Heppner gazette-times. (Heppner, Or.) 1925-current, August 31, 1950, Page Page 5, Image 5

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    Heppner Gazette Times, Thursday, August 31, 1950
Page 5
Plan to Attend the Morrow County Fair and
Rodeo . . September 7-8-9-10
10 cu. ft. Refrigerator $26500
7 Cu. Ft. Refrigerator $189.95
Marshall-Wells Store
Don Walker, Owner Heppner, Oregon
Admission prices afternoon and evening, tmless specifically advertised to lie otherwise Children:
Est. Price .17, Fed. Tax .03, TOTAL 20c; Grade and High School Students 12 years and overs Est.
Price .40, Fed. Tax. .10, TOTAL 50c; Adults: Est. Price .50, Fed. Tax .10, TOTAL 60c Every Child
r occupying a seat must have a ticket.
Sunday shows continuous from 1 p m. Phone 1472 for starting time of the dif
ferent shows. All programs except Sunday start at 7:30 p. m.
Thurs.-Fri.-Sat., Aug. 31-Sept. 1-2 ,
Audey Murphy, Gale Storm, Albert Dek
ker Shepperd Strudwick
The true and savage slory of Billy the Kid
...ihe most hunted outlaw in western his
tory. Photographed in Technicolor.
Jiggs and Maggie Out West
The McManus cartoon-strip characters go
west for their latest amusing comedy
Tues.-"vVed.-Thurs., Sept. 5-6-7
Donald O'Connor, Walter Brennan, Gale
Storm Vincent Price, Eve Arden, cmcK
All's riot on the western frontier . . . rip
roaring comedy filmed in Technicolor.
Jungle Terror
Over trails which no white man has tra
versed before, the Technicolor camera
captures the weird secrets of jungle life.
Sunday-Monday,- Sept 3-4
MacDonald Carey, Maureen O'Kara, Will
Geer, Charles Drake, Pedro DeCordoba
Comanche Territory . . where none but
the lawless lived . . and only the reck
less rode! Breathtakingly beautiful nat
ural backgrounds filmed in flaming Tech.
ADDED: Walt Disney Cartoon' and dif
ferent types of Racing Thrills inTcchni
color; recent world events in theNewsreel
and Red Nichols & his 5 Pennies.
Friday-Saturday, Sept. 8-9
Roy Rogers, Dale Evans, Estelita Rodri-
gues, Pat Brady, Russ Vincent, Riders
of the Purple Sage
Saddle up for thrills as your favorite cow
boy rides again . . in one of his better
westerns with music, filmed in color.
Iiomba and the Lost Volcano
Johnny Sheffield, Donald Woods, Tommy
Kids In all age brackets who have not
forgotten how to go along with a clean
story of free adventure wherever it may
lead will love Bomba's latest jungle taie.
Mrs. Vet Conyers
Passes Suddenly
At Boardman Home
The sudden death of Mrs. Vet
Conyers, Monday, August 28 at
her home, came as a snocK to
her family and many friends.
Mrs. Conyers had been under the
doctors care for some time but
was much Improved at the time
of the attack at 11:30 a. m.
Death was due to a oiooa ciot.
Arrangements for the funeral
await the arrival of the sons and
Mrs. Claud coats, Mrs. Leo
Root and Mrs. Olive Atteberry
returned home Thursday from
Seattle, Renton and Tacoma
where they had spent the week
visiting with relatives.
Mr. and Mrs. iee Pearson ana
daughter Merry Jo of Tacoma
spent the week-end here visiting
Michael Cassidy is a patient1 at
the St. Anthony hospital in Pen
dleton. Mrs. Jack Gorham and Mrs.
Frank Ackerman left Wednesday
for Funk, Neb. Mrs. Ackerman
will remain there with her bro
ther-in-law ana sister, Mr. ana
Mrs. Paul Daul. Mrs. Gorham will
return here this week Where Mr.
Gorham is waiting for her. Then
they will return to their home in
Donald Gillespie is employed
at the Bill Marquardt farm dur
ing the harvest season.
A. A. Agee of Aurora was a
guest for a few days at the home
of Mr. and Mrs. Guv Ferguson.
I Mr. and Mrs. Bill Mead for-
merly of Ordnance have moved
into the back apartment in the
Murchie building.
