OUT L JllTJ.JJrflH J. J HEPPNER GAZETTE TIMES Heppner, Oregon, Thursday, September 7, 1950 Faculty At lone Complete; School To Open Monday The selection of the lone fa culty has been completed with Henry Osibov, supt; Russell De. Bondt, athletic coach, biology, history; Alan Robertson, music, band and glee club; Mrs. Mau rine Nelson, girls activities, phys. ed., health, English; Hubert Tho- reson, commerce and chemistry Frank Ellis, 7th and 6th grades and shop in high school; Mrs. Gladys Ely, 5th and 6th; Mrs. Alice Linn, 3rd and 4th; Miss Barbara Johnson, 1st and 2nd; Clifford McCabe, custodian of the building and Mrs. Etta Bris. tow and Mrs. Fred Buchanan in charge of lunch room. A teacher's workshop will be held Sept 7 and 8 and school will begin Sept. 11. There will be a full day of school and lunches will be serv ed. Robert Rietmann, comman der of the lone post, James Bar nett and Ernest McCabe left Wednesday to attend the Amer- ican Legion convention at Grants Pass. Mrs. Cleo Drake and daugh ters, Mrs. Eldon Tucker and Miss Delores Drake left last week for Portland and other points of in terest for a vacation before school starts. Fayne Ely is recovering from an injury he received when his car trunk door fell causing a scalp wound which necessitated five stitches. Helmuth Hermann, Gene Riet mann and Alton Yarnell drove to Portland Wednesday of last week to hear Spike Jones' orchestra. Alton continued on to visit in Seattle and the other boys re- Keep this Date in Mind PEHAL SAILS Tuesday September 9 HEPPNER SALES YARD HAROLD ERWIN, Operator JOHN VARNER, Auctioneer HARRY DINGES, Clerk THE WRANGLERS COWBOY BREAKFAST Sunday Morning-7:00 to 9:00 on the Court House Lawn $1.00 Per Plate THE WRANGLERS turned home Thursday. Margaret Hubbard, 13 year old daughter of Mr .and Mrs. Van Hubbard, is nursing a snrnlnprl knee, the result of a fall with her horse after the Pendleton Round-up parade. Margaret and Janet Howton were the Standard bearers for Ione's group of riders. Mrs. Ann Smouse and daught er Shirlee of Heppner returned last week from a trip they made to South Bend, Indiana, coming home through California where they visited Mr. and Mrs. Paul Smouse in Pasadena. Mrs.. John Osteen (Thelma Forbes) of Oakdale Calif, is vis iting her mother Mrs. Minnie Forbes. This is Mrs. Osteen's first visit since 1940 to her home town and she has been busy greeting old friends. Miss Doris Amacher of Port- . land was a week-end guest of her girl -hood friend Mrs. Ken neth Smouse. Mr. and Mrs. Dwight Haugen of Portland were guests of her mother Mrs. Fannip nnffith when they spent a couple of days in lone on their way to Cam bridge, Mass. where Mr. Haugen will enter Harvard this fall. Mrs. Warren Crutcher of Bor ing, Ore. spent the week-end with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Otto Lindstrom. Mr. and Mrs. Oscar I.nnHplI and Pat left Friday to visit their son Harlan and family in Boise. ivir .ana Mrs. Koy Linastrom and family are vacationing with relatives on Orcas Island in Pu- get Sound. Bill Hubbard and Rodger Kin. caid were reDorteri harilv cut a-nA shaken up when the Hubbard picK-up leir. tne road between Heppner and Lexington Saturday night. Delbert Emmert lost some hay by fire Monday. The damage was caused by a spark which started a iire that humeri nn tho Viav chopper. The lone fire engine, anven Dy JKamond Bristow ar rived in time to avert more se rious damaee. It was renortprt that the bridge at Emerts col- lapsea. Mr. and Mrs. Carl Linn and Turn over the page, please ' 9'Jr f SCHOOL UK1CI1ES . MAKE THEIR gANDWICHESWITH MAYFLOWER CHEDDAR CHEESE Youngster like the tangy goodness of Mayflower Cheddar and it'i the finest body-building food you can give them for school lunches. Put Mayflower Cheddar Cheese on your shopping list today.