Heppner gazette-times. (Heppner, Or.) 1925-current, August 03, 1950, Page Page 6, Image 6

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Heppner Gazette Times, Thursday, August 3, 1950
Construction Crew
Completes Paving
On lone Streets
lone now has two well paved
thoroughfares, Main and Second
streets, work upon which was
completed last week. The paving
is standard highway width and
is heavy enough to withstand the
traffic created by wheat trucks
and other vehicles. The crew do
ing the work in town also grav
eled the highway from Heppner
Junction to Jordan Siding.
Mr. and Mrs. Robert Cason of
Portland are spending a week
visiting relatives here. He Is a
grandson of Mrs. Lana Padberg.
Mr. and Mrs. John Bryson
spent the week-end in the moun
Miss Opal Briggs and Ralph
Taylor of Heppner were dinner
guests at the home of Mrs. Delia
Corson, Sunday.
Mrs. Anne Smouse and daugh
ter Shirlee of Heppner were lone
Vstors Sunday. They are flying
to Chicago Monday and will go
to South Bend. Ind. where they
will purchase a car and drive
The Willows grange attended
church at the Cooperative church
in a body Sunday morning, after
which a community dinner was
held at the grange hall.
Donald Corson is a patient at
the Pioneer Memorial hospital in
Heppner. He suffered a broken
leg and severe bruises in a mo
torcycle accident near Heppner
Sunday afternoon.
Mrs. W. G. Seehafer and Mrs.
Walter Corley were hostesses for
a plastic party at the Masonic
hall Thursday afternoon of last
week. Mrs. Margaret Davidson
was the demonstrator.
The Three Links club met at
the Rebekah hall Friday after
noon. Mrs. Harvey Ring and Mrs.
Gordon White were hostesses.
The club decided to have no Au
gust meeting.
Mrs. Franklin Ely, student at
the University of Oregon exten.
sion summer school in Portland"
spent the week-end at home.
The Misses Eunice Peterson,
Shirlee Smouse and Mildred Carl
son were hostesses for a stork
shower in honor of Mrs. Harold
Snider at the Oscar Peterson
home July 28. Mrs. Snider re
ceived many lovely gifts.
Mr. and Mrs. George Kitching
of Salem stopped in lone Thurs
day. They also visited at the
Martin Bauernfeind home at
Morgan. They were on their way
home from a trip east where they
visited in North Dakota, The At
lantic coast and purchased a car
in South Bend, Ind. The Kitch
ings formerly lived at Morgan.
Mr. and Mrs. Vernon Arne of
Seattle visited her parents, Mr.
and Mrs. Ray Barnett.
Mr. and Mrs. Dwight Haugen
of Portland visited her mother,
Mrs. Fannie Griffith, over the
Relatives coming from a dis
tance to the Elisha Sperry fune
ral were Mr. and Mrs. Dean
Ausman, Asotin, Wash.; Mr. and
Mrs. H. D. Sperry and daughter
Nancy, Portland; Mrs. Ethel
Gambill and Mrs. Beatrice Hutch,
ens, Santa Monica, Calif.; Mrs"
L. D. Holland, Seattle, Wash.;
Mrs. Eunice Warfield, Mrs. Ven
ice Ahalt, Mrs. Leona Jennings
and son Jerry and Mr. and Mrs.
W. W. Warfield, Portland.
Ms. Fred Buchanan and Mrs.
Ray Barnett attended the wed
dine of Miss Florence Montaeue.
daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Robert
Montague of Toppenish, Wash.
Julv 22. The wedding was held
at Wapato. After a trip to Cali
fornia the couple will live at
Vakima where he is teacher and
coach in the high shool. Mrs.
Driver is a niece and cousin of
Mrs. Buchanan and Mrs. Barnett,
Miss Deanna Stefani of Canby
i visit ine at the home of her
unrip. Arthur Stefani Sr. Her pa
rents, Mr. and Mrs. Fred Stefani
will come after her this week.
John Proudfoot and Mrs. Rose
Doherty now have electricity
from the REA.
Mrs. Cliff Cooley opened a
beauty shop on Main street Sat
urday. Mr. Cooley is employed
by Gus Jannsen, well driller.
Mr. and Mrs. Harry Normoyle
and family of Portland and Mr.
and Mrs. Eugene Normoyle of
Hermiston were visitors at the
Lee Beckner home last week.