Mr .and Mrs. Charles Jenkins
of McMinnville were overnight
guests at the home of Mr. and
Mrs. Robert Earwood Thursday,
going on to the parade and
Round-up Friday. Mrs. Harwood
is a niece of Mr. Jenkins.
Glenn Kobow stopped for a
short time Thursday in Board-
man, calling on friends. Kobow
is now traveling for a janitors
supply house and will be stop
ping often.
Mr. and Mrs. Frank Marlow
have purchased the old O. B. 01
sen farm east of town and will
tember. The farm was bought
take possession the first of Sep
lone Garden Club
Makes Final Plans
For Fall Exhibition
Interwoven Socks
Wilson's Men's Wear
55c to $1.00
The members of the lone Gar
den club have made final .plans
for their Flower Show and An
tique exhibit to be held at the
American Legion hall Monday
September 11 from 2:00 to 5::00
p. m. In addition there will be a
plant sate and silver tea. Every
one is invited.
Many Ioneites attended the"
Pendleton Round-up last week;
An especially large crowd were
on hand for the parade Friday.
Robert Rietmann had the mis
fortune, to have his car side
swipped oh his way home from
The Dalles Wednesday evening
or last week.
Mr .and Mrs. Gordon White
and son Charles attended the
weddhig reception for Mr. and
Mrs. Jack West ih The Dalles last
Friday evening. Mr. West is the
district manager of the Standard
Oil company.
Mrs. Maurine Nelson of North
Dakota has been secured as one
of the high school teachers.
Mr .and Mrs. Merle Baker and
family arid Mrs. Dons' Gollyhorri
drove to Tuieiake last Wednes
day. Mrs. Baker arid family and
Mrs. Gdllyhdrn returned Thurs
day but Merle remained there to
assist in caring for the barley
Among those leaving for vaca
tions recently were Mr .and Mrs.
Noel Dobyns and daughter, Mr.
and Mrs. Garland Swanson and
family and Mrs; Mary Swanson,
Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd Morgan and
family, Mr. and Mrs. Paul Petty
john ana ramuy, Mr. ana Mrs.
E. R. Lundell. Also Mr. and Mrs.
John Eubanks and family who
Dlan to attend the Shrine bene'
fit football game in Portland nit
ford tfbinr art to the coast
Mr. and Mrs. Oscar Lunaeu
spent several days last week at
Mt, Adanis picking nuckieoer
ries where they gathered 20 gal
lons. Tltev returned Tuesday, a
short time- before their son Dale
and wife of Oakland, Calif, ar
rived unexpectedly for a visit.
They had been visiting Harlan
Lurtdeil and family irt Boise.
The A. E. and A. A. Stefans
familieis left Saturday for a va
cation at ther coast.
Mr. and Mrs. Merle" Cummings
of Spokane art visiting Mr. and
Mrs. EdWirt BertfstrOm.
Mrs. Hazel Baumaii and son of
Namua. Ida. stopped for a shdrt
visit with Mrs. A. H. Jackson last
Saturday and Sunday. Mrs. Bau
man. has just installed a new
beauty shop in Arlington.
The annual meeting of the Co
operative church of lone will be
held Sunday, Sept. 17 at the Con
gregational rooms with the usual
fellowship dinner served at noon.
1 -
I I "AKo.. VjW
x t
deliver MiBkoo
"ft. t. 'A mm mi mm , r, hm : ai mm m mm mm mm mm mm mm mm, s
H ; zjrf I Is
Net horsepower ... the power you use, the
power delivered at Ihe clutch . . . U the true
measuring stick of a truck's ability Jo haul
payloads. And for net horsepower, Chev
rolet heavy-duty trucks with Loadmaster
engine have no equal among the five most
popular standard equipped makes in their
Prov ky nrllM nlingi on tnsinM ud 01 itanoW .oVpmtnf In conwnlfonol mod.li of Ikt dvo moif oopubr maka.
weight class 13,000 to 16,000 lbs. G.V.W.;
Chevrolet heavy-duty trucks lead them alll
Compare the factsl Check the serial plates
of all other popular makes for proof. And
remember it's the power at the clutch that
counts! Come in and let us tell you the
full story of Chevrolet's truck leadership.
Featuring: two oriat valvmn-hiad
Delbert Tyler of Portland ar
rived at the Elvin Ely home Sun
day and will remain a tew days.
