Heppner, Oregon, TViursday, August 10, 1950 Page 5. FOR SALE Desirable house lots on west side. Blanche Brown, 203 Water street. Phone 462. . 21tfc IF YOU are planning on buying a new car Clarence Rosewall wants to see you. LOST Thursday, Aug. 3 between Heppner and Junction, one truck wheel with tire; orange color. $10 reward. Goodat Crane Service, 1735 S. E. Un ion Ave., Portland, Ore. 21c 1941 CHEVROLET tudor sedan, motor reconditioned, ready for the road. Pay down $200;00, Rosewall Motor Company. SEWING MACHINE SERVICE Expert repairs, all makes, all work guaranteed. Free esti mates. New anr used machines. Home demonstratoins. Leave' name and address at Case Furniture Co. or call 852. 21p WANTED 25 dirty cars to wash every day with our Washmo bile. Wash job $1.50. Rosewall Motor Company. WANTED 100 tons barley or mixed grain feed. Storage im mediately available. Call 16F2. Bill Barratt. 21c 1941 FORD PICK-UP. This thrift job has heater ad four speed transmission. Pay down $115.00 Rosewall Motor Company. HAVE YOU TRIED our Nylon "Heel n Toe" yarn for darn ing? It makes, a soft darn, easy to wear. Heppner Flower Shop. WE HAVE motors to fit Ford cars and trucks made for the last 22 years. Rosewall Motor Company. Everyone enjoys flowers. Let us fill your needs today. Heppner Flower Shop. 1941 FORD FORDOR sedan, mo tor reconditioned, has seat co vers and good rubber. Pay down $200. Rosewall Motor Company. LEGAL NOTICES SUMMONS IN THE CIRCUIT COURT OF THE STATE OF OREGON FOR THE COUNTY OF MORROW. FLORENCE HAYNES, Plaintiff, vs. IVAN R. HAYNES, Defendant. To Ivan R. Haynes, the above named defendant. IN THE NAME OF THE STATE OF OREGON, you are hereby re quired to appear and answer pla intiff's compalint filed against you in the above entitled cours and cause within four weeks from the date of the first pub lication of this summons upon you, and if you fail to so appear or answer, plaintiff will apply to the above entitled court for the relief prayed for in her complaint towit: For an absolute divorce from you, and for such other and fur ther relief as may be equitable. This summons is published by order of the Hon. Forrest L. Hub bard, Judge of the above entit led court, made and entered on the 15th day of July 1950, direct ing publication of this summons once a week for four successive weeks in the Heppner Gazette Times, a newspaper published and of general circulation in Morrow County, Oregon, and the date of th efirst publication of this summons is July 20th 1950. JOS. J. NYS, Attorney for Plaintiff, Postoffice address, Heppner, Oregon. 18-22 NOTICE FOR PUBLICATION Fnrpt Exchange Oregon 01718, United States Department of the Interior, Land Office, Portland 18, Oregon, July 20, 1950. Notice is hereby given that Mabel A. Hughes, of Milton, Oregon, did, on June 15, 1950, make applica tion under the act of March 20, 1922 (42 Stat. 465), as amended by the act of February 28, 1925, (43 Stat. 1090, 16 U.S.C. sees. 485, 486), to select certain timber from portions of sec. 12, T. 16 S R. 33 E., and sec. 14, T. 17 S., R. 33 E., W. M., Grant County, Oregon, within the Malheur National For est, in exchange for the NEy4sec 15, T. 6 S., R. 29 E., W. M., Mor row County, Oregon, within the Umatilla National Forest. Any and all persons claiming the lands selected, or having bona fide objections to the exchange, should file their protests on ortate, lien or interest of you-and before August 31, 1950. Pierce M. Rice, Manager. 