Heppner gazette-times. (Heppner, Or.) 1925-current, September 28, 1950, Image 1

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Volume 67, Number 28
$3.00 Per Year; Single Copies 10c
Heppner Gazette Times, Thursday. September 28, 1950
Fair- Rodeo Funds
Short of Meeting
Operational Costs
Heavier Expense,
Lighter Receipts ..
Given as Reason
At a meeting of fair board and
rodeo directors held Monday eve.
ning in the county agent's of
fice, the financial summary was
presented by the secretary-treasured.
With various small dis
bursements perhaps overlooked
it was found that the 1950 ex
penses exceeded the deposits by
443.76. Main sources of income
when checked showed that rodeo
admissions were down from 1949,
being the major reason for the
deficiency. In dusbursements, the
labor item which included tim
ers, judgesr announcer, night
watchman, as well as a large
carpenter bill for chute and an
nouncer stand remodeling, ex
ceeded the 1949 figure by a
large margin.
In another part of this paper,
the financial summary is printed
for the people to which this an
nual event belongs. They are be
ing asked to do their share in
backing this show which has
been acclaimed by many as the
show the present board of direct
most popular in these parts...?
In making' plans for the" 1951
ors is taking stock of the various
breakdown of activities and their
value to the 1950 show. Voting
for a two night dance to take the
place of the original three with
more volunteer labor to be recru
ited for pre-rodeo preparations
was unanimous. Ways to pay off
present indebtedness were dis
cussed, with each member to
work on this project. It was de
cided to let the public know that
the lair pavilion is a community
building to be considered as such
by all citizens.
Registration Books
Close October 7,
County Clerk Warns
Tardy registrants are warned
that the books will close at 8
o'clock the evening of October 7.
County Clerk C. W. Barlow says
the books will be kept open an
day, Saturday for the accommo
dation of those who for one rea
son or another have not registered.
Those desiring to vote at the
forth coming general election
should not fail to register, the
clerk points out. He urges all un
registered voters to visit his of
fice before October 7, but the
office will be kept open as stat
ed above to accommodate those
who just can't get around to it
before hand.
lone Shows Strength
In Holding McEwen
To Score of 12-All
lone and McEwen grid squads
foueht to a 12-12 tie Friday af
ternoon on the lone turf. This
marked the first home game for
lone and gave sports fans a look
at the new eight man formation
beins used this year.
Friday's tilt was marked by
long pushes in advance of each
touchdown. Goals were evenly di
vided by the two teams each
Touchdown plays were as 101-
lows: McEwen set up the ma
chinery for a long advance with
its Dowerful single wing attack
and scored on a pass from Garry
VanOakler to Frank Bear early
in the first quarter. This set the
fast pace which characterized the
rest of the game.
Duane Baker, freshman lone
back, took a handoff from quar
terback Donald Eubanks to tie
the score at 6-6 during the sec
ond quarter.
A McEwen pass to Forrest Ba
ker was good for a 6 point lead
that lasted into the last half of
the fourth quarter. In the final
fpw minntps of thp game. Tone's
me oner oi a roiier saie nn j formation passing attack click-
operator of this area was consid- ed for a down field advance that
ered by the board and negotia- was highlighted by a completed
tions are being made for this re pass from Eubanks to freshman
creational pastime to be ottered Herb Peterson. The final tieing
to our local boys ana gins, une score was made on a sparkling
part of the hall would be held in end run by Eubanks.
this event for other activities ot Outstanding players on the
the community. McEwen team would be hard to
Planning and working this
year with the fair board consist
ing of Chairman, O. W. Cutsforth,
R. B. Ferguson and Ralph S'' o
were the rodeo directors, h. j
Erwin, chairman, Lee Beckner,
W. E. Hughes and Harlan Mc
Curdy; ticket sales, Merle Becket;
parade, Wm. Smethurst; dances,
Crockett Sprouls; concessions,
Jack Loyd; publicity, Jack O'Con
nor; court chaperone, Shirley
Ruse. N. C. Anderson is secreta
ry-treasurer. Many organizations
and individuals also have con
tributed to the success of the 1950
Mrs.Lucv Rodgers and Mrs.
