Heppner gazette-times. (Heppner, Or.) 1925-current, September 21, 1950, Page Page 3, Image 3

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    Heppner, Orgon, Thursday, September 21 , 1950
Page 3
Mrs. Frances Mitchell and her rolled at Oregon State College.' iMss Opal Briggs Is spending
daughter, Lorene drove to Cor- Mrs. Mitchel lreturned Wednes- a fe wdays in Portland visiting
vallis Friday where Lorene en- day. i friends. '
The Most ileaulitul
O Thing on Wheels
A Truly Wonderful Cur!
No other word describes a new
Pontiac quite as well as "wonder
ful." It's the perfect word for
Pontiac's beauty, Pontiac's per
formance, Pontiac's dependable
economy and for the way you
feel when you sit behind the wheel
of your own Pontiac.
Dollar for Dollar
-jj you carft beat a
Farley Pontiac Co.
Booster Night At i
Grange Attracts
Good Attendance
Over 50 attended the booster
program at the Grange hall Sat
urday night after the regular
meeting. MrsHershall Townsend
had charge of the program
which consisted of reading of a
message from A. S. Goss, master
of the national grange, ny ivirs.
Ernest Heliker; group singing, a
skit from "Tom Thumb's Wed
ding" by several children; sax
ophone solos, "The Bubble Dance
by Janet Howton, accompanied
by Mrs. L. L. Howton; reading,
"The Disgrace of Monkey," by
Garey White; songs, "Animal
Crackers" and "On the Good
Ship Lollypop," by Linda Hal
vorsen; and reading, "A Maid
en's Prayer," by Mrs. Gordon
White. After the program square
dancing was enjoyed, with Mrs.
Oscar Lundell furnishing the
music and John Botts doing the
calling. Refreshments were serv
ed by Mrs. James Lindsay, Mrs.
John Ransier, Mrs. Earl McCabe,
Mrs. Lewis Ball, Mrs. Ida Cole
man, Mrs. Ernest Heliker, Mrs.
Harry Yarnell and Mrs. Echo
A potluck dinner was held at
the Congregationl church Sun
day followed by a business
meeting of the members of the
Co-operative church. Reports
of the church organizations were
given, the budget was discuss
ed and a nominating committee
was appointed to choose officers
to be elected at a meeting Oct
ober 1.
Arthur (Sam) Crawford and
Mr. and Mrs. Tad Miller spent
last week in Canada and Great
Falls, Mont., where they visited
their uncle; George Crawford.
Mr. and Mrs. Gordon White
have completed the remodeling
of three modern apartments in
their building. These apart
ments are ocupied by Mr. and
Mrs. Russell DeBondt, Mr. and
Mrs. Frank Ellis and Miss Bar
bara Johnson, teachers in the
mm kid
Housewives love Reddy Kilowatt, their electric
servant. He does the hard part of housework.
And you can leave him. ..to wash your clothes
or cook your meals automatically, while you go
to shop or take the afternoon off.
Best of all, Reddy's average hourly pay is only
about half what it was 1 0 years ago, even though
almost everything else is 'way up in price.
IM .
10 .
n r tCTTT
I I I I I 1 1 1
'41 ' ' '45 '46 V v4 M '50
IjviIo f y
lone school.
New books received at the
lone public library are Across
the River and Into the Trees, by
Hemingway; HomPward Borne,
by Chatterton; Swift Waters, by
Annixter; Gentian Hill, Goudge;
Chips Off the Old Benchley, by
Benchley; Mr. Blanding Builds
His Dream House, by Hodgens.
Several children's books have
been added and a set of 24 New
Brittanica, encyclopedias. The
library has over 1200 books on
its shelves and is open to the
public from 3 to 5 p.m. Mondays
and Thursdays.
Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Bergstrom
and daughter Beverly and Mr.
and Mrs. Frank Douglas and son
John of Portland were recent
guess at the Carl F. Bergstrom
Fayne Ely and Walter Berg
strom left Saturday for Forrest
Grove where they will enter Pa
cific University.
Several members of the Arnica
club spent Sunday at the moun
tain home of Mr. and Mrs. Don
ald Heliker.
Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Rickey
and children, Joseph and Joel-
eta, of Estacada, and Mrs. Charl
es White and son Charles Allen
of Forest Grove were visitors at
the Gordon White home Friday
of last week.
Mr. and Mrs. Robert DeSpain
spent the week-end at the Roy
Lieuallen home near Gresham
and brought back their son, Bob
by Lee, who has been visiting
Mr. and Mrs. Hershall Town-
send left Monday for Los Angel
es to visit relatives. They left
the children with relatives and
friends here.
Mr. and Mrs. Wayne White of
Portland stopped here Sunday
ana tney, witn Mr. and Mrs. Gor
don White and children, spent
the day in Umatilla visiting
their parents, Mr. and Mrs. T. N.
The teachers attended insti
tute at LaGrande Monday and
Mrs. E. M. Baker, president of
the lone P-TA, met with the
chairmen of her committees and
officers at the school house on
September 13. Mrs. Verner Tro
edson, secretary - treasurer, re
signed and a committee was ap
pointed to nominate someone
to be elected at the regular
meeting September 27. Mrs.
Franklin Ely, Mrs. Victor Riet
raann and Mrs. Noel . Dobyns
comprise the committee. Heads of
committees present were Mrs.
Dobyns program; Garland Swan
son, legislative; Mrs. David Riet
mann, social; Mrs. L. L. Howton,
hospitality and membership;
Mrs. Victor Rietmann magazines,
Alan Robertson, music; and Mrs.
Echo Palmateer, publicity.
Malcom McKinney and La
Verne Spielman received broken
collar bones while playing on
the school grounds last week.
Lee Palmer received a head in
jury while playing football at
Pilot Rock Friday, and John Bris
tow sustained some strained lig
aments. lone lost the first football
game to Pilot Rock there Friday
Mr. and Mrs. Wallace Mat
thews and daughters were visit
ors in The Dalles last week.
The HEC of Willows Grange
met at the hall Friday afternoon.
Plans were made for the annual
turkey dinner, bazaa"r and dance
to be held in the hall October
28. After the meeting a. birth
day party was given. Mrs. Ern
est Heliker had charge of the
program. Gifts were exchanged
and refreshments were served by
Mrs. Wm. beehater and Mrs.
Walter Corey. Mrs. Etta Bristow
received the door prize.
Plans were made and com
mittees appointed at a Maran-
atha meeting Wednesday of last
week for a dinner and bazaar
to be held at the grange hall
from 6 to 8 p.m., October 14. The
meeting was held in the Con-
gregational parlors with Mrs.
G. Hermann and Mrs. Marion
Palmer as hostesses. Mrs. Wate
Crawford received the door prize.
A bridal shower was given in
honor of Mrs. James Pettyjohn
at the Legion hall Saturday aft
ernoon. She received many love
ly and useful gifts. Around 70
people were present. Refresh
ments were served from tables
decorated with pink and white
candles and autumn flowers. The
hostesses were Mrs. Delmer
Crawford, Mrs. E. W. Bristow,
Mrs. Darrell Padberg, the Misses
Ruby Ann Rietmann, Joan Rein
inger and Ingrid Hermann. Mr.
and Mrs. Pettyjohn were mar
ried September 8 in Reno..
Mr. and Mrs. Noel Dobyns and
daughter Dorothy reutrned last
week from a trip to Portland and
Olympia where they visited rela
tives. They also made a trip in
to Canada where they did some
fishing at Divide Lake. On the
way home they visited Mr. and
Mrs. Elmer Musgrave at Ton
asket, Wash.
Mr. and Mrs. Ellis Kent and
two children of Bend were the
guests of Mr. and Mrs. John Ran
sier recently.
Bud Dodge of Bakersfield, Cal.
visited his aunt, Mrs. Addie Sal
ter. Mrs. C. W. Swanson reported
that her granddaughter, Kather
ine Rea, of Stanfield, fell off a
cow recently and broke her el
bow, but is getting along satis
factorily. Mr. and Mrs. Ed Buschke are
visiting in California.