Other lone people who drove to
Mt. Adams to gather huckle ber
ries were Fred and George Ely
and Mr. and Mrs. Ernest Heliker.
They all found the berrjes plenti
Mr. and Mrs. Russell DeBondt
arrived in lone Sunday afternoon.
Mr. DeBondt who is the coach,
called all high school boys to re
port for practice Monday afternoon.
Charles White, son of Mr. and
Mrs. Gordon White reports an
enjoyable summer attending a
two and a half months summer
school at Mexico City college
and San Carlos university in San
Carlos Guatamala, and visiting
Hondorus, San Salvador and Ni
caragua where he met President
Arevalo of Guatemalo and Pres
ident Somogn of Nicaragua. This
tour and summer school were
under the auspicies of Pacific
university and directed by Dr.
Roberto Hooker, Instructor in
Spanish and international rela
tions at P. U. A group of 20
studehts made the trip. Dr. Hook
er and Joe Kirkbride of Hills
boro were overnight guests of
the Whites on their return from
Central America.
Mr .and Mrs. John Young of
Chehalis Wash, were guests of
Mr. and Mrs. Walter Roberts, ar
riving Wednesday of last week.
THey attended the R0und-up Fri
day and continued on south to
central Oregon to visit other rel
atives arid friends.
Mr. and Mrs. Dorr Mason drove
up from Portland for a week-end
visit' at Lewis Halvorsens. Their
daughters Judy and Alice who
hdye spent the summer at the
Halvorsen ranch returned with
them Sunday.
Mrs. Ella Beamer returned to
her home in Heppner Sunday af
ter a month's visit with her
daughter, Mrs. Herschel Town-
Tad Miller was painfully in
jured recently when a wagon bed
fell on his foot breaking several
Mr. and Mrs. Edmond Bristow
returned Saturday from a vaca
tion at the coast and southern
Lewis Halvorsen accompanied
by his family drove to The Dalles
Monday for a medical check-up,
The E. M. Baker family return
ed home Wednesday from a trip
through Washington and into
Canada. The trip was much en
joyed except for Duane who had
the misfortune of breaking one of
his toes when he dived into a
shallow spot in Lake Chelan.
Johnny Swanson, son of Mr.
and Mrs. Garland Swanson, was
the honor guest at a birthday
party at his home Monday when
a number of his friends came in
to help him celebrate his seventh
birthday. . Those present were
Ann and Jimmy Baker, Lona
White, Jacky Crum, Jimmy How
ton, Garry Morgan and Joe Al
len. His father whose birthday
was also on Monday, also helped
him celebrate.
Find out in
3 minutes
J ',) " "ft' V'
m'"', , A tf,
See how you can
get a Quicker, Closer
shave in LESS TIME
than it takes with
There' only one way to find
out what this new Sunbeam can
do come in and TRY IT. Skip
your next shave and ee for
yourself at our store;
Heppner Appliance
from Mr. and Mrs. Will Frasief,
who will move in with their son-
in-law and daughter, Mr. and
Mrs. Roser on the Blahm farm.
Week end guests at the sum
mer home of Mr .and Mrs. Arthur
Aiton and son Thomas were Miss
Jackie Woods, Mr. and Mrs. Tom
Webb, Portland and Mr. and Mrs.
Bntt Webb of Tacoma. All at
tended the Roud-up
Week-end guests at the Frank
Cole home were Mrs. Cole's sons
Dan and Mr. and Mrs. Lee Ham-
in of Olympia, also Mr. Cole's
son and family, Mr. and Mrs
Ross Cole of McMinnville. ,
Mr .and Mrs1. Alfred AscheY and
family spent the week end in
Mr. and Mrs. Don Tannehill
and daughters return to Portland
Monday after the week-end here
with his parents, Mr. and Mrs.
Clyde Tannehill.
Due to the sharp rise in cost of sup
plies necessary to continue our service
to you in a satisfactory manner, we
find it imperative to raise our laundry
prices as of September 1 , 1950.
Heppner Laundry
Thursday, P fiday, Saturday, September 7-8-9
CLOSING I pm. Daily
RtiOpeh after Daily Show (approximately 4:30 p. m.)
Close Saturday during Parade
Heppner, Oregon
Main at May