Heppner gazette-times. (Heppner, Or.) 1925-current, October 05, 1950, Image 1

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..uv r. o :i HIST
$3.00 Per Year; Single Copies 10c
Heppner, Oregon Thursday, October 5, 1950
Volume 67, Number 29
Council Accepts
Offer of Jaycees
On Civic Building
Improvements To
Be Completed In
Four-Year Period
Acceptance of terms for a lease
on the old fair pavilion on the
city park site was the principal
item of business transacted at
the council meeting Monday eve
ning. A delegation of Jaycees and
Jay-C-ettes, headed by their at
torney, Bradley Fancher, appear
ed to present the lease and ask
for the council's action. Four
councilmen and Mayor Lanham
represented the city.
Councilman Rosewall, after
hearing the terms of the lease
read, made a motion that the city
accept the Junior chamber of
commerce proposal and that the
lease be duly signed. The mo
tion was seconded by Council
man Gonty. When put to a vote
Councilman Yeager alone reject
ed it. He felt the building was
too old and run down for remod
eling and stated that he felt all
the buildings on the park site
should be sold and removed. Vot
ing for were Rosewall, Gonty and
The terms of the lease set up a
rigid schedule for the lessee, be
ing such that failure of fulfill
ment of any part thereof on the
prescribed schedule will nullify
the contract. The Junior cham
ber of commerce proposes to put
a foundation under the building
the first year, work on that part
to start not later than 30 days
following effecting of the lease,
and "make other improvements
to the exterior of said building by
installing flues and new win
dows in said building and make
improvements to the interior of
said building within four (4)
years from the date hereof." .
(Because of lack of space it is
not practical to publish the full
text of the lease this week but it
will be done in a later issue).
E. Peck Named To
Lex School Board
Lexigton school board has a
new member, Ellwynne Peck.
He was appointed by Supt. Henry
Tetz to fill the vacancy left when
Glen Griffith moved to Union.
The teachers reception was
given at the grange hall Satur
day night with a dinner followed
by a program. Mrs. Bill Mar
quardt and Mrs. Homer Hughes
sang a duet, accompanied by
Mrs. Truman Messenger; musical
readings by Mrs. Palmer Sorlien
accompanied by Betty Messen
ger;songs by Mrs. Bill Picker ac.
companied by Mrs. Henry Wal
lace. Dr. Micklenburg, guest of
Mr. and Mrs. J. Palmer Sorlien,
talked to the grouP on his ex
periences in Europe from where
he has recently returned.
Mr. and Mrs. Eugene Majeski
and family are on a trip to south
ern Oregon and California.
Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth Peck
recently returned from an ex
tended trip to the east and south.
Attending the ball game at
Boardman Friday besides the
team wereCoach Mark Rands,
principal Carl Schwab, Mrs. Art
Hunt, Mrs. Truman Messenger,
Kenneth Klinger, Mrs. Herman
Wallace and Mrs. C. C. Jones.
Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth Klinger
went to Portland Monday to at
tend the concert by Artur Ru
benslein. Mr. and Mrs. O. G. Breeding are
vacationing in central Oregon as
are the Vernon Goodells.
Linda Thornburg, small dau
ghter of Mr. and Mrs. Vester
Thornburg fell from the David
son car Monday, causing severe
bruises, cuts and a slight concussion.
Toprtotchers At Anybody's Fair
J ''
r -InIB Y Y i"'?flllJn. gJjd'
' Here are four of the high rat-
inp animals at the recent Mor -
row county fair. They rated well
with the buyers, too, and helped
put the local show in the top
bracket of 4-H club fat stock auc-
Henry E. Peterson, in town
Tuesday, reported to the Gazette
Times that a McKay for governor
meeting will be held Wednesday,
October 11. It will be a dinner
meeting at the Elkhorn dining
Peterson called attention to the
fact that it is time to do some
thing about organizing a McKay.
for-Governor club and urges all
friends of the governor to come
to this meeting in order to effect
a strong, active club.