Miss Beverly Carey returned
home last week from Prineville
where she visited relatives for
the past three weeks.
Mr. and Mrs. Daniel Head of
The Dalles spent Sunday here.
His parents, Rev. and Mrs W. W.
Head, went home with them.
Mr. and Mrs. Victor Rietmann
anrl familv and Mr. and Mrs.
Malcolm Wilkenson of The Dalles
spent the week-end at the Victor
Rietmann home.
Lewis Halvorsen underwent an
appendectomy at The Dalles hos
pital Monday morning.
Miss Joan Simmons of Kelso,
Wash, is visiting at the home of
Early Season Fashions
The Graff line of Women's Sports Wear
her aunt, Mrs. John Ransier.
Mrs. E. T. Land and Misi Taniv-
Hall of Port Orchard, Wash, vis
ited at the Wm. Bergstrom home
last week. Mrs. Land is a sister
and Miss Hall a nippe nf Mrs
Mr. and Mrs. J. A. Trrmrlann
and Mrs. Mamip Rlako nf norm
. AA-y
ner were lone visitors Sunday.
Arthur Johnson returned last
week from an airDlane triD to
Sweden. He visited relatives
there and reported a very enjoy
able time.
Bert Johnson and sister. Miss
Olga, of Portland are staying in
The fire truck was called to a
grass fire on the Heliker DroDer-
ty below the Sherer ranch on
Willow creek. The blaze was put
oue quickly.
Word was received from Mrs.
John Gerdes of La Grande that
Mr. Gerdes Dassed awav last fall.
The Gerdes's were former resi
dents of lone.
Mrs. Amiel Van Buren and son
and Mrs.Lester Largent of Walla
wana visited at the E. M. Baker
home Monday. Mrs. Van Buren
is a sister of Mr. Baker.
Mrs. Walter Dobvns and niece
Dorothy Dobyns returned home
irom Portland Saturday.
Transferring &
Heavy Hauling
Padded Moving
U.PandN. P.
Penland Bros.
Transfer Co.
39 SW Dorion Avenue
Phone 338
Pendleton, Ore.
Mr. and Mrs. Harnlrt Martin nf
Hermiston are tho narentc nf a
son born July 27 at Pendleton.
.mi. mm mis. Henry ciark are
the grandparents.
Dick Densllnrrpr nf Tho no lino
is visiting at the home of his
sister, Mrs. Donald Heliker.
Mr. and Mrs. Arlio Rhan nf
Seattle spent a few days last
wee ai me nome of her mother,
Mrs. Cecil Thorne.
Mr. and Mrs. Manrfpo William
and Mrs. Earl Morgan of Portland
are visiting at tfie John Eubanks
Mrs. Gordon Whito an .mi
dren visited at the T. N. White
home in Umatilla one rtav lact
The princess dance for Miss
Jane Seehafer Saturday night at
the grange hall was a big suc
cess. Dates to remember: Aug. 6, Po
mona grange picnic at turf field.
Aug. 8, Garden club. Aug. 9, Ma-
ranathas at Verner Troedson
home. Movie every Wednesday
eveing on the turf field.
LOST Harvel round wrist watrh
leather strap. Shock and rust
proof. Lost at spring cross from
rodeo stand. Gaylord Salter,
lone, Oregon. 20-21D
WANTED Small Flamo range
at reasonable price. C. R. Mc
Alister, Lexington, Ore. 20-21p
The Fuller Brush Man
will be in Heppner Au
gust 9-10-li. The special
item for this trip will be
at $3.25 complete
; with wringers
.... Slim, neat and shimmering
Smart for Rodeo dressup and the fall days ahead
Styled to fit you priced to fit your clothes budget
New Fall Arrivals for the Younger Set
for the little girls, in three size ranges 1 to 3y2, 3-6x, 7-14
These are sure honeys and you really should see them !
Popular Prices
Lexington Clubbers
Hold 4-H Meeting
At Graves Ranch
By Delpha Jones
The 4-H club girls met at the
We are proud to announce that our New Diesel Fuel Regular
has been proven in severe operating service from a stand
point of power, port cleanliness, and injector lubrication
to be equal to automotive type Diesel Fuels.
1. To users of General Motors Diesels this means 2 cents a
gallon saving on fuel costs. '
2. To users of other Diesel Engines this means cieaner burn
ing, easier starting, and less wear for the same fuel dollar.
