Page 4 Heppner Gazette Times, Thursday, September 7, 1950 Fall Pointers LADIES SUITS AND COATS WOOL DRESSES, SKIRTS; CHILDREN'S COATS Koret Sportswear SLACKS - JACKETS - SKIRTS Long and Short Sleeve Blouses in White and Assorted Colors Wool Jersey Blouses and Dresses SKIRTS, WESKITS and JUMPERS in Velveteen WESTERN STYLE SLACK SUITS MUNSINGWEAR HOSIERY in New Fall Shades We hope you enjoy the Morrow County Fair and Rodeo this week-end. Norah's Shop SEE THE $10,000 HAT with Hundreds of Autographs of FAMOUS PERSONS r a) Ss., Y . 1 This HAT will be on display in our window Thursday Friday Saturday The World Famous STETSON HAT is owned by Sandy Smead . . . meet him Thursday, Friday, Saturday INSURED BY LLOYDS OF LONDON FOR 515,000 WILSON'S MEN'S WEAR Heppner, Oregon 110 1 1 1 1 i " "j- l3Sly n H40 '41 ' '43 ' '45 '46 V '41 '49 '50 &f uess Reddy Kilowatt is working longer for you, running more labor-saving appli ances. Yet, the longer he works, the lower are his hourly wages. Today Reddy's pay for housework averages only about half as much per hour as ten years ago. Can you think of any thing else that has gone down and down in price? THE COST OF LIVING is up 68 RATE CUTS SINCE 1940 have meant TODAY'S BIGGEST BARGAIN! since 1940. But PP&L's average price total net savings of nearly 18 million Residential electric rates here are less for household electricity is down 40 I dollars to users of PP&L's electricity 1 than half of the national average. Pacific Power & Light Company 1910 Our 40th Anniversary Year 1950 Monument Schools Opened Monday With 124 Enrolled The school bell rang on Mon day. There were 20 high school students that registered and 104 grade school students. There are two high school teachers, Mr. and Mrs. McLaughlin and four grade teachers, Mj. Peterman, Mrs. Farrow, Mrs. Patzer and Mrs. Hinton. Mr. and Mrs. Earl Sweek left Tuesday to attend the American Legion convention .at Grants Pass on September 6-9. They are both delegates from unit No. 14S. Mr. and Mrs. Junior Jones and children of Prineville were house guests of Mr. and Mrs. Melvin Rounds. Chance Wilson was attending to matters of business in Long Creek Monday. Mrs. Lottie Foss of Boise, Ida. visited her mother, Mrs. Josie Round and her daughter, Mrs. Stephen Holmes. Mrs. Faye Munday and daugh ter Joyce of the L. S. ranch, on Cottonwood spent Sunday after noon in town. Mr .and Mrs. Thomas McLau ghlin came from Portland Fri day. They spent the week-end getting things at the school house in readiness for school on Monday Sept. 4. Mrs. Anna Lesley returned to Monument Saturday. She has spent the summer vacation visit ing her children. She will be em ployed by Mr. and Mrs. Boyd Hinton during the school year. Mr. and Mrs. Earl Barnard helped Mr. and Mrs. Fred Gasner during harvest. - Lawrence Fleming of Eugene spent Monday night in Monu merit as a guest of his brother and sister-in-law, Mr. and Mrs Lee Fleming. Mr. and Mrs. Lindell Broad- foot are the parents of a baby gin corn iept. l in the Pendleton hospital. Mr .and Mrs. Miles Gilman vi sited in Baker with their daugh ter and son-in-law, Mr. and Mrs. Charles Pope and children over the holidays. . Bill Elder of Vale and John Carter of Long Creek were In Monument Saturday. Mr .and Mrs. George McDuffy of Portland spent the week vis iting Mr. and Mrs. Dempsey Bo yer and Mrs. Ida Bleakman. The ladies are sisters. Mr .and Mrs. Raymond Hooker and daughters went to Magoon lake to spend Labor day. They missed the heat for a few days. Mr. and Mrs. Robert Humph reys and baby are moving from the Gribble house to a trailer. Mr. and Mrs. Tom Thorpe of Dayville visited their daughter and son-in-law ,Mr. and Mrs. Boyd Hinton Thursday. Mrs. Rho Bleakman and dau ghters were over night guests of ner parents, Mr. and Mrs. Dave Musgrave of Mt. Vernon Friday. Mr .and Mrs. Henry Cupper and children returned home from their vacation at the coast Sat urday. They visited Mr .and Mrs. Orval Wyland and children and Mr. and Mts. Zephyl Harrison at hstacada on their way home. Kay iippen of Medtord is en joying a few days visit with his sister and brother-in-law, Mr. and Mrs. Bill Gates. Mrs. La Verda Cox and Mrs. Anne Cox of Top were visiting in town Sunday afternoon. Mrs. Richard Cox and Mrs. Bu yes and son of Gilmore ranch were shopping in town Saturday. Mrs. Haskell Hobby had her sister, Lois Stephenson of Mitch ell as her guest over the week end. Mr. and Mrs. Joe Mellor spent the holidays with Mrs. Mellors sister and brother-in-law, Mr. and Mrs. Victor Weisse at Free water. Mr. and Mrs. Ned Sweek of Heppner visited friends and rel atives in Monument Sunday. o HEPPNER CHURCH OF CHRIST Louis Wetzell will occupy the pulpit next Sunday morning and C L. Van Slyke from the Mexi can Gospel Mission with head nuarters at Phoenix, Ariz, will be the speaker in the evening. ACTRESS AUTOGRAPHS FAMO OUS HAT MAKES FLYING VISIT . Mrs. Richard Zita, the former Dorothy Cutsforth, and baby daughter Deborah left yesterday by air from Pendleton for their home in New Britain, Conn, af ter a brief visit at the home of her father, O. W. Cutsforth and with other relatives. The visitors made the journey both ways by air, giving them several days