Heppner gazette-times. (Heppner, Or.) 1925-current, September 07, 1950, Page Page 3, Image 3

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LINEN guest towels and kitchen
towels, stamped and with di
rections and threads. Nice for
bazaar contributions. Heppner
Flower Shop.
FORDS and friends is our busi
ness. Rosewall Motor Company
FOR SALE Desirable house lots
on west side. Blanche Brown,
203 Water street. Phone 462.
1949 FOHD Custom tudor, has ra.
dio, heater and over drive. Low
mileage and very clean. Pay
down $565.00. Rosewall Motor
TIRES cost more and getting
' scarce. If the front tires on
your car are showing excessive
weair your car may need a
front end correction. How is
your caster and camber? Drive
in for a quick inspection. Rose
wall Motor Company.
FOR SALE MAV washer used
one and a half years; Holly
wood double bed complete;
wardrobe trunk. All in excel
lent condition. Mrs. A. Wihlon,
Lexin g to n. 24-25c
DARKNESS comes early during
the months ahead. If your head
lights are out of focus bring
your car to us for a speedy
correction. We have the photo
electric type head lamp ad
juster. Don't take a chance
with bad lights. Rosewall Mo-
tor Company,
barley hay. L. S.
alfalfa and
Brown, lone,
IF YOU are planning on buying
a new car Clarence Rosewall
wants to see you.
NEEDLEPOINT pictures in cross
stitch, includes frames, glass
and thread. A good Christmas
suggestion. Heppner Flower
USED CARS priced from $75.00
up. Let us solve your trans
portation needs. Rosewall Mo-
tor Company. .
FOR SALE House on 103 Aiken
HARTFIELD, as Administratrix
of the Estate of W. A. Hart
field, deceased,
MURPHY, his wife,
This suit coming on regularly
for hearing on the complaint of
the plainuffs herein, plaintiffs
appearing by J. D. Weed, one of
their attorneys, and the defend
ants appearing not, either in per
son or by counsel, and the de
fault of both of said defendants
herein having been heretolore
entered on our record; and the
Court having considered the com
plaint herein and the files and
records of this suit and the testi
mony offered on behalf of plain
tills, and being fully advised in
the premises, it is hereby
lows: 1. That the plaintiffs, Jessie
Hartfield, and Jessie Hartiield,
as Administratrix of the Estate
of W. A. Hartfield, Deceased,
have judgment against the de
fendants, ISAAC W. MURPHY
and NONA MURPHY, his wife,
for the sum of $59,697.01, together
with interest thereon at the rate
of 6 per annum from and after
the date of entry of this judg
ment, and the further sum of
$1,810.00 attorneys' fees, and for
plaintiffs' costs and disburse
ments herein, taxed and allowed
in the sum of $18.25, and that ex
ecution issue therefor.
2. That the plaintiffs, Jessie
Hartfield, and Jessie Hartfield,
as Administratrix of the Estate
of W. A. Hartfield, Deceased,
have a lien on the following
described property situate in the
City of Boardman, Morrow Coun
ty, Oregon, to-'wit:
Lots 17, 18, 19, 20, 21, 22 in
Block 7, and all buildings
and equipment thereon,
and the whole thereof, by virtue
of a mortgage given to plaintiff,
Jessie Hartlic'lu, and to said de
cedent, W. A. Hartfield, during
his lifetime by defendant, Isaac
W. Murphy, bearing date the
2Uth day of January, 1948, and
recorded on March 14, 1950, in
Book 43, page 535-6 of the Re
cord of , Mortgages of Morrov
County, Oregon, for the sums
hereinbefore found to be due to
plaintiffs on judgment herein
granted, and said lien is a first
and prior lien in point of right
and time to any and all lien.,
right, title, interest or equity of
the defendants herein, or either
of them, to or against the pre
mises above described.
3. That whatever claim, lien,
estate, right, title, interest or
equity the defendants, or either
of them, may have, or claim to
have, in and on the premises
above described, if any, is sub
sequent in time and inferior in
right and equity to the lien of
the plaintiffs thereon under and
by virtue of the mortgage here
inbefore described.
