Heppner gazette-times. (Heppner, Or.) 1925-current, August 17, 1950, Page Page 3, Image 3

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    Heppner Gazette Times, Thursday, August 17, 1950
Page 3
I We Ar
ow Showin
Camp 5 Babe First Occupant Of
Memorial Hospital's Incubator
5 Piece Modern Heywood-Wakefield
Bed Room Suite
"Home Planned" for Graceful Living
The incubator at Pioneer Me
morial hospital was put into use
for the first time when the four
pound, five ounce son was born
Sunday morning to Mr. and Mrs.
Dale Jones of Camp 5.
Mrs. Clara B. Gertson enter
tained at a stork shower Thurs
day afternoon at her home on S.
Main street complimenting Mrs.
Harold Snider of lone. Present
were Mrs. Hugh Salter and dau
ghter, Helen, Mrs. Ernest Heli-
Iker, Mrs. George Snider of lone,
Mrs. Lee Howell, Mrs. Al Huit,
Mrs. Emma Warren, Mrs. C. A.
Warren, Mrs. Rowena Quacken
bush, Mrs. Les Wyman, Mrs.
Fred Hoskins Sr. and Mrs. Fred
Hoskins Jr. Refreshments were
Mrs. Earl Bryant and two chil.
dren were here from Lewiston,
Idaho during the past week for
a visit with her mother, Mrs. So
phrona Thompson and other
Mrs. Clara B. Gertson left Sun
day for Central Point where she
is spending the week with her
son-in-law and daughter, Mr.
and Mrs. C. W. Anhorn and
Mr and Mrs. Herbert Bower of
Junction City were houseguests
of Mrs. Alena Anderson. The Bo
wers were just completing a mo
tor tour of several weeks which
took them into Canada atid Gla
cier National Park. 1
i Joe Howell was here from Port-
weeks visit in Prineville with her
parents. She was brought to
Heppner by her mother Mrs. Syl
va Smith and Rev. and Mrs. Joe
Howard and son Mark.
Mrs. Clarence Wise and dau
ghter Darlene and their guests
Mr. and Mrs. Vinton Howell of
John Day motored to Pendleton
Tuesday for the day.
Sgt. Robert Mollahan arrived
Monday from Washington D. C.
for a 30-day furlough with his
parents, Mr. and Mrs. P. A.
Mrs. Earl Gilliam left Sunday
for Portland where she will at
tend buyers market. She was ta
ken to Arlington by her daughter-in-law,
Mrs. Howard Gilliam.
Mrs. Durward Tash entertaine .-.
Saturday evening with a bridal
shower complimenting Mrs. Stan
ley Cox, bride of recent date. Pre
sent were Mrs. Elbert Cox, Mrs.
Phil Griffin and daughter Mar
lene, Mrs. Cecil Mulling, Mr. and
Mrs. Lyle Cox and children, Mr.
and Mrs. Si Walker, Mrs. Dick
Borman, Miss Bernice Huston,
Jack Edmondson, Stanley Cox
and Durward Tash.
Mrs. John Bergstrom was hos
tess the last of the week at her
country home in the Eightmile
district for a luncheon compli
menting Mrs. Herman Parker of
Pasco, Wash. Present were Mrs.
Lawrence Becket, Mrs. Walter
Becket, Mrs. Clive Huston, Mrs.
Charles Becket, Mrs. Frank Par
ker and Miss Marilyn Bergstrom.
Mrs. Parker was also honored at
a dinner for which Mr. and Mrs.
The Heyood-Wakefield symbol is your assurance of fine
Craftsmanship and Carefully selected Hardwoods
in Every Piece
dase Fuffnituure omjpaaiy
" lanH thA lact nf the uppI; vicitintr 1
relatives and friends. He was Ben Anderson were hosts Wed-
- brought to Heppner by his dau-,nesday- ,
ghter, Mrs. Gladys Corrigal who I v.et-K-end guests of Mr. and
returned home Sunday. 'Mrs. Harry Munkers were his sis-
i, , , , , . . ters, Mrs. Minnie Woods of Ver-
I Mr. and Mrs. Robert Dobbs mo- - nQnia and Mrs M tle Gentry o
tored to Pendleton Saturday eve- portian(j
ning to attend dress-up parade, j Mr and Mrs Matlon Hicks and
Miss Patsy Laur is here from jner faneri c A. 'Andrews of Lone
s Portland visiting her uncle and Rock were week-end visitors in
r(aunt, Mrs. and Mrs. M. R. Wight-1 Heppner
im anf ami J Mr. and Mrs. J. C. Payne and
1 Mr- nd Mrs. Vinton Howell and Ga lord j motored to Pen-
children of John Day arrived ,dleton Saturda y where they were
Sunday to spend a brief vacation ! tg of Mr and MrS- George
in Heppner with relatives. Dur-, p at thdr summer home on
E ing their stay they are guests of Meacham Lake over the week-
Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Howell. !end
Glen McMurtry was over from i M-r and Mrs John Cornwall of
I Echo the first of the week to vi- I Cecil were business visitors the
!sit his parents, Mr. and Mrs. R. first of the week They are em.
G. McMurtry. ployed at the Hynd ranch.
Mr. and Mrs. Jos. J Nys are va-
S cationing this week at .the Ore- Mrs- Edna Hamlin and Mrs.
gon coast and in Portland. Mary Hadd arrived Tuesday eve-
Miss Leatha Smith returned ,nin from Lake Andes- s- D- for
Tuesday afternoon from a two I Continued on page six
: fig ftM hJUl
veryomie Wants fco Attend !
Morrow County Fair and Rodeo
REDWOOD EMPIRE SHOWS will provide the
carnival enter
tainment as in
Premium lists are available at the County Agent's office. There are
classes for all Home Economics, Flowers, Grain, Hay, Livestock,
Community Booths, School Exhibits.
The Rodeo Queen and her Court welcome you to the biggest little
Fair and Rodeo in Oregon!
There will be the annual 4-H Pig and Calf
Scrambles .... the 4-H Fat Livestock Sale
.... Horse Show, and all of the activities
that make for a good county fair.
Fun I
hnllrflnos ot the Fair and Rodeo Grounds. (L. &
Morrow County Fair
Jimmy Whetmore's Orchestra
Sept. 7-8-9
and Rodeo, Heppner,
fil 'v'
' s' A C W4 f
h , 'J '
,-' f -- v Jr
Oregon, September 6-7-8-9-10