Heppner Gazette Times, Thursday, September 14, 1950 EDITORIAL kgJPUBllSHIM 5-'ASSOCIATION NATIONAL EDITORIAL Slogan Fully Sustained Morrow county's 1950 fair and rodeo is now history and there is little doubt in the minds of those who are in a position to know that the fair board's slogan 'The Biggest Little Fair in Ore gon" has been more than justified. From the standpoint of attendance at both the fair and the rodeo and the enthusiasm displayed in the vari ous features of the five-day show the logical con clusion is that it was all worthwhile and calls for sincere praise for all who cooperated in making it such a success. It is genuinely satisfactory to note the progress made by the fair since it was moved out to the new grounds. Each year has found new build ings added, new departments instituted and greatest of all, greater interest manifested on the part of exhibitors. Construction of the big new pavilion certainly was no mistake. Ample room has been provided for booths and table space for individual and group exhibits, of which there were many. And the dance pavilion paid off handsomely, being only a few dollars (comparatively) short of the biggest all-time take during a rodeo season. Further improvement of the building, such as a hardwood floor, would give the fair boaTd one of the finest dance pavilions to be found anywhere. The general opinion prevails that moving the entire show out to the fair grounds, including the carnival, was the best move yet made. It didn't hurt business along the main thoroughfare and it gave the people a chance to take in everything without having to run back and forth between the grounds and town. Let us repeat that it was a good fair and well worth the time and effort put into it.' Another entertainment feature that appears to be getting hold of the people is the Chamber of Commerce-County Court sponsored picnic which was held again this year and which undoubtedly is now a fixture on the program. The attendance at the picnic wa almost double that of last year. Many people residing in the county have not been aware that the court house park existed or that if there was one it could be used for such gather, ings. It has been the desire of the present court to- have the public make use of the park and it looks like it will be given more prominence in the years to come. An indication of the size of the crowd Satur day may be found in the consumption of ice cream, coffee and punch, the items provided by the sponsors. It required 25 gallons of ice cream and about 20 gallons each of coffee and punch this on top of all the goodies the picnickers had in their baskets. An otherwise creditable parade was dulled to some extent by the lack of a sound wagon. With but one band to head a three or four band parade and the one band at the head of the procession, there should be some lively chatter interspersed with recordings to keep up a steady interest in the concourse. The people who go to the trouble to fix up for the parade are entitled to recognition for their efforts and a jolly crowd of spectators exudes more warmth. Let us have the sound wa gon next year, if for no other reason than to keep up a steady round of music after the band has passed out of hearing range of the greater part of the spectator line. Check The "Liberals" While the American people have a hearty dis like for socialism, they may one day wake up under its yoke, says an exchange. John T. Flynn, in his book entitled "The Road Ahead", describes how free societies change to' some form of socialism. He points out that a primary step in that change is government oper ation of key industries such as electric power. And the highly respected Brookings Institute, in a factual study of the rise of Hitler and Nazism, discovered the same pattern first, seizure and control of key industries. These findings should be of deep significance to the people of the United States because there is a definite program within our country, sponsored by a small clique of public officials, for government operation of key industries beginning with the electric industry. This program coupled with excessive government .non-defense spending, unless thwarted will lead to socialism. Many of the promoters of government spend ing and nationalization of industry are apparent, ly not even aware of where they are taking the country. They are men of good will. They rank themselves as liberals. They are free with the tax money of the people and easily accept the idea of government guidance, support, and coer cion of the private citizen, supposedly for his own good. They abhor the brutalities of political oppression but they are sowing its seeds. The menace in this situation is well illustrated in the Southwest. There the public ownership drive gained added momentum recently when the Southwestern Power Administration devised a scheme by which it can circumvent congressional restrictions on Federal construction of steam-generating plants and transmission lines that dupli cate existing investor-owned facilities. Several