Heppner gazette-times. (Heppner, Or.) 1925-current, August 10, 1950, Page Page 4, Image 4

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    Page 4
Heppner Gazette Times, Thursday, August 10, 1950
Women Remodel
Parsonage During
Pastor's Absence
Mrs. Clifford McCabe gave a
birthday party July 27 in honor
of her son Ronald's 10th birth
day. Guests included Gary Bren
ner, Gary White, Wayne and El
lis Ball, Keith Peck, Johnny,
Ralph, and Ivan Akers, Jerry and
Paul Wentworth, Billy Salter,
Bobbie and Berl Akers.
Rev. and Mrs. Alfred Shirley
returned home Saturday. Rev.
Shirley attended a seminar near
Colorado Springs where 75 pas
tors were present. Mrs. Shirley
stayed with her son and wife,
Mr. and Mrs. Alfred Shirley Jr. in
The Dalles. During their absence
the parsonage was remodeled,
firtex put on the walls, hardwood
plyboard was put on the floor
and everything put in order. This
was made possible by the Mara
nathas, Ladies Aid and other
church aids. Several ladies of the
community helped in the work
This was greatly appreciated by
the Shirleys.
Mr. and Mrs. George Holder
man of Corvallis spent the week
ent with her parents Mr. and Mrs.
W. G. Seehafer.
Mr. and Mrs. Louis Bergevin of
Pendleton and their daughter,
Mrs. John Garven ad children of
Rhode Island were visitors here
last week.
Mrs. Frank Hinson and daugh.
ter Karen and Mrs. Sam Ransier
of Garfield, Wash, are guests of
the John. Ransiers. Mrs. Hinson is
a sister of Mrs. Ransier.
Johnny Buchanan, David and
Paul Barnett, Miss Marjorie
Graves and Miss Barbara Jack
son spent the week-end in Port
land where they heard Evangel
ist Billy Graham.
Mr. and Mrs. Lester Goodrich
of Husum and Mrs. Bill Gregory
and baby of Maupin are visiting
Mr. and Mrs. Dale Ray.
Miss Joyce Buchanan of Esta
cada is visiting her grandparents,
Mr. and Mrs. Fred Buchanan.
Billy Lundell took his brother
Merle home to Milkaukie and
spend the weekend there with his
parents, Mr. and Mrs. Frank Lun
dell. Mr. and Mrs. Thorns Fahey and
family of Oakland, Calif, are vis
iting at the home of his sister,
Mrs. Delbert Emert. Mr. Fahey is
affiliated with the Caterpillar
Company of the West.
" Jimmy Barnett, manager of the
Chevron station here received a
knee injury while putting air in
a tire Friday. The rim of the tire
came off but went in the opposite
direction. The tire struck Jimmy
knocking him down. He was tak.
en to the Pioeer Memorial hos
pital where he spent one night
nd is now back on the job.
At the regular meeting of the
council Tuesday evening of last
week plans were made to build
the city hall and library.
Wayne Gollyhorn is visiting
relatives in Irrigon.
Lewis Halvorsen returned home
from The Dalles Sunday where
he was a patient following an
Mrs. George Aldrich returned
from St. Anthony's hospital in
Pendleton last week following a
I major operation.
Mr. and Mrs. Glenn Ban and
daughters Barbara and Glenna
of Yakima visited relatives here
over the week-end.
Mrs. Lewis Freeman who is
visiting in California is reported
to be ill.
Phillip Ritchie of Tygh Valley
is visiting his grandmother, Mrs.
Verda Ritchie, at the Phil Griffn
Gaylord Salter ran into Her
man Barlotti's car Sunday morn
ing. Barletti's car was parked in
front of Oscar Lundell's.
Tommy Bristow, Lewis Carlson
and the Misses Joan and Francine
Hisler and Betty Graves visited
t , , . .
t r- PI mm mm a
itflOnfdS deluxe!
This Montag Deluxe Double Oven range helps you do all your baking twice
as fast with two full-size automatic ovens. Bake in both ovens at once, or
bake in one, broil in the other.
Four fast-cooking Montag surface elements easiest cleaned units made.
"Selective switches" give you any heat from warm to the very hottest.
Smart, practical high-back panel with full length light.
Let us show you how easy it is to cook and bake with this new 1950 Montag
Double Oven Deluxe Range. Come in today. '349.9 5
ase Fmmtare So.
Ride "tm, Cowboy ! ! !
Rodeo Time's Coming Soon
Do you know the condition of your
koaeo togsr' uet them out and
look them over . . . then get them
to us.
Be prepared to have the best
time ever at the
And that means be free of worry
about your clothes.
If you have them cleaned now you
won't have to give them further
thought. They will be all ready to
to go.
Free Pickup and Delivery
in La Grande Sunday.
Eldon Tucker was railed this
week for active duty in the air
vwa icocivtr.
The Pomona and Willows gran
ges held a ninnif n tha tnrfoH
field Sunday where a large crowd
ancuueu. Lexington, Knea ureeK
and Greenfield granges were re
presented. Aftpr a ripnir riinnor
served in the school gym a ball
sanic ana croquet were played.
guesis ai me w. rsns
tow home were Mr. and Mrs.
Walter Swenson and daughter
Phyllis, Mr. and Mrs. Robert At
kinson of Walla Waila, Mr. and
Mrs. David Rietmann and chil
dren, Mr. and Mrs. Ernest Mc
Cabe and daughter Pamela and
Mrs. Etta Bristow. Mrs. Swenson
remained for a longer visit with
nci sister, Mrs. Etta Bristow.
Mrs. Ida Coleman and family
moved into the house vacated re
cently by the Ernest McKissicks.
P. J. Linn painted his house,
inside and outside. ,
Mr. and Mrs. Jack Whitcomb
of Portland were recent visitors
of her cousin Wallace Matthews.
Mrs. Phil Beauchamp and chil
dren Billy and Susan spent the
week-end at the Garland Swan
son home.
Mrs. R. Aldrich and son Char
les Clifford and Mr. and Mrs.
Creston' Black spent the week
end in Independence and Portland.
Mr. and Mrs. C. R. Hawley of
ottu rrancisco were recent guests
at the home of her cousin Mrs.
Juanita Rietmann.
Mr. and Mrs. Victor Rietmann
and John and Allen Peterson
Arrives at Heppner,
Lexington and Ions
For Pickup or
For pickup, call
Red & White, Heppner
Padberg Tractor. Lex.
Connecting Carrier for
Consolidated Freightways
Omar Rietmann, lone
Mrs. Peck Hostess
To Garden Club
Tuesday Afternoon
The Lexington Garden club
met at the home of Mrs. Emma
Peck, Tuesday afternoon. There
were 13 members present and
gusets Mrs. Ina Nickols, Mrs.
Harry Dinges and Mrs. Ola Hal
loway of Waitsburg. Mrs. Dinges
joined the club at that time. Re
freshments were served.
Mr. and Mrs. Randy Lott spent
the week-end in Tacoma whtire
they visited his uncle George
Reaney and TjSgt Mack McGee
at Fort Lewis.
Mr. and Mrs. Joe Feathers and
spent Sunday in The Dalles.
lone son ball team won the
game from Heppner Sunday. This
was the last game of the season,
lone won the championship and
the cup.
Dates to Remember
Aug 16, Arnica club.
Aug 18, H. E. C. at the grange
hall, a no-host meeting.
Show every Wednesday night.
son John of Clackamas spent a
couple of days here last week
packing ther things to move to
Seattle where Mr. Feathers will
teach ay assistant coacn ana also
attend the University of Wash
ington. Mr. Feathers has recently
been promoted to lieutenant in
the naval reserve.
Mr. and Mrs. Don Grant of
Prineville are the parents of a
baby daughter born Saturday at
the hospital, in Prineville She
weighed 8 pounds, 5 ounces. She
is the granddaughter of Mr. and
Mrs. O. G. Breding. They and
their son Max spent the week
end in Prineville where Mrs.
Breeding remained. Their dau
ghter Joan is staying at the C.
C. Jones home while her mother
is gone.
Mr. and Mrs. Chas. Brashears
are enjoying a needed vacation
at The Dalles with their daughter
and son-in-law, Mr. and Mrs.
Everett Crump. They will make
a trip to the coast with the
Mrs. Mervin Leonard spent
Tuesday and Wednesday in Wal
la Walla where she enjoyed a
"get-together" with several of
her friends.
Mrs. Ola Halloway of Waits
burg is here for a few days vis
iting her many friends.
Continued on Page Five
by Warren Goodrich
"Don't trust your memory for
correct numbers? Boy, you
said a mouthful!".. .Memory
often plays tricks ... so look
up any numbers you're not
sure of before you call . , .
Pacific Telephone.
Slower Card
Two Boxes for
Price of One
Mary Van'sf
Flower Shop;
Admission prices afternoon and evening, unless specifically advertised to be otherwise I Children i
Est Price .17, Fed. Tax .03, TOTAL 20c; Grade and High School Students 13 years and oven Est.
STS Price .40, Fed. Tax .10, TOTAL 50c; Adults: Est. Price .SO, Fed. Tax .10, TOTAL 60c livery child
occupying a seat must have a ticket. ;s2
: Sunday shows continuous from 1 p.m. During July and August the Saturday
: shows start at 7 p.m. All other evening shows start at 7:30 p.m. . 52
Thursday-Friday-Saturday, Aug. 10-11-12
Adventure and drama follow trails lead
ing into Alaskan territory.
Monte Hale, Kay Christopher and
Huxst in a smooth little western.
Saturday show starts at 7
Sunday-Mondy, August 13-14
Gregory Peck, Helen Westcott, Millard
Mitchell, Jean Parker, Skip Homeier,
Karl Maiden, Alan Hale Jr., Mae Marsh
Here is the story of Jimmy Ringo, credit
ed by many historians of the wild west as
being the fastest man with a gun known
to those lawless times...an emotion-stir
ring drama.
Sunday show continuous from 1
Tuesday-Wednesday, August 15-16
Barbara Stanwyck, James Mason, Van
Heflin, Ava Gardner, Cyd Charisse,
Nancy Davis, Gale Sondergaard
Marcia Davenport's exciting best-seller
has come to the screen with stars that
make it live!
Thursday-Friday-Saturday, Aug. 17-18-19
Spade Cooley and his Band featuring
Ginny Jackson and Les Anderson, Don
Barry, Mary Beth Hughes, Wally Ver
non, Les Gotcher (World Champion
Square Dance Caller) and many spe
cialties Have the time of your life with your
sweetheart or wife at this grand array of
hoe-down entertainment.
Alan Curtis, Tom Neal, Carol Thurston,
Russell Hayden, Fuzzy Knight
This is the story of the Apache Indians
and their attempt to live up to their
treaty with the United States.
Saturday show starts at 7
; kfj ' 1$ "y fmrw
" '' . MWW
Overdrlv and grille guard optional at extra coit.
V lXftVrt
All-Steel Body... Smooth Riding...
Sensational HURRICANE Engine
Come in and road-test this doubly-useful car see for yourself
how comfortably it rides, how easily it handles. Feel the eager
power the 7.4-compression HURRICANE Engine gives you on
regular-grade fuel.
Fasrlley (5.
. Phone 2592