MWm f WmwL Mil V VALUE when she. sees it! These I ffff'J---Jj sil rock-bottom price too! Clean I t ir-'L m,f fcf CSr V K'iV'M cut sharktic with its new shopod I flrtO- Y" 't'f' collar in gray or Un... fine gabar-' 1 VkOOl' . TT ft A 1 1 dine with iu albed pockets in 1 J I 1 ' T ; V black .. . both beautifully tailored JI'SsS!J'C - -1 l f V i5' -fs' - V'a1 down to the last hand-finished buU pt w'k l tonhole, Loth in tzn m' HEAVY NYLON WOVEN DRESS GLOVES 100 PER CENT NYLONKNIT fl AO WASHABLE LVO In Black, Brown, and Dark Green ALL LEATHER DRESS OQft GLOVES NEW BOX TYPE PLASTIC LEATHER HAND BAGS Brown and Black 298 Pemey's