Page 4 Heppner Gazette Times, Thursday, October 5, 1950 Cooperative Church Elects Officers For Ensuing Year Funeral services were held for Mrs. Martha Rowell in Hood Riv. rr last week with interment in the Lexington cemetery. She was horn in York Nebraska in 1876. She is survived by seven daugh ters including Mrs. Harvey Ring of lone and Mrs. H. G. Peck of Lexington and three sons, one of whom is Arthur VV. of lone. Rev. Alfred Shirley organized a young people's group Sunday evening. Officers elected were Bill Hubbard, President; Ronald Baker, secretary; Wilda Dalzell, treasurer; Ingrid Hermann and Janet Howton vice presidents. The group will meet every Sun day at 7:30 p. m. Fred J. Ely returned last week from Independence where he picked hops. He left this week to pick apples for his cousin at Selah, Wash. A pot luck dinner was held by the Altar society Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Richmond Stur gill of Bremerton are visiting her mother, Mrs. Addie Salter. Miss Barbara Johnson was elected secretary-treasurer of the lone P. T. A at the regular meet ing Wednesday night, to fill the vacancy left by Mrs. Verner Troedson who has resigned. Fol lowing a french horn solo by Al an Robertson accompanied by Mrs. Cleo Drake, and a round table discussion refreshments were served. The following officers were elected Sunday at the Coopera tive church: board members, Mrs. Frank Engleman, Mrs. Dale Ray, E. M. Baker, Mrs. Omar Riet mann,, Mrs. Delia Corson and Mrs. Mary Swanson with Mrs. E. M. Baker, Mrs. L. L. Howton and Mrs. Marion Palmer alternates. Deacons are E. M. Baker Ronald Baker, Adon Hamlett and L. L. Howton; deaconesses, Mrs. En gleman Mrs. O. L. Lundell, Mrs. Ray and Mrs. Cleo Drake. Re ports of solicitors for the church were given. It was decided to put in an oil furnace in the church. Around 150 Navajo Indians have been brought to lone by the Union Pacific to lay new rails. Word was received of the death of Maurice Williams of Portland j Sunday night. He was a brother- in-law of Mrs. John tubanks and Lloyd Morgan. lone defeated Irribler here Fri day by a score of 30-0. Those getting deer are Art Rit chie, Malcolm McKenney, Her bert Peterson, Tommy White and Elmer West. Mrs. Sam Esteb reports her son Raymond Fletcher of Albany, shot his deer with a bow and ar row in the Tillamook burn area. Mr. Fletcher is an excellent arch er but this is his first deer by bow and arrow. Mrs. Mabel Davidson of Bran son Mo., spent a couple of days with her sister-in-law, Mrs. Dale Ray. Mr. ad Mrs. Art March of Med- ford stopped at the home of Mrs. Ella Davidson Monday on their way to Heppner to visit her bro ther, H. D. McCurdy. Mr. and Mrs. J. R. Heaton of Hood River spent the week-end at the home of their daughter, Mrs. Henry Osibov. Arthur Stefani Jr., Roland Berg. Strom and Alton Yarnell attended the Washington-Minnesota foot ball game in Seattle last week end. Joel Barnett is a patient in the Pioneer Memorial hospital fol lowing an appendectomy. Mrs. Lana Padberg and Mrs. John Bryson went to Portland last week with Mrs. Harlin Devin to be with their brother H. C. Wood who is to undergo surgery. Mrs. George Holderman of Cor vallis is vistiing her parents, Mrs. Wm. Seehafer. Hunting guests at the Ed Berg strom home were Mr. and Mrs. Grant Buchanan and family of Portland and Mr. and Mrs. Jerry Porter of Hermiston. D,on Carmichael and Norman Swanson of Portland, Elmo Mc Millan of Salem, Garland Swan son, Roy Lindstrom and Noel Do. byns are hunting in Wallowa countv. Mrs. Elmo McMillan of S.lem is isiting her mother. Mrs. Swanson. The Garden club gave a tea Wedesday in honor of Mrs. Rob ert Seaton at the home of Mrs. Fannie