Page b rn UVJ Heppner Gazette Times, Thursday, August 24, 1950 TWOFORD families are happy families because the wife has a car for her convenience. They are economical too, WANTED Custom combining. Massey-Harris machine. W. G. seenarer, lone, Oregon. 20-24c WAITED 23 dirty cars to wash every day with our Washmo bile. Wash job $1.50. Rosewall Motor Company. WANTED Radiator" fan assembly and track for a 60 Cat. Pay cash or trade lumber. Russell Nelson, Scott's Mills, Oregon. MORE people are getting the Fordfeel every day. FOR SALE 1941 P-12P1 y mou I h 4-pasenger coupe, $450. C. D. McCabe, phone 5221, lone. WE HAVE an expert glass cutter. We cut glass lo fit all makes of cars and trucks. Bring your car to us for quicq service. Rosewall Motor Company. FOR SALE Baled alfalfa-and barley hay. L. S. Brown, lone, Oregon. - 17tfc SETTING new records every day. The Morrow County Creamery delivers Pride of Oregon ice cream and butter in three counties. They are setting new economy records with their their F-2 Ford truck. Prompt t'Oli SALE Desirable house lots on west side. Blanche Brown, 203 Water street. Phone 462. 21tfc Gay, Strawflower bouquets in vivid, dashing colors make a bright spot in any room., New at Heppner Flower Shop. and dependable service plus top quality makes Pride of Ore gon products the favorite. D. M. C. crochet and embroidery threads make seasoned needle, workers smile and give en couragement to new ones. A wide variety of colors, ecru or white at Heppner Flower Shop. 1948 FOKD Super Deluxe tudor LEGAL NOTICES EXHIBIT "A" . i. THE CIklUIT COURT OF THE biAl'E OF OREGON FOR ulu; COUNTY OF MORROW jioiu HAui FIELD, and JESSIE iiAui riiLD, as Administratrix oi tne Estate of W. A. llart lield, ueceased, Plaintiffs, -vs- IbAAC W. MURPHY and NONA MUKPHY, his wile, Defendants. This suit coming on regularly for Hearing on the complaint of tne plainulls herein, plaintiffs appearing by J. D. Weed, one of tneir attorneys, and the defend ants appearing not, either in per son or uy counsel, and the de lault of uoih ot said defendants Herein having been heretofore entered on our record; and the Court having considered Vie com plaint herein and the files and lecoius of this suit and the testi mony ollered on behalf of plain tuis, una ueing luliy advised in tne premises, it is Hereby UuDhkeD, ADJUDGED, CON ULU&utLL) AiND DECREED as fol lows: - 1. That the plaintiffs, Jessie iiumieiu, and Jessie llartlield, as Auininisiratrix of the Estate of W. A. Hartlield, Deceased, nave juuginent against the de lenuunis, IbAAC VV. MURPHY ana NOiN'A MUKPHY, Ins wile, lor the sum ol 5jU,697.01, together with interest tnereon at the rate ot bvb per annum trom and after tne uaie ot entry ot this judg ment, and the lurtner sum of 5i,blU.UU attorneys' lees, and for pianuuls' costs and disburse ments Herein, taxed and allowed in me sum ot $IS.2b, and that ex ecution issue therelor. 2. mat the plaintiffs, Jessie Hartlield, and Jessie Hartlield, as Auininisiratrix of the Estate of W. A. Hartlield, Deceased, nave a lien on the tollowing uesciiueu property situate in the Lily ol iiuaruman, Morrow Coun ty, Oregon, to-wil: Lots Li, IS, 19, 20, 21, 22 in block (, and all buildings and equipment thereon, and Hie wnole thereof, by virtue oi a mortgage given to plaintiff, Jessie iiaitnelu, arid to said de eeueiu, Vv'. A. Hartlield, uuring ins luetime by defendant, Isaac vv. iviurpny, Hearing date the 2uin uay oi January, 1948, and lecorueu on March 14, 19b0, in ijuoiv -iJ, page 53o-6 of the lie curti ol Mortgages of Morrov uuiity, Oregon, tor the sums ucientueioie round to be due lo pimnuiis on judgment herein feiunteu, and said lien is a first aiiu prior lien in point of right una time lo any and ail lien, ngiii, title, interest or equity ol me ueleiiuants herein, or either oi mem, lo or against the pre mises auove described. i. niai wnaiever claim, lien, estate, right, title, interest or euuity tne uefeiidants, or either uietu, may have, or claim vto uue, in and on the premises auove uescnued, it any, is sub sequent in time and inferior in ngtii and equity to the lien of lite plaintiffs thereon under and by virtue ot the mortgage here inueiore described. 4. Thai the mortgage from Is uae W. Murphy hereinbefore de scribed be, and it is hereby, sedan has radio and heater, low mileage. Pay $400.00 down RosewallMotor Company. FORSALE Two-bedroom house, three years old; strictly mod ern. Phone 513. R. E. Thomas. 21-23p WHEN it is Round-Up time in Oregon it is time to get a new Ford. FOR RENT One sleeping room. 101 Chase St. 23p WANTED Radiator, fan assem bly and tracks for a . 