Page 6 ... ... Heppner, Oregon, Thursday, September 28, 1950 COURT PROCEEDINGS FOR AUGUST. 1950 The minutes of the July, 1950 term were read and approved. The Court ordered that the bid of E. A. Oman and Sons of Her miston, Oregon for painting the exterior of the Courthouse and iail be accepted in the amount of $1,205.00 for labor and $120.00 for paint, as this being the best bid offered. The Court rejected the bid of Hamilton Sheet Metal Works of Hermiston, Oregon, for resurfac ing the dome of the Courthouse as it being too high. The Court ordered the bid of Case Furniture Co. for furnishing and installing plumbing and fix. tures be accepted in the amount of $649.00 as this being the best bid offered. The Court ordered the bid of Hamilton Sheet Metal Works of Hermiston. Oregon for supplying and installing a new heating plant in the new County Shop be accepted in the amount of $1, 47fi.00. with certain excentions. jas this being the best bid offered. The Court ordered the transfer of $4,953.04 in the Alcohol Control Fund to be expended for Mothers' Aid, Old Age Pensions and Re lief of the Indigent. The Court ordered the transfer of $250.12 in the Amusement De vice Tax Fund be expended for Old Age Assistance. The court ordered the transfer of $23,052.99 in the Motor License Smart, Comfortable Without Excess Weight ' YOU are certain to like the new Curlee Outer coats which we have just placed on display. Tailored from carefully selected, pure wool fab rics in the newest and smartest patterns, these coats combine style with comfortable fit and warmth with moderate weight. Curlee Outer coats are designed by experts for men who want the best, while skilled craftsmen buiid quality into every hidden detail of construction. Featur ed in a complete range of styles and models and priced right Curlee Outercoats are the season's outstanding buy. Come in and make your selec tion today. 3250' 395-4250 5250 Wilson's Men's Wear Fund to the General Road Fund The Court ordered that dance hall license be issued to the Mor row County Fair and Rodeo As sociation. The Court orders the amount of $1,600.00 from the Rodent Fund to be set aside for matching with the like amount of State funds for the control of predatory ani mals in Morrow County, Oregon. Warrants Issued on the General Fund: Sadie Parrish, deputy $ 155.4J trances Mitchell, clerk 93.30 Frances Mitchell, Treas. 169.80 Juanita Massey, deputy 141.95 Olive B. Hughes, deputy 191.45 Margaret Gillis, health nurse 217.70 A. J. Chaffee, janitor 200.54 Dr. A. D. McMurdo, Phys. 24.75 Susie W. Miller, Court Reporter 49.50 William Garner, Justice of the Peace 74.25 J. O. Hager, Justice of the Peace 142.70 Blue Cross Plan, Blue Cross Deductions 47.85 Heppner Gazette Times, Official Publication $77.60; Clerk $21.05; District Attorney $16.50; Tax Collection $21.50 136.35 Stuart F. Cooper, Clerk 10.67 Pacific Telegraph and Tel ephone Co., current Ex. 112.14 C. J. D. Bauma, sheriff 150.97 C. J. D. Bauman, sheriff 29.04 Craig Office Supply, Tax Collection Red and White Store, jail Turner, Van Marter & Co. Bond Dr. A. D. McMurdo, coroner Bradley D. Fancher, Dis trict Attorney Dr. A. D. McMurdo, men tally ill Margaret Gillis, Health Nurse Lulu M. Hager, Registrar City of Heppner, Water Dept., emergency First National Bank of Portland, Withholding State Industrial Accident Comm., Sheriff $3.75; ' Sheriff Sal. 31c; Janitor 31c; court house $1.02 Gilliam & Bisbee, court house Kilham Stationery and Printing Co., Tax Coll. Court Street Market, jail Kilham Stationery and Printing Co., Assessor Heppner Laundry, courthouse Oregon Counties Assn. Fed. Tax Committee 125.00 Henderson Office Supply Clerk 1.50 Kilham Stationery and Printing Co. Clerk 1.72 Morrow Co. Electric Co. jail 5.94 B. and A. Distributing Co. jail 31.90 C. H. Manlove Justice Court 3.50 Pacific Power & Light Co. court house 38.13 Ralph I. Thompson, County Court 28.66 Garnet Barratt, County Court 29.25 J. C. Penney Store, election 5.96 Russell Miller, County court 53.67 Garnet Barratt, County court 26.46 Inland Waterways Assn., Publicity and Advg. 250.00 WARRANTS ISSUED ON THE GENERAL