19-23 NOTICE OF FINAL HEARING NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that the undersigned as Admin istratrix of the Estate of RALPH D. JONES, deceased, has filed her Final Account and report in the said estate with the Clerk of this Court and that the Judge thereof has fixed Monday, the 28th day of August, 1950, at the hour of 10:00 o'clock a. m.,' as the time, in the County Court room in the courthouse in Hep pner, Morrow County, Oregon, as the place for hearing objections to the said Final Account and Ola L. Jones Administratrix of the Estate of Ralph D. Jones, deceased the settlement thereof. P. W. Mahoney, Attorney for the Administratrix, Heppner, Oregon 19-23C WE REPAIR all makes of cars and trucks. Just drive in and say fix it. Rosewall Motor Com pany. FOR SALE 3 irrigated farms, one 23 acres; 40 acres; 75 acres; one vacant house; new house on 40 acres. Will sell any part or all. Terms can be arranged. Ralph Rawson, Rte. 1, Stan field, Ore., phone 322. 21-22p PORCELAINIZE outlasts three or four ordinary wax or polish jobs. Let us Porcelainize your car so you can ride with pride. Rosewall Motor Company. FOR SALE Baled alfalfa hay ready about Sept. 1, out of ' field or first and second cut ting out of pile. Can deliver hay. Ralph Rawson, Rte. 1, Stanfield, Phone 322. 21-21p WE CAN cut glass to fit any make of car. See us if a fly ing rock breaks your wind shield or door glass. Rosewall Motor Company. FOR RENT One sleeping room. Walter Farrens. 21p We HAVE Firestone and Seiber ling famous tires in stock now in most sizes. See us for your tire needs. Rosewall Motor Company, WANT to buy some oats; have a granary in town. Frank Wilkinson. 21-22p ONE OF OUR metal men has been off the job with a lame back, but is now back on the job again taking care of cus tomers in the usual prompt manner. Rosewall Motor Com- panp. FOR SALE Two-bedroom house, three years old; strictly mod ern. Phone 513. R. E. Thomas. 21-23p THE MORROW County Creamery Is setting new records every day delivering Pride of Oregon Ice Cream and Butter to their many customers in three coun ties. They are also setting new records in the Ford Economy NOTICE TO CREDITORS Notice is hereby given that the undersigned was duly ap pointed by the Probate Court of the State of Oregon for Mor row County, administratrix of the estate of HUBERT MAHON, deceased, and all persons having claims against the estate of said deceased are hereby required to present the same to the under signed administratrix with pro per vouchers at the law office of Jos. J. Nys, at Heppner, Ore gon, within six months from the date hereof. . Dated and first published this 27th day of July, 1950. ALICE MAHON, Administratrix 19-23 SUMMONS IN THE CIRCUIT COURT OF THE STATE OF OREGON FOR THE COUNTY OF MORROW CHARLES H. BRESHEARS and EMMA BRESHEARS, husband and wife, Plaintiffs, -vs- MARY A. ROYSE and JOHN DOE ROYSE, her husband; the un. known heirs of Mary A. Royse, deceased; ELIZABETH THOM PSON and JOHN DOE THOM PSON, her husband; and the unknown heirs of Elizabeth Thompson, deceased; DANIEL M. POTTER and JANE DOE POTTER, his wife; and the unknown heirs of Daniel M. Potter, deceased; also all oth er persons or parties unknown claiming any right, title, es tate, lien or interest in the real estate described herein, Defendants. TO: The above named defend ants: IN THE NAME OF THE STATE OF OREGON: You are hereby re quired to appear and answer the Complaint filed against you in the above entitled court and cause within four weeks from the date of the first publiction of this summons and if you fail to ap pear and answer, for want there of, the plaintiffs will apply to the Court for the relief as prayed for in the said Complaint, to wit: For a Decree that the plaintiff's are the owners in fee simple of the following described real pro perty, to.wit: Lots four (4) and five (5) in Block twenty (20) in the town of Lexington And that the plaintiffs are the owners In fee simple of