Heppner Gazette Times, Thursday, August 3, 1950 Page 3 COUNTY CLERK'S SEMI ANNUAL REPORT, JANUARY 1, 1950 TO JULY 1, 1950 GENERAL FUND ACCOUNT Jan. 1 Warrants Outstanding $ 3,082.22 Total of 370 claims allowed by County Court Warrants issued for above claims 33,661.98 ' $ 36,744.20 Total warrants paid by Treasurer 32,892.54 July 1 General Fund Warrants Outstanding $ 3,851.66 GENERAL ROAD FUND ACCOUNT Jan. 1 Warrants Outstanding $ 8,447.48 Total of 433 claims allowed by County Court Warrants issued for above claims 74,990.18 $ 83,437.66 Total warrants paid by Treasurer $ 66,367.83 July 1 General Road Fund Warrants Outstanding $ 17,069.83 DOG FUND ACCOUNT Jan. 1 Warrants Outstanding $ 78.00 Total of 6 claims allowed by County Court Warrants issued for above claims 312.57 390.57 Total warrants paid by Treasurer $ 390.57 RODENT FUND ACCOUNT Total of 17 claims allowed by County Court Warrants issued for above claims $ 2,910.57 Total warrants paid by Treasurer 2,459.72 July 1 Rodent Fund Warrants Outstanding COYOTE BOUNTY FUND ACCOUNT Jan. 1 Warrants Outstanding r. Total of 11 claims presented and warrants issued .... 450.85 12.00 123.00 Total warrants paid by Treasurer 135.00 111.00 COUNTY HOSPITAL FUND Total of 7 claims allowed by County Court and warrants Issued oHS'TI Total warrants paid by Treasurer J5.159.15 Julv 1 County Hospital Fund Warrants Outstanding- $ 12,010.59 ' rmiMTV wnsPITAT. MAINTENANCE FUND 1 Warrants Outstanding $ 103.20 Total of 50 claims allowed by County Court Warrants issued for above claims lAoau.bB Jan. $ 12,683.89 Total warrants paid by Treasurer 8,973.11 July 1 County Hospital Maintenance Fund Warrants Out- standing 3,710.78 COUNTY HOSPITAL EQUIPMENT FUND Total of 17 claims allowed by County Court and warrants issued iHS'nl Total warrants paid by Treasurer ll.Jb.ua July 1 County Hospital Equipment Fund Warrants Outstanding 521,849.68 FINANCIAL STATEMENT OF MORROW COUNTY, OREGON, JULY 1, 1950 Less County Owned Properties ASSETS Cash in hands of Treasurer $2nnn'nn United States Bonds ior-TV'tV Taxes Receivable (Delinquent) , ,2, n5 Taxes Receivable (Current) oi.m.ua July 1 Coyote Bounty Fund Warrants Outstanding $ 24.00 timtmtmmttimmsmmmmasaamtKmtJj: $359,630.13 LIABILITIES AND SURPLUS Warrants Outstanding (General Fund) 5 iS'ncQM Warrants Outstanding (General Road) ian'sr Warrnts Outstanding (Rodent Fund) nn Warrants Outstanding (Coyote Bounty) lOAinso Warrants Outstanding (County Hospital) o,in?o Warrants Outstanding (Hospital Maintenance) of qJocq Warrants Outstanding (Hospital Equipment) !' Estimated Revenues (Taxes) vt&uM G1 o o NIN A permit is necessary to build outside fire (except in approved incinerators), Absolutely no burn ing after 12 o'clock noon. By order of City Council Current Surplus (Includes amounts due all funds, in cluding School Districts) 235,310.54 $359,630.13 Outstanding Road Bonds $ 77,000.00 Respectfully Submitted, C. W. Barlow, County Clerk. COUNTY TREASURER'S SEMI-ANNUAL REPORT, JAN. 1 1950 to JULY 1, 1950 Balance on hand January 1st, 1950 $279,928.79 RECEIVED FROM: Taxes (Sheriff's office) $434,857.51 Land Sales (Sheriffs office) 2,496.88 Office Fees (Clerk's office) 1,510.69 Dog License (Clerk's office) 354.00 Fees and Mileage (Sheriff's nffirM idfiR Temporary Auto Permits (Sheriff's office) 221.00 Pistol Permits (Sheriff's office) 14.00 Realty Rentals 650.00 Sales and Rentals (Road Department) 1,379.47 Miscellaneous Fines, Costs, Etc 2,750.25 Intereset on War Bonds 187.50 Interest on Time Deposit at Bank 250.00 Motor License Fund 16,028.20 Basic School Support 1,628.90 Secretary of Irrigation District 2,502.36 Hospital Equipment (Donations & Sec. of St.) 4,952.96 Hospital Fund (Secretary of State) 29,796.17 Forest Reserve Rentals and State 2,600.38 County School Fund 6,255.00 Miscellaneous Refunds .. . v 4,276.95 Taylor Grazing Act 63.59 Fair Fund (Sec. of State and Donations) 7,489.39 Alcohol Beverage Tax 1,442.19 General Miscellaneous 1,364.17 General Miscellaneous 1,364.17 $523,217.42 GRAND TOTAL DISBURSEMENTS: General County Expenses $ 32,892.54 General Roads 73,453.09 County School Fund 7,393.15 City Specials 18,955.80 Hospital Construction 35,159.15 Hospital Equipment 11,926.09 Hospital Maintenance 8,973.11 School Districts . 268,513.30 Non-High School Districts 5,502.20 County Fair Fund 20,943.28 Irrigtion District Orders 5,581.25 County Bonds Redeemed 8,000.00 County Bond Interest Paid 2,127.39 Forest Fire Patrol 4,960.01 Rural Fire Protection District 474.63 Sent State Game Commission (Fines) 385.25 Rodent Control 2,459.72 Coyote Bounty 111.00 Dog Fund 390.57 Taylor Grazing Act 103.75 Discount on War Bonds 563.00 $803,146.21 $508,868.28 Balance on hand July 1st, 1950 $294,277.93 Frances Mitchell, Morrow County Treasurer SHERIFF'S AND TAX COLLECTOR'S SEMI-ANNUAL REPORT JANUARY 1, 1950 to JULY 1. 