Page 3 Subscribe Now-Gazette Times, $3.00 a Year Be a booster for your Fair & Rodeo. Plan to attend all the shows PENNEY'S Let Us Help You Keep Stock Healthy Here . . you can get what you need when you need it . . and you know how im portant that is! Because prompt treatment often can prevent the infection . of entire herds and flocks. We will gladly give you in formation on the use of any preparation you may need. Make us your First Aid Depot for all your an imal health needs. We carry only pro ducts of proven dependability! Shop here with confidence. Saager's Pharmacy News from C. A. Office 4-H club leaders and members are busy preparing for both of the county fairs. Projects are be ing completed and record books brought up to date in order to exhibit, according to Maud Cass well, county extension agent in home economics. The county ag ent has assisted several club meetings. BOARDMAN: Home making club I met at the home of Mrs. Blanch Fussell, August 9. The meeting started with a pot luck lunch. All the members pre. sent worked on their projects. Mrs. Fussell and members work ed out plans for the club booth at the fair. Members present were Fl owers for all occasions in season or special MARY VAN'S FLOWER SHOP Flatt's Transfer and Storage Heppner Ph. 1 12 The Dalles Phone 2635 114 E. 2nd St Insured Carrier OREGON WASHINGTON FURNITURE MOVING "We Go Anywhere.Anytime" Nancy Califf, Carolyn Barham, Sharon Fussell, Lorna Shannon, Irene Archer and Wanda Hug. LEXINGTON: The Six Little Sewers clothing club met at the home of Mrs. Randall Martin, Au gust 11. 4-H members worked on clothing finishing problems such as zippers, yokes, sleeves and embroidering detail. After the meeting refreshments were serv ed while Mrs. John Graves show colored slides taken prior to and during the fair last year. Several slides were Included showing farming activity on the Graves farm and the 4-H tour in Morrow county. 4-H girls Phyllis Nolan, Shirley Hunt, Joan Breeding, Janice Mar tin, Marilyn Munkers, Patricia Steagall, Donna Robinson, Glen, na Griffith, Yvonne Breeding were present at the meeting. Guests were Mrs. Doris Graves, Mrs. Millard Nolan and Mrs. Ran dall Martin. Demonstration teams for the 4-H Ginger Snaps club met at the home of Mrs. C. C. Jones August 9 to plan and practice demonstra tions for the county fair. Mrs. Casswell, because Mrs. Oscar Breeding, 4-H club leader could not be present, assisted the members with the method used in presenting a demonstration. The demonstrations will be on laundry, cleaning silver and ma king health salad. They plan to meet to practice demonstrations August 15 at Mrs. C. C. Jones's residence in Lexington. Club members present were iPhylis Nolan, Betty Lou Messen Iger, Joan Breeding, and Dona Robinson. Carma Barlow was a guest. EIGHT MILE: The Busy Stitch ers 4-H Clothing club met at the home of Mrs. Walter Wright Au gust 14. The .business meeting included the filling out of detail 4-H records and writing of 4-H club story. Mrs. Wright, 4-H club leader, assisted the club members with plans and design for the r?a rt ti Three Big Pre-Rodeo Season Events Dress-up Parade - Crowning of Queen Joan Queen's Dance I ' ' ' . f " L k I rjrJ& lye 1 1 , '- l'f 1 vi rr ..TB.. 1 L iU--;1 " if fl ft ' 1 JliS-- .y(. - - 't r --, . - fcrvi 1 QUEEN JOAN HISLER of The MORROW COUNTY FAIR AND RODEO. HEPPNER. SEPT. 7-8-9-10 PRESS-UP PAKAEDE 7:8 Crowning of Queen Immediately Following Old Time Square Dancing for Short Time Prior to Queen's Dance at Fair Pavilion Music for Queen's Dance .