4. That the mortgage from Is
aac w. Murphy hereinbetore ae
scrioea be, and it is nereoy,
foreclosed; and that the proper-
st. Mrs. Ada Cannon.
ROSY SAYS: Visit your own Mor
row County Fair. Make Rose
wall Motor Company your
headquarters while visiting the
fair. We will be closed Friday
and Saturday afternoons dur
ing the show.
WILL do alterations, buttonholes,
(machine butonholes). Phone
1013, Lennie Louden. 25-28p
GLASS for all makes of cars.
We have installed the latest
type glass grinder and have an
expert glass cutter. If the glass
in your car is broken just drive
in and say fix it. Rosewall Mo
tor Company.
HELP WANTED Paniy demon
strator for Lorine Plastics. Full
or part time. Car required. If
you can qualify I will train.
I will be atthe Heppner Hotel
to interview applicants Sept.
8. Betty A. Reese. 24-25p
ECONOMY RUN: Watch for the
Morrow County Creamery's F-2
FORD economy truck deliver
ing Pride of Oregon ice cream
and butter. Ask the driver
about this thrifty truck.
THE 1950 FORD motor whispers
FOR SALE 10 foot and 12 foot
Massey-Harris double discs. Both
for $500, Alex Hunt, Lexing
ton, Ore. 24-25p
THREE METAL men that can
paint. We have three expert
metal men that can smooth
up your fenders and body da
' mage so your car looks like
new. We have a paint mixer
and can color match any car.
Just drive in and say fix it.
Rosewall Motor Company.
WE HAVE Ford motors to fit
Ford cars and tiucks made
during the last 22 years. Bring
your Ford home for service.
Rosewall Motor Company.
FOR SALE Two-bedroom house,
three years old; strictly mod
ern. Phone 513. R. E. Thomas.
ty described herein be sold ac
cording to law and the rules and
practices of this Court and the
proceeds therefrom be applied as
First, to the costs of mak
ing said sale;
Second, to the payment of the
amounts found due to the plain
tiffs, Jessie Hartfield, and Jessie
Hartfield) Deceased under and by
virtue of the note and mortgage
set forth in the complaint on
file herein, together with attor
neys' fees allowed to the plain
tiffs herein, and for plaintiffs'
costs and disbursements incurr
ed herein;
Third, That the balance, if
any, be paid into this Court for
whomsoever may be entitled
5. That the defendants above
named, and also all other per
sons or parties unknown claim
ing any right, title, estate, lien
or interest in the property de
scribed in the complaint herein,
and each of them, and any and
all persons claiming by, through
or under said defendants, or ei
ther of them, be forever barred
and forclosed of all right, title,
lien, estate or interest in nd to
the premises described in this
decree and the plaintiffs' mort
gage, including any right of re
demption which they may have,
except the statutory right of re
demption; that upon the sale of
said premises by the proper of
ficers of this court, the purchas
er be let into possession of said
property, and if the defendants,
or their successors, shall refuse
to surrender possession upon
said sale, the purchaser have the
benefit of such remedy as the
law may afford to secure such
possession, including me extra
ordinary writ of assistance.
Said sale of within described
land to be held at the hour of
10 o'clock a. m., Thursday, Sep
tember 28, 1950 at the county
court house in Heppner Oregon.
DATED this 14th day ot Aug
ust, 1950.
R. J. Green,
the legal school voters of school
district No. 1CJ of Morrow Coun-
tv. State of Oregon, that in ac
cordance with Title 111, Chapters,
Article 3, O. C. L. A., as amend
ING of said district will be heia
at Heppner City Hall within said
school district on the 15th day of
September, 1950, from 2:00 o'
clock p. m. until 3:00 o'clock p.
m.. for the following purpose:
To vote upon the question ot
the consolidation of the follow
ing named school districts: No
1CJ. Heuoner; No. 2, Lena; No,
41C, Sand Hollow, No. 42, Balm
30th dav of Aucust. 1950.