Imbler Humbled
By Snappy lone
8-Man Squad, 33-0
Playing their second football
game after a 22-year layoff, Im
bler met defeat at the hands of
the lone Cardinals Friday after
noon on the lone turf..
When that passing fad, the
motor car, took sway back in the
early 1900's, Imbler lost some of
its fairly large population. Their
last football game was played in
1923 when they still had enough
boys to play the game with 11
men. Supt. of Schools Chapman
brought the game back into ex
istence this year and Coach Sam
Pecchia started his first season
with a decisive victory over Cove
last week. The Imbler Panthers
just didn't have the depth and
experience to whip the lone toys
Friday but showed plenty of pro
mise for the future.
The game started in routine
fashion with Imbler kicking off
to lone. The Cardinal squad ran
through a mediocre four downs
and kicked to Imbler. Hensley, a
shifty halfback, returned the kick
to the 50-yard stripe where an
other four downs were run thru.
The fireworks began when Hens,
ley kicked on the fourth down.
Don Eubanks, Ione's speedy
quarterback, picked up the ball
on his own 35 and showed a mar
velous exhibition of broken field
running,-taking the ball the re
maining 65 yards to a touchdown.
Gene Doherty stepped back from
the line and drop-kicked a beau
ty for the extra point, making the
score 7 to 0 in the first four min
utes of play. '
The Panthers got a good start
in the next section of the game
until set back 15 yards on a hold,
ing penalty. The visitors couldn't
seem to get going again and
were repeatedly set back for loss
es by eager Cardinal linemen.
The lone Pepperettes, high
school girls' drill team, under di
rection of Mrs. Maurine Nelson,
gave grid fans an exhibition of
precision marching during half
Bob Stevens, aged 12, of Hard
man was one of this season's
lucky nimrods, having killed a
two-point buck before 10 a. m.
on the first day of hunting. Bob
states that he didn't even have to
go to the mountains, the deer
was ranging about 10 miles from
home. However, his father, Har
old Stevens, who acompanied
him on the trip was not so for
tunate. Miss Betty Bogle, field repre
sentative of the American Red
Cross, San Francisco, was a bus
iness visitor in Heppner the first
of the week. Miss Bogle announc
ed that Henry Tetz has accepted
the disaster chairmanship for
Morrow county, replacing Frank
W. -Turner, resigned.
Her many friends will be pleas
ed to learn that Mrs. Ben Buschke
has sufficiently recovered from
her recent illnes to be able to
sit up. She and Mr .Buschke will
observe their 63rd wedding anni
versary this month.
Mr. and Mrs. Maurice E. Smead
of Portland were guesls of Dr.
and Mrs. A. D. McMurdo a few
! days this week.
Mr. and Mrs. Herbert Hynd and
daughter Carolyn were first of
the week visitors at the Hynd
'family home.
tions.The success of these young
exhibitors should encourage
other youths to get into 4-H club
work and keep Morrow county
out in front as a producer of the
best livestock.,
Mustangs To Meet
Prairie City Here
Friday Afternoon
An additional home game has
been gained by the Mustang
football squad, with Prairie City
providing the competition here at
2:15 p. m. Friday. This game will
take the place ot the Condon
meeting on the Heppner sched
ule, which would have been play,
ed at Condon.
The strength of the Prairie City
eleven is not known beyond the
fact that the upper John Day boys
trimmed Umatilla. According to
Supt. Leonard Pate, the fans can
look for fairly even competition
Coach Hal Whitbeck's boys
have been working to improve
their game since the disastrous
meeting with Echo two weeks
ago and will be primed to defend
the honor of good old Heppner
high like nobody's occupaiton.
4-H Club Councils
Work on Activities
Meeting on Wednesday and
Thursday nights of last week, 4
H councils from south and north
Morrow county met to plan activ
ities for the remaining club year.
The 1950 club year ends Novem
ber 1.
Main item of interest and plan
ning was the annual achieve
ment days that recognize achieve
ments of club members and lead
ers for the year. These are to held
at Boardman on October 2s, at
Heppner November 3. All club
members completing their pro-
ject requirements and turning re
cord books over to recognized
leaders with a successful club
year will be so recognized.
While the North Morrow county
council voted to continue its reg
ular potluck meting type achieve
ment party held at the Green
field grange hall, the South Mor
row 4-H leaders plan to have
their party in form of a banquet
this year. Potluck contributions
will be served as a .banquet, that
is, with awards presented around
the banquet table. A recreation
hour will follow.
Committees were assigned to
the many tasks of preparation
that are needed for a successful
party. The South county group
has a new committee, ' the phy
sical plant" which will arrange
for the use of the new fair pavil
ion, arrange tables, secure chairs
and otherwise have in order all
arrangements for the banquet.
Heppner HD Unit
Works on Machines
The Heppner home demonstra
tion unit opened the season's ac
tivities with a sewing machine
celaning project. The meeting
was held at the Methodist church
Tuesday, beginning at 10:30 a.
m., the ladies pausing for a sack
lunch at noon.
Mrs. Maud Caswell, county
home demonstration agent, sup
ervised the work of cleaning sev
eral models of sewing machines.
Present were Mrs. Mable Heath,
Mrs. Lee Scrivner, Mrs. Loyd Bur
kenbine, Mrs. Lewis Wetzel, Mrs.
Kenneth Keeling, Mrs. R. K.
Drake, Mrs. Bonnie Vincent, with
Mrs. Douglas Drake caring for
the children.
The next meting will be held
at the home of Mrs. Heath No
vember 9, with the subject being
"Oven Meals."
Pomona To Judge
Canning Results
Judging of canning results of
which it has been the sponsor
during the recent fruit and veg
etable season will be a highlight
ot the Pomona grange program
Saturday at Boardman.
Featured speakers on the af
ternoon program will be the
state grange master and Mrs.
Maud Caswell, county home de
monstration agent. At 5 p. m.
the fifth degree will be put on
for the benefit of all who have
not had it.
ther Wilso nof lone is a patient
at Pioneer Memorial hospital.
Joe Barnett has returned to his
home in lone after spending sev
eral days- last week in the hos
Miss Doris Schaffer has accept
ed a position as night nurse at
the hospital, having begun work
Monday night. She trained at St
Anthony's hospital in Pendleton
and is the daughter of Mr. and
Mrs. E. R. Schaffer of Cecil.
Mr. and Mrs. Cecil Mullens
moved their household effects to
The Dalles Saturday. He has
joined the merchant marine and
will be working on Columbia riv.
er boats' between Portland and
The Dalles.
Mr. and Mrs. Jack Healy arc
the parents of a seven pound five
and one-half ounce baby boy
born Sunday evening, October 1
at the Pioneer Memorial hospital.
They have named him Jerry
Foresters Declare "Porky"
Menace to Tender Trees
The porcupine has been declar
ed to be a renegade of the forest
and local U. S. forest service of
ficials ask hunters and other for
est travelers to shoot him on
sight. Contrary to popular opin
ion, porcupines are not protected
by game laws.
Porcupines have murdered or
maimed many young pine trees,
in one of their worst rampages
in recent years in the Pacific
Northwest. They climb young
ponderosa pine trees and eat the
tender bark .thereby killing or
deforming the trees. Rangers in
some forests are toting .22 cali
ber rifles and using them when
they catch "Porky" stripping a
'The porcupine population has
incresed tremendously in this ar
ea," says Ranger Glenn Parsons
of the Heppner district . "They
have killed or deformed thou
sands of ytmng pines and are
causing a heavy loss in commer.
Just about everything connect
ed with state affairs in Oregon
from covered payrolls to school
enrollment is establishing a rec
ord this year.
Following this pattern, the
present political campaign is es
tablishing -an all-time record for
the quietest and dullest cam
paign in the history of the state.
Could it be that gubernatorial
candidates Governor Douglas
McKay (ReP.), State Senator Aus
tin Flegel (Dem). and other con
tending candidates are mindful
of the never-defeated, ever-successful
Oregon statesman, the
late Governor Earl Snell? His
dictum was: "Don't stir up the
Political ghost writers and par
tisan strategists tried to pump
pep into the campaign last week
end, but nothing happened.
Only skip and miss interest
was aroused when State Senator
Richard Newburger asked Attor
ney General George Neuner for
an opinion on the legality of the
establishment of branch offices
of the motor vehicle department
of the secretary of state. Neuner
held, "The secretray of state
must have express statutory au.
thority to establish branch offi
ces or to enter into leaseholding
agreements." Flegel and Newbry
carried on a letter-writing match
that ended when Flegel accused
McKay of sanctioning the plan
and the governor accused Flegel
of "abysmal ignorance or delib
erately misrepresenting facts,"
that the budget submitted to the
1949 legislature was prpared and
submitted by ex-governor John
H. Hall.
The registration books close
October 7, 30 days prior to the
general election in November. Ci
tizens who have not registered,
changed their residence or who
did not vote at the last election
must register before the deadline
if they wish to vote at the gen
eral election.
Reports received from counties
over the state indicate that regis
trations are exceeding those of
the last state election from 14 to
16 percent. David O'llara, direct
or of the department of elections,
has ordered the printing of 100,
000 more voters' pamphlets than
were required lor the 1948 elec
tion. He estimates it will require
iiu.uuu pamphlets to cover the
registration this year.
When the state board of control
asked the city of Salem to re
quire one-hour parking in front
of the capitol and other state
buildings City Manager. J. L.
Franzon told board members the
city did not have enough police
men to entoree the order.
When Franzen suggested one-
hour parking meters, the board
rejected the idea. A later meet
ing with city officials will be
held next week.
The legislative tax study com
mittee this week voted to submit
the following recommendations
to the 1951 legislature:
1 Repeal of the state Property
tax by constitutional amendment
submitted to the vote of the
people by the legislature.
2 Empower the voters of any
tax district to change their tax
base at the polls, provided that
40 percent of the registered voters
cast ballots and that a majority
of those voting favor the sub
mitted change.
3 Remove all exemptions and
personal property offset from the
corporate excise tax.
4 Choose assessors from a pa
nel approved by the tax commis,
cial timber and scenic values.
Livestock and grazing game ani
mals are injured when porcupin
es fill these animals' noses with
quills. Porcupines also damage
buildings and camp equipment
by gnawing on them.
"Porcupines are destructive ro
dents. They should not be spared
as possible food for people lost
in snowstorms, because porcu
pines don't cooperate that way;
when snow gets deep they hide
in rocky dens."
Ranger Parsons had these tips
for hunters who want to help get
rid of ''Porky": Use .22-caliber
long-rifle hollow-nosed bullets.
Aim for the head (usually the
"end" farthest from the tree
trunk). Look at trees silhouetted
by the sun; "Porky" will loom up
as a dark bulge on a limb. He is
often seen at sundown in pine
stands bordering mountain roads,
grassy meadows and stream
Camp Fire Plans
To Be Revealed Here
A meetig will be held In the
basement music . room at the
school at 2:30 p. m. Monday to
explain the Camp Fire Girls' pro.
gram. It is hoped that all parents
and interested adults will be pre
sent. In attendance will be Mrs.
R. H. Wilcox and Mrs. Henry Hess
of Pendleton. Mrs. Wilcox is the
present Camp Fire executive for
this district, and Mrs. Hess will
be her successor when Mrs. Wil
cox moves to Portland the first
of November.
