V MONTAG wood and coal circu lating heater. Cheap. Phone 532. 28p THREE METAL MEN that can paint. If you have banged up your fenders and your car's ap pearance needs improving bring your car to us for quick service. We color match all cars. Rosewall Motor Company. WATERFRONT NEWS: Let's m.odernlze your plumbing Frank Baker, Case Furniture & Plumbing Co. Phone 862 or or 974. 27tfc OBEY THAT IMPULSE! See Rose wall about getting delivery on a new Ford. FOR RENT Two sleeping rooms, reasonable. 101 Chase St. 28p WANTED, 25 dirty cars every day to wash with our Washmo bile. Wash job $1.50. Rosewall Motor Company. FOR SALE Used Spark oil heat er. $90.00. Al Fetsch, Heppner, Oregon. 28 -29c 1949 FORD TUDOR. Has radio and heater. Pay down $535.00. Rosewall Motor Company FOR SALE Spinet piano. Will sacrifice foa quick sale. Cash or terms. Can be seen at Hepp iier. Write Tallman Piano Store 395 South 12th St. Salem,, Ore gon. 28-30c FOR SALE Good quality second cutting alfalfa, about 100 bal es, at $30 a ton. N. C. Anderson. 28p 1929 FORD PICKUP. This hunting car is licensed and ready for the hills. Pay $60.00 full price and drive it home. Rosewall Motor Company. EXPERIENCED FARMER wants year round work on farm. Mar ried, one child. Some shop ex perience. Guy Riddle, Board man, Oregon. 28c LEGAL NOTICES SUMMONS Equity No. 3925 IN THE CIRCUIT COURT OF THE STATE OF OREGON FOR THE COUNTY OF MORROW JEAN FAY CORPORATION, Plaintiff, -vs.- STRONG and MACNAUGHTON TRUST COMPANY, a Corpora tion, and R. S. HOWARD, JR., Receiver. ALSO, all other per sons or parties unknown clai ming any right, title, estate, lien or interest in the real estate described in the com plaint herein, Defendants. TO: Strong and MacNaughton Trust Company, a Corporation, and R. S. Howard, Jr., Receiv er. Also, all other persons or parties unknown claiming any right, title, estate, lien or in terest in the real estate de scribed in the complaint, here, in, Defendants: IN THE NAME OF THE STATE OF OREGON, you and each of you are hereby required to ap pear and answer plaintiff's com plaint filed against you in the above entitled Court and Cause within four weeks from the date of the first publication of this summons upon you, and if you fail to so appear or answer for want thereof, plaintiff will apply to the above entitled Court for the relief prayed for in its com plaint, to-wit: For a decree quieting title to the following described real pro perty, situated in Morrow Coun ty, State of Oregon, to-wit: All of Section one (1) in Town, ship four (4) North, Range twenty-five (25), East of the Willamette Meridian, in the County of Mojrow, State of Oregon, and that it be adjudged and de creed that the plaintiff is the owner in fee simple of said real property and that whatever in terest or title you may claim to have in said real property is null and void and that each and all of you and all persons or parties claiming by, through or under you be forever barred and re strained of and from all claim, right, title and interest in and to said real property and every part thereof, and for such other and further relief as may be just and equitable. This summons is served upon you by publication thereof once a week for foun successive weeks in the Heppner Gazette Times, a newspaper of general circulation, published in Morrow County, Or egon, pursuant to an order of the Hon. Garnet Barratt, Judge of the County Court for Morrow County, Cweon. which order is dated September 27, 1950, and the date of the first publication of this summons Is September laou JOS. J. NYS, Attorney for Plaintiff. Post Office Address: Hennner, Oregon. 28-32 NOTICE OF SHERIFF'S SALE Notice is hereby given that an execution and order of sale was issued out of the Circuit Court State of Oregon, for Morrow county on lbth day of August, 1950, upon a decree therein ren dered on the 14th day of August, 1950 in favor of Jessie Hartfield, and Jessie Hatfield, as adminls tratrix of the estate of W. A. Hartfield, deceased, plaintiff and against Isaac W. Murphy and Nona Murnhv, husband and wife, defendants which said ex ecution and order of sale is to me directed and commanding I STILL HAVE ONE OR TWO HOUSES FOR SALE: One house is extra nice rfemod eled, reconditioned. Two bed rooms, living room, kitchen, sewing room, basement. $8400 cash. well located $5,250, one-half One more two-bedroom' house down and rest in monthly pay ments. (Bob says you'd better get in here and get goin' on these be fore he gets any angrier!) Have few wheat and stock ranch es left. Also some stock ranch es and some good mountain range for sale. See RUNNION For Real Estate. WILL DO Alterations, button holes (machine buttonholes) Phone 1013. Lennle Louden. 