Sara McNamer were Portland vi
sitors Saturday and Sunday.
Thpv reported one of the heav
iest rains they naa expenenceu punished
as they left the city Sunday af
pick as all were hard hitting
fast running boys, however, the
nod would go to halfback Buddy
bchmitgall and big Jackie Pitt
man, defensive center and power
house back.
Coach Russ DeBondt of lone
singled out Gene Doheify, Herb
Peterson and scatback Donald
Eubanks for their extra efforts.
Officials for Friday's battle
were Rostock and Kliegel, both
of Pendleton.
Gus Janssen, lone well driller,
has brought in a fine well on the
Lloyd Howton ranch. A flow of
50 gallons per minute was ob
tained at a depth of 370 feet
test pump run for 24 hours show
ed the supply keeping up undi
indicating that the
J. Palmer Sorlien, Minister
October 1 is Rally Day. Morn
Inir worshio and Rally Day pro
gram at 10:30 a. m. Program by
the Sunday school and special
music by the choir, unver rius.
wirk director.
Knndav Church school 9:45 a
m. The Sunday school will all
meet at this hour for snort prae
n hpfnre the nroeram.
Choir practice this week at 7:30
p. m. Friday.
Community Church
7.. Franklin Cantrell, Minister
Mustangs Provide
Poor Competition
For Echo Eleven
Visitors Score? .
Almost at Will .
In One-sided Bout
Pre-game hopes that Hal Whit-
beck's young Mustang squad
would make a good showing
against Echo perhaps even
spring a surprise were sadly
dashed when the well-oiled and
properly geared "Bulldog" ma
chine got to rolling. Flashes of
good team play exhibited by the
Mustangs were lost sight ot in
the smashing ground-gaining
plays run by the visitors, who
scored just about whenever they
got good and ready.
Of course one or two fumbles
by the Mustangs prevented them
from gaining needed yardage
and in one instance led directly
to an Echo touchdown.
Heppner had a good chance to
score when one of Piper's long
passes placed the ball on about
the 2-foot line. Echo made a de
termined stand and after four
futile attempts to cross the line
the Mustangs surrendered ithe
The powerful Echo backs had
little trouble in finding the right
spots for penetration of the Hep
pner line and when one oi tnem
got into the Heppner backfield
he usually made telling gains,
if not running directly io a touch
down. The visitors' ball carriers
are rugged and speedy while the
Heppner boys seemed afraid to
jump right in and tackle. It us
ually "required about hall ot tne
team to down the ball carrier.
The Mustangs will have time
to strengthen their plays before
meeting Umatilla there October
13. They were scheduled to meet
Condon there on the 6th, but
Condon has cancelled out for the
rest of the season. Fossil comes
here October 20, then the team
travels to John Day to meet
Grant Union on October 27, to
Moro on November 3 and the fi
nal game will be played here No
vember 11 with Hermiston fur
nishing the competition.
Lack ot interest on tne pan oi
the prospective players caused
officials at Condon to drop the
1950 schedules. It is reported that
only 12 men turned out and that
the coach used a lew gins in
practice, none of whom turned
out to be Lucille Sweeneys, and
it was decided the schedule could
not be carried out with so few
Comparing prices of the third hogs, 31.8 cents; beef, 33.6 cents
annual 4-H fat livestock auction
sale, an event of the recent Mor
row County Fair and Kodeo, with
this year's State lair auction it
is found that ooosiers oi mis saie
in Morrow county can well be
proud of themselves. In compar
ing these two 4-H auction sales,
N. C. Anderson, Morrow county
agent, reports an average selling
price of 44.6 cents per pound for
beef, 36.6 for hogs, and 75.1 for
sheep, at the Morrow county sale,
with 34.7 cents a pound for sheep,
30.8 cents for hogs and 36.3 cents
for beef at the state lair auction.
Another interesting comparison
is the summary of all 4-H auc-
Der Dound. Morrow county pn
ces were excelled by seven other
sales only.
Buyers of the 1950 4-H fat auc
tion sale livestock that set such
a good record were:
Tom Michos, Portland; Motfow
County Grain Growers; Elks club
No. 358; Cot Swanson; R. B. Fer
guson, Rosewall Motor Company,
Steve Thompson, Hodge Chevro
let. Co.. William J. Doherty, O.