states are threatened with this Federal power monopoly and yet the people in the area are not aware of the danger. When questioned about it the farmers in the Southwest expressed strong opposition to government in the electric business but only eight per cent of them had ever heard of the Southwestern Power Administration! It seems almost incredible that an alien polit ical philosophy, such as socialism, could creep up on a people who despise it but that is just what is hapening at an accelerating pace. It is time the self-styled "liberals" leading the parade be asked for an accounting. "Truman may have read about Martin Van Buren, who was defeated for the presidency be cause he refused to spend the public funds." Centralia, Wash., Chronicle. "No woder babies cry when they are born into this world naked and hungry, and find they already owe the government $1,700." Olney, 111 Advocate. "Of every dollar Minnesota paid in taxes in 1948, 70 cents of it went to Washington, only 15 cents of it stayed at home in our own local gov ernment." Ulen, Minn., Union. The oAmerican Way LOOK AT SWITZERLAND By DEWITT EMERY - Probably some of my readers will say, or at least think, that this piece is in bad taste now that American boys are being killed every day in the "police action" in Korea. If so, so be it. However, to those who feel that way I'd suggest that they keep in mind that "police action" or no "police action", war or no war, there is still an awful lot of de bunking which must be done if this country is to come out of this ruckus with its form of govern ment unchanged and its way of life intact. A recent survey of world eco nomic conditions shows that no country in the world is in a stronger position than Switzer land. It is the only country in the world which has its currency backed 100 percent by gold. In fact, the Swiss gold holding per capita is more than three times as great as in the United States. How has it been possible for Switzerland, completely surroun ded by countries which have had recurrent wars, to remain neutral whereas the United States which is more than three thousand mil es away has been involved in two European wars and is now well on its way to being very seriously involved in another one? Maybe part of the answer is that Switzerland has defied ever rule which the American inter nationalists say must be followed by a modern state in order to maintain peace and promote prosperity. Switzerland is not a member of the United Nations. Out of cour tesy to this country it joined the Marshall plan but it never took a dime of American money. It did not become a partner in the European payments plan set up by the recipient nations under the Marshall plan. It did not be come a member of the Council of Europe. It did not join the Bretton Woods world bank or monetary fund. It is not a party to the North Atlantic military alliance or of the mutual assist ance program. Switzerland does not have any government supported plans or devices to promote free trade. Switzerland is a true Republic, has been for 600 years, and keeps open frontiers for both imports and exports. It is the only capital exporting countTy in Europe and its exports capital not on the ba sis of government hand-outs but rather on sound business terms. Switzerland imports more than it exports and pays the excess in cash instead of crying, like its neighbor countries, over "dollar shortages"'or inability to balance payments. The Swiss did not devalue their currency last September when their European neighbors did. Instead they maintained the par ity of the Swiss franc with the dollar, which has existed since 1936 even though this had the effect of increasing the price on Swiss exports by 43 percent. Swit zerland has met this problem by sustained production of high grade capital goods which Eu rope and the world badly need. Under a free competitive econ omy the Swiss work while their socialist competitors mess around with rules, regulations, export and import controls, the devising of plans and the setting up of goals which are never met. Those who swallow the inter nationalists' bait that only the government can promote prosper, ity and that only through con stant dealings with international agencies and through interna tional agreements and alliances can peace and stability be main tained would do well to take not one but several long looks at Switzerland and its accomplishments. Mace Gay has come from Van couver, Wash, to make his home and is now employed by Howard Keithley as a carpenter's helper. A nephew of Mrs. Wm. French and Walter Gay, he is making his home with his aunt. The Shelby Graves family vis ited their daughter and son-in-law, Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth Jen sen, in Kalispel, Mont., last week. They left on Labor day and re turned on Friday. Your Trip I U 1 1 II I I I M n MM Ml I Pill niu TTTT JJli ! f PA Enjoy the cities and the countryside of tha East in the delightful fall sea son. En route visit Bun Valley, owned and operated by Union Pacific You have