&IW Slack's dkdhesfara club booth at the fair. All pro jects and record books are to be turned in September 4 to Mrs. Wright. The meeting was adjour ned and refreshments were serv ed. Members present were Sally Palmer, president; Patsy Wright, vice president; Billy Jean Privett, secretary; Sharon Rill, Janet Wright and June Privett. Guests were Mrs. L. Rill, Mrs. C. H. Priv ett and Mrs. Elmer Palmer. HEPPNER: Members of the Heppner 4-H Child Care club met at the home of Mrs. Jack Loyd, leader, August 11. Each girl ex plained the type of toys she was planning to exhibit at the county fair. Mrs. Loyd asked that each member bring the two toys and record books to her residence be fore fair time. Members present were Reita Graves, Sharon Beck et, Mary Ruth Green, Clarice Has tings and Kay Valentine. IONE: Congratulations to the lone 4-H club members led by Mrs. E. M. Baker. They have sent in the followng news for the pa per: "We 'Singing Sewers' 4-H club met at the home of Billie Seeha fer Friday, August 4. All mem bers finished projects and com pleted record books. They have announced that this is their fin al meeting. Refreshments were served by Mrs. Seehafer and Billie. The Future Knitters of Hepp ner 4-H club met Friday, Aug ust 18 at the home of Mrs. Gene Ferguson. The girls were work ing on projects finishing them for the Morrow county fair. Some of the articles to be exhibited are cable stitch mittens, scarves, anklets and baby sweaters. Mrs. Maud Casswell, home demon stration agent attended the meet, ing. Two of the girls will give a demonstration. The Child Care 4-H club mem bers of Irrigon met Thursday, August 17 in the cafeteria. Each member displayed the toys made for the project Record books were discussed. Each member will take record to start in a flash this way with w I SUPREME ) . GASOLINE J A Product of Standard of California Next best thing to put ting a new engine under the hood is putting Chevron Supreme in the tank! For this great blend of clean-burning gasolines is climate tai lored to suit your local driving conditions., assuring you faster ick-up . . . smoother driving . . . more pep ... over more miles! Distributors L. E. Dick HEPPNER Gordon White IONE books and two toys to Mrs. Shade Saturday, August 19 for the fair. Maud Casswell assisted the club members and Mrs. Louis Shade, leader, in planning 4-H booths for the fair at Boardman. A potluck lunch was served by the club members. Members present were Sylvia Boylan, Vyanna Boylan, Dorothy Hinkley, Ruth Shade, Janet Ste phens and Carmen Wilson. The Cooking II club led by Mrs. Ida Slaughter, met at 2 p. m. Thursday at the school. Three teams presented demonstrations. 4-H club leaders and Maud Cass well, county extension agent, as sisted them with suggestions to improve the demonstrations. A standard demonstration must have an introduction, body and conclusion. Janet Stephens and Sylvia Boy lan demonstrated sponge cake. Carla Hill and Ruth Shade se lected vegetable salad, while Carmen Wilson and Nancy Gray- beal demonstrated the maKine of nut bread. Mrs. L. C. Hill, 4-H leader was a guest. ipored mm,-1 V'.-.'l i FT Nothing hoi been in building thi out standing Reg. Hereford herd. EVERY ANIMAL SELLS SEPT. 7. 1910 Bialock. Oregon 187 REGISTERED HEREFCRDS Cows & Calves Bred Heifers Herd Bulls All Vaccinated & Cleon Write for Catalog SI Williams, Ontario, Oregon Western Sal Management EARL & MAUDE HOAG Tele-fun by Warren Goodrich "It's easy to allow time be tween your tails. Just we!': around the room between each one.". ..PJoase wait a few minutes between vour calls so other ic.'l; vx-i i ' i you more easily ... 1 . c : ' Telophfn';. Mayflower There's no better hot weather refresher than Mayflower Milk, served fresh and cold right from the re frigerator. Have V$ P'entv on-hand for ine wnoie lamuy. AT YOUR StORE OR AT YOUR DOOt. Your Home Town Pa per Only 3.00 a year The Corduroy Jumper You've Been Waiting For Quifct lle(Wij J Available in Bronze, Orange, Red, Lime, Green, and Camel CLAUDIEN'S