W. Cutsforth, Cecelia Bucknum,
Ray Ferguson, Bobby Mahoney,
Harold Cohn. Ralph Beamer, Eb
Hughes, Hugh Smith, P. W. Ma-
honev, Frank WinK, Tne Danes,
h, ic hiri in 1949 in which iLena Boldt. Chicago, Emile Gro
Oregon 4-H club members parti- shens, John Ransier, George Cur.
pinntpH Thi summary of 24 auc.'rin. Bill Bucknum, John Graves
tion sa es snows tne averaee t-naney ouuge, jcjij siuouau,
price for sheep to be 42.4 cents; ' Cornelt Green.
News Round-up Of Week In Brief Form
bore tapped an underground
stream. This is just more evi
dence that there is plenty of
water in Morrow county if the
farmers will drill for it, said
Leonard Carlson who reported
the new well while in town to
Fueral services were held at 2
o'clock today from the Phelps Fu
neral Home tor Thomas Apasto-
las, who passed away Monday
after a lingering illness. Rev. J.
Palmer Sorlien officiated and im
terment was in the Heppner Ma
sonic cemetery. Little was known
about Mr. Apastolas. He was 1U1
years of age.
Mrs. Grace Nickerson reported
some of the high lights of her te.
ppnt trin tn Chicaen at the lun-
Supcial evancelistic services uonn n,.in nf (hp Sornntimist
every night next week, 7:30 p. ciuh of Heppner this noon.
m. Come and bring someone wuu Irs Nickerson, accompanied
you. Church school 10 a. m. Wor- Dy ner daughter, Mrs. Richard
ship and preaching 11 a. m. Sing. nayPS and granddaughter Kar-
ing, Uioie siucy anu picai-iune, en drove to Chicago 10 visa at
7:30 p. m. the home of Francis Nickerson
and family, me laaies mane
ALL SAINTS MEMORIAL many stops and side trips on the
CHURCH Episcopal return trip and these comprised
Holy communion 8 a. m. Mrs. Nickerson's talk today.
Church school, 9:45 a. m. This was birthday cake time
Holy communion and sermon, aso with Mrs. John baager pe
ll a. m. ing the honoree ior tne monin oi
Week day services: Holy com- September.
Dr. R. S. Garver, a recent, arri
val from Halfway, announced
this week that he expects to. lo
cate in Heppner. He is a veteri
narian of many years experience,
Committee Visits
Farms to Choose
"Farmer of Year"
Headed by Raymond Lundell,
chairman and including Lloyd
Morgan and Elmer Palmer, the
committee chosen to select the
county's candidate for "Conserv
ation Farmer of the Year" at the
annual convention of the Oregon
Wheat League has been visiting
farms and ranches practicing
conservation methods.
Chairman Lundell reported to
the Heppner chamber of com
merce that real strides in con
servation practices are being
made over the county and that
it will be but a matter of a few
years until the practice will be
general throughout the county.
munion Wednesday at 10 a. m.;
Friday at 7:30 a. m.
Choir practice on Thursday ev
ening at 8.
Boy Scouts, Wednesday even
ing at 7:30.
ct oaTPirir's r.HUBCH. HeDDner as well as an expert horseman.
ST. WILLIAM'S CHURCH, lone Training horses and teaching
Rev. Francis McCormack, Pastor riding are among his accom-Mnnnnor-
Mnssps on first and pllshments and he has a string
cnj',i!B ot q n. m. Second of thorouehbred race horses
(rii, ot irvan which he brought to Heppner and
lone- Masses on first and third entered in the rodeo. He can be
Sundays at 10:30; second and contacted at the Wranglers barn
fourth Sundays at 9 a. m. at the fair grounds or through
Religion classes for first and
second grades every Tuesday and
Thursday at 2:30. Classes for
griades three to eight every Sat
urday at 10 a. m.
Week day masses 7:30 a. m.
the office of Turner, Van Marter
Don Walker was a business vi
sitor in Portland the first of the
The garden at the home of Mr.
and Mrs. Max Harris was the
scene of the marriage of Mrs.
