Heppner gazette-times. (Heppner, Or.) 1925-current, September 07, 1950, Image 1

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$3.00 Per Year; Single Copies 10c
Heppner, Oregon, Thursday, September 7, 1950
Volume 67, Number 25
City Dads Adopt
Resolution Setting
Up Park Board
Mayor to Make
Appointments To
6-Member Group
The city council took over the
park board set-up Tuesday eve
ning when a resolution was ad
opted calling for appointment of
members by the mayor. The six
members of the group may be
chosen at the discretion of the
mayor with the exception that
the chairman must be a member
of the council.
This disposes of the committee
formed two years ago at the re
guest of the mayor and council
for the purpose of developing a
park upon the site acquired in a
trade with the county.
Present at Monday's meeting
was a delegation of Jaycees, Jay-cee-Ettes
and Degree of Honor
members. Mrs. Edwin Dick pre
sented a petition to the council
a.sking that the old dance navi
lion not be disposed of and fol
lowed with a proposal that the
city enter into a lease with the
Jaycees for a period of three
years, during which time the
lessees would improve the build
ing so that it could be used for
a year-round center of comm
nity activities. She submitted
cures fEOBvUwHsuilrJers who'fs-
timated that the improvements
could be made for $5400.
Several others spoke"in behalf
of the proposal and Councilman
Gonty made a motion that the
city enter into a lease agreement.
Lacking a second there was no
vole on the motion. At the sug
gestion of City Attorney Nys im
mediate action was not taken,
ponding appointment of the park
board by the mayor
Former mayor, J. O. Turner,
listened in on the proceedings
and in a short talk said he was
sorry that the old building was
not to be lorn down at once as
he had plans for a pool fountain,1
which, if the city would furnish
the water and the power com
pany the electricity, he would
install on the site about where
the dance hall stands. ' ' '
There was but one bidder on
the buildings located on , the
park ' site. His figures were too
low, in the council's opinion and
were rejected. A second call for
bids will be made soon and will
provide more time for removal,
probably 90 days instead of 30.
Mr. Turner sought permission
from (lie council for the Masonic
lodge to bury an oil fuel tank
at the rear of the Masonic build
ing. Granted. R. B. Ferguson ask
ed for the use of the city's street
flusher in settling the dust
around the fair grounds and
buildings. Granted.
Mrs. Marvin Wight man made
a request for removal of some of
the woodsheds in connection with
the Case apartments which, she
said are a fire menace and also
make it impossible for her to get
in or out from the rear of the
Hynd building in which her bus
iness, Claudien's, is established.
The council promised action on
the matter.
A heart attack proved fatal to
Mrs. Ernestine Majeske Wednes
day afternoon at the home of her
son, Adolph Majeske, in Lexing
ton. A life long resident of Ger
many, Mrs. Majeske came to the
United States about two years
ago, making the journey by air.
She was then well past 80 years
of ago but got a great thrill
out of the trip. She was an aunt
of the Rauch brothers, Mrs. Alex
Hunt and Mrs. G. Hermann, all
well known residents of the Lex
ington and lone districts. Fune
ral services will be held at 2
o'clock p. m. Saturday from the
Congregational church in Lex
ington, with Rev. A. II. Reitz of
Hermiston officiating and ar
rangements in charge of the
Phelps Funeral Home. Interment
in Lexington I. O. O. F. cemetery.
Last Year's 4 H Club Champion
One-Time School
Head Here Victim
Of Heart Attack
A news disptch from Astoria
the first of the week told of the
death in a hospital there Mon
day of James M. Burgess, one
time superint( ient of the Hepp
ner schools. He succumbed to a
heart attack suffered the day
Mr. Burgess was one of the re
cognized leaders in educational
work in Oregon. After serving
at Heppner he was with the state
department of education for sev
eral years and then accepted the
superintendency of the McLaugh
lin high school at Milton-Free-water.
From there he went to
The Dalles and finally to As
toria. Survivors are his wife and one
Heppner Motor Co.
Building Bought
By C. B. E. Co-Op.
Purchase of the Heppner Mo
tors Co garage building by the
Columbia Basin Electric co-op-ertaive
has been announced by
Edgar Collison, manager, who
says the headquarters will be
set up there as soon as altera
tions are made, probably within
60 days.