Mr. and Mrs. Walter Dobyns
are on a vacation trip.
Bill Gorger was called into the
U. S. service. Mrs. Gorger and
baby are living in Pendleton.
Emil Seehafer left for his home
in Westpost last week after visit
ing his brother, Wm. Seehafer.
Word has been received that
Miss Mary Brackett, formerly a
teacher here, is now teaching in
Cleo Drake, Milton Morgan,
Noel Dobyns and Jim McCabe
spent the week-end on the coast
Mrs. Carrie Cason of Lone
Rock is visiting her sister, Mrs.
Ida Grabill.
Mrs. John Bryson Injured her
foot when she fell from a chair
in her home recently.
Mrs. Gordon White was a Port
land visitor last week.
According to Monday's Ore
gonian, funeral services for Mr.
James J. Allyn were to be held
in Milwaukee September 20. Mr.
Allyn was a former resident of
the Morgan community and he
moved from there to Oak Grove.
He is a brother of George Allyn
of Lexington.
Mr. and Mrs. Pete Cannon and
Mrs. Echo Palmateer returned
home recently .from a trip to
California where they visited Mr.
and Mrs. L. J. Stract at Oakland
daughter and Mr. and Mrs. Gith
at Berkley. Mrs. Stract is a
and Mr. and Mrs. H. C. Githens
ens are uncle and aunt of Mrs.
they visited Crater Lake, the
Palmateer. O their return trip
Oregon Caves and the Peterson
Rock Gardens.
For Your Complexion's Sake
Dorothy (jrey Special
Annual 2"f Price Sale
Dry Skin Cleaner
for normal skin
$2 Bottle fov $1.00
$4 Bottle for $2.00
All prices plus tax
For a Limited Time Only
since 1940. But PP&L's average price total net savings of nearly 18 million Residential electric rates here are less
for household electricity is down 40 1 dollars to users of PP&L's electricity! than half of the national average.
Pacific Power & Light Company
1910 Our 40th Anniversary Year 1950
Sunday shows continuous from 1pm. Phone 1472 for starting time of the dif
ferent shows. All programs except Sunday start at 7:30 p. m.
Thurs.-Fri.-Sat., Sept. 21-22-23
Wanda Hendrix, Audio Murphy. Burl
Ives, Dean Jagger, Richard Rober, An
thony Curtis
A big and satisfying hunk of western en
tertainment - photographed in Techni
color. -PLUS
The Big Fight
A Joe Palooka comedy-drama
Sunday-Monday, Sept 24-25
Esther Williams, Van Johnson, John
Lund, Paula Raymond, Clinton Sund
berg, and guest stars Lena Home and
Eleanor Powell
The year's big musical . . filmed in ro
mantic, exciting Sun Valley in Techni
color . . new hit songs . . dashing stars . .
lots of laughs.
Tuesday-Wednesday, Sept. 26-27
Shirley Temple, David Niven, Tom Tully,
Virginia Welles, Darryl Hickman
The further adolescent adventures of that
lovable bobby-sox character Corliss Ar
cher . . played strictly for laughs.
ON THE STAGE: Home Talent Program
Sponsored by
Thurs.-Fri.-Sat., Sept 28-29-30
Yvonne DeCarlo, Philip Friend, Robert
Douglas, Elsa Lanchester, Andrea King
Swashbuckling Technicolor story of New
Orleans and piracy . . the action is fast,
the story good, the music pleasing.
Wyoming Bandit
Rocky Lane, ready and rugged as ever,
in another of his exciting gallopers.
Disney Cartoon
SSZ Admission prices afternoon and evening, nnless specifically advertised to be otherwise Children:
- Est. Price .17, Fed. Tax .03, TOTAL 20o; Grade and Rigli School Students 12 year and over: Est. ;
Price .40, Fed. Tax. .10, TOTAL 50c; Adults: Est Prioe .50, Fed. Tax .10, TOTAL 60c. Every Child
occupying a seat must have a ticket. -