Page 4 Heppner Gazette Times, Thursday, August 31, 1950 Beach Family Has at Lexington Home Mrs. Elsie Beach entertained at a family reunion at her home Sunday. Those attending were Harold Beach and Mrs. Beach's her son and family, Mr. and Mrs. mother, Mrs. Joseph Wolfe of We have an Excellent Stock of SAMPSON LUGGAGE for Men and Women Wilson's Men's Wear Transferring & Heavy Hauling Padded Moving Vans Storage Warehouse U.PandN. P. Penland Bros. Transfer Co. 39 SW Dorion Avenue Phone 338 Pendleton, Ore. 723 for the answer to your INSURANCE problems. If we don't know the answers we will find them for you. C. A. Ruggles Agency Of Course it is a little late to do any needle work for this year's' fair, 's i."' If you will come in and look at our excellent line of needlework, knitting and crochet yarns and patterns, you will be inspired to have entries for next 'year's fair. Heppner Flower Shop Looking For A Gift? Automatic Blankets MAKE THE PERFECT GIFT! See the wonderful new General Elec tric Blanket One Control - $44.95 TwoControl - $54.95 HEPPNER HARDWARE & ELEC. CO . Falls City Wis., Mr. and Mrs. Laurel Beach and family of Port land, Mr. and Mrs. L. A. Palmer, Mr .and Mrs. Kenneth Palmer and family, Mr. and Mrs. Mar ion Palmer of lone, Mr. and Mrs. Elmer Palmer and family, of Hardman, Mr. and Mrs. Dee Cox, Mr. and Mrs. Lester Cox, Mr. and Mrs. Archie Munkers, Mr. and Mrs. Vernon Munkers, Mr. and Mrs. Frank Munkers, Mr. an dMrs. Leonard Munkers and daughter and Ida Lewis. Marvin Cox of Provo, Utah is visiting his parents, Mr. and Mrs. Dee Cox. The Amicitia club met at the home of Mrs. Eldon Padberg. Mrs. Walter Corley won high and Mrs. Carl Schwab low. Mr. and Mrs. Carl Schwab and children are living in the Ola Halloway house. He is the prin cipal of Lexington schools Charles Marquardt who under went surgery in a Portland hospi tal is greatly improved. Mr. and Mrs. Hermann Green aid family are enjoying a vaca tion at the coast and in Portland. Mr .and Mrs. Vester Thorn burg are vacationing at Ritter Hot Springs. Cpm Ted Griffen and children have returned to their home in Long Beach Calif, after a visit with his paretns, Mr. and Mrs. Jack Gnften. Pfc Billy Untten is visiting at his parents home from Fort Hood Texas. Mr. and Mrs. George Steagall and son Tommy were Portland visitors last week. Mrs. O. G. Breeding kept their small daugh ter while they were away. Mr. and Mrs. Glenn Griffith have completed moving to Union where they have purchased. Mr. and Mrs. Johnson of Heppnejr, have purchased the Griffith res idence and moved in Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Vernon Warner and children of Portland visited with his parents Mr. and Mrs. Ear! Warner for a few days. Mrs. Warner returned after several weeks visit in Corvallis. Mr. and Mrs. Vernon Munkers and daughter entertained Wen riesday evening with a steak fry honoring Mr. and Mrs. Harold Beach and family of Falls City, Wis. and Mrs. Joseph Wolfe. At tending were Mr. and Mrs. Leo nard Munkers and daughter, Mr. and Mrs. Archie Munkers, Mr. and Mrs. Vernon Munkers, Mrs. Elsie Beach, Mr .and Mrs. Laurel Beach and family of Portland and Marvin Cox of Provo Utah. Mr. and Mrs. C. C. Jones and family spent the week-end in Walla Walla where they visited at the Earl Lacey and A. A. Du- rand homes. . Mr. and Mrs. George Irvin and daughter visited at the W. I. Mil ler home in La Grande last week end. Mr. and Mrs. L. D. Vinson and family are living at the Elza Vinson ranch on Butter Creek. Delbert Vinson who is suffering from a fractured leg returned to Pendleton hospital for further Horse Meets Death When Hit By Car On John Day Hiway Mr. and Mrs. Clarence Holmes have