Heppner Gazette Times, Thursday, August 24, 1950 Page 3 Mr. and Mrs. Theodore R. Pier son announce the engagement and approaching marriage of their daughter, Patricia Lucille to Henry Itauch Jr., son of Mr. and Mrs. Henry Kauch. The wed ding is planned for September 12, at 8 p. m. at All Saints Me morial Episcopal church. No for mal invitations are being ex tended but friends and relatives are invited t attend the wedding and reception. Mr. and Mrs. Floyd Tolleson Jr. and daughter and Mrs. Mary Hurst are here this week, from Spokane to visit his parents, Mr. and Mrs. Floyd Tolleson. World ilvisoirnvd Itoad llvvord for Economy and Lontj Life , ifrff 'ftiimilftirffrMnlttifcuniiii ir Just iuc it plenty of exorcise! . .. .J&HAM t UrJV TT H Mi Trills ..W Hi P-ir '"""J--i wn.nn i 'Mm ',fM'' y& Jfc son and family, Mr. and Mrs. Monument district. The preallot- Mr. and Mrs. Haskel Hobby Emory Moore. ment and construction funds are and daughter Margery Ann drove A release and sales aereement o.ton hv inmict on Than a tn Portland Saturday to buv a has been signed so that R.E.A. special board meeting will be car for their stage route at power can be obtained for the i held and a manager hired. It has Mitchell. gaiuuuuiim t:i -it 3l When you take the wheel of a new Pontiac you may be so proud of its beauty that you will be inclined to pamper it a little. No Pontiac ever needs pampering! Pontiac is built, through and through, to be a great and dependable performer for a long, long time. Just give Pontiac plenty of exercise and your speedometer will reveal the whole truth of the statement dollar for dollar you can't beat a Pontiac! Dollar for Dollar you carft beat a 7TA FARLEY PONTIAC CO. Floy Hinton Laid To Rest Saturday In Hamilton Plot Word was received in Monu ment last Wednesday of the death of Floy Hinton in St. Vin cent's hospital in Portland. His wife Katie, daughter Alene and brother Ben were at his bedside. His brother Doc and nephew Boyd Hinton left at once to bring the family home. Funeral ser vices were held in the gymna sium at Monument Saturday at 2 p. m. Driscoll's mortuary was in charge of arrangements and Rev. Arthur Beckwlth of Canyon City officiated. Interment was made in the Hamilton cemetery. Milton Morgan of Monument, Will Carter of Baker, Fred Roach and Tom Ross of Hamilton, Ro bert Sproul, of Beach creek and Lloyd Leathers of Long Creek acted as pall bearers. Floy Hinton was born June 20, 1895 and passed away August 16, 1950. He was the youngest of five children. He is survived by his wife and daughter Alene; two sisters, Mrs. Efta Durst and Mrs. Ivy Barnard, both of Monu ment; two brothers, H. C. Hinton I!!IIMN of Monument and W. B. Hinton ""'""""""'"'""'"'"'"'""im - of John Day; two nieces, Mrs. Ella Kenton of Portland and Mrs. Reta King of Hamilton. The chest x-ray unit was in Monument Thursday. A large crowd attended. Mrs. Lydia Ca- pon was chairman, bne was as- sisted by Mrs. Edith Batty, Mrs. ; Lucy Ann Broadfoot, Mrs. May ; de Etta Hinton and Mrs. Millie 1 2 Wilson in canvassing the com- J munitv and getting everyone to's sign up. Helping during the day were Mrs. Edith Batty, Mrs. Lou- isa Heming, Mrs. Millie Wilson, E Mrs. Ethel Leathers, Mrs Clinta , Harris and Rev. Sidney E. Harris. i Mr. and Mrs. Ad Moore of Hep pner spent Sunday visiting their 10 cu. ft. Refrigerator $26500 Zenith Deep Freezer $309.9 5 7 Cu. Ft. Refrigerator $189.95 o Marshall-Wells Store Don Walker, Owner Heppner, Oregon an i STAR BD REPORTER Admission prices afternoon and evening-, unless specifically advert sed to be otherwise: Children : Est Price .17, Fed. Tax .03, TOTAL 20c; Grade and High School Students 13 years and oven Est Price .40, Fed. Tax .10, TOTAL 50c; Adnlts: Est. Price .50, Fed. Tax .10, TOTAL 60c Every child occupying a seat must have a ticket. Sunday shows continuous from 1 p.m. During July and August the Saturday shows start at 7 p.m. All other evening shows start at 7:30 p.m. iNL-c KmlC Mir mkv F t - - ffV. . S-ul If v-r;ST Most women here are VrtfM4i ' letting Reddy Kilowatt VMFTki ' do more and more of v? cli 1 housework- 01 ' Ni!Mv$ .l k Reddy works, the less per hour is Vww his pay A,mosteverything you buy- v y $31 Plllii T costs more tha n ten years a9' ex IU t'i: 7J:i j S 1 1 1 i IX 1 cePf the services of Redc,y Kilowatt, Sunday-Monday, August 27-28 THREE CAME HOME Claudette Colbert Florence Desmond. Fatric Knowles, Sessue Hayakawa Frank Faylen, Sylvia Andrew Agnes Newton Keith's true story of her experiences as a Japanese prisoner of war. While stark and realistic at times, it has great power and is an excellent photoplay. Sunday shows continuous from 1 Tuesday-Wednesday, August 29-30 ROUGHSHOD Robert Sterling, Gloria Grahame, Claude Jar man Jr., John Ireland, Jeff Donnell Lusty western drama in approved frontier style. Thurs.-Fri.-Sat., Aug. 31-Sept 1-2 KID FROM TEXAS Audey Murphy, Gale Storm, Albert Dek- ker Shepperd Strudwick The true and savage story of Billy the Kid ...the most hunted outlaw in western his- tory. Photographed in Technicolor. rs Jiggs aryi Maggie Out West j The McManus cartoon -strip characters go EE west for their latest amusing comedy zst antics. Saturday show starts at 7 EE THE COST OF LIVING is up 68 RATE CUTS SINCE 1 940 have meant TODAY'S BIGGEST Bi since 1940 But PP&L's average price total net savings of nearly 18 million Residential electric rates-he for household electricity is down 40 1 dollars to users of PP&L's electricity I than half of the nationa' Pacific Power & light Company 1910 Our 40th Anniversary Year 1950 Al . less , erage. 4 Have You Seen the HAFRTS H!U.SnE Self Propelled COMBINE Phone or call today nd we will show you a one man machine with everything. The Model SPH-88 harvesting wheat on steep hillsides of Walla Walla County, Washington. Features. . . O Hydraulic Leveling O Automatic Pivot Header O 61" Separator Shot O V-Belt Drives O 60 Bushel Bulk Bin O Airplane Control Level O Heavy Duty Hydraulic Brakes O 35-Gal. Gas Tank and Many Other Features PHONE 1211 Harris now brings to its far mer friends of the Pacific Northwest a leveling one man combine. Proven and used in hillside areas of Washington, Oregon, Idaho, Montana and California. The same thorough principle of Train cleaninq used by Harris for almost 50 years assure vou of a truly great develop ment in harvesting ma chinery. IT. LEVELS, IT "SAVES" THE GRAIN. AND IT NEEDS ONLY ONf MAN TO OPERATE. Contact Your Local Dealer OMAR RIETMAW IONE, OREGON Vir Akj da kj v It rCPANYj