60 Cat. Pay cash or trade lumber. Rus sell Nelson, Scotts Mills, Ore. 22-23C 1949 Chevrolet pickup, lots of ex tras, low mileage, Deluxe cab. Pay $425.00 down. Rosewall Motor Company. ROSEWALL Motor Company has received a shipment of perma nent type . anti-freeze. See Rosewall about your cold wea. ther protection. ' FOR SALE -10 foot and 12 foot Massey-Harris double discs. Both for $1500. Alex Hunt, Lexing ton, Ore. 23-24p WE have enough tires to take care of all regular reguire ments. When you need new rubber see Rosewall Motor Company. FOR SALE 1 Massey-Harris No. 21 self-propelled combine, 14' canvas table, new in 1946. Paul Brown, Ph. 3F3. 23-24c 1912 FORD 6 cylinder sedan. This A-l car has new paint and is a car you will be proud to drive. Pay down $265.00. Rose wall Motor Company. ' WILL TRADE for 4 tons of 3rd cutting alfalfa hay, surface fir lumber, No. 2 common and better. Clifford Nelson, Scotts Mills, Ore. 22-23c WE have the photo electric type head lamp adjuster. If you are not sure the lights are right on your car bring it to us for a foreclosed; and that the" proper ty described herein be sold ac cording to law and the rules and practices of this Court and the proceeds therefrom be applied as follows: First, to the costs of mak ing said sale; Second, to the payment of the amounts found due to the plain tiffs, Jessie Hartfield, and Jessie Hartfield, Deceased under and by virtue of the note and mortgage set forth in the complaint on file herein, together with attor neys' fees allowed to the plain tiffs herein, and for plaintiffs' costs and disbursements incurr ed herein; Third, That the balance, if any, be paid into this Court for whomsoever may be entitled thereto. 5. That the defendants above named, and also all other per sons or parties unknown claim ing any right, title, estate, lien or interest in the property de scribed in the complaint herein, and each of them, and any and all persons claiming by, through or under said defendants, or ei ther of them, be forever barred .inri forelosed of all rieht, title, lien, estate or interest in nd to the premises described in this decree and the plaintiffs' mo'rt ?aw. includine anv rieht of re demption which they may have, except tne statutory rigni oi re demption; that upon the sale of said premises by the proper of ficers of this court, the purchas er be let into possession of said property, and if the defendants, or their successors, shall refuse to surrender possession upon said sale, the purchaser have the Henelit ot sucn remeay as me law may afford to secure such Dossession. including the extra ordinary writ of assistance. Said sale of witnin descriDea land to be held at the hour of 10 o'clock a. m., Thursday, bop- (ember 28, 1950 at the county court house in Heppner Oregon. DATED this I4tn ctay oi Aug ust, 1950. R. J. Green, JUDGE 23-27C NOTICE FOR PUBLICATION Forest Exchange Oregon 01718, llnitpH States Denartment of the Interior, Land Office, Portland IS, Oregon, July 20, 1950. Notice is hereby given that Mabel A. Hughes, of Milton, Oregon, did, on June 15, 1950, make applica tion under the act oi Marcn u, 1922 (42 Stat. 465), as amended by the act of February 28, 1925, (43 Stat. 1090; 16 U.S.C. sees. 485, 186), to select certain timberfrom portions of sec. 12, T. 16 S., R. 33 li., and sec. 14, T. 17 S., R. 33', E., W. M., Grant County, Oregon, within the Malheur National For est, in exchange for the NE'4 sec. 15, T. 6 S., R. 29 E., W. M., Mor row County, Oregon, within the Umatilla National Forest. Any and all persons claiming the lands selected, or having bona tide objections to the exchange, should file their protests on or before August 31, 1950. Pierce M. Rice, Manager. 19-23 NOTICE OF FINAL HEARING NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that the undersigned as Admin istratrix of the Estate of RALPH D. JONES, deceased, has filed her Final Account and report in the said estate with the Clerk of this Court and that the Judge thereof has fixed Monday, the speedy adjustment. Rosewall Motor Company. TO RENT Cool, quiet room for employed men. Edmondson & Tash. Phone 1145 22-24p ROSY SAYS: We have been busi er than a post office furnish ing automotive service the last three months. We have added three mechanics to our staff and will endeavor to continue the high type service you ex pect to find at your friendly Ford dealer's shop. THE large number of trade-ins on the Blue Ribbon 1950 Ford gives us the choice of 11 makes of used cars to sell. Keep your eye on our big lot for your transportation needs. Rosewall Motor Company. ' IF THE paint on your car has be come dull looking, phone 1092 for an appointment to have your car Porcelainized. Porce lainize out lasts three or four ordinary wax or polish jobs. Porcelainize and ride with pride. Rosewall Motor Company JUST a few left We have a few low priced cars 'prcied from $75.00 up. If you are planning on buying a car look over our veterans. They are ready for the road. Rosewall Motor Co. LET US undersea! your car against dust, rust and road noises. Phone 1092 for an ap pointment. Rosewall Motor Co. WE HAVE . 