Griffith. Mrs. Omar Kiot mann was in charge of entertain, ment. Mrs. Lana Padberg and Mrs. R. R. Wentworth pored. The Birthday club met at the home of Mrs. Sam Esteb Staur day honoring Mrs. Paul O'Meara and Mrs. Echo Palmateer. Mr. and Mrs. Kedric Baker and children of Kahlotus, Wash spent the week-end at the home of her brother, E. M. Baker. Mrs. Rodney Crawford Jr. and daughter, Nancy Jean of Port land are visiting her motner, .Mrs. Ida Coleman. Dates to remember: Oct. 6 Extension unit 9:30 to 3. Oct. 10, lone Garden club Oct. 13 Study meting Topic club Oct. 14 Maranatha Dinner and bazaar. o Boardman Men Off To Highlands For Annual Deer Hunt Leo Skoubo, son of Mr. and Mrs. Adolf Skoubo, enlisted in the army engineers and has been sent to Fort Ord, Calif. Hoyt Brown, son of Mr. and Mrs. Wiley Brown, enlisted at the same time but did not pass the physical. .The town and country ware vacated "of men folk over the week-end, all taking off the first day of deer hunting. So fas as learned, Gunner Skoubo and Fred Palmer were the first ones to bag a deer and get home. Several local folk motored to Pendleton Sunday afternoon to attend a conference at the Pres byterian church. Going were Rev and Mrs. Chas. Hawley, Mrs. An- nin Hug, Mrs. Frank Cole, Mrs Leo Root, Mrs. Delia Faulkner and grandson Douglas Shattuck and Mrs. Claud Coats. Mr. and Mrs. R. E. Fades were happv to have all their family home this past week. Coming were Mr. and Mrs. Paul Eades of Oakland. Calif., Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth Eades. Sunland. Calif- Mr. and Mrs. Donald Dookendort and familv of Santa Barbara, and a granddaughter. Miss Bar- bba Fades of St. He.ens. iiowov. er. the faim'.v were not all to gether at the same time as Mr. and Mrs. Paul Kades had to leave before the IVvkor.doris arrived. Others hen aw Mr and Mrs. Dale Fades and sors Hobby ami l..arrv. and Mr, -d Mrs. Chas. WooVicv arid far.v.'.y Noil and Mareia. Mrs. Frank returned from Ifwiston, .-..;. after a few davs 'here with rrwr..5, Mrs. Ralph and son. also Mrs. F4 Skw:ro ar.d sen mo- lorod to Pone Won ma ay. fcohhv Kadrs hs !wn employ- ed hy the stare h .$!- engi neers and bff an w ,k iasi wtvs. Mrs. Aiirn Riilir.fs was flies! of honor Fri'toy r-rn.v.r. when the other to-aeho ;r. :ho school surprised her wi.r. a birthday cake find coffee. Mrs. Etta Funkhoiiser of Port land spent Tnrsdi.v s;.l Friday at the home of Mrs Kf,n.-'he .tones, and also calling or. other friends. Funk ho users wore f.'"rr.-cr Soard. man residents. Mr. and Mrs. C;?,yr.i Waldron returned home S..nday after a week's slay in T .f.mook. Mrs. Anihonv (Shir lev Peck! was ri;es? of honor at a bridal shower T,:rsd.:.y evening at the home of Mrs Kay Gron quist. Nathan Thorpe r.-.wtored to Ba. ker Wednesday returning home Thursday bringing hack supplies for the state high.way engineers. Guests Thursday at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Fiank Cole were her brother-in-law and sister, Mr. and Mrs. Jess Whitford. Mr. and Mrs. Bill Whitford and dau ghter, and Mr. and Mrs. Marvin Seal and daughter all of Sheri dan, Wyoming. Nate Macomber motored to La Grande Friday taking over the snow plows for repair. Chas. Goodwin returned to Boardman Thursday, coming for his personal effects. Goodwin is employed in Portland this winter. Mrs. Eldon Lilly, (Maxine Ely) and young son are staying at Hit home ot her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Elvin Lilly for a few days. . Mr. and Mrs. Lee'Harwood left Friday for Wenatchce, Wash., to visit relatives. Miss MaryAnn Rands, daugh ter of Mr. and Mrs. R. B. Rands spent the week-end at home from OSC. While here she was bridesmaid at the wedding of Miss Shirlev Peck and Anthony Zlolinski. 