your choice of Pullman or coach accommodations. Lounges . . . delicious dining; car meals. Three trains dally fo and from the East . . . fast schedules . . . low fares. Streamliner "CITY OF PORTLAND" "PORTLAND ROSE" "IDAHOAN" Lt hi hlp plan your trip Local Agent SOI to l:M p.SL Mends threes FrMsyt HOAO Of THI DAILY tntAMUNlftt fM MHNOAMI fltANSrOtTAnON-6 SttU.t.Mf UNION PACIFIC 30 Years Ago September 16, 1920. Ben Buschke, who owns exten. sive farm lands in the Cason canyon neighborhood adjacent to Rhea creek, suffered a loss of $4000 by fire Tuesday afternoon. Carl Richard Peterson and Miss Alverta Wilcox were united in marriage by Rev. B. S. Nystrom Sunday afternoon. A light pole at the highway's edge back of the school grounds on the turn was shaved off close to the ground Saturday night when a big six-cylinder car hit it full ahead. The car was badly damaged but the occupants were only bruised and shaken. Heppner public schools opened Monday with a good enrollment, 84 students in the high school. The grades were well filled with the primary grade filled and running over. An extra teacher could be used. Born to Mr. and Mrs. Ora E, Adkins a daughter on Tuesday, sept. 14. Born in The Dalles on Mon day, Sept. 13, to Mr. and Mrs. W G. McCarty, a son weighing 8 pounds. ' Mrs. Minnie Furlone and child ren have moved into town from their Eight Mile farm home and the children will attend school. Kobert Notson and his sister Miss Mary Notson were passen gers Saturday for Salem after spending the summer vacation with their parents, Mr. and Mrs. S. E. Notson. They are enrolled at Willamette university. Mrs. A. G. DeVore and daugh ters Cecil and Loye departed for t-ugene Friday where the young ladies will enter upon their sec ond year at the University. County Clerk Waters issued a marriage license Saturday to Ol iver Potter and Agnes Anderson, young people of Eight Mile. Wheat was strong in this vi cinity last Friday. Ralph Jackson of Lexington sold 10000 sacks of Turkey Red to a local buyer at $2.30'4 per bushel. ALL SAINTS MEMORIAL CHURCH (Episcopal) Holy Communion 8 a. m. Church school 9:45 a. m. Morning Praver and sermon 11 WEEK-DAY: Holy Communion .Wednesday at 10 Friday at 7:30 a. m. Choir practice Thursday 8 p. m. o . Mrs. Jessie Batty and son Gil bert were over from Kimberlv for the week-end and were guests of Mr. and Mrs. Douglas Ogletree, Deadline For Crop Insurance Sept. 30 Farmers interested in obtain ing Federal Crop Insurance this year are urged to give the matter immediate attention, says L. L. Howton, chairman of the county PMA committee. If wheat farm ers could buy seed wheat guar anteed to return at least the cost, thy would be willing, likely, to pay double for the price of non guaranteed seed. The chairman said that the federal crop insur ance program offers the farmer a much better proposition. He seeds non-guaranteed wheat in the regular manner that pays the equivalent of (in most cases less) the cost of the seed to the Crop Insurance corporation and "come hell or high water" he knows that he will not only get back the cost of his seed but also the approximate cost of pro ducing his crop. Howton points out that more than 50 percent of the wheat farmers in Mrorow county are planting "guaranteed" wheat bv carrying federal crop insurance. Many of these farmers have car ried the insurance for seven or more years without a croc loss and are now receiving a 25 per cent reduction in premiums. A great many of the other insured farmers have been paid for loss es in one or more of the years in which they have carried the insurance. The last day for obtaining this insurance is September 30. For further information inquire at the local PMA office in Heppner. o AUXILIARY TO MEET All members of the American Legion auxiliary are reminded that the season's activities will start at 8 o'clock Tuesday eve ning, September 19, at the Legion hall. o Horses Show Gain In Numbers as Well As Showmanship The 1950 Morrow county fair saw a substantial increase in the number of horses exhibited as well as a noticeable improve ment in their quality, according to Merle Becket, president of the Wranglers. Showmanship contin ued to improve as experience is gained and it was generally be lieved tnat the exhibition of the horses is destined to become more prominent in fairs to come. he says. Herewith is the outcome of the conformation classes: Colts and fillies foaled in 1950: 1st Altha Kirk; 2nd, Newt O'Har ra; 3rd, Ralph Beamer. Yearlings foaled in 1949: 1st Merlyn Robinson; 2nd, Silver Star Pony Ranch; 3rd Ralph Beamer. Stallions: 1st, Merlyn Robin son; 2nd, Bill Smethurst; 3rd, Ralph Beamer. Mares and colts: 1st Archie Murchison; 2nd, Ralph Beamer; 3rd, Frank Turner. Parade horse: 1st, Altha Kirk; 2nd, Merlyn Robinson; 3rd, Bet ty Smethurst. Shetlands up to 42 inches: 1st, Silver Star Pony Ranch; 2nd Sha ron Bunch; 3rd Jerry Anderson. Shetlands 42 inches and up: 1st Judy Thompson; 2nd, Geraldine Swaggart; Janet Thompson, 3rd. Other ponies: Silver Star Pony Ranch, Barbara Steagall, rider; Silver