rented Mr. and Mrs. Fred Page's home. Mr. and Mrs. Page left Friday for their home in Ca nada where they will spend the winter. Mr. and Mrs. Billie Ed Powell and Rev. and Mrs. Cowan ex changed houses this week. The Powells moved to the Fred Page house and the Cowans moved to the Charley Holmes house. Mr. and Mrs. George btuDDie- field are the proud parents of a baby boy, born at the John Day clinic August 26. The young man has been named James MurdocK Stubblefjeld. Grandparents are Mr. and Mrs. Murd StuDbieiieia and Mrs. Louisa Scott. Monument is having its share of fires this summer. On Sunday Mrs. Everett Hunt lost her barn and two stacks of hay. It was not known how the fire started L. D. Vincent has moved his family from Cupper creek to his parents' Mr. and Mrs. Couster Vincent, ranch on Butter creek. Clyde Tippen of Medford visit ed several days with his haugh- ter and husband, Mr. and Mrs. Bill Gates. Mr. and Mrs. Williams of Mis souri are visiting her mother and grandmother, Mrs. Mamie Fergu son and Mrs. Josie Rounds. Business matters took Mr. and Mrs. Buddy Batty to Bend Friday. Monument's womens Softball team went to John Day Monday to play in the tournament. Mr. and Mrs. Wayne Leathers and children have gone to Port land for eye checkups. They will join Mr. and Mrs. Henry Cupper and family att the coast for a short vacation. Business matters took Mrs. Lo uisa Fleming and Mrs. May de Etta Hinton to Pendleton Tues day. Mr. and Mrs. Boyd Hinton and children, and Mrs. Ella Durst drove to Hamilton Saturday to visit Mrs. Katie Hinton and dau ghter Alene. Mr. and Mrs. Earl Barnard were there too. They were helping Mrs. Hinton in voice her store. Mr .and Mrs. Bob Kelly and children, Mrs. Burnside and son Bob were returning from John Day Monday when they hit a horse on the highway near Fred Gassner's ranch. The occupants of the car were not seriously hurt but the horse had to be shot. Mel Round took the women and chil dren to Mrs. Phyllis Flower. Mr. and Mrs. Bill Gates are driving a new truck. They drove to Hermiston Friday. Earl Brown had to report in Portland for his physical Thurs day, August 24. Mrs. Louisa Fleming, Mrs. Clin ta Mellor and two daughters, Mrs. Gladys Jewel, Shirley Mae Fleming, Mrs. Maude Harris and sister, Elsie Roie drove to John Day Friday Mr. and Mrs. Bill Munday and daughter Joyce of the L. S. ranch on Cottonwood were in John Day on business Friday. John Day, uncle of Mrs. Harold Cork, passed away in Kennewick last week. Mr. and Mrs. Cork had gone to visit the Days so were with Mrs. Day at the time of Mr. Day's death. Mrs. Margaret Holmes, Mrs. Lavelle Holmes, Mrs. Mary Lee Lesley, Mrs. Betty Jean Simas and Mrs. Maxine Cimmiyotte were in John Day Tuesday. They all ga thered at the cafe in Dayville for dinner that evening. Mr. and Mrs. Chauncey Keeney and daughter Mary Ellen, were in Monument Tuesday greeting old time friends. They notice many changes since they lived in Monument. Mr. Kenney is a nephew of C. N. Wilson. Mr. and Mrs. Lee Slocum and Maynard Hamilton drove to Nys sa Friday to visit their daugh ter and husband, Mr. and Mrs. Banta. Mrs. Buel Harshman spent Wednesday in Heppner. Word has been receiver! nf the death of Cecil Sweek in Baker last Friday.. Burial -was held in me uriDDie cemetery near Canby Mr. Peterman, principal of erade school No. 8 arrived Fri day. A special schbol meeting for me graae scnooi was held Sat urday evening. Mr. and Mrs. R. C. Hooker and daughter Carol returned Monday week with Mrs. Hooker's mother two brothers and their families Mr. and Mrs. Farl Kwppk nnH daughetr Carol returned Monday after a two week stay in Port land. They were accompanied nome Dy tne uecu