Heppner gazette-times. (Heppner, Or.) 1925-current, August 31, 1950, Page Page 8, Image 8

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Heppner Gazette Times, Thursday, August 31, 1950
Many Activities of Current Week Told In
Brief Form By Roving Correspondent
Mr. and Mrs. Tom Fraters were
work -end visitors in John Day
and Dayville. Returning with
them to remain until after Ro
deo was Miss Ona Adkins.
Mr. and Mrs. Steve Aalberg
and children have returned from
the coast where they spent a
week's vacation.
Don Munkers and Jerry Wa
ters who are stationed at Astoria
with the U. S. Coast Guard ar
rived the last of the week and
will spend a 25-day furlough
with relatives in Heppner.
Mr. and Mrs. Harold Kenney
were over from Prosser during
the week-end visiting friends in
Mr. and Mrs. Harold Armstrong
and infant son of Collegedale,
Tenn. and his mother, Mrs. Ida
Daniels of St. Petersburg Florida,
left Tuesday for their homes af
ter spending a week in Heppner.
During their stay they were
guests of Mr. and Mrs. Earl Gil
liam. Among those who attended the
Round-up the past week-end
were Mr. and Mrs. Walter Barger,
Mrs. Fay Bucknum, Crockett
Sprouls, Miss Leatha Smith, Mr.
and Mrs. Robert Dobbs, Mr. and
Mrs. Tom, Wilson, Edward Rice
and Judge and Mrs. Garnet Bar
ratt. Rev. and Mrs. Elvon Tull and
daughter Dorothy returned Sat
urday from a brief vacation at
the Oregon coast.
Relatives here for the funeral
service Friday of Peggy Sue Mo
ver included Mr. and Mrs. Con
Adkins, Moscow, Ida.; Mr. and
Mrs. Fred Stark and daughters,
Hay Wash.; and Mrs. Melvin
Herrington, Vancouver, Wash.
Mr. and Mrs. Marlowe Need
ham and her father, Frank Fra
ters, left Saturday for Spencer,
Iowa where they will spend a
month visiting Needham's fam
ily. Mr .and Mrs. Archie Murchison
are bein gfelicitated upon the
birth of a son, Friday, August 25,
at Pioneer Memorial hospital.
Mr. and Mrs. Raymond Parish
and son Richard returned to
Portland Sunday afternoon after
visiting over the week-end with
his parents, Mr .and Mrs. Fred
Mrs. Al Sather and son Bill,
arrived Tuesday evening from
Portland for a visit with her pa
rents, Mr. and Mrs. Carl Ulrich.
They were met in Arlington by
Mrs. Ulrich and son, Alex.
Jack Samples returned to his
home in Kinzua Tuesday after
noon after spending a few days
in Pioneer Memorial hospital,
Mrs Samples, who accompanied
him to Heppner, was the guest
of her uncle and aunt, Mr. and
Mrs. Ted Pierson.
M. J. Fitzpatrick of lone was
a business visitor in Heppner
Mrs. Allen Case and Mr. and
Mrs. Ralph I. Thompson returned
the last of the week from Seattle
where they spent a few days at.
tending buyers market.
Mr. and Mrs. Alex Hunt of Lex
ington were shopping in Heppner
Mrs. Jack Wayne and son Jack
ie are here from Vale to visit for
a time with her son-in-law and
daughter, Mr. and Mrs. Archie
Alex Thompson and Allen Case
were business visitors in Port
land during the week-end.
Gene Wells motored to Walla
Walla Saturday evening to spend
Sunday with friends. Mr. Wells
came to Heppner recently to work
in the Heppner Market, taking
th place of Loyd Burkenbine who
is working as a mechanic at the
Rosewall motor company.
Mr. and Mrs. John Wightman
and their houseguests, Mr. and
Mrs. Will Dutton of Portland,
were in town Tuesday from the
Blue Mountain ranch south of
Oscar Peterson of Gooseberry
was a business visitor in Hepp
ner Tuesday. With his son Ger
ald he is leaving the last of the
week for a two months' trip to
Sweden. They will fly to New
York and sail from there. During
uieir tour they will visit Eng
land, Scotland, France and Ger
many as well as Sweden.
Carl Schwabe, Lexington high
school principal, was a business
visitor in Heppner Monday. His
home is in Salem.
Mr. and Mrs. Keith Marshall
and children departed Thursday
for their home in McMinnville
after spending the past 10 days
here with her parents, Mr. and
Mrs. Joe Hughes. They were ac
companied as far as Portland by
Joe Hughes Jr. who is enroute to
Los Angeles after a brief visit
here with his parents. Joe expects
to work and continue his studies
in Los Angeles during the win
ter. Mr. and Mrs. Otto Steinke and
children are moving their resi
dence to Condon having disposed
of their property here to Mr. and
Mrs. Al Fetsch. ,
Noel Streetor of lone was a
business visitor in Heppner the
first of the week.
Mr. and Mrs. Charles E. Mc
Murdo and children of oPrtland
are spending the week-end here
with his parents, Dr. and Mrs. A.
D. McMurdo. Ted has been call
ed up for active duty with the
armed forces and is to report on
September 11.
Mr. and Mrs. Howard Evans
and family and her mother, Mrs
Alma Morgan, left Wednesday
for Portland and the coast. In
Seaside they will be guests of
nis mother, Mrs. Emma Evans
and from, there they will contin
ue on to Naches, Wash, to visit
Marvin Morgan and family, re
turning to Heppner in about 10
Mrs. Lucy Rodgers and Mrs.
Mary Van Stevens returned Tues
day from a week-end trip to Sea
side. They were accompanied by
Mrs. Sara E. McNamer who has
been visiting in Seaside with
Mrs. Emma Evans for the past
" Miss Margaret Gilo's has re
turned from a fortnight's vaca
tion spent with friends near Ta
coma. Mrs. William Ware returned to
her home in Baker Sunday after
spending a week here with her
sister, Mrs.-Frank Davidson. Mr.
Ware motored over alter ner.
Mr. and Mrs. Frank Davidson
are leaving Saturday on a two
weeks motor trip. They will visit
relatives in Baker and New Ply
mouth, Ida. and perhaps contin
ue on ot Yellowstone National
Mrs. Pat Mollahan and sons,
Bob, John and Larry left Tuesday
for Tacoma where they will visit
relatives for several days.
Mrs. Lewis Battv and children
were over from Monument look
ing after business matters in
Heppner Tuesday.
Ed Clarke was over from Her
miston Tuesday visiting friends
in Heppner.
Mr. and Mrs. Howard Gilliam
returned Tuesday evening from
Lebanon where they attended the
wedding of two of their college
classmates, Norman Morgan and
Miss Llmerjane Carlson.
Carl Bergstrom and son Roland
were among the lone business
visitors in Heppner Tuesday.
Mr. and Mrs. Robert Miller
(Bessie McCabe) and children
stopped over Tuesday night in
Heppner with her aunt, Mrs. Ca
therine Doherty. They were en
route to their home in La Grande
after a vacation at the beach.
Owen McLoughlin of Tacoma
also was a guest of Mrs. Doherty
on Sunday.
Mr. and Mrs. John Barrie (Pa
tricia Monahan) and children are
here from Seattle for a visit with
her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Frank
Glenn Griffith of Union was a
business visitor in Heppner the
first of the week.
Mr .and Mrs. Bernard Doherty
and family returned the last of
the week from a motor trip along
the Oregon coast. They also visit
ed relatives in Vancouver, Wash,
while away.
Mr. and Mrs. George Brisler
are leaving this week-end for
their home in California. He has
been employed while in Heppner
as supervisor of machinery in
stallation at the Morrow County
Grain Growers new elevator.
Miss Louise Monroe, daughter
of Mr. and Mrs. George Monroe,
and Wayne Johnson, son of Mr.
and Mrs. George Brisler, were
married at 2 o'clock Saturday af
ternoon at the home of the bride's
uncle and aunt, Mr. and Mrs.
Russel Hildenbrand. The single
ring service was read by Rev.
Louis Wetzel.
Humphreys Drug store is un
dergoing considerable remodel
ing. A room to house the pre
scription department has been
constructed in the space which
formerly was occupied by the of
fice which in turn has been mov
ed to the mezzanine floor atop
the new room. Electric hot water
and refrigeration are added feat
ures of the new installation. The
mirrored back-bar is to be re
moved and counters will be ar
ranged allowing for more space
at the rear of the present sales
room when the job is completed.
to an announcement by the ma
nagement, visiting hours at Pio
neer Memorial hospital have
been set at 3 to 4 and 7 to 8:30 p.
m. daily.
Born, August 24, to Mr. and
Mrs. C. F. Dechant of Heppner, a
daughter, Gaylen Chisum, weight
6 pounds 14 ounces.
Born, August 28 to Mr. and
Mrs. Harold Van Horn of Heppner
a son, weight 8 pounds 4 ounces.
Medical Mrs. George Aldi'ich,
lone; Mrs. Anna Cramer, Board
man; Mrs. Anna Nichols, lone,
and Mrs. Maggie Hunt, Heppner.
at 9:45 a. m., Oliver Creswick,
superintendent. We have a class
for every age. Adult Bible class
at this same hour. You are wel
come. Women's Society of Christian
Service meets at 8 p. m. the first
Wednesday of each month. Su
zanna Wesley Circle of the Wo
mans Society of Christian Service
meets at 2 p. m. the third Wed
nesday of each month.
Shelby E Graves, Pastor
Sunday school 9:45. Lesson to
pic Solomon Builds the Temple.
Worship service 11 a. m.
Youth for Christ 7 p. m.
Evangelistic service 8 p. m.
Bible study and prayer meet
ing 8 p. m. Thursday.
Bible study in lone 8 p. m. Fri
day. o
J. Palmer Sorlien, Minister
Morning worship and sermon
at 11 a. m. Sunday church school
CHURCH (Epnscopal)
Holy Communion 8
Church school 9:45.
Holy Communion and sermon
11 a. m.
Glenn Warner Minister
9:45 a. m. Bible school, C. W.
Barlow, superintendent.
11 a. m. Morning worship and
communion service, Sermon top
ic, "Higher Levels in Christian
Experience." Special music by
Mrs. Willard Warren.
8 p. m. Evening service. Ser
mon theme, "Man or Mollycod
dle Take your choice."
Mr. and Mrs. Clarence Wise
and daughter Darlene left the
last of the week for a fortnight's
motor trip into British Columbia
and other Canadian points.
and is being primed for the local
show. Johnson has a good string
of buckers and his roping and
milking stock ar eplenty tough.
The field is being conditioned
and new bucking chutes are
now in the final stages of con
struction. And it may be added
that Robert Collins is whipping
his hjgh school band into shape
for the Dress-up parade Saturday
night and the fair and rodeo next
We wish to thank neighbors
and friends for their, expressions
of sympathy and for the floral
offerings to the memory of our
beloved Peggy Sue.
The Moyer and Furlong
J. 0. Turner Heads
Freedom Crusade
Movement in County
J. O. Turner has accepted Mor
row county chairmanship of the
Crusade for Freedom organiza
tion, according to F. N. Belgrano,
Jr., state chairman.
Belgrano expressed gratifica
tion that Turner has agreed to
direct Morrow county's participa
tion in the crusade campaign,
which he said is primarily a
mass movement intended to cre
ate and transmit effective anti
communist and pro-freedom in
telligence, by radio broadcasts
and other agencies, to the people
of the prisoner countries behind
the iron curtain and to the
people of other countries under
communist pressure.
The campaign will be official
ly launched on Labor day, Sep
tember 4, Belgranosaid by a nation-wide
radio address by Gen.
Dwight D. Eisenhower. For some
six weeks thereafter organized
effort will be made to enroll the
names of millions of Americans
on "Freedom Scrolls" to be cir
culated throughout the country,
and finally to be permanently
enshrined in the base of a huge
"Freedom Bell" in Berlin.
General Lucius D. Clay, lead
er of the Berlin Airlift before his
retirement to civil life, is nation
al chairman of the Crusade for
Robert Ordway of Hood River
is a new employe at the First
National Bank of Portland Hepp
ner branch, succeeding Dean
Wager who left Tuesday evening
for Portland. Ordway worked in
Lakeview at the time Merle Bec
ket was manager of the branch
bank there.
JoJean Dix left today to join
her mother in Seattle where she
will attend school again-. Her
grandparents, Mr .and Mrs. W. O.
Dix took her and will have a
short vacation before returning.
and His
Saturday Noon
September 9
Court House Park
Free Ice Cream
Free Coffee
Furnished by
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4 c J J:oP a 9 I
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-y xx
at the
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of Fair
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Saturday Night, Sept. 2, 7:30 p. m
Don't Miss the Big Saturday Night Program