100 percent virgin woo auto robes $8.95. Rosewall Motor Company. IF OUR car battery gives up one of these cool mornings phone 1092 and have Rosewall Motor Compny install a heavy duty Ford battery. FOR SALE 2 bedroom house, basement, modern, 4 years old. Call 2605 after 6 p. m. Chas. Hasvold. 23-24p o . CALL FOR BIDS FOR SALE OF BUILDINGS Notice is hereby given that the City of Heppner will, on 28th day of August, 1950, at the hour of 10:00 o'clock a. m., as the time, in the County Court room in the courthouse in Hep pner, Morrow County, Oregon, as the place for hearing objections to the said Final Account and Ola L. Jones Administratrix of the Estate of Ralph D. Jones, deceased the settlement thereof. P. W. Mahoney, Attorney for the Administratrix, Heppner, Oregon 19-23c NOTICE TO CREDITORS Notice is hereby given that the undersigned was duly ap pointed by the Probate Court of the State of Oregon for Mor row County, administratrix of the estate of HUBERT MAHON, deceased, and all persons having claims against the estate of said deceased are hereby required to present the same to the under signed administratrix with pro per vouchers at the law office of Jos. J. Nys, at Heppner, Ore gon, within six months from the date hereof. Dated and first published this 27th day of July, 1950. ALICE MAHON, , Administratrix 19-23 SUMMONS IN THE .CIRCUIT COURT OF THE STATE OF OREGON FOR THE COUNTY OF MORROW CHARLES H. BRESHEARS and EMMA BRESHEARS, husband and wife, Plaintiffs, -vs- MARY A. ROYSE and JOHN DOE ROYSE, her husband; the un. known heirs of Mary A. Royse" deceased; ELIZABETH THOM PSON and JOHN DOE THOM PSON, her husband; and the unknown heirs of Elizabeth Thompson, deceased; DANIEL M. POTTER and JANE DOE POTTER, his wife; and the unknown heirs of Daniel M. Potter, deceased; also all oth er persons or parties unknown claiming any right, title, es tate, lien or interest in the real estate described herein, Defendants. TO: The above named defend ants: IN THE NAME OF THE STATE OF OREGON: You are hereby re quired to appear and answer the Complaint filed against you in the above entitled court and cause within four weeks from the date of the first publiction of this summons and if you fail to ap pear and answer, for want there of, the plaintiffs, will apply to the Court for the relief as prayed for in the said Complaint, to wit: For a Decree that the plaintiff's are the owners in fee simple of the following described real pro perty, to wit: Lots four (4) and five (5) in Block twenty (20) in the town of Lexington And that the plaintiffs are the owners in fee simple of the said land, free of any right, title, es tate, lien or interest of you and each of you, and that you or any of you have no right, title, estate, lien or interest in the said land, or any part thereof, and perpetu ally restrain and enjoin you and each of you,' your heirs and as signs, from asserting or claiming any right, title, estate, lien or In terest in the real estate herein described, or any part thereof ad verse to the plaintiff. Tuesday, September 5, at the hour of 7:30 p. m. of said day, at the Council Chambers in the City of Heppner, receive sealed bids for the following buildings, to -wit: 1 small garage, 11' x 12' 1 shed, 26' x 35' 1 oil house, 18' x 31 1 shop, 32 x 75' Fair Pavilion, 94' x 65V2, ex cepting the South 13' x 65V2' thereof. All of aid buildings are now located on the City park site on Main Street, north of the Tum-a-Lum Lumber Company. All of said buildings to be re moved from said premises not later than thirty (30) days from the date of purchase. The City reserves the right to reject any or all bids. All bids must be received by the City Recorder not later than 7:30 p. m., September 5, 1950. Dated this 24th day of August, 1950. WALTER BARGER, Jr., . City Recorder 23-24c This Summons is served upon you by publication thereof for four consecutive weeks in the Heppner Gazette Times by order of the Honorable Garnet Barratt, Judge ot the County Court of Morrow County, State of Oregon, which said order was made and entered on the 1st day of August, 1950. Date of first publication is Au gust 3, 1950. B. D. FANCHER, Attorney for the Plaintiffs. Address: Heppner, Oregon.20-24c NOTICE TO CREDITORS 'i Notice is hereby given that the undersigned has been duly ap pointed