The Camp Fire program is set
up for three age levels. Blue Birds
(7-9) enjoy games and simple
group activities. Intermediates
(10-15) work together on the "Se
ven Crafts," home, outdoors, crea.
,tive arts, frontiers (of physical
science), business, sports and
games, citizenship. Horizon club
members (15-18) stress social re
lationships and vocations.
The only way this program can
be successfully promoted in Hep
pner is to have the interest of all
parents, teachers, and local citi
zens who are willing to give a
part of their time to maintaining
youth activities, Mrs. Wilcox
points out.
The veterans' administration
spends about $6,000,000,00 annu
ally on more than 19.000,000 vet.
erans of six of the eight wars in
which America has been involv
ed, Maj. Gen. Carl R. Gray, Jr.
said at a banquet given in his
honor in Salem last Tuesday.
"World War I left us with 516,
000 disabled veterans, 26,000 wi
dows and 145,000 dependent chil
dren. World War II contributed
1,700,000 veterans with some sort
of disability, 69,000 widows and
137,000 dependent children," he
His formula for peace is to
''combat the world's selfishness"
by having a strong nation and
by returning to the days of an
'honest day's work for a day's
Easy Now There "Blueboy"
X$y Slr ' t f . i
1 15- v l s w w;
One of the intriguing things shows a 4-H clubber patiently
about attending the livestock ex- working his hog into position for
hibitions is the manner in which the judging. (We think this is
the carefully raised and trained Jerry Brosnan but may be wrong,
animals perform in the show Anyway, it is a blue ribbon ani
arena. This picture, taken at the mal and a beauty if we may say
recent county fair In Heppner, so.)
As will be seen by his announ.
cement on another page, Oral
Wright is again a resident of
Morrow county, having purchas
ed the Henderson garage at Lex
ington. He took possession Mon
day and has set about to make
Hermiston about two years ago
the place a complete service unit.
Wright and his family moved to
where he was employed in a ga
rage. He was connected with ga
rages in Heppner before going to
Alonzo Henderson is taking up
wheat ranching and will operate
the Claude White farm in the
Sand Hollow area.
Boardman Blanks
Lexington 44-0 in
Friday's Contest '
Boardman ran wild over Lex
ington in a six-man football con
test at the river town Friday af
ternoon. Final score was 44-0 Don
Gillespie, Boardman high school
reporter, gives the following ac.
count of the game:
Lexington opened the game by
kicking off. Rogers ran the sec
ond play of the game. 50 yards
to a touchdown for Boardman.
Boardman recovered a fumble
and instantly it was again run
over by Rogers for a touchdown..
Lexington fumbled again and
this time Palmer made the TD.
Score at the quarter was 18-0.
Boardman fumbled and Lex
ington recovered. Lexington then
forfeited the ball on four plays
and Palmer made another touch
down. Halftime score was 24-0
in favor of Boardman.
Boardman opened the half by
kicking to Lexington. Shattuck
intercepted a pass and ran it
back for a touchdown. Again Ro
gers made a long run of 60 yards
for another touchdown. Shattuck
kicked the extra points. Lexing
ton kicked off after a no-point
touchback for Boardman and Ro
gers ran it back for a touchdown.
The game ended, Boardman 44,
Lexington 0.
Teachers Examine
Latest Textbooks
A committee of teachers met
with Henry E. Tetz, county school
superintendent, and representa
tives of publishing houses Wed
nesday afternoon in the court
house to examine books that
have been submitted for state
adoption. The committee's recom
mendations will be sent to W. E
King, county sunerintendent of
Umatilla county, who is a mem
ber of the state textbook commis-
ison representing eastern Oregon
Morrow- county teachers are
taking an active part in the ex
amination and study of textbooks
which will be up for adoption
this November. Every two years
about one-third of the textbooks
are up for adoption and this year
it will be the Language Arts
books, including English, Liter
ature, spelling and writing.