1950 TAX COLLECTIONS RECEIPTS On hand and on Deposit December 31, 1949 $ 58,423.44 1949-50 taxes $ 31,182.85 1948-49 taxes 1,297.58 1947-48 taxes 296.38 1946-47 taxes 185.55 1945-46 taxes 61.93 1944-45 taxes 91.11 1943-44 taxes 1935 & Prior.: .'. Land Sales 1,575.00 $ 34,690.40 Total on hand and Receied $ 93,113.84 umnn:tnnnmn;urmtt:;mmta;utnu:mnnt:mtuntnt: Delivers Here for ws?" THE NEW JEEPSTER costs you hundreds less, but gives you what you wantSurging performance with its 7.4-compression HURRICANE En gine Road-stability and riding ease with its X-girder frame and Planadyne suspension Styling with custom-car distinction. Come in today and road test this great sports car! The New-WlUVS DISBURSEMENTS: Turned over to County Treasurer $ 92,965.32 Unsegregated Funds $ 82,005.00 Segregated Funds $ 10,960.32 On Deposit in Bank 94.06 On hand Jue 30, 1950 27.17 121.23 Under Collections 27.29 Total Disbursements and Balance on Hand $ 93,113.84 TEMPORARY AUTO PERMITS RECEIPTS Disbursements $221.00 $221.00 CIVIL FEES AND MILEAGE $145.86 ' $145.86 PISTOL PERMITS $ 14.00 $ 14.00 Respectfully submitted, C. J. D. Bauman REA Co-Op Formed At Monument For Interior Country By MILLIE WILSON At last a real step toward the REA for Monument has been tak en. Requisitions for Kinzua, Mit chell, Spray, and Ukiah have been closed. Monument has a part of the material on the ground and there is more on the way. This week some surveying in town was done. A primary line was established and part of the secondary. This is indeed good news for the people of this com munity and every one Is ready to help the good worn along. Doyle Wayne McCauley of We. natchee, Wash, was a houseguest of Mr. and Mrs. Haskell Hobby this week. McCauley and Hobby are cousins. McCauley returned to Mitchell Friday with Mrs. Hobby. Mr. and Mrs. Homer Williams and daughters Joyce and Linda were overnight guests of Mr. and Mrs. C. N. Wilson Saturday night. They brought Jeannie and Dean- na Williams home after they had spent two weeks visiting in Echo. Mr. and Mrs. Leland Stewart have sold their lumber trucks to a man from Eugene. The Stew- arts have no definite plans as to where they will settle or what kind of work they will take up. The people of Monument are sor ry to lose the Stewarts as neign bors. Mrs. Evelyn Banta "nee Har low" of Nyssa and her twin daughter and son visited her mo ther, Mrs. Ida Slocum and other relatives the past week. She re turned to her home Saturday. Mrs. Lois Bleakman and dau ghters visited her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Dave Musgrave of Mt. Vernon over the week-end. She also took her daughter Laura Lee to John Day to consult an eye specialist. Lee Greg of Kimberly is a 4-H boy had the misfortune to lose his fat 4.H calf from his pen. The boys have been searching for several days but so far have been unable to locate the calf. Evonne Stoneman returned to Monument Sunday from Lone Rock and Umatilla where she spent her vacation visiting rela tives and friends. Joan Roach expects to leave for La Grande about August 19. She will enroll at Eastern Oregon Col lege ot Education. Kinzua's baseball team came to Monument Sunday to play the local team. The boys from Kin zua proved too much for the Monument team. The women of Monument took their baseball team to Prairie City Sunday to play the Prairie women. They came home the victors. Oatis Stubblefield has been quite ill at his home this week. At this writing he is improving satisfactorily. Mr. and Mrs. Earl Barnard pur. chased a new butane stove from the Leland Stewarts. Mr. and Mrs. Felix Johnson were greeting friends Sunday in Monument. Mr. and Mrs. Stanley Musgrave and nephew Dale Saddler were in town Sunday afternoon. Bill Reynolds was hurt in the woods Wednesday while falling timber with Bennie Carter for the Big Four Lumber company. A dead tree some distance from the tree they were falling fell and struck him on the head. Clayton Griggs brought him to the mill and Lindell Broadfoot rushed him to the hospital in Heppner. Continued on page 4 WITH THE HIGHER-COMPRESSION HURRICANE ENGINE z r s- - w A i i 1 Bring your Commodity Credit Corporation loan to First National. Prompt servicing of all loans . . . cash available immediately. HEPPNER BRANCH FDR5TT NATIONAL BANK! OF PORTLAND I LIT'$ BUILD OREGON TOGETHER"