ROAD FUND 13.46 47.17 25.00 10.00 31.00 5.00 69.41 4.00 18.50 177.93 5.39 8.84 165.00 43.73 5.05 ,56 The Store of Personal Service Blue Crss Plan 69.35 Floyd Borman 21.36 Austin Wilson 249.59 Jack Slocum 270.03 Henry Peck 68.26 Ed Kelly 245.88 H. Sherer 329.20 Dean Gilman 232.12 Dick Borman 254.30 Lewis Ball 301.58 W. Cunningham 278.33 Darold Hams 273.27 Fred Booker 239.10 Bill Scott 234.34 Walter Gilman 254.66 Roger Allen 251.14 William Heath 246.74 George A. Stalcup 245.47 Harold C. Baker 216.00 Robert Anson Eads 193.49 Riddle Bros. 3.75 Heppner Lumber Co. 193.96 Union Oil Company 140.71 Western Auto Supply 2.64 City of Heppner, Water Dept. 1.50 Jack Allen Supply Co. 7.39 Jones-Scott Co. 11.25 Don Walker Hardware 11.72 Relatives Meet Pas Week First Time in Fifty-Six Years On Sept. 17, Mrs Dulcie Sweek was pleasantly surprised when Mr. and Mrs. Joe Wilson of Berk eley, Wash, arrived. Mrs. Wilson is a niece of Mrs. Sweek and they had not seen each other for 56 years. As girls they both lived on the Allen homestead on Hol mes creek. Monday they all drove to the old homestead, but had dif. ficulty in finding the exact spot where the house and barn had stood. The Wilsons left Monday evening for Ukiah for a visit be fore returning to their home. Mr. and Mrs. Charles Hill, Mrs. Doris Capon and Miss Darlene Capon attended the banquet giv en by the John Day chamber of commerce in honor of the rodeo queen, her court and the queen mother. Huston and Bill Lesley hauled grain from Hardman the first of the week. Mr. andjMrs. George Stirntt drtove up Cottonwood Saturday to visit at the Bud Engle home. Mrs. Nora Boyer and mother, Mrs. John Capon accompanied Mr. and Mrs. George McDuffy to Portland where she spent two weeks visiting. She attended the National R.E.A. convention and the North Public Power conven tion. There were 200 delegates from all parts of the United States. On Friday Mrs. Boyer was entertained at the Oregonian Hostess house. She returned Mon day. Mr. and Mrs. Bill Gates and Mr. and Mrs. Lee Fleming enjoy ed the Grant County fair Friday. Bobby Ford and Jimmy Wal dorf were sucecssful in getting a 4-H calf in the calf scramble at the county fair. Mrs. May de Ett Hinton was surprised on her birthday Sunday when her parents., Mr. and Mrs. Tom Throope and sister, Rachel McDonald and baby daughter ot Dayville drove up to have dinner with her. Mrs Rew of John Day was in Monument Sunday organizing the Community Chest drive. J. u. Boyer has been chairman for sev. eral years and will continue. Mr. and Mrs. Clayton origgs and children drove to Pendleton by way of Heppner Thursday. Mr. and Mrs. Lindell Broadfoot and children, Mrs. Rose Griggs and children attended children's day at the county fair Friday. Mr. and Mrs. Ed Enright drove to Albee Saturday to visit her mo. ther, Mrs. Mary Rhinehart and to move her into Pendleton for the winter months. Mr. and Mrs. Buell Harshman were in Portland this week! Mr. and Mrs. Bill Scholts and Mrs. Harris of Dayville were bus iness visitors here Friday. Wedding bells have rung for two couples this week. Bill Les ley and Helen Reno were mar ried in Heppner Wednesday. They will live in Monument af ter spending tne nunung season in a hunting camp. Delbert Stubblefield and Lull. an Bittick left Friday to be mar ried .They will live at the Holmes cafe. Mrs. Georgia Sweek of Portland spent last week visiting her son Douglas and her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Georee Mantis. Mr. and Mrs. Haskell Hobby have moved to Mitchell where he has employment. Three 4-H clubbers will take their calves on to Pacific Interna, tional show at Portland. Those going are Charles Roach Jr., Lar ry Holmes and Roene Bleakman. Mrs. Daisy Simas took her granddaughters, Jeannie and Di ana Williams to the county fail at John Day Friday. Mrs. Iffie Bagley of John Day visited several days last week with her sister, Mrs. Grace Stir ritt and family. She left Monday for Malin to stay with another sister while her brother-in-law is in the hospital. Mrs. Lois Bleakman. Mrs. Ma ble Roach and Mrs. Helen Holmes aid the cooking and chaoeronins of