J.be deal was made some time
ack but had to have the appro
val of the Rural Electrification
The building was erected two
years ago by J. G. Barratt as a
salesroom for the Kaiser-Frazer
agency and general shop work.
It is ultra modern in design and
should meet the needs of the co
operative. Barratt had planned
to complete a building program
calling f(r a one-stop service
station with a wing on the south
similar to the building erected.
When he received offers for the
plant he finally decided to sell
and the CBE got the nod.
Mrs. Tucker And
Ben Cox Married
Mrs. Mildred Tucker and Ben
Cox were ,united in marriage
Wednesday afternoon in a cere
mony performed by Rev. J. Pal
mer Sorlien at the home of Mr.
Cox's daughter, Mrs. Dick Bor
man. Edwin Tucker and Rachel
Cox were witnesses.
Guests included Mr. and Mrs.
Edwin Tucker, Mr. and Mrs. Ar
min Wihlon and family, Mrs. B.
J. Doherty, Mrs. Lora Moyer, Mr.
and Mrs. Doe Cox, Mrs. J. P. Sor
lien and the misses Betty How
ell, Darlene Wise and Mary Eve
lyn Tucker.
After a short wedding trip the
couple will be at home in Hep
pner. School Districts
To Vote Sept. 15
On Consolidation
A school election will be held
between the hours of 2 and 3 p.
m. Friday. September 15 to vote
upon the proposition of consoli
dating three rural districts with
District No. 1, Heppner. Districts
affected are No. 2. Lena; 41C,
Sand Hollow, and 42, .Balm Fork.
Voters of the rural districts
have been notified as to the re
spective polling places and the
notice o election published on
the legal page of the Gazette
Times says the polling place for
District No. 1 will be the Heppner
city hall.
Judge Forrest-L. Hubbard turn
ed Edward Eberhardt loose Wed
nesday following a hearing on
charges of non-support and con
tempt of court. The complainants
in the case were Geneva Eber
hardt and Sheriff C. J. D. Bau-
man. Eberhardt's attorney, W. E.
Hanzen of Pendleton, cited cases
from at least a dozen law books
and proved his point that extra
dition proceedings in such cases
were not regular. The judge sus
tained the contention and Eber
hardt was released from custody
Where Man And
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Drivers Urged To
Curb Speed When
The opening day of school in
Lexington will see more children
than ever using the streets to get
to and from school. Lax summer
driving habits in school zones
have increased speeds to the
danger point if not corrected im
mediately. With this in mind,
the P.T.-A. urges all motorists to
observe the speed limits near
school grounds, and to be even
more observant and careful be
cause of the younger children
who are going to school for the
first time. All parents are urged
to take their children to school
if at all possible. If transporta
tion is not available, parents are
asked to warn the youngsters
each day of the dangers of care
less habits in traffic. In a furth
er warning, the Morrow County
P.T.-A poinls out that children
aren't always cautious and do
not always use the marked cross
ings. The vicinity of any school
hould be an area of extreme
caution for all drivers. Remem
ber, it doesn't have to be your
fault if a child dies under your
Mr. ad Mrs. Leonard Munkers
are the parents of a six pound
daughter born in Heppner Mon
day, September 4.
Mr. and Mrs. Millard Nolan
and family were business visit
ors in Portland last week.
Mrs. A. M. Edwards and Clara
Griffith returned last week from
a visit with relatives in Spokane.
Mr. and Mrs. Roy Martin and
sons are vacationing in Portland
and coastal points.
Mr. and Mrs. A. C. Crowell of
Morgan received announcement
the past week of the birth of
twin babies, a girl and a boy, to
Mr. nad Mrs. Jim Cool at Chelan,
Wash. Born August 29, the girl
weighed four pounds one and a
half ounces and the boy four
pounds, three ounces. Mr. Cool
formerly lived at Morgan and at
tended schoo lin lone.