1 vfiP' - A I fa ' J 11 7 - & , 1 Of' ,"B r If rz . - ' tv i, r. xx The more work Reddy Kilowatt does for me the less he charges per hour! His wonderful service is the only thing in my family budget that actually costs less than before the war!" r l T' i n I '" 1 ! o U '41 '4J ' '44 '45 46 '4 '41 '49 '50 THE COST OF LIVING is up 68 since 1940. But PP&L's average price for household electricity is down 40 I RATE CUTS SINCE 1940 have meant TODAY'S BIGGEST BARGAIN! total net savings of nearly 18 million Residential electric rates here are lessj dollars to users of PP&L's electricity! than half of the national average. Pacific Power & Light Company Our 40lh Anniversary Year 1950 Mrs. Boyd Hinton's mother, Mrs. Tom Throope, and brother, Vi Throope were here Sunday. Mrs. Throope visited witii her daughter while the men did some hunting. Mrs. Hinton's youngest brother, Tommy, went hunting with Criss Hamilton Saturday and was lucky enough to bag his buck. Fl owers for all occasions in season or special MARY VAN'S FLOWER SHOP HEPPNER GAZETTE TIMES The Heppner Gazette, established March 30, 1883. The Heppner Times, established November 18, 1897. -Consolidated Feb. 15, 1912. Published every Thursday and entered at the Post Office at Heppner, Oregon, as second class matter. Subscription price, $3.00 a year; single copies, 10c. O. G. CRAWFORD Publisher and Editor 723 ass for the answer to your INSURANCE problems. If we don't know the answers we will find them lor you. C. A. Ruggles Agency 1910 ' Lr,,mim.t i ynw' " "y tcrr 7'p I 'pyft; ' ; j n I V'JL TH,S beautful U: FIVE-PIECE BED J ROOM SUITE" IN ' LINP0AK Case Furniture Go. STAR lD REPORTER ZZZ Admission prices afternoon and evening, tinleaa specifically advertised to be otherwise Children: EES Est. Price .17, Fed. Tax .03, TOTAL 20c; Grade and High School Students 18 years and oven Eat. ZSZ , Price .40, Fed. Tax. .10, TOTAL 50c ; Adults I Est. Price .50, Fed. Tax .10, TOTAL 80o. Every Child occupying; a seat must have a ticket. E Sunday shows continuous from 1pm. Phone 1472 for starting time of the dif- S ferent shows. All programs except Sunday start at 7:30 p. m. Fri.-Sat., Oct. 6-7 BIG HANGOVER Van Johnson, Elizabeth Taylor, Percy Waram, Gene Lockhart, Fay Holden, Leon Ames, Rosemary DeCamp Romantically rollicking as Elizabeth Taylor searches for Van Johnson's Lost Weekend! PLUS . GUNSLINGERS Western with Whip Wilson, Andy Clyde and Reno Browne. Sunday-Monday, Oct 8-9 FATHER OF THE BRIDE Spencer Tracy, Joan Bennett, Elizabeth Taylor, Don Taylor, BUlie Burke, Leo Carroll The bride gets the thrills . . . Father gets the bills . . . You gets the laughs! The famed best-seller is brought to the screen with wonderful stars to bring you the hilarious story. ADDED: SUNDAY ROUNDUP in Techni color. The newsreel we show every Sun day covers the war in Korea, the out standing sports activities and important current events and comes to this theater verjy new. Tue.-Wed., Oct. 10-11 STAGEFRIGHT Jane Wyman, Marlene Dietrich, Michael Wilding, Richard Todd, Kay Walsh, Dame Sybil Thorndike Like nothing you've ever thrilled to be fore . . . spine-tingling and rib-tickling in equal portions! Thu.-Fri.-Sat., Oct. 12-13-14 PEGGY Diana Lynn, Charles Coburn, Charlotte Greenwood, Barbara Lawrence, Charles Drake, Rock Hudson, Connie Gilchrist Top-drawer performances do justice to a gay, fast-paced comedy romance . . . aua the fabulous Tournament of Roses done in gorgeous Technicolor . . . and it all totals up to swell family entertainment. PLUS BARRICADE Ruth Roman, Dane Clark, Raymond Mas sey, Robert Douglas Adventure at its most rugged, photo graphed in Technicolor.