Our fuels and lubricants are refined from the best crude v
available. .,
Contact us for your Petroleum needs.
General Petroleum Corp.
PAUL PETTYJOHN, Distributor ;
Phone 5411, lone, Oregon
There's no better hot
weather refresher than
Mayflower Milk, served
fresh and cold
right from the re
frigerator. Have
plenty on-hand for
the whole family.
home of Mrs. John Graves Friday
afternoon for sewing. They were
taken to the ranch by Mrs. Ran
dall Martin, Mrs. C. C. Jones and
Mrs. Bert Breeding. After the
meeting Glenna Griffith was pre
sented a "going away" gift by
Mrs. Jones as a gift from the
Ne-Top-Pew campfire girls. At
tending the meeting were Phyllis
and Beverley Nolan, Shirley Hunt,
Evonne Breeding, Glenna Grif
fith, Donna Robinson, Joan Bree
ding, Janice Marin, Pat Steagall,
Marilyn Munkers and Pat Mc
Millan. Also attending were Mrs.
O. G. Breeding and two grand
children Jeanne and Jim Grant.
Refreshments of cookies, punch
and ice cream were served.
Monday afternoon the younger
group of campfire girls enter,
tained at a farewell party for
Jeanne Griffith at the home of
their guardian, Mrs. Jones. The
afternoon was spent playing
games and a contest in croquet
with Sharon Cutsforth winning.
Refreshments of punch and cook
ies were served to the following
little girls, Sharon Cutsforth, Inez
McFadden, Eileen Breeding, Joan
Breeding, Clara Griffith, Jeane
Griffith, Charlene Jones and to
Mrs. Glenn Griffith. Jeanne was
presented a Campfire pin by her
group as a going-away gift. The
Griffiths are leaving soon for
Union to make their home.
Mr. and Mrs. George Graves
and family have left for Vancou
ver where they will visit at tne
Clifford Yarnell home and then
on to the coast for a few days
Mr. and Mrs. Truman Messen
ger and family and Mr. and Mrs.
O. G. Breeding attended the state
picnic at immigrant Park Sun
day. Janice Hayes, daughter of Mr.
and Mrs. Clarence Hayes, return
ed to her home in Corvallis Wed
nesday after an extended visit at
the home of her grandparents,
Mr. and Mrs. Earl Warner.
The Amicitia club met at the
home of Mrs. Robert Davidson on
Tuesday night. Those winning
were Mrs. Dean Hunt, traveling
pinochle, Mrs. Cecil Hicks low
and Mrs. Jim Bloodsworth high.
Refreshments of pie and coffee
were served.
Birdie Cantrell, small daughter
of Rev. and Mrs. L. Z. Cantrell,
entertained several of her class
mates with a party at her home
Tuesday. Refreshments of hot
rolls, cookies, punch were served.
Guests were Janice Hayes, Mari
lyn Munkers, Jean Griffith and
Anna M. Winters..
Herman Green had the misfor
tune to'lfise his barn and all his
hay Friday in a fire. The fire was
set by spontaneous combustion.
Mr. and Mrs. V. Goodell spent
the week-end in Cove where they
visited their daughter and her
husband, Mr. and Mrs. Jim Gray.
. Mrs. Bill Marquardt and small
daughter are staying at the home
of her parents for a few days.
George Eldon Tucker, son of
Mrs. Mildred Tucker of Heppner,
has been ordered to report at
Portland August 8. Tucker is a
reserve in the army air corps
and has had three years' service
to his credit. He will serve at
least one year under this call.
Prices S I a s h e d
1 1.5 Freeze $2"95
10 cu. ft. Refrigerator $26500
Marshall-Wells Store
Don Walker, Owner Heppner, Oregon
The Complete Home Cleaning
and Renovation System
At the present time there are enough .ma
chines to go around to all who desire them. But
because they are made out of steel and alumi
num, we cannot say just how long the machines
will be plentiful.
Your local representative ....
will only be in this territory until September 1,
1950. Call Heppner 2224 or write for an ap
pointment for a complete demonstration in your
home. There is no obligation.
Friday - Saturday August 4 and 5
2 for I
ureibv ana hi nrun
casual uresses jl vr txr
l-3rd off
l-3rd off
Sizes 5-6-6x Red, Green, Navy
l-3rd off
Sizes 10, 11, 12 Red, Green, Ndvy
All Sales Cash
Norah's Apparel Shop