Several Heppner People Spend Vacations On
Tour of Northwest Provinces of Canada
Mr. and Mrs. Harry O'Donnell,
Jr. returned Sunday from a fort
night's visit in Canada. They re
port an interesting trip and were
especially impressed with the
Canadian Rockies. At Lake Lou
ise they took a side trip by snow
mobile to the Columbia ice field
which is the glacier headwaters
of the Columbia river. After a
few days at Banff they continued
west through British Columbia
and attended the Pacific Inter
national Exposition at Vancou
ver. Due to the tie-up of rail
roads and ferry boats because of
the, strike, they were unable to
visit Victoria as had been plan
ned. Rev. and Mrs. Jackson Gilliam
and daughter, Anne, of Hermis
ton were Monday dinner guests
of his parents, Mr. and Mrs. E.
E. Gilliam.
Mr. and Mrs. Herman Parker
of Pasco spent Labor Day in Hep
pner with hej parents, Mr. and
Mrs. Clive Huston.
Mr. and Mrs. Frank E. Parker
returned Tuesday afternoon from
Walla Walla where they spent
the week-end attending the fair.
Mr. and Mrs. William Hardie
of Condon were over Sunday vis
itors in Heppner.
Mrs. Sarah E. McNamer and
Mrs. Lucy Rodgers motored to
Prescott, Wash. Saturday eve
ning to spend the holiday with
Mrs. Lettie Kenton. In Walla
Walla, they visited Mrs. McNa
mrr's brother, Tom Rogers.
Mr. and Mrs. Charles Wool
ven, nee Marie Scrivner, spent
the week-end here with her mo
ther, Mrs. Elbert C and Mr.
Cox. From here they went to The
Dalles to visit her father, Clar
ence Scriver.
Beast Will Fi3ht It Out This Week-end
- fM,
Louis Lyons, enterprising pho
tographer, will be right out in
front with a supply of souvenir
picture books telling the story
of the 1950 Rodeo. The first books
will contain views of the Friday
afternoon show and will be on
sale Saturday at Saager's Phar
macy and at the Rodeo gounds.
This will be a good way to et
up-to-the-minute authentic pic
tures of the wild west perfor
mance, i
Awards For Parade
Winners Announced
By Committemen
J. O. Turner and Bill Smeth
urst, parade committee, an
nounce that prizes will be offered
on the following entries in Sat
urday's parade:
Floats: 1) grand sweepstakes;
2) first prize organization float;
3) second prize organization float
4) third prize organizatiqn float;
5) first prize business float; 6)
second prize business float
Cowboys: 1) best 'dressed cow
boy (mounted); 2) best dressed
cowgirl (mounted) 3) oldest
cowboy (mounted); )' oldest
cowgirl (mounted); 5) most re
alistic mounted cowboy; 6) best
organized and conducted riding
Juvenile: 1) best float; 2)sec
ond best float; 3) best pel; 4)
second best pet; 5) best juvenile
mounted cowboy; 6) second best
juvenile mounted cowboy; 7)
best juveile mounted cowgirl; 8)
second best juvenile mounted
cowgirl; 9) best sustained char
acter; 10) second best sustained
character; 11) best comic.
The committee in charge is in
formed that trrere are a great
many floats in preparation for
this event and that four out of
town riding organizations are ex
pected to ride in the parade,
and with bands, cowboys and
cowgirls and banners galore this
may well be the best parade that
the combined Morrow County
Fair and Rodeo have ever staged.
Mrs. Flovd Adams returned
Thursday from a three weeks'
visit in Kellogg, Idaho with her
son-in-lw and daughter, Mr. and
Mrs. John Roscoe and baby. Dur
ing her stay in Idaho, Mrs. Ad
ams enjoyed an outing oi sev
eral days at Priest Lake. Nancy
Adams also returned during the
week-end from Ocean Lake and
Portland where she visited her
grandfather, Robert Clark, for
three weeks.
Mr. and Mrs. Terrell Benge and
son Butch left Sunday for Gold
Beach for a week s fishing.
Mrs. Alena Anderson and dau
ghters, Adelia, Nancy and Carol,
and Ervin Anderson motored to
Portland the last of the week for
the Labor Day holidays.
Alfred Hinton, pioneer Morrow
county resident, visited in Hep
pner the first of the week with
Mr. and Mrs. Harry Munkers.
Mr. Hinton who now resides in
Cottage Grove recalled that it
had been 27 vears since his last
trip here and that a good many
changes had taken place .