more here than they could have enjoyed by other modes of trans portation. o COUSIN DIES Mayor and Mrs. Conley Lan ham and family left Wednesday for St. Maries, Ida. after receiv ing word of the death of John McDonald, cousin of Mr. Lan ham. Death came suddenly as Mr. McDonald was working in his store. The Lanhams were ex pecting Mr. and Mrs. McDonald here this week as their guests for the fair and rodeo. They. have visited Heppner frequently. o Mr. and Mrs. Don Fleck and daughter were week-end guests of friends in Heppner, coming this way on a vacation trip from their respective occupations in Seattle. With the Robert Grabills and John Saagers they formed a party enjoying a Chinese dinner in Hermiston Sunday evening. Mr. and Mrs. D.'A. Wilson en joyed Labor Day hunting grouse in the mountains south of Hepp ner. o CARD OF THANKS We wish to thank all those who helped at the scene of the accident and all the friends who sent cheering messages of good wishes, and for the gifts, flowers and personal visits during the convalescence. Charles A. Marquardt and family. o SEVERAL HEPPNJER PEOPLE Jr. Here from Boardman Saturday evening were Mr. and' Mrs. Rus sell Miller and Mr. and Mrs. Ralph Skoubo. Mr. and Mrs. Walter Rood or Elgin stopped briefly in Heppner Saturday enroute to t lie John Day for the holidays. Shirlee Gaines and Bonnie Hannan returned Friday from a week's stay in Portland with Shirlee's father, Harold Gaines. During their visit the girls spent a few days at Ocean lake. Mrs. Clyde Nutting of Prine ville visited friends in Heppner during the week-end. Wade Bothwell, Jack Parrish and Don Bennett motored to Port land for Labor Day. Week-end guests of Mr. and Mrs. P. A. Mollahan wore her father, Robert Owen and two nieces, Joanne and Darlene Har ris of Tacoma, and Mr. and Mrs. Robert Garrett of Portland. Mrs. Lucille Avers and son are here from Pendleton to spend the week with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Walter Farrens. Mr. and Mrs. William Rich ards had as their guests last week, her niece, Patsy Konney of Pendleton and nephew, Johnny Kenney of Portland. Departing guests of Mr. and Mrs. Leonard Pate were her mo ther, Mrs. A. E. Lindgren and twin brothers, Don and Darold. They left Tuesday for their home in Fairfax, S. D. after a week's stay in Heppner. Mr. and Mrs. Clarence Wise and daughter Darlene returned Friday from Prince George, Can ada .where they vacationed for a week. Saturday they and Mr. and Mrs. Pirl Howell motored to the Howell cabin on Willow creek for the holiday. Mary Brian, motion picture actress, shown here autographing the $10,000 panama this was in 192 3. This famous skypiece is now on display until Saturday night in the Wilson's Men's Wear store. The hat is 24 years old and has autographsfrom the famous peo ple of the world. Insured for $15,000 by Lloyds of London. LOST One Hudson Bay while blanket. Reward. Leave at Ga zette Times office. 25-26p FOR SALE '41 Dodge pickup. Contact Bob Wright in trailer house across from Heppner swimming pool. 25p Plllllllllllllllllllli I STAR iZD REPORTER J Admission prices afternoon and evening, unless specifically advertised to be otherwise Children: IS 55 . Est. Price .17, Fed. Tax .03, TOTAL 20oj Crade and High School Students U years and overs Est. 55 Price .40, Fed. Tax. .10, TOTAL 50c j Adults! Est. Price .60, Fed. Tax .10, TOTAL 60c. Every Child 55 occupying a seat mast have a ticket. : Sunday shows continuous from 1pm. Phone 1472 for starting time of the dif - 55 : ferent shows. All programs except Sunday start at 7:30 p. m. Sunday-Monday-Tuesday, Sept 10-11-12 MA AND PA KETTLE GO TO TOWN Marjorie Main, Percy Kilbride, Richard Long, Meg Randall, Gregg Martell When they do the town . . it's done for! The newest, most hilarious adventure of those homespun hillbillies. ADDED: HOUSE OF MERCY, an inter esting glimpse into the activities of a hospital and its importance to a com munity; Bugs Bunny; Newsrecl; Grant land Rice Sportlight. WELCOME BACK AGAIN, FOLKS I We hope your summer vacation was enjoy able and that you accomplished all the things you planned. Now that vacation time has ended, we look forward to your regular visits here and our aim Is to merit your patronage. Wednesday-Thursday, Sept. 13-14 LOVE HAPPY The Marx Brothers, Ilona Massey, Vera Ellen, Marion Hutton, Raymond Burr, Bruce Gordon The mad Marx Brothers are back and so, of course, there is plenty of laughter in this comedy with music. ADDED: PIGSKIN PASSES, nostalgic scenes of the gridiron past; Technicolor Traveltalk of MICHIGAN, and Cartoon. Friday-Saturday, Sept. 15-16 RIDERS OF THE RANGE Tim Holt and his pal, Chito, are the rid ers the range is in Arizona and all the rest is bang-up western action. PLUS SECOND FEATURE TO BE ANNOUNCED Sunday-Monday, Sept. 17-18 MY FRIEND IRMA GOES WEST Marie Wilson, John Lund, Dean Martin, Diana Lynn, Jerry Lewis, Corinne Cal vert, plus Pierre, a chimp who's ho chump The same zany group of characters who brought on gales of laughter in the first "Irma" picture are now transplanted to the colorful country around Reno for a wild, wild western. llllllllllllllllllllllllhiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii