Heppner gazette-times. (Heppner, Or.) 1925-current, October 12, 1950, Page Page 2, Image 2

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Heppner Gazette Times,. Thursday, October 12, 1950
An Important Decision
There is something far more important than
personalities in the current race for Governor of
Oregon. Under conditions as existed a generation
or so ago it would be a matter of deciding which
man the voter liked best. Today it is vastly dif
ferent. The voters must decide between preserving
our American way of life as pertains to private
enterprise and the continuing trend towards stat
ism. or socialism, to be more direct
Mr. McKay's record as a legislator and as a
governor leave no doubt in the minds of the
people as to which side he represents. Mr. Flegel,
who as a legislator sponsored and stood for meas
ures that proved embarrassing as a candidate
for governor, finds it easier to get along with the
government ownership of power boys and other
crackpot elements of the Democratic party by the
simple expedient of reversing his former stand
and beliefs. In order to capture votes he has come
all-out for the National Administration program
of deficit spending, for government ownership of
power in fact, the whole socialist program which,
whether or not planned with that purpose in view,
is surely and definitely swinging the nation to
wards a state of complete regimentation.
Election of Flegel will be one big step towards
realization of the Columbia Valley Authority and
the eventual taking over of all public utility ser
vices by the central government. All that is need
ed is to get a socialistic state regime, which na
turally would follow election of a so-called demo,
crat to the governor's chair and the stage would
be set for carrying out the ambitions of the gov
ernment ownership planners.
There is no cause for a change of administra
tion in Oregon this year or any year so long as
we have capable leadership such as Mr. McKay
is ffivinff us. His oav-as-we-go policy is iust plain
good horse sense. It is not to the liking of the
deficit spending boys but if we guess the temper
of the people of Oregon correctly they will not
want to change sensible government for the type
of management we are bound to nave u mi. r ie
gel should get into office.
Two Morrow county girls have
pledged Alpha Omieron Pi at
Oregon State college, Faye Cuts,
forth and June Van Winkle of
Lexington. Both are graduates of
Heppner high school and Miss
Cutsforth attended Eastern Ore
gon College of Education at La
Grande last year.
November 4
Bud Orton's Band
IonefLegion Hall
Dinner and Bazaar
at Willows Grange Hall in lone
From 6 p. m. to 8 p. m.
Sponsored by the Maranathas
Dinner $1.2 5and 65 cents
Ciooie From
5 Gorgeous
Ntwt htttn k
w n
( uarantte1 )
I t"" "T '
I COMMUNITY' Ihoi 4oi "t
Mad to leek Levlir... Longer
Dtep-ctrvcd beauty designed
to b correct "for keep". Extra
overlay of (olid silver at table
touch point.
Service for 8
in tbe VOGUE
Anti-Tarnish Chest
No f4. Tax
Now Community
brings you 5 ex
quiiitely wrought
patterns to set
your table with
everlasting loveli
ness. Set Includes: IS Teaspoons,
8 Oval Soup Spoons, 8 Knives,
8 Forks,' 8 Salad Forks, 2 Serving
Spoons, 1 Butter Knife, 1 Sugar
Peterson's Jewelers
30 Years Ago
Thursday. October 14, 1920
Dedication exercises were held
in Hardman Friday for the new
union hieh school bunding. Aa
dresses were made by L. A. Hunt
and S. E. Notson. Miss Juanita
Leathers sang a solo.
Born in this city on Thursday,
Oct. 14 to Mr. and Mrs. Wm. O"-
Sullivan, a daughter weighing
8 pounds.
Born to Mr. and Mrs. Glenn
Ball on October 4, a 9 pound son
Born in this city to Mr. and
Mrs. Ira W. Thornton, a son.
Mrs. Richard Wells left last
week for Butte Montana where
she will visit with her sister, Mrs,
Herbert Fant.
Mrs. W. E. Brock and son Har
old of Pendleton were Sunday
visitors in Heppner.
Mrs. Paul Gemmell is teaching
in the grades this week during
the absence of Miss Meioa urn
fith who is in Corvallis with her
mother who is ill.
New teachers in the Heppner
school were entertained by the
teachers who had been here last
year, at a dinner in the music
room Saturday evening.
An item of interest to many
residents of this section appeared
in Wednesday's Oregonian, as
follows: "Mr. and Mrs. W. B. Pot
ter of Cannon Beach, who were
married in Portland 60 years ago,
were guests of honor at a family
dinner Monday night in celebra.
tion of their anniversary. The
dinner was held at the home of
their daughter and son-in-law,
Dr. and Mrs. H. M. Bouvy, 1740
S. W. Hawthorne terrace. The
Potters also have a son, Miles F
Potter, of Portland. Both are
members of pioneer families of
eastern Oregon.
Mrs. Potter is an aunt of Stan
ley Minor of Heppner.
"Mrs. R. G. McMurfry underwent
a major operation at St. Antho
ny's hospital in Pendleton Tues
day. Mr. McMurtry was with her,
Tom Wells had charge of their
store during his absence.
The oAmerican Way
By Morton Clausen
. MARCH 3, 1933, AND JULY 2, 1946,
Of Heppner Gazette Times published
weeKiy at tieDDner, uregon. lor uc
tober 2, 1950.
Before me, a Notary Public In and
for the State and county aforesaid,
personally appeared O. U. Crawford,
who. having been duly sworn accord
ing to law, deposes and says that he
is uie publisher or tnc Heppner Ga
zette Times, and that the following is,
to the best of his knowledge and be
lief, a true statement of the owner
ship, management (and M a daily,
weekly, semiweekly or triweekly news
paper, the circulation), etc., of the
aforesaid publication for the date
shown in the above caption, required
by the act of August 24, 1912, as am
ended by the acts of March S, 1933,
and July 2, 1B46 (section 537, Postal
Laws and Regulations), printed on
the reverse of this form, to-wit: .
1. That the names and addresses of
the publisher, editor, managing edit
or, and buainess managers are: Pub
lisher O. G. Crawford, Heppner, Ore
gon; editor, O. G. Crawford, Heppner,
Oregon; Business managers, O. G. and
"Viola D. Crawford, Heppner, Oregon.
2. That the owners are O. G. Craw
ford, Heppner, Oregon, and Viola D.
Crawford, Heppner, Oregon.
3. That the known bondholders,
mortgagees, and other security hold
ers owning or holding 1 percent or
more of total amount of bonds, mort
gages, or other securities are: None.
4. That the two paragraphs next
above, giving the names of the owners,
stockhoders, and security holders, if
any, contain not only the list of stock
holders and security holders as they
appear upon the books of the company
but also, in cases where the stock
holder or security holder appears up
on the books of the company as trus
tee or in any other fiduciary relation,
the name of the person or corporation
for whom such trustee is acting, is
given; also that the said two para
graphs contain statements embracing
affiant's full knowledge and belief as
to the circumstances and conditions
under which stockhoders and security
holders who do not appear upon the
books of the company as trustees,
hold stock and securities in a capacity
other than that of a bona fide owner;
and this affiant has no reason to be
lieve that any other person, associa
tion nr rnrnnrnMon hna anv IntaraMt
direct or indirect in the said stock,
bonds, or other securities than as so
stated by him.
6. That the average number of cop
ies of each issue of this publcatlon
sold or distributed, through the mails
or otherwise, to paid subscribers dur
ing the twelve months preceding the
date shown above is 1,056
Sworn to and subscribed before me
this 4th day of October, 1950.
(My commission expires Nov. 17, 1950.)
America is waking up!
It took the Korean war to make
us realize that as a world power
we are at present woefully weak ;
militarily; tnai Kussia is Dent
upon world conquest, thus pre
senting a real and direct threat
to the United States, and that we
must arm and prepare ourselves
to an extent unparalleled in the
history of the world.
It is only natural tnat we
should seek someone in high of
ficial position upon which to
heap the blame for the fact that
in five short years we have tum
bled from the very pinnacle of
military power to our present pit
ifully ineffective status. Yet, let
us look with honesty into our
own souls for the part we played
in bringing about such a condi
Upon defeat of Japan our fore
most demand was: ''Bring the
boys home." Our military leaders
gave us plenty of warning again,
st too drastic curtailment of our
military strength, but they were
silenced by political Washington,
yielding to public demand. Witn-
out men in uniform, it became
necessary to scrap, scuttle and
abandon billions of dollars worth
of military equipment.
Furthermore, we developed a
certain desperate hope that dip
lomatic Washington would be
able to cope with the problem of
an expanding Russia. Now it ap.
pears that most of us went into
hiding behind the flimsy ram
parts of pseudo isolationism.
Smaller nations of Europe and
Asia, prompted by fear to be
more realistically aware of Rus
sia's designs for world conquest,
also raised their voices in warn
ing. We brushed them off as
alarmists. Official Washington
in dealing with Russian agents
within our borders, merely shrug
ged an indifferent shoulder.