27-29p KNITTING CLASSES in Heppner, 2:30 and 7:30 each Wednesday; lone 7:30 each Thursday. Hepp ner Flower Shop ROSY SAYS: Have your cat', lub ricated, the crankcase on your motor drained and filled with fresh RPM. The radiator drain ed and filled with permanent type antifreeze before you start to the hills after your buck. We have permanent type anti freeze now. WILL THE PARTY who took a Hamley Dobbs 20 hat from the Elks September 10 please re turn to Joe Kenny, for I haven't got his. 28c 1941 CHEVROLET TUDOR This caif has been reconditioned in our shop. Pay down $200.00. Rosewall Motor Company. 'JIFFY-BOBBING for the knit ters. Guaranteed no tangles. Heppner Flower Shop. A USED CAR is no better than the dealer that sells and serv ices it. Rosewall Motor Co. me to sell the property herein after described, for the purpose of satisfying the judgment of plaintiff in said cause for the sum of $59,697.01 together with Interest thereon at the rate of 6 per cent per annum from and after the date of the entry of the judgment namely August 14th, 1950 and the further sum of $1810.00 attorney fees and for plaintiff's costs and disburse ments herein, taxed and allowed $18.25. Therefore in compliance with said execution and order of sale, I will on Thursday the 26th day of October, 1950 at the hour of 10:00 o'clock A. M. at the Court house door in Heppner, Morrow county, Oregon, sell at public auction to the highest bidder for cash in hand, for the purpose of satisfying the judgment and decree herein mentioned, the fol lowing described property of the within named defendants sub ject to redemption, to-wit: Lots 17, 18, 19, 20, 21 and 22 in Block 7 and all buildings there on situated in the City of Board man, Morrow county, Oregon. Dated this 19th day of Sep tember, 1950. C. J. D. Bauman, Sheriff of Morrow County, Oregon. Date of first publication, September 21, 1950. Date of last publication, October 19, 1950. NOTICE OF SALE OF COUNTY PROPERTY By Virtue of an Order of the County Court, dated September 20, 1950, I am authorized and di rected to advertise and sell at public auction at no less than the minimum price herein set forth: A parcel of land lying in bec tion 16, Township 4 North, Range 24, East of the Willam ette Meridian, Morrow County, Oregon. The said parcel being that portion of said Section 16 included in a strip of land 250 feet in width, 100 feet on the Northerly and 150 feet on the Southerly side of the center lineof the Columbia River Highway as said Highway has been relocated, which center line is described as follows: Beginning at Engineer's cen ter line Station 1069&00, said Station being 3441 feet South and 144 feet West of the North west corner of said Section 16; thence North 82 degrees 54' 30" East, 5500 feet to Engin eer's center line Station 1124 &00; said highway center line crosses the West and East lines of said Section 16 ap proximately at Engineer's center line Stations 1070&09.5 and 1123&50.8 respectively, containing 30.72 acres. THEREFORE, I will on the 21st day of October, 1950 at the hour of 10:00 A. M., at the front door of the Court House in Heppner, Oregon, sell said property to the highest and best bidder. C. J. D. BAUMAN, Sheriff, Morrow County, Oregon 27-31 NOTICE OF SALE OF COUNTY PROPERTY By virtue of an order of the County Court, dated September 11 1950, I am authorized and directed to advertise and sell at public auction at not less than the minimum price herein set forth: The Southeast Quarter of the Southwest Quarter of Section 17, Township 4 South, Range 28, East of the Willamette Meridian for the minimum price of $250.00 cash. All of Section 29, less right of way, Township 5 North, Range 26, East of the Willam- Heppner Gazette NEEDLEPOINT tapestries hand made in China, at popular prices. Heppner Flower Shop. TIRE INSPECTION is more im portant now than ever since tire prices have advanced. In spect the tires of your car. If the tread is wearing uneven, have the front wheels aligned at once. Drive in for quick ser vice. Rosewall Motor Company. DAILY deliver to the hospital with your bouquet or plant for the sick. Phone 312 day or night. Heppner Flower Shop. THERE IS A definite glass short age at the present time due to a prolonged strike. If the glass in your car is broken drive in for a fast replacement. We spe cialize in glass replacement on all makes of cars for insurance claims. Rosewall Motor Co. BUCILLA Wundersheen bed spread cotton 500-yard ball only 59c. Heppner Flower Shop. WHAT IS MOTOR DIAGNOSIS? Want finest standard driv ing at lowest cost? Choose a Chevrolet with Silent Synchro-Mesh Transmis sion and the improved standard Valve-in-Head en gine. You'll get the per formance with economy that makes Chevrolet America's favoritel You may prefer Style line, you may prefer Fieetline. Chevrolet . . I VfaM CFP AI4 UA5 TUCCB KvPCClI? AU YtUPFF DfltLARS?Ki-vf a M acOTtUCC ADcVaJ iifiniN ..ulen i ii rr HHHf DOLLARS AH DON'T KNOW WOULD LAKE WELL- ER- HOW WHAT'S MIGHT CLOTHES AH'S NO TIME COMES WHAT TO DO WITH SO A SUIT Fo I ABOUT A NICE pyTAMAq? r SOCIAL, I AH GOES ) fm I THINK AH'LL GO 'BOUTTrtREEjSUIT OF WfJ CLIMBER, f7 T BED' INTO TOWN AND BUY DOLLARS. kjQjWG Tm yTf cJKfT AH'S A MYSELF SOME NEW FARM BOV N . 