the 4-H boys and girls in their new dormitory during the fair. Ted Carter and Gene Blackwell of Long Creek were in town Sat- PENDLETON HEPPNER FREIGHT LINE Arrives at Heppner. Lexington and Ions EVERY DAY For Pickup or ifelivery For pickup, call Red & White, Heppner Padberg Tractor, Lex. Omar Rietmann, lone Connecting Carrier for Consolidated Frelghtways Transferring & Heavy Hauling Padded Moving Vans Storage Warehouse U.PandN.P. Penland Bros. Transfer Co. 39 SW Dorion Avenue Phone 338 Pendleton, Ore. urday. They got a pick-up load of sand from the river on tne Harold Cork ranch. Miss Joan Roach has enrolled in Eastern Oregon College of Ed' ucation. Mrs. Clara Flowers and son Bucky will also attend school in La Grande this year. Mrs. Flo Gilman and Mrs. Lee Slocum were business visitors in The Dalles Monday. Three Knighten brothers,- Nels, Wilbur and Henry of Hardman visited their brother Bud in Mon ument Sunday. MAKE SURE THIS SEASON YOU EXTINGUISH YOUR CAMP AND WARMING FIRES. M HIVC f 10 SQ Flatt's Transfer and Storage Heppner Ph. 1 12 The Dalles Phone 2635 114 E. 2nd St. Insured Carrier OREGON WASHINGTON FURNITURE MOVING "We Go Anywhere,Anytime" IB) AH AMERICAN LEGION HALL lone, Oregon Saturday Evening September 30 Music by Bud Orion's Orchestra Admission: $1.25 per person Tax Included Supper Served by A. L. Auxiliary T O Our Members in Morrow County am Lights fflff 7am - U Sunday, Oct I 'SO Columbia Basin Co-Op. First National Bank of Port land 327.80 State Industrial Accident Commission 96.93 Oregon Motor Service 2.38 Independent Garage .68 Shell Oil Co. 459.75 Heppner Auto Parts 25.70 Paul G. Pettyjohn 207.92 Feenaughty Machinery Co. 5.89 Contractors Equipment Co. 146.21 Contractors Equipment Corp. 54.64 The Texas Company 69.80 Heppner Hardware and Elec tric Co. 1.96 Ballou and Wright 20.80 City of lone 6.62 James M. Hager 6.25 Columbia Equipment Co. 287.20 Gilliam and Biabee 47.46 Heppner Garage 15.00 Lexington Implement Co. 18.50 Sunset Motor Co. 80.41 Nelson Equipment Co. 17.37 Nelson Equipment Co. 354.95 Nelson Equipment Co. 159.84 Pacific Power and Light Co. 14.21 Roger Allen 10.70 Allen's Service Station 72.38 Boardman Supply Co. 11.69 Empire Machinery Co. 73.27 S. L. Snyder 7.00 Heppner Motors 1,394.78 Farley Pontiac Agency 7.63 The Buquseal Co. 4.00 Tum-A-Lum Lumber Co. 4.00 Union Pacific Railroad Co. 35.07 Everett Harshman 30.00 Oregon State Highway Com mission 42.94 Heppner Motors 108.55 WARRANTS ISSUED ON THE HOSPITAL MAINTENANCE FD. Gilliam and Bisbee 7.40 Case Furniture Co. 72.21 Pioneer Memorial Hosp. 6.000.00 WARRANTS ISSUED ON THE HOSPITAL EQUIPMENT FUND Case Furniture Co. 5.00 J. C. Penney Co., Inc. 173.07 Gilliam and Bisbee 22.35 WARRANTS ISSUED ON THE MISCELLANEOUS FUND: C. R. Gomillion, dog fund 6.00 Joseph Maltrenas, rodent fund 204.24 Carl McDanlel, rodent Fd. 220.84 Ivan McDanlel, coyote Bty. 6.00 Fidelis Unrein, coyote Bty. 6.00 Ronald Fahl, coyote bounty 6.00 Albert Edwards, coyote Bty. 6.00 Uskttf f ) I Ill- I inn "" - -raf . 4 TO THE MEN WHO DRIVE AMERICA'S 8 MILLION TRUCKS! Ford's Full-comfort Cab Gives You More of Everything You Want! Air Wing door glass ventilators standard. Luxury spring-filled coach seat 65 colls in cushion. Adjustable seat with independently adjustable seat back. Level Action suspension reduces jars and jolts. "Magic Air" heater-defroster available. Wide enough for 3 men. Bigger doors than any other leading make. More headroom than any other leading make. Handy storage space behind seat Attractive modern exterior styling is designed for easy flow-line adaptability to all special body types. Full Interior trim, handsome Instrument panel. Wide, one-piece Safety windshield Picture Window Visibility. Large instrument cluster for quick reading. Safety glass used throughout. All-steel welded construction, with minimum cutout. Double panel, all-steel doors. Exterior hinges for stronger pillar design. OVER 175 ECONOMY MODELS from 95-h.p. Pickupt to 145-h.p. Big jobs Ford Trucking Costs Less Because Using r.gUtrotlon data on 6,391,000 trucki, life In.uron,. .xp.rt. prov. ford Truck lait longorl Rose wall Motor Co.