Star Pony Ranch, Dickie Sherer, rider, and third, Larry Fetsch. Due to the shortage of time and two major events, the low hurdle and the quadrille were cancelled. The Wranglers club, sponsor for this division of the fair, felt that the event was car ried off satisfactorily and that much valuable experience was gained which would serve to im prove future exhibitions of this kind. o Jack Ployhar has returned from Alaska where he has been em ployed for several months DAM CE I.O. O. F.Hall Lexington Music by The Star Dusters $I.OO per person, tax included Sat'day, Sept. 16 LUNCH SERVED PROFESSIONAL DIRECTORY DR. H, S. HUBER DENTIST First National Bank Bldg. Room 116 Phone 2342 PRINTING... That satisfies. Why not let us fill that next printing order? HEPPNER GAZETTE TIMES AS RUSSIA SEES IT The latest March of Time film "As Russia Sees It" presents an' illuminating and timely analy sis of the world situation today, irom the viewpoint of the Krem lin at Moscow and will be shown at the Star Theater Tuesday and Wednesday, Sept. 19 and 20 in addition to the advertised pro gram. The film carefully evaluates the opportunities for conauest as Joseph Stalin and his Soviet henchmen see them, and shows why the Russians chose to take action now in Korea rather than elsewhere. Deterred on one hand .by U. S. superiority in atomic weapons, hut encouraged by his own mili tary might, Stalin weighed the cost of aggression in a half dozen coveted areas adjacent to the So viet Union's snhere of control be fore deciding upon Korea as the scene ot his first "local action." The March of Time granhicallv analyzes, as Stalin has done, the chances for Soviet success in each of these localities. Stalin was unwilling to risk all out war, the film points out, and though he was taken by surprise when the U. S. unexpectedly threw its armed strength into the Korean tight, he welcomed the opportunity to test his own wea pons, against the latest develop ed in America at North Korea's risk rather than his own. In "As Russia Sees It" the March of Time also shows how the U. S. is meeting the chal lenge in Korea the mobilization of manpower and industry; the reactivation of planes, tanks, and ships laid up since the end of World War II; and the actions which the U. S. is takinu with other members of the United Na tions to check permanently the aggressions of Stalin and his Communistic satellites. Special attention is also called to the feature picture playing on these dates. THe HASTY HEART is one of the outstanding films in release today. HEPPNER GAZETTE TIMES The Heppner Gazette, established March 30, 1883. The Heppner Times, established November 18, 1897. Consolidated Feb. 15, 1912. Published every Thursday and entered at the Post Office at Heppner, Oregon, as second class matter. Subscription price, $3.00 a year; single copies, 10c. O.G.CRAWFORD Publisher and Editor JOS. J. NYS ATTORNEY AT LAW Peters Bldg., Willow Street Heppner, Oregon Call Settles Electric for all kinds of Electrical Work New and Repair Shop phone 2253 at Willow & Chase Streets. Res. Phone 2542 J.O.TURNER ATTORNEY AT LAW Phone 173 Hotel Heppner Building Heppner, Oregon Carpentry and Cement Work By Day or Contract Bruce Bothwell Phone 84S P. W. MAHONEY ATTORNEY AT LAW General Insurance Heppner Hotel Building Willow Street Entrance J. O. PETERSON Latest Jewelry & Gift Goods Watches, Clocks, Diamonds Expert Watch & Jewelry Repairing Heppner, Oregon 723 for the answer to your INSURANCE problems. If we don't know the answers we will find them for you. C. A. Ruggles Agency Fl owers for all occasions in season or special MARY VAN'S FLOWER SHOP Dr. L. D. Tibbies OSTEOPATHIC Physician & Surgeon First National Bank Building Res. Ph. 1162 Office Ph. 492 Veterans of Foreign Wars Meetings 2nd & 4th Mondays at 8:00 p.m. at Civic Center A.D. McMurdo,M.D. PHYSICIAN & SURGEON Trained Nurse Assistant Office in Masonic Building Heppner, Oregon Turner, Van Marterl and Company GENERAL INSURANCE Dr. C. C. Dunham CHIROPRACTIC PHYSICIAN Office No. 4 Center St. House Calls Made Home Phone 2583 Office 2572 Phelps Funeral Home Licensed Funeral Directors Phone 1332 Heppner, Oregon C. A. RUGGLES Representing Blaine E. Isom Insurance Agency Phone 723 Heppner, Ore. Heppner City Cntmrll Mt" First Monday WUUntll aoh Month Citizens . having matters for discussion, please bring them before the Council. Phone 2572 N. D. BAILEY Cabinet Shop Lawn Mowers Sharpened Sewing Machines Repaired Phone 1485 for appointment or call at shop. Morrow County Abstract & Title Co. INC. ABSTRACTS OF TITLE TITLE INSURANCE Offioe in Peters Bulldlnf RICHARD J. O'SHEA. M. D. Physician and Surgeon 2 Church Street Telephone 1152 Morrow County Court Meets First Wednesday of Ettcl Month County Judge Office Hours i Monday, Wednesday, Friday 9 a.m. to 6 p.m. Tuesday, Thursday, Saturday Fore, oon only. ALFRED BASKA GENERAL CONTRACTOR 2-bedroom (block) house, com plete, $4500. Phone 404, Condon, Ore. 914 r - Dr. J. D. PALMER DENTIST Rooms 11-12 First National Bank Building Ph.: Office 783, Home 932