Mr. and Mrs. Blaine Isom were
over Saturday evening from Pen
dleton for the dress-up parade.
Mr. and Mrs. A. R. Shamblin
were here .from Portland for the
week-end and were guests of Mr,
and Mrs. Add Moore.
Mr. and Mrs. Louis Gilliam
were here from Condon Satur
day to visit his father Len Gil
liam. Mr. and Mrs. Otis East of
Prineville spent the Labor Day
week-end here with their son-in-law
and daughter, Mr. and Mrs.
Bud Lynch. In Lexington they
visited another daughter and her
husband, Mr. and Mrs. Dee Cox
Continued on page 4
Awards Made For
Exhibits at North
Morrow Co. Fair
' North Morrow County fair end
ed Saturday evening with a
dance in the gym. Many contests ;
of interest and prizes were aw
arded during the two days, Fri
day and Saturday. In the child
ren's bicycle dress-up parade
Connie Baker came out first, Lar
ry Fussell second and Gerry Peck
third. Watermelon eating contest
for boys and girls under 12 years
of age, Frankie Shade, first;
Johnnie Califf, second; and Earl
Connell third; girls, Lorna Shan
non, first.- The old time fiddlers
W. W. Benson, first; Lee Smith,
second; Earl Cramer third.
In 4-H special prizes and aw
ards were given to: Nancy Gray-
beal, Dorothy Hinkley, Joe Mann,
Carla Hill, Gracie Veelle, Lorna
Shannon and Carma Wilson for
sewing and cooking. Livestock,
rabbit club, Carol Hamilton;
poultry club, Sharon Fussell;
beef club, Marie Potts; dairy
club, Viola Worden; swine club,
Larry Thorpe; Showmanship De
lores Carlson. Thactor driving
contest, Larry Thorpe, first; Mi
chael Cassidy, second; Franklin
Leland, third; and Fred Knight,
fourth. 4-H judging, four best
out of thirteen members, Connie
Baker, first; Sharon Fussell sec
ond, Carolyn Barham and Carla
Hill, third and Veta May Hill
fourth. 4-H pig scramble winners
were Marlynn Barham, Albert
Seiber and Elroy Waldron. F. F.
A. pig scramble winners were
Richard Rarham, Jeanne Califf
and Oscar Veelle.
Funeral services were held for
Mrs. Vet Conyers Wednesday.
August 30, at the Boardman Com
munity church wth Rev. Charles
Hawley officiating. Miss Betty
Conyers, granddaughter of Mrs.
Conyers, sang two numbers,
Whispering Hope and Perfect
Day, accompanied by Mrs. Fred
Smith who also played the pre
lude and postlude. Pall bearers
were Andrew Vannoy, Charles
Goodwin, W. E. Garner, George
Delano, Nels Kristensen and I. T.
Pearson. Interment was in Gov
erdale cemetery near Boise, Ida
ho, with the Rebekah lodge of
which she was a life long mem
ber, conducting the service at
the grave.
Delia Emily Beers Conyers was
born January 20, 1882 at Park
City, Utah, and died August 28,
1950, at her home in Boardman,
Oregon. Delia Beers moved to
Idaho in 1899 and on August 15,
was married to Vet M. Conyers.
They made their home in Idaho
most of the time until 1943 when
they moved to Boardman where
they have since resided.
Mrs. Conyers is survived by
her husband, Vet Conyers and
eight children, Vernon, Spokane,
Wash.; Elma Brown, San Ansel
mo, Calif.; Harla, San Gabriel,
Calif.; Forrest and Ivan, Wenat
chee, Wash.; Carole Norpel, Fres
no, Calif., and Lela Reaga, Fair
field, Idaho. Also nineteen grand
children and two great-grand
children, two sisters and three
brothers. One sister is Mrs. Seth
Rusesll of Boardman.
Mr .and Mrs. Bill Ellerman and
Mrs. Ethel Budd of Glendale, Ca
lif, stopped for a short visit at
the home of Mr .and Mrs. Clyde
Tannehill. Mr. Ellerman is a let
ter carrier in Glendale.
