Heppner gazette-times. (Heppner, Or.) 1925-current, September 14, 1950, Page Page 3, Image 3

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    Heppner Gazette Times, Thursday, September 14, 1950
Paqe 3
Stubble Mulch
Wednesday, Sept. 20
2 P. M.
At Frank Anderson farm - Eightmile
(on Highway 207)
See the new, sturdy Internation
al Harvester chisel-type cultiva
tor work under these soil Condi
tions. Come and bring your
Lexington Implement Co.
ur Home Town Paper Only 3.00 a year
'Oswego Church Is
'Scene of O'Harra-
Weeks Marriage
In a setting of gladioli and
dahlias in the Episcopal church
in Oswego on Sunday afternoon,
August 27 Miss Marjorie Weeks,
daughter of Mrs. Weeks and the
late Dr. Arthur Weeks, became
the bride of Jack O'Harra, son of
Mr. and Mrs. Newt O'Harra of
Lexington, with the Rev. John
i Richardson officiating.
I The bride, in a sown nf white
satin was given in marriage by
an uncle, Carl Weeks of New
York City. Miss Eleanor Spieker
man of The Dalles was maid of
honor. She wore a mist green taf
feta formal and carried a nose
gay of golden daisies. The brides
maids were Miss Edna McCurdy
of Bend and Miss Peggy Brannon
of Oswego, Mrs. Roy Darnielle of
The Dalles and Miss Grace
Brown of Portland. Claudia Kan
gas of Tacoma in a pink formal
was flower girl and Edward
Hickok was ring bearer.
Serving as best man was Rod
ney Nelson of Klamath Falls,
while Otis Freeman of Los Ange
les, Robert Baldwin of Eugene,
Robert Veeks of New York and
Garthe Brown of Portland were
A reception followed the cere
mony at the home of Dr. and
Mrs. Samuel Brandon on Lake
Oswego. After a wedding trip to
Washington the young couple
will reside in Portland.
Miss Betty Griffen, daughter of
Mr. arid Mrs. Jack Griffen has
gone to Long Beach where she
will live with her brother Ted
and attend school.
The Lexington school started
Monday morning The teaching
staff is composed of Carl Schwab,
principal; Mr. and Mrs. Mark
Rands, he as coach and she as
commercial teacher; Mrs. J. Pal
mer Sorlien, grades 1 and 2; Mrs.
Balser, 3 and 4; Mrs. Tress Mc
Clintock 5 and 6; and Mr. Balser
7 and 8. The first P.T.-A. meeting
will be Tuesday evening, Sept. 19.
Mr. and Mrs. K. K. Marshall
are vacationing this week.
Mr. and Mrs. Bud Marshall of
Monmouth were Lexington vis
itors over the week-end returning
Monday. Marvin Way returned
with them where he will attend
Mr. and Mrs. Don Grant of
Prieville were week-end visitors
at the O. G. Breeding home tak
ing their two children Jeanne
and Jimmie who have spent sev
eral weeks with their grandpa
rents. Mrs. Bill Mathews of Pendle
ton was also a visitor at the
home of her parents the O. G.
Breedings over the week-end.
Mrs. Charlie Buchanan and son
David and Bud are visiting her
daughter and son-in-law, Mr.
and Mrs. L. D. Patterson in Cot
tonwood, California this week.
Mrs. Buchanan and son Charles
took Mr. Buchanan to Portland
Friday where he took the Stream
liner to Minneapolis to attend a
C. I. O. convention.
Mr. and Mrs. Will Nordeen of
Baker were visitors last week at
the Newt O'Harra home.
Deanna Steagall, daughter of
Mr. and Mrs. Wilbur Steagall has
enrolled in St. Joseph's academy
as have the two small sons of
Mr. and Mrs. Bernard Doherty.
Funeral services were held Sat.
urday from the Congregational
Boardman Schools
Open Monday With
Enrollment of 105
The school doors were opened
Monday with a full corps of tea
chers ready for work.Supt. W. E.
Meidinger, F.F.A., Ronald Black;
coach, Walter Turner; English,
Mrs. Ruth Studer; band, Mr.
Reed; grades 7 and 8, Mrs. La
Vern Partlow; 5 and 6, Mrs. Edith
6) 0
in vein t
$70.00 Minimum Trade-in for your old re
frigerator regardless of type, age, or condi
tion, on any new
$50.00 Trade-in for your old range regard
less of type, age, or condition on any new
P.O. Box 75 1819S.W. Court
Lexington Pendleton, Ore.
Lexington Store open Friday and Saturday Nights until 9 P. M.
church for Mrs. Ernestine Majes
ke. Mrs. Majeske passed away
at the home of her son Adolph at
the age of 82 years, 10 months
and 9 days, having been born in
Poland October 28. 1867.