Dated at Heppner, uregon mis
By Garnet Barratt,
County Judge, Chairman
Henry Tetz
County School Superintendent
Notice is hereby given that the
undersigned has been duly ap
pointed administratrix of the es
tate of GEORGE LARSON, de.
ceased, by the Probate Court of
the State of
Oregon for tne
County of Morrow and has ac-
Heppner Gazette Times, Thursday,
24-25ciTEST DRIVE the '50 Ford. It will
open your eyes.
DON'T HOARD tires, but if your
old tires are dangerously thin
replace them at once. Don't
titkA a rtianno nn timincr an ao I
cident with a bad tire. We have
ample stocks to take care of
all regular requirements. Drive
in today. Rosewall Motor Com
pany. FOR SALE Two-bedroom house,
three years old; strictly mod
ern. Phone 513. R. E. Thomas.
POTTED plants for your indoors
living. Heppner Flower Shop.
cepted such trust. All persons
having claims against said es
tate are hereby required to file
the same with the administra
trix, at the office of J. O. Turner,,
in Heppner, Oregon, within six
months from the date of the
first posting of this notice.
Dated and first published this
10th, day of August,, 1950, at
Heppner, Morrow County, Ore
Address Heppner, Oregon
21 -25c
that the undersigned Adminis
tratrix of the estate of REBECCA
ANN JENKINS, deceased, has
filed her Final Account and re
port in the said estate with the
Clerk of this Court and that the
Judge thereof has fixed Monday,
the 11th day of September, 1950,
at the hour of 10:00 o'clock a,
m., as the time in the County
Courtroom in the Courthouse in
Heppner, Morrow County, Ore
gon, as the time and place for
hearing objections to the said
Final Account and the settlement
,""m""a. SwW 7"
' . WMWM f .
Ma '
'" Vt jit . mmm.
UULI U LlLJ LJ lxtIV LJ i mum
m mm iraiM
xx . cw
Featuring: TWO GREAT VALVE-IN-HEAO ENGINES-ffie new 105-h.p. Loadmaster and
fhe improved 92-h.p. Thriftmasiei'to give you greater power per gallon, lower cost per had
NEW POWER-JET CARBURETOR smoother, quicker occeerofi'on response DIAPHRAGM
SPRING CLUTCH for easy-action engagement SYNCHRO-MESH TRANSMISSIONS for fast,
smooth shifting HYPOID REAR AXLES-5 times more durable than spiral bevel type DOUBLE
ARTICULATED BRAKES-for complete driver control WIDE-BASE WHEELS for increoied fire
mileage BALL-TYPE STEERING for easier handling UNIT-DESIGN BODIES-precision built.
at May
Administratrix of the Estate
of Rebecca Ann Jenkins, re
ceased. P. W. Ma honey
Attorney for the Adminis
tratrix Heppner, Oregon
21 -25c
Isolated Tract Public Land
Sale. United States Depart
ment of the Interior, Bureau
of Public Land Management
Office Portland 18, Oregon.
August 2, 1950.
Notice is hereby given that un
der provisions of section 2455,
R. S., as amended by section 14
of the act of June 28, 1934 (48
Stat., 1274), and pursuant to the
application of Rudolph Klinger,
Serial No. Oregon 0792, there will
be offered, to the highest bidder,
but at not' less than $15.00 per
acre, at a public sale to be held
at 10 o'clock A. M., on the 3rd
day of October, 1950 next, at this
office, the following tracts of
lando: T. 1 N., R. 26 E., W. M.,
Oregon; Sec. 6, ... WJANWVi, con
taining 50.74 acres. Bids may be
made by the principal or his ag
ent, either personally at the sale
or by mail. Bids sent by mail
will be considered only if receiv
ed at this office prior to the hour
fixed for the sale. These bids
must be accompanied by certi
fied checks or post-office money
orders for the amounts of the
bids and must be enclosed in
sealed envelopes. The envelopes
must be marked in the lower
left-hand corner substantially as
follows: "Public sale bid, Serial
No. Oregon 0792, Sale, 10:00 a. m.