Mr. and Mrs. Roscoe Messen
ger of Kingsman Kan. are visit
ing at the home of his brother
Elmer Messenger. They also vis
ited relatives in Lexington, The
Dalles and Portland.
Mr. and Mrs. W. E. Garner and
family left Sunday for a week at
Roseburg, Ore. Garner will be
employed at telephone work
while away, v
Mr. and Mrs. Robert Walker
and son Billie of Heppner were
visitors Monday at the Claud
Coats and Z. J. Gillespie homes.
Mr. and Mrs. N. A. Macomber
motored to La Grande Monday.
Three Registrants
Receive "Greetings"
From Draft Board
Morrow, Gilliam and Wheeler
county draft board announced
this week that "greetings" have
been mailed to three registrants
to report for induction into the
armed forces on September 21.
They are Joe Ben Standerfer, 25,
Mitchell; Jack Albert Farrisn, zi,
Heppner; and Omar Eugene
Rietmann, 22, lone.
The inductees in the Septem
ber quota, first to be called up
since January, 1949, have already
passed their physical examina
tions in Portland, according to
Jack F. Combes, board member.
They are scheduled to begin
their army basic training at Ford
Ord, Calif.
In preparation for additional
calls on the local board, another
group of 20 men took their pre
induction physical tests in Port
land Friday, September 1. Only
single, non-veterans in the 19-25
age bracket are being processed
at the present time.
Members of the tri-county lo
cal board No. 31 include G. J.
Schreiner, Condon, chairman;
Jack F. Combes, Fossil; and Con
ley Lanham, Heppner. Mrs Jer
rydean Mercer is the local board
clerk. The Condon office is open
from 9:00 a. m. to 5:00 p. m.
Monday through Friday.
Local News In Brief
In view of the cowboy eet-ups
appearing here and there on the
street, it, looks like the chamber
of commerce should have offered
a prize, for the best costume
This should be confined to busi
ness people who are not mem
bers of the Wranglers and the
winner, who ever he might be.
should have to ride in Saturday's
If you have never had a vis
ual impression of a "beehive of
industry" you should have look
ed in on the activity at the fair
pavilion Wednesday morning.
Exhibits were being put in place
lively to keep out of the way.
and casual onlookers had to step
There will be something of inter
est for everybody as the gates
open today on the 26th annual
fair and rodeo. The big new pa
vilion is lending added interest
to the fair in providing more
space for exhibitors and visitors.
While doing a generally good
job at the mike Saturday eve
ning,, the emcee overlooked one
good bet in not recognizing the
group from Hardman that pre
sented one of the most typically
old-time western get-ups seen in
recent years around these dig
gin's. We know this was an over
sight on the part of the emcee,
whose face will doubtless assume
a ruby hue when he realizes the
omission, but the Hardman
people should know that those of
the crowd who were able to get
close enough to watch them in
the square dancing were con
vinced that they formed the out
standing set of the many parti
cipating in tne street dance.
Let's all have fun, but let it be
orderly fun. Visit the fair and
see what your county produces.
There is a real thrill in viewing
the agricultural exhibits, thp
home economics displays, and
the school work. Out at the barns
where the 4-H club, F. F. A. and
open class animals are fed and
groomed there is plenty to please
me eye ana gladden the heart.
Entertainment? Lots of it and
all right on the fair grounds.
Rodeo in the afternoon, dance at
night, and carnival in between
In reporting news, authenticity
is one of the cardinal principles
of newspaper folk. But once in a
while a reporter relaxes a bit and
forgets to follow through for all
me iacts and when that hap
pens someone's feelings are in-1
jured. Thus it was that in report
ing the fire at the elevator last
week we assumed from its na
ture that it had something to do
with the wiring. We have been
informed that that was not the
case, although the real cause has
not been imparted. Suffice it to
say that it was not defective
wiring and that everybody is
happy that no more damage was
It is real fair and rodeo wea
therthat is, it will be if the
brand in effect holds out until
the show is over.
Grass fires have been the or
der of the day with men and
equipment being called out oh
at least three fronts in as many
days. A grass and stubble fire at
the Mankin-Bunch ranch Friday
burned over a considerable area
before being brought under con
trol. Saturday a strip of pasture
land was burned over at the
Wlghtman ranch and Tuesday a
call came from Don Greenup for
help to subdue a grass fire at
the Kilkenny ranch on Hinton
creek. Equipment was sent out
from Heppner but arrived after
the fire was quenched.
