Heppner gazette-times. (Heppner, Or.) 1925-current, August 24, 1950, Page Page 6, Image 6

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Heppner Gazette Times, Thursday, August 24, 1950
40 Gridders Ready
To Report for Duty
Football season is just around
the corner and the resounding
thump of the pigskin and the
throaty call of the signal caller
can be heard any afternoon of
next week out at the Rodeo
On Monday, August 28, Coach
Hal Whitbeck will greet his 1950
edition of the Mustangs. Gear
will be issued any time after
9:00 a. m. on the above date and
the first practice will get under
way at 3:30 p. m. Coach Whit
beck invites all spectators, but
requests that they remain in the
stadium rather than on the foot
ball field.
The loss of services of Norman
Kuhl, Bob Bergstrom, Jimmy Or
wick, Harold Manners and Loren
Piper will be greatly missed but
the following lettermen are go
ing to fill their shoes: Melvin Pi
per, Marion Green, Lyle Peck
and Jack Sumner in the back
feild, and Phil Smith, Gary Con
nor, Vern Bell, Keith Connor, El-
are the Most Com
fortable Made
You can get them at
Wilson's Men's Wear
$13.95 to $16.95
With a New
See the
the newest
of the Portables
Remington Noiseless
Smith Coronas
Ask to see them
Phone 62
Heppner, Oregon
. & B.
Announces Reactivation of the
Instruction will be available on
week-ends at the following rates:
Dual Time . . . .$10 per hour
Solo Time . . . . $7 per hour
Gas and Oil Service will be maintained for
local and visiting planes . . . Telephone and
Transportation Service available at all times.
Bob Stephens
wayne Bergstrom and Don Wood
in the line.
Others out for this year's squad
include J. Settles, A. Burkenbine,
A. Hughes, M. Lanham, J. Prock,
L. Rill, Jr. Stout, Roy Taylor, W.
Connor, K. Cutsforth, G. Harsh
man, R. Haguewood, W. Mar
latt, J. Mollahan, Roland Taylor,
W. Wilson, D. Buschke, J. Busch
ke, W. Duran, J. Green, B. Hugh
es, R. Currin, D. Keenon, L. Lov
gren Russell Taylor, S. Lovgren,
T. Thompson, G. Walker and J.
Wightman. ,
A drivers license examiner will
be on duty in Heppner Tuesday,
Sept. 5, at the city hall between
the hours of 10 a. m. and 4 p. m.,
(according to an announcement
;Teceived from the Secretary of
State's office.
I Persons wishing licenses or
! permits to drive are asked to get
I in touch with the examiner well
'ahead of the scheduled closing
hour in order to assure comple
tion of their applications with a
minimum of delay.
Nu Vogue
. By Paula Blatt"
Patented Lingerie
Serve You Better
Smooth Fitting
For the Lady in
See them a complete
line at
September 1
Local News In Brief
Miss Patricia Pierson, bride
elect of Henry Rauch Jr. was
feted at a surprise miscellaneous
shower Tuesday evening at the
Civic Center building. Hostesses
for the affair were Mrs. John
Bergstrom, Mrs. Clara Gertson,
Mrs J. W. Farra, Mrs. Paul Mc
Coy and Mrs. J. C. Payne. About
40 ladies were present.
Mrs. C. C. Patterson and dau
ghter, Mrs. Le Grand Guild and
children are here from Snohom
ish, Wash, to visit with Mr. and
Mrs. J. Osmin Hager for a week.
Week-end guests of the Hagers
also were their son-in-law and
daughter, Major and Mrs. Clay
ton Shaw and children of Corval
lis, Oregon.
Mrs. Clyde Ogletree of Mobile
Ala., arrived Monday to visit for
several weeks with her son and
daughter-in-law, Mr. and Mrs.
Douglas Ogletree. The Ogletrees
met her in Pendleton.
Mr .and Mrs. James L. McMur
try and son Jimmie returned to
their home in Philomath Thurs
day after spending several days
here with Mr. and Mrs. R. J. Mc
Murtry. This is their first trip
into eastern Oregon and they
were much impressed.
Mrs. Ida Grimes departed Sun
day for Portland where she will
visit a while . Before returning
home Mrs. Grimes expects to go
to Wheeler for a few weeks.
Word was received of the birth
of twin sons Alvin Dee, 3 pound,
8 ounces, and Allen Lee, 4
pounds, 6 ounces, to Mr. and Mrs.
Howard Bones (Mary Ritchie) at
Wilcox Memorial hospital in
Portland August 19.
Tfffi-GouKifty Weather Eeseairch, Kmc
This space bought and paid for by Orville Cutsforth
Mr. and Mrs. Len Gilman and
children of El Cajon, Calif, ar
rived the first of the week to vis
it relatives, and with her mother,
Mrs. H. D. McCurdy, are spending
the week at Lehman Springs. Mr.
McCurdy went over Tuesday for
a couple of days.
Juanita and Wanda Matteson
returned Sunday from a motor
trip to ellowstone park. On the
trip they were guests of their
grandmother, Mrs. William Den
nison and Mr. Dennison and
aunt, Miss Bernice Hiatt of Port
land. Mrs. Orville Smith returned to
their summer home on Orcas Is
land Tuesday taking as their
guests, Mrs. Cyrene Barratt of
Corvallis, Mr. and Mrs. Raymond
Ferguson and Mr. and Mrs. Ste
phen Thompson. The party will
visit in British Columbia before
returning home.