sweeks. Tues day they drove to John Day to visu ivir. ana Mrs. Deioert Sweek Mr. and Mrs. Stanley Boyer re turned from Portland Monday He was called to take his phys treatment. Word nf tho hirth r,f a rlaimV, ter Barbara to Mr. and Mrs. Ken- nein jacKson or The Dalles has been received. The babv Is the great granddaughter of Mrs. Laura Scott of this city. FlovH RrpprKncr crm ,f M nJ i"t ui in, ajiu Mrs. Bert Breeding has been no tified tn rennrt fnr Ma examination Thursday. uitojicaia was consulting a physician in Walla XTn 1 1 T I ana i ucsuay. Mr. and Mrs. Frank Hayden and dailPhfpr Poaav nf naic- ical for the army. Mr. and Mrs. Frank Weissen fluh of Long Creek were attend ing to business matters in Monu ment Monday. Mr. and Mrs. Buzz Stubblefield of Portland visited several days in Monument last week. They were houseguests of Mr. and Mrs. Murd Stubblefield. Mr. and Mrs. Tyler Jackson who have been employed on the Elzy Emry ranch left Friday for Bakersfield, Calif. Mr. Ischner and sons moved their equipment to start refin ishing the highway from Monu- Dehen LeHermens $12.95 to $19.95 ATHLETIC SUPPLIES: Boys' Slacks Supporters 65c and 95c Soort Shirts Gym Sox 50c Gym Trunks WILSON'S MEN'S WEAR 17111 or nature lover give our trees a sporting chance. Do your part to keep fires out of the woods. KINZUA PINE MILLS COMPANY KINZUA, OREGON iment to the top of school house 'hill. Mr. and Mrs. W. A. Cribbins, daughter Charlene and son Gary of Fossil were in town Staurday evening. They were guests of Mrs. Cribbin's parents, Mr. and Mrs. Charley Holmes. Roy Leathers is at Ritter Hot Springs for a week. On Sunday he was visited by his wife and daughter Isobel, Mr. and Mrs. Dell Neal and Charles Gilman. Mr. and Mrs. Chance Wilson spent Sunday at the Ritter Hot Springs. They enjoyed the baths and the chicken dinner served Sweaters Cords Faded Blue Denim Slacks to 1.25 Fancy T-Shirts 95c Shorts-T-Shirts The Store of e ccrofful Good hunters want to enjoy their hunting grounds and keep thenV too. That's why they make "Be careful with fire!" the first law of the' woods. The sportsman who safeguards our timberland setves all America." He' serves fellow sportsmen by protecting our great outdoor playground. He helps preserve our vital forest resource on which we depend foTour thousands of wood-using requirements. He guards the inheritance of' generations to come. However you use America's forest lands as hunter, fisherman, camner by Mrs. Mary Davfs. Mr. and Mrs. Clayton Griggs and children spent Sunday in Heppner. They were accompan ied home by their nephew, Ar thur Mahan. Mr. and Mrs. Tim Lovgren and son of Spray visited here Sunday. Waldo G. Sprague of Wollas ton, Mass. has been spending a few days with his uncle, Ted Jones. His cousin and husband, Mr .and Mrs. Ralph Reade of Spray came for him Saturday. By now he is on his way through Yosemite valley. Mr. Sprague was here last year after taking in 6.95 BELTS: Plain 4.95 8.95 to 16.95 SHOES: 3.95 to 7.50 Win9 1.95 to 2.95 1.10 to 1.35 Sox Personal Service with Qlro today! Grand Canyon. This is his fourth trip to Oregon. o- Mrs. Grace Nickcrson, Mrs. Richard Hayes and daughter Ka ren, of Arlington departed Sat urday by motor for Chicago where they will spend a month's vacation with Mr. and Mrs. Fran cis Nickerson. Karen will remain east with the Nickersons this year and attend the New Trier's high school in Chicago. During their mother's absence Billy Pat and Christine Hayes are visit ing Mr. and Mrs. Glenn Hayes in Lonerock. and initialled, 1.50 to 3.50 Tips-plain toe Scotch Grain Brogue 10.95 to 14.95 55c to $1.00 yoer, too? ton. Waeh vicitorl lact iimnb- ...44-U the M. Nolan and Peck families.