administratrix of the es tate of GEORGE LARSON, de ceased, by the Probate Court of the State of Oregon for the County of Morrow and has ac cepted such trust All persons having claims against said es tate are hereby required to file the same with the administra trix, at the office of J. O. Turner,, in Heppner, Oregon, within six months from the date of the first posting of this notice. flated and first published this 10th day of August,, 195( at Heppner, Morrow County, Ore gon. ALTHEA KIRK Administratrix Address Heppner, Oregon 21-25c NOTICE OF FINAL HEARING NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that the undersigned Adminis tratrix of the estate of REBECCA ANN JENKINS, 'deceased, has filed her Final Account and re port in the said estate with the Clerk of this Court and that the Judge thereof has fixed Monday, the 11th day of September, 1950, at the hour of 10:00 oclock a. m., as the time in the County Courtroom in the Courthouse in Heppner, Morrow County, Ore gon, as the time and place for hearing objections to the said Final Account and the settlement thereof. MAMIE ELVIRA HARWOOD Administratrix of the Estate of Rebecca Ann Jenkins, re ceased. P. W. Mahoney Attorney for the Adminis tratrix j Heppner, Oregon 21 -25c NOTICE FOR PUBLICATION i Isolated Tract Public Land 1 Sale. United States Depart- ment of the Interior, Bureau of Public Land Management. Office Portland 18, Oregon. ..... August 2, 1950. I Notice is hereby given that un-1 der provisions of section 2455, 1 R. S., as amended by section 14 ' of the act of June 28, 1934 (48 i Stat., 1274), and pursuant to the; application of Rudolph Klinger, Serial No. Oregon 0792, there will be offered, to the highest bidder, but at not less than $15.00 per acre, at a public sale to be held at 10 o'clock A. M., on the 3rd day of October, 1950 next, at this office, the following tracts of lando: T. 1 N R. 26 E., W. M Oregon; Sec. 6, W'iNWVi, con taining 50.74 acres. Bids may be made by the principal or his ag ent, either personally at the sale or by mail. Bids sent by mail will be considered only if receiv ed at this office prior to the hour fixed for the sale. These bids must be accompanied by certi fied checks or post-office money orders for the amounts of the bids and must be enclosed in sealed envelopes. The envelopes must be marked in the lower left-hand corner substantially as follows: "Public sale bid, Serial No. Oregon 0792, Sale, 10:00 a. m. October 3, 1950." The person making the highest bid will be required to pay im mediately the amount thereof. Any persons claiming adverse ly the above-described land are advised to file their claims, or objections, on or before the time designated for sale. Any person entitled to claim a preference right tinder the first proviso to section 14 as an owmv of contiguous land must n'-s.T his claim within 30 days from the date of public offering and conditional sale to the highest bidder and at the expiration of said preference right period, if no such right has been asserted, the highest bidder will be de clared the purchaser of the land. PIERCE M. RICE 22-26p Manager. Now thousands own 2 Wben ot a quarter-million ihes are boo-Fafd families then be a reaspn! Ttey're bond that, dividing the family mileage, two money taring Fords coat little more than drfVing arte higher priced ear. WIUU tidmaO lira aarf wml trbti ring, mhin til a tttra toM, they're that easy on the purse! Jar 7f, f ? 2. ! j&jfz5ras3 ROSEWALL MOTOR CO. XDCBtiaKDCPCBQ0(r SDAOfFIBOdS Wj v S " " v " " J Ordinary matlrest doesn't iup- tf - - " iOi-tH Prt musc,e properly-you teak t sfv s s S J" K'tl1 " ac,,e yur back. Scientific construction keep, your " ' 'jgf Fn '" """ body straight-help, cor. r ' W -i''i '.r r-ect existing pain and Urain. hJ lH! oar Se,y S.A50 t ' "An Orthopedic Surgeon look. t;" m" now... VI U innerspring mattress is designed to help bolster sagging muscles . . . provide proper sleeping posture for your entire body. Enjoy years of refreshing nights and pain-free days. "An Orthopedic Surgeon looks fit Tmip mnttri'ea niira (ir tl.a asking! Get your free copv of this authoritative booklet. Come in for yours. Case Furniture Co. Fine Fords Ford offers a choice of two great economy engine 100 h.p. V-8 or 95 h.p. "Six". . . . Come in and lest Drive a 50 Ford today. Cwh-lkik-kr a m Here's welcome relief from -' that painful morning backache due to sleeping on a too-soft mattress or make-shift bedboards. Our Sealy Firm-O-Rest, the world's largest selling orthopedic mattress, practically gives your back a nightly health treatment The firm, scientifically correct support of this MuK'liintf OrihiipiMllc Hon Sprluf olno avuilutile.