4 and only Chevrolet in its field . . . offers you this wonderful choice of styling in all sedans. The model above pictures the gracefully curved rear deck of the Styleline Series, America's Best Seller Main at May Times, Thursday, September 28, 1950 iFOR SALE Desirable house lots, on west side. Blanche Brown, 203 Water street. Phone 462. 21tfc DON'T HOARD TIRES. We have ample stocks to take care of all regular requirements, but if you have thin tires replace them at once. Don't let a dan gerous thin tire cause you to have an accident. Rosewall Motor Company. FOR SALE--Oe refrigerator; one electric stove. A .B. Aldrich, lone, Ore. 27-30p DON'T WALK.' We have used cars priced from $75.00 up. Rosewall Motor Company. FOR SALE Alfalfa and alfalfa and barley, first, second, and third cuttings. Ralph J. Tay lor, 4 mi. n. of Cecil. 27-30 WE DO WHEEL balancing with the latest type electronic wheel balancer. Drive in for fast ser vice. Rosewall Motor Co. Only Chevrolet lets wide atidwondefk cAoee . . . and" at the lowest prices, too! the tJ 9 wm& interior luxury of a convertible with all the practical advantages of a permanent steel top? Choose the -1 Air! With extra-wide windows no sideposts, the Bel Air's the n1' only car of its kind in the HODGE CHEVROLET CO. PORCELAINIZE and ride with pride. Porcelainize outlasts three or four ordinary wax or polish jobs. If your car is get ting old looking while it is still young phone 1092 for an ap pointment to have us give your car this beauty treatment. Rosewall Motor Company. IT'S SMART TO DRIVE A FORD! We Repair all makes of cars. Just drive in and say fix it. Rose- wall Motor Company. FOR SALE Baled alfalfa and barley hay. L. S. Brown, lone, Oregon. 17tfc LEAVE YOUR TIRES with Rose wall Motor Company for high grade recapping. Tires left be fore Thursday are returned the following Thursday. 1947 CHEVROLET CLUB COUPE. Lots of extras and very clean. Pay down $425.00. Rosewall Motor Company. ette Meridian, containing 626.. 45 acres more or less for the minimum price of $1.50 per acre. The North Half of the North Half, less right of way, in Sec tion 31, Township 5 North, Range 26, East of the Willam ette Meridian, containing 153.- Choose between ".andard Drive and POWER, Automatic Transmission Choose between Styleline and Fieetline Styling Choose between Bel Air and the Convertible m Want an auto matic top that n m smartness and scoots up or when you touch ton? Then here's the car for you! And you'll find this swank, spirited Chevrolet Con vertible as far ahead in perform ance as it is in styling. Wt low-price field. m I??l A- Ml W S - . " .11 MWM J IV 84 acres more or less, for the minimum price of $1.50 per acre cash. AH of Section 16, less right of way, in Township 4 North, Range 24, East of the Willam ette Meridian, containing 607. 28 acres more or less for the minimum price of $1.50 per acre, cash. Therefore, I will on the 14th day of October, 1950, at the hour of 10:00 A. M., at the front door of the Court House in Heppner, Oregon, sell said property to the highest and best bidder. C.,J. D. BAUMAN, Sheriff, Morrow County, Oregon. 26-30 NOTICE OF FINAL ACCOUNT Notice is hereby given that the undersigned executrix of the es tate of J. E. McCOY, DECEASED, has filed her final account of her administration of said estate with the Probate Court of the State of Oregon for Morrow County and said Court has fixed Monday, October 23, 1950, at the hour of 10 o'clock A.M. of said day at the County Court Room at the Court House at Heppner, Oregon, as the time and place for hearing objections to said Fi nal Account and for the settle ment of said estate and all per down a but you make such a J America's Best Buy! Page 5 sons having objections thereto are hereby required to file such objections with said Court on or before the time fixed for said hearing. Dated and first published this 21st day of September, 1950. MATILDIA McCOY, Executrix. FOR SALE Spark oil heater used two winters, and Thermostatic, ally controlled fan. Phone 1114. 28-29p o Mrs. Carl Ulrich and son Bill left last week for Redmond and Bend to visit with relatives. They plan to do someX'shing at East Fl owers for all occasions in season or special MARY VAN'S FLOWER SHOP ?, Do you want the only auto matic drive in the low-price field? Then come in and choose a Chevrolet with Powerglide automatic trans mission and the great new 105-h.p. Valve-in-Head en gine. You'll get low-cost, no-shift driving that is easy, smooth and safe! Long, flowing back lines tell you that this beauty belongs to the Fleet line family. Pick the one that I I 1 pleases you . . . Styleline or Fleet line. Both offer all the exclusive advantages of Body by Fisher. Both carry the same low price tag. 'Combination of Powtrglide automatic transmission and 105-h.p. engine optional on De Luxe models at extra cost. Heppner, Oregon