the said land, free of any right, title, es each of you, and that you or any of you have no right, title, estate, lien or Interest In the said land, or any part thereof, and perpetu ally restrain and enjoin you ana each of you, your heirs and as signs, from asserting or claiming any right, title, estate, lien or in terest in the real estate herein described, or any part thereof ad. verse to the plaintiff. This Summons is served upon you by publication tnereor tor four consecutive weeks in the Heppner Gazette Times by order of the Honorable Garnet Barratt, Judge of the County Court of Morrow County, State of Oregon, which said order was made and entered on the 1st day of August, 1950. Date of first publication is Au gust 3, 1950. B. D. FANCHER, Attorney for the Plaintiffs. Address: Heppner, Oregon.20-24c Run with their FORD F-2 truck. Ask the driver about this thrifty unit, FOR SALE About 70 tons baled alfalfa hay. G. Hermann, lone, phone 37F14. 18-22 ROSY SAYS: I am going to vote for the new school. Some of the finest boys and girls on earth live in Morrow County and they are entitled to the best schools, the best churches and the best Ford garage in this great country. It is hard for the teachers to give our children a 1950 education in a 1908 model school. FOR SALE Baled alfalfa and barley hay. L. S. Brown, lone, Oregon , 17tfc LET US underseal your car against dust, rust and road noises. Rosewall Motor Com pany. FOR SALE In lone, house, 3 lots and 2-car garage. $1500. Terms if desired. John C. Jackson, lone, Oregon. 18-21p THE LARGE number of trade ins on the Blue Ribbon 1950 FORD style car gives us the choice of all makes of used cars to sell. Keep your eye on our big lot for your transportation needs. Rosewall Motor Com pany. FOR SALE or Trade Part Welsh pony. Well broke. Milk cow preferred. Bob Crowell, Morgan warehouse. 21p WHY WALK? We have used cars priced from $75.00 up. Every car you meet on the road is a used car. Rosewall Motor Com pany. LOST Harvel round wrist watch, leather strap. Shock and rust proof. Lost at spring cross from rodeo stand. Gaylord Salter, lone, Oregon. 20-21p WE HAVE the ll-90 volt radio batteries in stock so you can keep up on the war news. Rosewall Motor Company. WE announce a complete line of needle and hand wok, yarns and threads, pattern books, all knitting and crochet needs, as well as an ample supply of cut flowers and plants. Hepp ner Flower Shop. 20c Have you looked at our argyle, sweater or afghan yarns? We invite you to our instruction classes. Ask about them. Hepp ner Flower Shop. USED WHEEL TRACTORS & COMBINES 1946 "B" John Deere, about 600 hours use excellent .. $1150.00 1946 Oliver Standard "70", needs motor work; good rubber $1,050.00 2N Ford Tractor good thruout, ly perfect, fair rubber... $825.00 2N ord Tractor good throughout, aux trans, fa speeds $875.00 (These two Ford tractors take all modern lift implts). 1948 John Deere Combine, 6 ft, nearly new condition.. $1,000.00 1949 Case Combine, 6 ft., only cut du acres like new $1,400.00 ROHRMAN MOTOR COMPANY Tractor Division Hermiston Oregon FOR SALE 1949 John Deere tractor Model 'B". Excellent condition, rubber tired plows 16inchj 2 bottom, like new. Spike Miller, Box 144, Monu ment, Oregon. 