She is survived by sons Eavald,
Hermann, Julius, and Emil, a
daughter Martha and several
errandchiMren and crmat BranH
'children all in Germany. Here
sne ieii Aaoipn , ner son and
three grandchildren and two
great grandchildren, three neph
ews, Henry, Fred and Julian
Rauch, and two nieces, Mrs. Alex
Hunt and Mrs. G. Hermann. In
terment was in Lexington I. O.
O. F. cemetery Services were con
ducted by Rev. A. H. Reitz of the
Lutheran church of Hermiston.
Mr. and Mrs. Ronald Ansted of
Klamath Falls returned to their
home Sunday after attending the
funeral of Mrs. Ansted's grand
mother, Mrs. Ernestine Majeske.
Mr. and Mrs. William Messell
of Portland were visitors at the
A. F. Majeske home over the
Mrs. Everett Crum is a patient
at The Dalles hospital.
The small daughter of Mr. and
Mrs. Leonard unkers has been
named Mary Christine. Mr. and
Mrs. Munkers, Dewie and George
Irwin motored to Baker Friday
after Barbara Graves, niece of
Mrs, Munkers who will help in
the home for a while.
Partlow; 3 and 4, Mrs. W. E. Mei
dinger, 1 and 2, Mrs. Zoe Bill
ings. Bus drivers are Robert Har
wood and W. E. Garner. Cafe
cooks are Mrs. N. A. Macomber
and Mrs. Claud Coats; janitor,
Robert Harwood.
Grade enrollment is approxi
mately 70 with new students to
enroll in a few days. High scnooi
will be about the average enroll
ment of 35 students.
Mr. and Mrs. Clayton Allen are
the parents of a baby son born
September 9 at St. Athony's hos
pital in Pendleton. This is the
first son and second child for the
Aliens. Grandparents are Mr. and
Mrs. Wickman of Boise, and Mr.
nd Mrs. Arthur Allen of Board
man. Great grandparents are Mr.
and Mrs. Jesse Allen.
Mi-, and Mrs. Alfred Archer
have sold their new home at the
south edge of town to Mr. and
Mrs. Algy Taylor and have mov.
ed to Portland.
Mr. and Mrs. Lester Thorpe of
Nescott, Oregon, are the parents
of a daughter. Mr. Thorpe is a
brother of Nathan Thorpe and a
former Boardman resident.
Mrs. Anna Cramer who has
been a patient in the Pioneer
Memorial hospital, Heppner, was
able to return home Saturday.
Mr. and Mrs. Bernie McLaughlin
motored over for her.
A. J. Reese was taken to the
Pioneer Memorial hospital, Hep
pner Saturday evening where he
will receive medical treatment
Chas. Dillon and R. B. Rands took
him over.
- Larry Thorpe, son of Mr. and
Mrs. Nathan Thorpe, was winner
of the 4-H tractor driving con
test at the Morrow County Fair,
competing with five other 4-H
boys over the county.
Mr. and Mrs. George Mefford
of Burns were overnight guests
at the home of Mefford's brother
in law and sister, Mr. and Mrs.
Leo Root Wednesday.
Mr. and Mrs. Donald Downey
who have resided in Spokane the
past year where Downey attend
ed telegraphers school spent a
few days here visiting their pa
rents, Mr. and Mrs. Earl Downey
J. Palmer Sorlien, Minister
Morning worship 11 a. m. Let?
a group to the Church of Christ
to help welcome their new pastor.
Sunday church school at 9:45.
A class for every age. Oliver Cres
wick, superintendent.
Thursday, choir practice 7:30.
Womens Society of Christian
Service meets first Wednesday
of month at 8 p. m.
Suzanna Wesley circle meets
the third Wednesday at 2 p. m.
o .
Pastor Shelby Graves
Sunday school 9:45 a. m. A
class for every age.
Worship service 11 a. m.
Young Peoples service 7 p. m.
Evangelistic service 7:45 p. m.
Tuesday evening Bible study
and prayer meeting 7:45 in lone.
Friday evening Bible study
and prayer meeting 7:45 p. m.
R. J. McKowen, Minister
Christ, the Only Foundation,
will be the sermon theme at the
ll o ciock service nunaay morn
ing. Special music will be in
charge of Mrs. Fred Hoskins, Jr.
A reception for the new minis
ter and family will be held in
the church parlors following the
service. All friends are invited.
and Mr. and Mrs. Ralph Earwood
before going to Heppner where
Downey will operate.
E. T. Messenger returned home
Sunday after a week in Portland
and way points with relatives.
Chas. Goodwin left Wednesday
for Salem where he has work for
a month. He will return to Board
man to finish his work here.
Donald Gillespie returned Sat
urday evening from Lexington
where he has been employed
during harvest and fall work at
the Bill Marquardt farm.
Brand New Rural SJPZ
Marshall-Wells Store
Don Walker, Owner Phone 503
Time to Pack for College
School and college are at hand. Now's a good time to
get clothes spic and span, moth proofed and like new by
letting us dry clean them for fall. You will be surprised
how you can avoid new clothes expense if you let us renew
your clothes now.
Pickup and Delivery . . . Just Phone 2592
Watch Our Windows for New