Vacancies In City
Offices Stirs Up
Political Activity
Mayor and Four
Council Vacancies
Attract Attention
The political pot has passed
the simmering stage and is start
ing to boil so far as Heppner city
offices are concerned. Petitions
have been circulated quite freely
the oast week of so and it begins
to look like there will be some
ively competition before the day
of decision arrives.
Although he has not filed for
the office, it is believed that J. O.
Turner will toss his fedora into
the circle in a few days. Petitions
have been circulated in his be
half and up to Wednesday he
had not definitely decided to run
although there were evidences
that he is giving the matter ser
ious thought. His backers point
to his record as mayor during the
war yeras and feel that he should
give another four years of his
life to public service.
Mayor Conley Lanham, while
making no public statement, has
indicated that he is definitely
not interested in another term.
The scramble seems to be for
seats on the city council. More
interest has been sparked by this
branch of the municipal govern
ment than anything happening
around here in recent years.
Whether or not some of them will
be interested in running remains
to be seen. The names of two
women, Mrs. Cris Brown and Mrs.
Oscar George, have been submit
ted and petitions gotten out in
their behalf. W. Claude Cox is
seeking reelection and the names
of John Saager, Robert Grabill,
W. C. Collins and Jack Van Win
kle have been placed on petitions
and it is understood they will file.
Mrs. William Barkla is being
talked for city recorder. She is at
present bookkeeper for the city
water department.
The entry list is still open for
anyone aspiring to be of service
to his fellow man.
County's Teachers
Meet at Boardman
The Boardman school was host
to the Morrow county teachers
for a meeting Tuesday evening.
Mrs. LaVern Partlow, president,
conducted the business meeting
after which a dinner was served
by the Boardman P-TA under the
direction of Mrs. W. E. Garner,
president. Each school group
gave an impromptu stunt provid
ing much amusement and enter
tainment during the dinner hour.
Tilman Juett, elementajy
school principal of Heppner, gave
an interesting report on the Na
tional Education Association
convention held this summer in
St. Louis to which he and Mrs.
Juett were delegates from eastern
Oregon. Mrs. Maud Caswell was
a guest and spoke briefly on the
health club program.
James Vanover, legislative
chairman, explained the Basic
School Fund increase measure
and urged that study and thot
be given to this important bill for
the schools of Oregon.- Other of.
ficers of the Morrow county tea
chers are James Vanover. vice
president;: Mrs. Zoe Billings, sec
retary, Boardman, and Mrs. Glad
ys Ely, lone, treasurer.
The teachers plan to meet five
times during the year with each
school in the county actine as
hosts: The Morrow teachers carry
out county wide activities such
as speech festival, spelling con
test, fair exhibits and are invest.
igating the possibility of a music
festival and a typing contest.
La Vonne Adams, son of J. B.
Adams, is spending a 30-day
leave with his father and family.
He is with the naval air force
stationed at Jacksonville, Fla.
Other members of the family vis.
iting here over the week-end in
cluded Mrs. Duff McKittrick and
son from Bellevue, Ida.; Mrs. Cla
rence Rogers and son from Ord
nance, and Mr. and Mrs. Harlan
Adams and daughter and Mr.
and Mrs. Marshall Nelson from
Headed for a northwest region
al conference of Soroptimist
clubs, Mrs. Oscar George, Mrs.
John Saager and Mrs. O. G.
Crawford left this morning for
Great Falls, Mont. Oscar George
went along as chauffeur and, so
far as he will be able, to keep the
girls out of mischief.
James Kelly of Los Angeles ar.
rived the last of the week for a
visit at the home of his brother-in-law
and sister, Mr. and Mrs.
Peter Lennon. Other recent
guests of the Lennons were Mrs.
Thomas Daly and son Harnett of
San Francisco.
J. Palmer Sorlien, Minister .
Morning worship and sermon,
11 a. m.
Sunday church school 9:45 a.
m., Oliver Creswick, superintend
ent. moir practice at 7:30 p.