Bigger And Better
Fair Opens Today
Under Clear Skies
Many Fine Exhibits
Adorn Booths In
Big New Pavilion
The big day has arrived the
opening day of the 1950 Morrow
County Fair and Rodeo. Under
a cloudless sky and apparently
settled weather for several days
ahead, a collection of fine ex
hibits from field, pasture, house
hold, and schools awaits the
coming of the throng to view
what the people of the county
raise and make. A large force or
workers representing granges,
4-H clubs, F. F. A., schools and
other groups or individuals has
been working against time the
past two days to get everything
in shape.
An almost entirely new set-up
will greet visitors to the fair this
year. The new pavilion is hous
ing home economics, 4-H, Future
Farmers, grange, school, Wrang
lers, and forest service exhibits.
Enlarged barn facilities make
for more room for care and in
spection of cattle, while sheep,
hogs and poultry have their own
All entertainment features are
centered on the fair grounds this
year. This includes the dances
each evening, Thursday, Friday
and Saturday with Jimmie Whet
more's excellent music, and the
Redwood Empire Shows, big car
nival which moved in Wednes
day and was already for busi
ness this morning. Starting to
morrow will be the rodeo which
will run through Sunday, with
plenty of excitement for every
body. Saturday will be a full day,
starting with the parade at 10
a. m. Following immediately on
the heels of the parade will be
the Morrow county -picnic at the
court house park. At the conclu
sion of the rodeo in the afternoon
the 4-H calf scramble will be
held in front of the grand stand.
This is always a thrill producer
for the crowds if not so funny
to the participants.
Friday evening will find the
annual fat stock show and sale
in the judging arena. Stock to
be sold and that of other exhib
itors will parade the rodeo arena
at the afternoon show.
The fair board is proud of the
growth made since starting fol
lowing the close of World War II
and all say their efforts will con
tinue to be directed towards
making it a better show.
Souvenir Programs
Missing This Year
Souvenir programs . such as
those sold at the fodeo the past
four years will not be in evidence
this year. The fair board and ro
deo committee decided to dis
continue the elaborate booklet
and in its place provide a mod
est folder type program which
will command an equally modest
In lieu of some of the data in
cluded from year to year, a list
of the queens is given herewith.
Beginning in 1922, the shows ran
consecutively until and including
1941 and after a lapse of four
years were revived in 1945. Mar
jorie Clark was the first queen
and was followed in the order
above by Eva Padberg, Alice
Rietmann, Mae Kilkenny, Eva
Wilcox, Katherine Bisbee , Inez
Hayes, Reita Neal, Arleta Far
rens, Margaret Becket, Mae Gen
try, Dimple Crabtree, Ilene Ken
ny, Genevieve Hanna, Betty Berg-
evin, Maxine McCurdy, Cecelia
Heaiy, Marjone Parker, Kathrvn
Thompson, Colleen Kilkenny,
Darlene Biddle, Merlyn Kirk, Bet
ty Smethurst, Shirley Wilkinson,
and this year, Joan Hisler.
Top riders for the same period
were J. D. Bellenbrock, Jack Ter
ry, two years, Jack French, Bert
Traub, Tim Terry, H. R. Hay-
worth, Turk Greenouch. Walter
Bonifer, Burl High, Bud Colvin,
Cody Dodson, Kenneth Depew,
two years, Tom Healv, John
Tubbs, Pat Owens. Cody Dodson,
oiuu rsaruemay, ueorge nelson,
Jerry Ambler, Mitch Owens, Jer
ry Stensen, Gme Rambo and
George Lowe.
Mr. and Mrs. R. J. McKowen of
Tekamah, Neb. are scheduled to
arrive in Heppner next week.
Mr. McKowen is the new pastor
of the Heppner Church of Christ,
replacing Glenn Warner, re
signed, who with his family has
moved to Spokane to spend the
winter before going on to Indian
apolis. Ind. where he will study
at Butler University. The local
church will serve a potluck din
ner in honor of the new pastor
and his wife following the morn,
ing service September 17 which
will be open to all members and