But at last we are becoming
aware of the Soviet master plan
for world domination, and that
all her military and civilian ef
forts are keyed toward the ulti
mate conquest of America the
only remaining world power
standing in the way o her ne
farious ambitions.
As a freedom -loving and peace.
loving, people there are two
things we want to escape bond
age and war. These are two traits
so deeply imbedded in most of us
that they may rightfully be re
ferred to as national character
istics. Can they be preserved? If
so, now 7
The achievement of worthy na
tional goals carries a high price
or individual and collective sac
nfices. We are beginning to rea
ize that the comparatively small
sacrifices we made during the
two previous world wars may
have been only preliminaries to
the much greater we have to
make in the future.
In order to preserve freedom,
and at the same time insure
peace, we must build a greater
military machine than the world
has ever dreamed of, and at the
same time keep our national eco
nomy intact. Toward that end
ecah of us must be prepared to
sacrifice as never before, and
government expenditures, domes,
tic and foreign, must be pared to
the bone.
Yes, we CAN retain our free
dom and liberty. We CAN avoid
another world war. We are the
only nation that potentially CAN
guarantee world peace. Are we
willing to make the sacrifices
such as commitments entail, and
to make them NOW, while it is
still time?
Give America a goal big en
ough, a Problem tough enough,
and we will rise as one to meet
them. We will also do it because
we are gifted with an acumen for
urmng a profit knowing that
the sacrifices we make now, no
matter how severe, in building a
mignty military machine that
will keep Russia at bay, will be
lniiniteiy less severe than If we
risked having our cities destrop
ed, our land overrun by tyrants
and our lives enslaved.
The eternal values of the Am
erican civilization and the Am
erican tradition of human. lib
erty are at stake. They are big
stakes, but, AMERICA IS WAK
Mesdames James Healy, Don
Grady, ... dwin Dick and Harry
Van Horn were hostesses for the
ladies' card party at the Heppner
B. P. O. Elks Thursday night. In
bridge Mrs. David Wilson re
ceived high score and Mrs. Ag
nes Curran, second. In pinochle,
Mrs. Ilene Wyman received high
and Mrs. Floyd Worden, second.
Mr. and Mrs. Claude Huston
and son, Tom, Mr, and Mrs. Clive
Huston and Mr. and Mrs. Barton
Clark motored to Redmond Sat
urday to attend the golden wed
ding anniversary of Mr. Clark's
parents, Mr. and Mrs. Noah Clark.
The Hustons remained for sever,
al days visit with Mr. and Mrs.
Leonard Barr and Mr. and Mrs.
Earl Merritt.
Mr. and Mrs. Charles Becket,
Mr. and Mrs. Walter Becket and
Mr .and Mrs. Ben Anderson re
turned Saturday evening from a
fortnight's visit at Mt. Hebron,
Calif, with Mr. and Mrs. Tyndall
Robinson. The Walter Beckets al.
so visited in Red Bluffs with Mr.
and Mrs. Edward Glaesmer be
fore returning to Heppner while
the others spent the time in Port
Mrs. Clara B. Gertson and Mrs.
John Farra returned Tuesday
from Klamath Falls where they
attended the state convention V
the Degree of Honor. Immediate
ly upon her return, Mrs. Gertson
left for Boise, Idaho to attend a
regional conference of welfare
Mr. and. Mrs. Alva Jones left
the last of the week for Coryallis
where they will spend the win
ter months. They have rented an
apartment and will close their
Heppner home.
Mr. and Mrs. Robert Gammell
are the parents of a baby daugh
ter born Wednesday, October 11
at The Dalles.
Looking for a '
We do have the
prettiest things for
the very wee ones!
All the necessaries
and many other
articles that will
please the
cm i
To Our Customers of I
and Vicinity
In keeping with our policy of a better service
to you, we have made arrangements with Jack
Farris to act as our agent in lone.
We will still make house-to-house delivery,
but those wishing to leave bundles may leave
them at the Jack Farrrs Barber Shop where there
be pick up and del ivery service twice a week
Tuesdays and Fridays.
ml liSS
Rayon Crepe
to 42
Fine lace or Ninon
trimmed in luscious
shades of Melon, Pink,
Chartreuse, .Maize,
Blue or White.
Row after row of
Come! Peel themr
u skirt, handy
Only 75! HURRY '
Sizes 12 to 20
Sizes 38 tn aa k oa
Nylon net or lace trim
Rayon Jersey
No ironing needed
Sizes to 42