21c o NOTICE TO CREDITORS Notice is hereby given that the undersigned has been duly ap pointed administratrix of the es tate of GEORGE LARSON, de ceased, by the Probate Court of the State of Oregon for the County of Morrow and has ac cepted such trust. All persons having claims against said es tate are hereby required to file the same with the administra trix, at the office of J. O. Turner,, in Heppner, Oregon, within six months from the date of the first posting of this notice. Dated and first published this 10th day of August,, 195( at Heppner, Morrow County, Ore gon. ALTHEA KIRK Administratrix Address Heppner, Oregon 21-25c CALL FOR BIDS Notice is hereby given that School District No. 35, lone, Ore gon, will accept sealed bids on or before the 11th day of Aug ust, 1950, at the hour of 8 o'clock p. m., at the school house in lone, Oregon, for the following school routes: Rocky Bluff, from H. E. to Mc Cabes to Morgans to Howtons to the school 9 pupils. Suburban bus or metal station wagon. North lone Route, from Neil Doherty's to Lindstroms to David Rietmanns to Crums to school 8 pupils. Suburban bus or metal station wagon. Northeast lone, Nelsons to Morgans to Smouses to school 4 pupils. All bids must be sent to the clerk. Said bids must specify type of bus to be used and must conform to state regulations. The board reserves the right to reject any or all bids. School District No. 35, By Gladys Drake, clerk lone, Oregon. 20.21c WANTED Small Flamo range at reasonable price. C. R. Mc Alister, Lexington, Ore. 20-21p PARDON US for mentioning anti-freeze in August, but now is the time either pick up your next winter requirements or leave your order for future de livery. Rosewall Motor Com pany. PONY FOR SALE or Trade Cat tle preferred. See Bob Crowell, Morgan warenouse. ia-ip FOR SALE 49 Spartan used 3 months. First .trailer, Neill's Camp. Call appointment. Matt O. Wilson, 2323- 19-21p FOR SALE Grain hay in bun dles in the field. Also bathtub and lavatory. George Griffith, Morgan, Ore. 19-20c FARM TRACTORS, COMBINES 2N FORD Tractor; Aux. Trans gives 6 speeds $925.00 "B" JOHN Deere wheel tractor very good $1150.00 "70" OLIVER Standard needs mo tor work, good rubber ..$1050.00 1948 John Deere combine 6 ft nearly new condition ... $1000.00 1949 CASE Combine 6 ft only cut 30 acres like new . $1400.00 GARDEN TRACTOR KultorKing model AK 4 HP cultivator blade weeder, big tires, cost $400 to duplicate, can be had for $260.00 ROHRMAN.. MOTOR.. COMPANY Tractor Division Hermiston, Oregon 20-22c RANCH FOR SALE on Rhea Creek. 450 acres cultivated land, 657 acres pasture. Bldgs. A. V. Wright. 19tfc LOST Gray mare, 9 years old. Had halter on when last seen. Branded DP with quarter cir cle above, bar below. Last seen July 26. Notify R. W. Pot ter & Son, Condon, Oregon. 20-21c Greenfield Grange (Boardman) Invites you to attend a big party for Princess Evelyn of the . 1950 Morrow County Fair and Rodeo at the third Princess Dance New County Fair Pavilion-Heppner Saturday Ev'ng, Aug. 12 Music by Cliff Slack's Orchestra Admission $1.25, Tax Included Upper bracket Low bracket 5C ROSEWALL MOTOR CO. VkM-' J y rT"""T , V ,v s I ti is " - - - I s --Nils - sWwl ii I . . . fcNjs - " , i For the second straight vear. has received the Gold Medal award m "Fashion Car of the Year." And itt good look are matched, aa owners will tell you, by its fine-car quality. Take a "Test Drive" in this '50 Ford and you'll ' find it has the "" of America's finest cars, too. We call it "big-car readability" youll call it the smoothest, quietest ride on wheels. Youll agree Ford's owqkcunw ww-ma Wklf tW.o tint and wkl t-ia rlnmt optional at Mrira cut. I r HrHfll Compare the '50 Ford, feature for feature, with cars costing hundreds morel Only Ford, in the low-price field, oners an engine choice of either the 100 h.p. V-8 or its sompanion-in-quality, the 95 h.p. Six I Only Ford offers a "Lifeguard" Body! Only Ford offers 35 easier-acting King-Size Brakes! And no car offers a bigger combination of savings sav ings in original cost, savings in running costs and the long run savings that result from Ford's high resale value. rw Mvr ir at row raw maws todati I".:' m.- ire z Fanl ma