October 3, 1950."
The person making the highest
bid will be required to pay im
mediately the amount thereof.
Any persons claiming adverse
ly the above-described land are
advised to file their claims, or
objections, on or before the time
September 7, 1950
designated for sale. -
Any person entitled to claim a
preference right under the first
proviso to section 14 as an owner
of contiguous land must assert
his claim within 30 days from
the date of public offering and
conditional sale to the highest
bidder and at the expiration of
said preference right period, if
no such right has been asserted,
the highest bidder will be de
clared the purchaser of the land.
22-26p Manager.
NOTICE oi Referendum on Inclu
sion of Additional Territory
Within the Heppner Soil Con
servation District, Embracing
Lands Lying in the County of
Morrow, in the State of Oregon.
To all owners of lands lying
within the area proposed to be
included within the Heppner Soil
Conservation District, comprising
the territory described as follows:
"All land within the legal
boundaries of Morrow County
not already included within
the Heppner and Boardman
Soil Conservation Districts."
Notice is hereby given that on
the 16th day of September, 1950,
between the hours of 1:00 p. m.
and 8:00 p. m., a referendum will
be held in the above-described
territory upon the proposition of
the inclusion of the said territory
witnm the Heppner Sou Conser
vation District, a governmental
subdivision and a public body,
corporate and politic, of this
Every person, firm, corporation,
state, county, or municipal agen
cy being the recorded owner of,
or holding under contract of pur
chase, more than ten acres of
lands lying within the said ter
ritory is eligible to vote, and only
such are eligible to vote.
Voting divisions and polling
places for the referendum are as
Division Np. 1. Polling place lo
cated at Pine City, in the school
Division No. 2. Polling place
located at lone, in the Willows
Grange Hall.-
Division No. 3. Polling place lo.
cated at Heppner, in the county
Heppner, Oregon
agent's office.
Eligible voters who will be ab
sent from their division on the
day of the referendum may ap
ply in person or in writing to Don
McElligott, Polling Superintend
ent, at lone, Oregon, for absentee
By Howard E. Cushman,
Executive Secretary.
Mr. and Mrs. Howard Gilliam,
Earl and Leonard Gilliam re
turned Monday from Mt. Adams
where they spent the week-end
Arrives at Heppner,
Lexington and lone
For Pickup or
For pickup, call
Red & White, Heppner
Fadberg Tractor, Lex.
Omar Rietmann, lone
Connecting Carrier for
Consolidated Freightways
Flatt's Transfer
and Storage
Heppner Ph. 1 12
The Dalles Phone 2635
114 E. 2nd St
Insured Carrier
"We Go Anywhere.Anytime"
Let's look at this business of buying a truck your way.
You want peak performance? Chevrolet's Valve-in-Head
engines can do more work per gallon of gasoline consumed
than any other make of their capacity. You want econ
omy? You can't beat Chevrolet for low cost of ownership,
operation, and upkeep or for high resale value. You
want dependability? Chevrolet trucks work for mora
owners on more jobs, every day, than any other make.
But no matter how you figure it, Chevrolet trucks come out on
top. From start to finish, they're your best business deal all
around. So come see us. We've got just the truck you wantl
first fn efemcMi
Page 3
Mr. and Mrs. Douglas Ogle-
tree and his mother, Mrs. Clyde
Ogletrce of Mobile, Ala. spent
several days last week a tMt
Mr. and Mrs. N. D. Bailey left
Friday for Portland and other
points in the valley where they
will spend tome ten days visit
ing with relatives and friends.
Just Right for Mailing
or Album
A Souvenir Folder of eight
1950 Photos. On sale Saturday
at Saager's Pharmacy and at
the Rodeo Field.
Mail Some to Your Friends!
Lyons Studio
Transferring fir
Heavy Hauling
Padded Moving
Penland Bros.
Transfer Co.
39 SW Dorion Avenue
Phone 338
Pendleton, Ore.
..firsff) safes