Harris's daughter, Donna Gay
hart and Eugene Orwick Satur
day afternoon. Rev. E. L. Tull of
All Saints Episcopal church of
ficiated at the double ring cere-monv.
Thp bride's eown was of white
satin made with tittea Doaice
and bouffant skirt. She wore a
Juliette can and carried a bou
quet of rosebuds, delphinium and
Miss Ilene Ball, maid of honor,
wore an embroidery, off-shoulder
gown of white over blue and car
ried an old tasmoned nosegay.
Gene Cutsforth served as best
A reception followed the cere
monv. Alter a onei noneymoon
the newly weds will be at home
in Heppner where tne groom,
who is a son of Mr. and Mrs. Roy
Orwick, is employed.
Miss Dorothv Herbison and
Don Gunderson were married Sa
turdav. September 16, the cere
monv being nenormeo in me
Methodist church at Hermiston
with the local pastor officiating
Mrs. Donald White was matron
of honor and Mr. White served as
best man.
The bride is a reCent arrival
in Heppner and the groom is a
son of Mrs. Lucille Gunderson
and Eddie Gunderson,
A stoi'k shower honoring Mrs.
Robert Gammell was given Sat
urday afternoon at the home of
Mrs. La Verne Van Marter with
Mrs. Robert Kilkenny as co-hostess.
Guests present were Mrs.
Harry O'Donnell Jr., Mrs. Ted
Palmateer of lone, Mrs. Don Hat
field, Mrs. Alex Thompson, and
Misses Lillian Hubbard, LaVern
White, Mary Gunderson, Juanita
Matteson andDeloris Keenan.
Shower games were played with
Lillia Hubbard receiving high
score in one and Mrs. Gammell
the other. Refreshments were
serVed and gifts opened.
The annual past presidents'
party of the Degree of Honor was
held Monday'evening at the civic
center with Mesdames Walter
Barger, Theta Stratton and Dor
othy Applegate as hostesses. Cor
sages were presented to each past
president present.
Mr. and Mrs. Edward Wilson
returned Saturday from a week's
vacation spent in Yellowstone
and other points in Montana.
Mrs. W. O .George returned
Friday from Lake Tahoe where
she attended the Pacific coast
conference of independent thea
ter owners. She also visited in
San Francisco during her stay.
Mrs. Henry Rauch and Mrs. Al
Fetsch motored ''( . Lexington
Tuesday afternoon to attend the
birthday party ot the Kaucn
granddaughter, Linda Thornburg
aeed three years.
Mrs. Minnie Vaughn returned
to her home in Portland the first
of the week after a visit of sever
al davs with her brother, Leslie
L. Matlock. During her stay she
was the miest of Mrs. Josie Jones.
John Porter flew to La uranoe
Saturday to spend the week-end
with relatives.
Mrs. Lvle Cowdcry ot Lyons
visited several days in Heppner
with Mr. and Mrs. W. Scott Fur
ious and other relatives, she was
enroute to Missouri to visit.
Among those from Heppner at.
tendine the tootnau game oe
tween EOCE and Oregon Techni
cal Institute at Echo Saturday
were Mr. and Mrs. Ray Massey
Mrs. Fay Bucknum, Mr. and Mrs,
Ben Anderson, Mr. and Mrs. F. E,
Parker, Mr. and Mrs. La Vefne
Van Marter, Mr. and Mrs. Conley
Lanham. Charles Mather, Crock
ett Sprouls, Mr. and Mrs. Charles
O'Donnell and Rev. Francis Mc
Eleven tables of cards were in
nlav at a party given by the
Ampriean Lecion auxiliary Mon
dav evening at the Legion nan
Hostesses for bridge were Mrs,
James Driscoll and Mrs. Jack Ba
ley and for pinochle, Mrs. James
The Heppner assembly, Order
of Rainbow, will be host Sunday
to the assemblies of the district
in a meeting to be held at the
Masonic hall Sunday, October
Healv and Mrs. Willard Blake.
High score in pinochle went to
Mrs. Madge Bryant and second to
Bill Labhart. Mrs. Fred Lucas re-
ceived high in bridge and Mrs,
Earl Gilliam second. Clive Hus
ton received the door prize. Re
freshments were served by Mrs
William Labhart, Mrs. James
Farley, Mrs. Kemp Dick and Mrs,
William Heath.