Merle Becket and Howard Bry
ant were in The Dalles the first
of the week to attend a meeting
of First National bank execu
tives. Glen McLachlin made a busi
ness trip to Portland Friday. He
was accompanied by his mother,
Mrs. Mollie McLachlin of Moro.
Mrs. Katherine Strong of La
Grande spent the week-end in
Heppner visiting her brother,
John Porter.
Guests at the Marvin Wight
man home the past week-end
were Mr. and Mrs. E. L. Herrell
of Salem. Mrs. Mark Lauer is
spending a longer time at the
Wightmans but she and her
young daughter are returning to
their home in Portland this
Miss Leta Humphreys is again
Everyone in an agricultural area likes rain, and the prosper
ity that comes with it. Whether you are farmer, merchant,
or just retired.
The Tri-County Weather Research, Inc. was organized by
farmers in Gilliam, Morrow, and Sherman counties for the
purpose of investigating possibilities of increasing precipi
tation by artificial means. The Board of Directors is ready
to report on the findings of the Water Resources Develop
ment Corporation which has investigated the possibilities
in this area.
Come and hear the report of these investigations on
Monday Evening, August 28
8:00 pin., County Court House
You will be interested in hearing the possibilities of doub
ling Morrow County's rainfall in the months when rainfall
is most needed to insure a good crop.
It will soon be seeding time. It is time now to plan for extra
precipitation for a good stand of grain this fall.
Don't Elfiiss This Heeting
able, through the use of a spec
ial 'walker, to be around the
store, after an absence of several
months as a result of a leg frac
ture. She was anxious to see how
the work is coming along on
the remodeling of the pharmacy
department of the Humphreys
Drug company.
Mrs. E. R. Huston returned
home from valley points where
she visited fur several weeks.
She made the trip by air, her
first flight, and she was quite
thrilled with the experience.
Mrs. W. O. George and sons Kit
and David and -Mrs. Sadie Sigs
bte went to Lehman the first of
the week to rusticate for a few
Mr. and Mrs. Dick Ferguson
and daughter Rosemary of Mon
tesano Wash, are visiting the
Gene Fergusons for a few days.
Mis. L. B. Schwarz and son
LenRay left Tuesday morning for
Joseph to visit until Friday at
the home of Mr. and Mrs. Ever
ett Hayes. The women are sisters.
Recent guests of Mr. and Mrs.
Douglas Ogletree were her cous
ins, Mr. and Mrs. James Abbott
of Maupin and her mother, Mrs.
Jessie Batty of Kimberly.
Mr. and Mrs. R. D. Allstott Jr.
of Ordnance were week-end
guests of Mr. and Mrs. John
Bergstrom. .
Joe Hughes Jr. arrived home
Sunday from Los Angeles and
will spend a brief vacation with
his parents, Mr. and Mrs. Joe
Hughes.. Joe just graduated from
Woodbury college. Other guests
this week at the Hughes home
are Mr. and Mrs. Keith Marshall
Neighbors Honor
Boardman Pair on
50th Anniversary
Citizens of Boardman gather
ed at the grange hall in the eve
ning of August 15- to honor Mr.
and Mrs. Jesse Allen on the oc
casion of their golden wedding
Mr and Mrs Allen came to
Oregon from Nebraska in 1921
and settled on a farm near
Boardman. They have one son,
Arthur, a daughter, Mrs. Wil
lard Baker, four grandchildren
and one great grand daughter
all living in Boardman.
An interesting program was
presented consisting of music
a mock wedding by the little
Mr. Clyde Tannehill on behalf
I of the community presented the
couple with a large chair and
and end table. Refreshments, in
cludin ga three tiered wedding
cake were then served.
Out of town guests were Mrs.
B. J. Olds and son Perry, of Oma
ha, Nebraska and Mrs. Ross Ny
ratt of Portland, sisters and' ne
phew of Mrs. Allen.
and children of McMinnville. Mr.
Marshall is participating in the
state softball tournament this
week in Pendleton as a member
of the Salem team.
Among those from Morrow
county in Pendleton Thursday
were Mrs. Newt O'Harra and her
house guest, Miss Jean O'Harra
of Carson City, Nev., Mrs. Ted
Pierson and daugnters, jviarjone
.nH PatHf-ia. Mrs. Paul Warren.
Mrs. Dean Hunt and Mrs. Hugh
Smith. .
Mrs Chris Brown was a busi- .
ness visitor in Pendleton Friday.
Mrs. Annabel Allison oi run
land visited here the first of the
week with her father F. W. Tur
ner and Mrs. Turner.
Mrs. Richard Hayes and dau
ghters of Arlington were week
end guests of her mother, Mrs.
Grace Nickerson.
We wish to thank our friends
for the many acts of kindness
and thoughtfulness exienued
during the long illness of our
beloved husband and father.
Mrs. Edward Breslin
Mrs. John Walsh. v.
and SONS
and Welding
Bob Christenson