Heppner, Oregon, Thursday, September 7, 1950 daughter Leeta are vacationing at the beach. Mr. and Mrs. W. C. Crawford were Portland visitors Tuesday. Their daughter, Mrs. John Vorl heers and two small daughters accompli nied them home. Mrs. Bert Williams (Joan Cole man) of Heppner, was honored with a bridal shower last Thurs day at the Legion hall. She re ceived many lovely and useful gifts. The hostesses were Mes ciames Ernes I MeCabe, Edmond Eristow. Milton Morgan, and Delmer Crawford and Miss Lola Ann MeCabe. Robert and Billy Joe Rietmann, Hollo Crawford and Paul Tews returned Sunday from a week's Irip through Ueno, I.'ev., L;:l;e Tahoe and San Francisco. Carl Peterson has bought the 1 John Jackson house in lone. The Jacksons have moved to their newly acquired farm on Rhea creek. Mr. and Mrs. Berl Akers and sons and Mr. and Mrs. H. O. Ely left for a vacation on the coast last week. Mr .and Mrs. Delmer Crawford left for Portland Tuesday. They' plan to visit the state fair and other -points during their vaca tion. Mr. and Mrs. Clyde Denney of Portland were we--k-end guests of Mrs. Werner Rietmann. Sun day Mrs. Rietmann had as dinner guests also, Mr. and Mrs. Earl Blake of Heppner and Mr. and Mrs. Victor Rietmann. Lewis Halvorsen, George Ely, Sam Esteb and Rod Wentworth left early Saturday morning to attended a conclave of the Burns' Masonic lodge in the Malheur caves. This is an annual affair. After a cowboy breakfast served at the caves Sunday morning the men returned home. Mrs. Etta Bristow returned af ter a week's visit with relatives in Walla Walla. Mrs. David Riet mann drove to Pendleton to meet her mother Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Richard Ballon of Portland were guests for the week at the" mountain home of Mr. and Mrs. Earl Blake. Mrs. Bollon who was Catherine Jones, formerly of lone is a sister of Mrs. Blake. The Bollons stopped to visit friends when passing through lone on their return to Portland. Mr. and Mrs. Herbert Ekstrom from their vacation. Dicky is still nursing two broken wrists he received when he was play ing in a playground in Portland.' Mrs. Idus Raines .and daugh ter Jean and Mrs. Matthew Ball returned Thursday from Port land. They reported their trailer tires suffered damage when the going was roughest over roads under construction. CheTie Corley, four year old daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Walter Corley was unfortunate in hav- ing her arm broken for the sec ond time this year. She was tak en to The Dalles for treatment. E. L. West and Less Nelson spent Sunday fishing on the Co lumbia river. Mr. and Mrs. Townsend of Sa lem are visiting their son and family, the Herschel Townsends. Tom White of Hermiston spent Labor day in IoneVith his son Gordon. . Miss Gladys Breshears of Hol lywood, Calif, is visiting her par ents, Mr .and Mrs. Dale Ray. Mr. and Mrs. Victor Rietmann accompanied by Billy Joe, Ruby Ann and nephew John Peterson left Monday for The Dalles to visit Mr. and Mrs. Elmer Peter son before, goink to to visit Mr. and Mrs. Paul Balsiger at White Salmon. Mesdames E. M. Baker, Frank lin Ely and Omar Rietmann of lone and Mrs. B. C. Forsythe of Heppner attended a P. T. A. school of instruction in Fendle ton Aug. 29. Mrs. Marguerite Schied of Chicago, field consul tant fo rthe National Congress, Mrs. Jenelle Moorehead of Eu gene, president of Oregon Con gress of Parents and Teachers 1 and Mrs. J. W. Staggs of Milton, regional president, were main speakers, conducting an interest ing and instructive program. Mardine Baker accompanied the Indies to Pendleton and spent the day vis-iting at the home of her aunt, Mrs. Mildred Hoover. Mrs. E. M. Baker, experienced his Ronald Baker, son of Mr. and first plane ride when he flew to forth. Honald was to compete in Salem Monday with O. W. Cuts-4-H club interview which was to determine th efour Oregon dele gates to attend the 4-H summer school in Washington D. C. next June. Mrs. E. L. Ferguson of Portland was a week-end visitor at the home of her mother, Mrs. Robert Seaton. o WORDS OF APPRECIATION We wish, through the columns of the Gazette Times, to thank the Heppner fire department, the forest service and all others who rushed to the scene of the grass fire on our property Saturday. Due to the timely assistance the damage was greatly curtailed and we are ruly grateful. The Wightman family. We wish to take this opportu nity to thank any and ;mi ;' -sons who responded to our call for help in fighting the stubble and grass fire near our ranch this past week .Our special thanks to the Lexington fire department, Heppner fire department and the forest service. Mankin & Bunch We want to thank our neigh bors and the cty of Heppner for coming to our assistance Tues day when fire threatened our range. Although the fire was out before the help arrived from town, we feel deeply grateful for the tender of assistance. Mr. and Mrs. Don Greenup. 0 Mr. and Mrs. Walter Becket re turned Sunday evening from a four day holiday at the Buschke cabin in the mountains near Parker's Mill. Other guests over the week-end were Mr. and Mrs. Ben Anderson and Mr. and Mrs. Charles Becket. George N. Perry was over from Pendleton during the week-end. Zenith Electric Range . $279.95 10 cu. ft. Refrigerator . $265.00 7 cu. ft. Refrigerator . $189.95 Marshall-Wells Store Don Wclker, Owner Phone 503 r ' V1' 1 j! ,. Every day now we are greeting friendly customers just back from vacation. And, wisely, many of them are bring ing their Pontiacs in for a post-vacation check-up. We are glad to welcome these wonderful Pontiacs back home for this is home to them. Wherever you see the Pomiac service sign is the place where your Pontine is given expert attention by factory-trained service specialists, using special tools and equipment and factory-engineered parts. Naturally, the men who know Pontiac best can service it best and save you money in the long run. Protect Your Pontiac with Pontiac Service CHECK LIST FOR FALL Q Tune-up Diagnosisincluding en gine tune-up and a complete check and report off all working units of your car. "1 Lubrication and Oil Change. Q Brake Adjustment (if your brake pedal goes to within 1" of floor board). Q Steering Adjustment. I""l Adust clutch (if pedal has more than 1" of "play") or check Hydra Matic fluid level. I-! Clean and inspect cooling system and add necessary anti-freexe. Rotate tires. Come In for a "Check-Up" Today! FARLEY PONTIAC CO.