Mr. and Mrs. Henry Tetz had
as their euests Tuesday her bro
ther and sister-in-law, Mr .and
Mrs. O. D. Lemley and daughter,
Randv. of Grass Valley, ana Dro-
ther-in-law and sister, Mr. and
Mrs. Vern McGowan of Pilot
Rock. The Tetz' will have as their
suests this week-end for the op
ening of deer season, Mr. ana
Mrs. Arthur Kelly and son Don,
James West of Milwaukee and
Mr. and Mrs. C. V. Signon of Coos
Bay. Mr. Signor is former city
manager of Pendleton.
Miss Betty Walker has accept-
eda position as receptionist at
Pioneer Memorial nospuai re
placing Miss Rita Kennedy. Mrs.
Esley Walker is working at the
hospital as nurses' aid.
Mr. and Mrs. Jack Coblantz
of Portland were overnight guests
Sunday at the home of their son-
in-law and daugnter, Mr. ana
Mrs. Walter Depuy. They are on
a motor trip to Salt Lake City.
T. P. Helseth, district conserva
tionist, Pendleton, Charles Ahl-
son and M. V. Penwell, zone con.
servationists, Portland, were bus
iness visitors to the Heppner dis
trict Tuesday.
Mr. and Mrs. Charles Becket re
turned Monday from Dufur after
spending several days with tneir
sons-in-law and uaugniers, rar,
and Mrs. Dick Johnson and Mr
anri Mrs. Paul McCartv of Port'
land. The McCartvs are leavig
soon for Missouri where he has
been ordered to report for duty,
Mrs. Annabel Allison and twin
daughters, Jan and Jo, were up
from Portland to spend tne wee
end with her father, F. W. Turner
and Mrs. Turner.
Mr. and Mrs. Walter Becket,
lake before returning to Heppner.
Mr. and Mrs. Charles Becket and
Mr. and Mrs. Ben Anderson left
Tiipsdav for Mt. Hebron, Calir.
where they will be the guests oi
Mr. and Mrs. Tynoau Kooinson.
Harrv O'Donnell Sr. returned
Monday from Portland where he
spent the past weex.
Mr. and Mrs. Robert Wagner
and Mrs. E. R. Prock returned
Sunday from Portland, having
taken the Procks' daughter, Mrs.
Jack Merrill and children, to their
home following a visit here.
Farm Bureau Would
Have Highway Fund
Spent on lone Roads
At a meeting of the Morrow
County Farm Bureau held at
Lexington grange hall September
18, the following resolution was
passed: Be it resolved by this
group that any available state
and federa.l money for use in
Morrow county be used on the
IoneGooseberry road and the
Rhea creek toad in preference to
the Lena-Pilot Rock road,, and
that a copy of this resolution be wav across a portion of the nor-
sent to the State Highway Com- them part of the county has been
mission and the Morrow county revealed by the state highway
Plans ior tne 4-H ciuo essay commission. It is another unit in
court. the realignment of the Columbia
contest were completed. The es- river route and will involve some
says must be 50 words on the 17 miles of new construction in
subject, "I can best contribute to this county,
my 4-H club by ." These es- According to a map sent to the
says must be in by October 14 Morrow county court and on dis-
and will be judged before the play in the office or Judge Garnet
next arm Bureau meeting on Barratt, the new route win 101
October 23 at the Rhea Crrek low an approximately direct east-
grange hall. The first prize is a erly direction after crossing Wil-4-H
summer school scholarship, low creek at Heppner Junction,
second prize $10, and third prize This will take it back from the
c rr it i : 1 1 u...
New Route Across
North End To Be
In Super Class
48 Foot Roadbed
Sufficient For Four
Lanes, Plans Show
Definite location of a new high
A deluee of earlv fall events SenUe northeasterly Dend to join
a aeiuge or eany ian events , p0,-irnan.ppn(i -ton h t?h-
river and across the hills between
the junction and Boardman, by
passing the townsite by a quar
ter of a mile and then making a
undoubtedly kept many people
from attending the shows at the
Star theater Tuesday and Wed
nesday nights, but those who did
go were well treated to lots of
entertainment. Aside from some
excellent films on the regular
theater program, there was a
pantomime, "Folly on the Trol
ley" presented by the Soropti-
mist club of Heppner, and a style
show sponsored by the Soropti-
"Folly on the Trolley" is a cle.
ver arrangement of characters
purportedly riding on a trolley,
or the street car of a period two
or three generations ago. Older
persons got more amusement out
of the antics than did the youn
the Boardman-Pendleton high
way about one mile east of the
present Boardman-irrigon junction.
The new route will come under
the heading of "super highway."
It will have a roadbed 48 feet in
width and a 250-foot right-01-
way. This will accommodate four
traffic lanes.
It is reported that. Boardman
business people are already mak
ing plans to move out to the new
route. The old route will not be
abandoned between the junction
and Boardman not immediately
following completion of the new
route but Judge Baitatt says
the county will not be interested
in taking it over unless permis
sion is granted by the state nign-
ger generation, mosi 01 wiiom aie ----- ,,BC, -fn ahandon the
not even familiar with silent "."",,,, traf
films, let alone pre-automobile Prtl,ps n?lL laZL
modes of transportation.
fip. The commission
. . . nnii maintain
U7W tho HteccoH motrnno COUinv tu lane uvci onu """"
and girls will wear this fall was the ff'fc
demonstrated in the style review
participated in by the J. U Pen
ney Co., woran s shop and L-iau
Locust chapter 119, Order of
the Eastern Star, will be host to
Judee Barratt said the court is
considering plans to get a road
built to the north end tnat wiu
be within the county. Extension
of a road down lower Sand Hol
low to connect with the east-west
hiehwav at a point a short dis
tance west of the ordnance depot
line can be built during the tan
and winter months, barring ex-
tne chapters 01 ine aisinci mo.i- - . wpathp, and cost of
day evening, yuiooer ai - lt. is wifhin the means
ntL' h"t oFthe county road fund. It would
Mrs. Pearl McClay ot La uranoe,
will be present.
Locust chapter will open ana
close the lodge session and the
officers of Ruth chapter no. at,
Heppner, will present the ballot
ing and initiatory worK.
Parents, Teachers
To Meet at Dinner
have to be rock surfaced but this
material can be secured along
the route.
Davidson Released
From Custody Under
Bond of $10000
Wm. Davidson was released
from jail following a preliminary
rw-..., ,1, i, i- 1 'WWavy
Sir Keep Oregon Green, giant 1
broad-breasted bronze turkey,
seems pleased in this interview
with Sheila l'nauix, 12-year-oia
Portland Green Guard, as ne
learns that Oregon is far ahead
of Washington state in the con
test for lowest number of man
caused forest fires.. Oregon had
only 566 man-caused forest fires
to Septemocr 1, wnne wasimig
ton had run up a total of 856 in
the same period.
Sir KOG is the prize turkey
wagered by Governor Douglas
McKay of Oregon with Governor
Arthur Langlie of Washington,
who has posted a similar turkey
as forfeit if his state loses the
T.nren Johnson. Scappoose tur
key raiser, who donated Sir KOG
to Governor MCR.ay, is nuiuins
the big bird which already
weighs 28 pounds and will top 40
pounds by ThanKsgiving,
Keep Oregon Green officials
have loined in the spirit of the
friendly competition between the
two states with a plea to Oregon,
ians to use every precaution to
help prevent forest fires. A spe
cial plea was addressed to hunt
ers, who last year started more
than 100 forest fires during the
first week of deer season, when
camp fires were left to spread
and cigarettes were flipped in
dry forest fuel,
Justice J. O. Hager's
f.i 1 nn-no tooinorc onnrt Mnnriav. when his mother,
n n Ainna unrl nrn. ! jure Manp uaviu&uil, anu
1 w uonnnpr hort Vmprt nosted bail in tne
gran, spui.. u, "- "--- -
namsh hall of St. Patrick's church Taken into custody September
this evening. Dinner will be serv- 17 following the filing 01 a com
j t n'in.ir fnitnwpri hv a nlaint hv his estranged wite. ua-
program that will be ot interest vioson was cuimimi
i n itniv nr Tnp sneiuL anu utiw
loan. .. 1; . ,,!,, fc.ar.
11.. 17 v nnntv o nrpsinpnt int npnaine a uiciunimnj
of the organization and has ap- ing. Bono ai iimi i"
pointed an emcient corps oi cum- ai
-,irf v,q Aurincr hpr Tiv rtpep submitted at the pren-
Zm of office. - minary hear ng appeared to the
o court as suuioem iu uv.
Guests of Mrs. Sadie Sigsbee idson on a charge of kidnapping
Friday were her sister, Mrs Oscar and ne was aga.u '"" v:
L " 'm t, .ij 1 v,o, oictor. ko ,ctnriv nf the sheriff until
in-law, Mrs. W. C. McCarty. Mrs. bond money was posted. This
. u. in Urnnoriuro will p ace his case in
The Dalles Saturday and Mrs. the hands of the grand jury for
Borg remained for a longer visit, inyesugauon
r.au' rVan&TH tt" h; mi he cale last week, made it
uuuj.-. ... J: " r'"A thnt thP Davidsons are
been caneo uacn iniu scivilc anu a"" . f tho nasp al.
,,, . c r. t ,norH HivnrfpH. This is not the case, ai-
Wlll report wet. o at run ...i- v. ,:--:-,.., fiiaH Hivnrpa
Wnnd thOUgn Dutit "ovc .
Mrs. Anne Smouse and Mrs. proceeaings. 11.
aw r.,on rprp riplpeates to a wue- snouiu nave ucc..
j.--. -o; -- 1 , tt.ifo " 1
Jiotrint nnnvontlnn nf thP WOITI- Place OI luillici t,.... .
....... ' . r-
ans aocieiy ut v.inuui , . , .
in Portland September 11. iney I More KOin leeaea
accompanied Kev. J. raimer out- c
lipn whn was eoine to the city TO bDTOUr UrQIn
to attend a district meeting of showers the fore part of the
ministpre nf this area. Mrs. ..,i- hmimht nnproximateiy
Smouse went on to Eugene to of an incn of moisture to the
get her car. grain and grazing lands ot tne
Mr. and Mrs. Harold uanieis county. While tnis nas uwu ui
01 rortiana are guests 01 mr. anu some beneiu, wneauaiscia
Mrs. Robert Dobbs. The men are the opinion that fully that much
planning a iiuming tup. """ more IS neeucu ngm a.j o--
Mrs. Ben Phillips 01 St. jonns, tne sprouting propeny
Oregon win arrive Monday to pe
guests of the Dobbs tamny dur
ing the deep season. Dr. Phillips
is a brother 01 Mrs. uiaua nuston.
Mrs. Harlev Anderson, and Mrs.
Howard Keithley left today for
Albany, called there by the
death of Mrs. Andersons aunt,
Mrs. Frances Kibby, who passed
away Wednesday. Funeral ser
vices will oe neio at Aipany
Friday. ,
Mr. and Mrs. N. A. Clark left
Sunday for their home in Red
mond after spending two weens
at the home of their son Barton
and family on Rhea creek.
Mrs. David Wilson gathered ner
bridee club together Monday and
the ladies enjoyed a day at the
Wilson cabin on Johnson creeK.
Will Morgan and son Milton,
ranchers of the Monument coun
try, were transacting business in
Heppner W ednesday,
cra nf tlip parlv sown fields
are beginning to show a tinge of
green. A season of rain will be
acceptable, however, and if na
ture doesn't respond in the regu
lar way the rainmaKers win
called upon to do their "seeding.
The showers were timely inas
much as the hunting season is at
hand and many hunters are cum
ing in to be on hand the opening
day. Had tne snoweis nui -"""-it
is likely that the season would
have been deferred, if not closed.
Sam E. Van Vactor of The Dal
les was a business visitor in Hep
pner Tuesday. He also visited his
sister, Mrs. Mary Stevens, who is
a patient at Pioneer Memorial
A baby boy was born this
morning at Pioneer Memorial
hospital to Mr. and Mrs. Dewey
Spurgin of Monument.