Heppner Gazette Times, Thursday, July 27, 1950 Page FOR SALE About 70 tons baled alfalfa hay. G. Hermann, lone, phone 37F14. 18-22 A USED CAR is no better than the dealer that sells and ser vices it. Rosewall Motor Com pany KOR SALE Baled alfalfa and barley hay. L. S. Brown, lone, Oregon. 17tfc LET US UNDERSEAL your car against dust, rust, and road noises. Phone 1092 for an ap pointment. Rosewall Motor Co. KOR SALE In lone, house, 3 lots and 2-car garage. $1500. Terms if desired. John C. Jackson, lone, Oregon. 18-21p 1917 PONTIAC sedan coupe, ra dio and heater. Pay down $'165.00. Rosewall Motor Com pany. FOR SALE 7-room house mod ern, two large lots, nice gar den and berries, garage and chicken house. Priced reason ably to sell. See Glen Griffith, Lexington, Oregon. 18-20p DON'T HOARD tires, but if they are worn dangerously thin re place them at once. We have ample tire stocks to take care of all normal requirements. Rosewall Motor Company. WE HAVE just received an or der of beautiful needle point and stamped goods. We invite you to call in and see them. Heppner Flower Shop. 18c 1929 MODEL A FORD pickup hunting car. Make us an offer. Rosewall Motor Company. WE HAVE just received an or der of beautiful needle point and stamped goods. We invite you to call in and see them. Heppner Flower Shop. 18c WANTED 25 dirty cars to wash every day with our Washmo bile. Wash job $1.50. Rosewall Motor Company. LEGAL NOTICES SUMMONS IN THE CIRCUIT COURT OF THE STATE OF OREGON FOR THE COUNTY OF MORROW. FLORENCE HAYNES, Plaintiff, vs. IVAN R. HAYNES, Defendant. To Ivan R. Haynes, the above named defendant. IN THE NAME OF THE STATE OF OREGON, you are hereby re quired to appear and answer pla intiff's compalint filed against you in the above entitled cours and cause within four weeks from the date of the first pub lication of this summons upon you, and if you fail to so appear or answer, plaintiff will apply to the above entitled court for the relief prayed for in her complaint towit: For an absolute divorce from you, and for such other and fur ther relief as may be equitable. This summons is published by order of the Hon. Forrest L. Hub bard, Judge of the above entit led court, made and entered on the 15th day of July 1950, direct ing publication of this summons once a week for four successive weeks in the Heppner Gazette Times, a newspaper published and of general circulation in Morrow County, Oregon, and the date of th efirst publication of this summons is July 20th 1950. JOS. J. NYS, Attorney for Plaintiff, Postoffiee address, Heppner, Oregon. 18-22 NOTICE OF FINAL HEARING NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that the undersigned Administra. trix of the Estate of FRANK Mc CABE, deceased, has filed her Final Account and report in the said estate with the Clerk of this Court and that the Judge there of has fixed Monday, August 7, 1950, at the hour of 10:00 o'clock A. M., as the time in the County Courtroom in the Courthouse in Heppner, Morrow County, Oregon as the lace for hearing objections to the said Final Account and the settlement thereof. ELIZABETH M. MILLER Administratrix of the Estate of Frank McCabe. deceased. P. W. Mahoney Attorney fo rthe Administratrix Heppner, Oregon. 120 NOTICE TO CREDITORS Notice is herby given that the undersigned was duly appointed bv the Probate Court of the State of Oregon, for Morrow County, administratrix of the estate of WERNER RIETMANN, Deceased, and all persons having claims against the estate of said deceas. ed are hereby required to pre sent the same to the undersign ed administratrix, with proper vouchers duly verified, at the law office of Jos. J. Nys, at Hepp ner, Oregon, within six months from the date hereof. Dated and first published this 29lh day of June, 1950. JUANITA RIETMANN, Administratrix 15-19 NOTICE TO CREDITORS Notice is hereby given that the undersigned were duly appointed by the Probate Court of the State of Oregon, for Morrow County, executors of the estate of JAMES G. THOMSON, SR., Deceased, and all persons having claims against the estate of said deceased, are hereby required to present the I FOR SALE Two 8-rnonths-old Rambouillet bucks. Art Keene lone, Ore. 18-20p 1949 CHEVROLET Deluxe fordor sedan, radio, heater, low mile age and very clean. Pay down S595.00. Rosewall ftlotor Co. FOR SALE 6-room furnished house, including new Thor washing machine, electric wa ter hearter and electric range. Bobbie Shamblyn, across from depot. 18c 1949 FOVD CUSTOM Deluxe for dor with radio, heater, over drive and a new Porcelainize finish. Pay down $495.00. Rose wall Motor Company. FOR RENT Furnished 2-room apartment. Phone 1482 or see Mrs. Mildred Tucker. 18sfc DON'T SEND' OUT of town for anything until you first try Rosewall Motor Company FOR SALE Pekingese puppies. See them at my house on K street Friday, Saturday and Sunday. Mrs. W. F. Barkla, nhone (562. 18c KEEP YOUR EYE on our big used car 101 lor yuur transpor tation needs. Rosewall Motor Company. " RANCH FOR SALE on Rhea Creek. 450 acres cultivated land, G57 acres pasture. Bldgs. A. V. Wright. 19tfc BEST GREETINGS IN THE WEST! Make more money. Sell EMBOSS. ED NAME-IMPRINTED Christ mas Cards, 50 for $1. Make 50c on 21 -card $1 assortments. 35 others include Religious, Hu morous, Plastics. Extra bonus. FREE Imprint Samples, Assts. on Approval. STYLART, 1310 Santee, Dept. 142, Los Angeles, 55, Calif. 19p FOR SALE Desirable house lots on west side. Blanche Brown, 203 Water St. Phone 462. 12tfc. same to the undersigned execu tors with proper vouchers duly verified, at the law office of Jos. J. Nys, at Heppner, Oregon, within six months from the date hereof. Dated and first published this 29i h day of June, 1950. JAMES G. THOMSON. JR. RODERICK THOMSON, Executors 15-19 CALL FOR BIDS Notice is hereby given that School District No. 35, lone, Ore gon, will accept sealed bids on or before the 27lh day of July, 1950, at the hour of 8 o'clock p. m., at the school house in lone, Oregon, for the following school routes: Dry Fork: From the Jones ranch to Delzells, to school. Gooseberry: From Bergstroms to Lundells, Akers, .Hubbards, Obers to school. Rocky Bluff: From II. E. Peter sons to McCabes, to Morgans, to Ilowtons to school. South lone: From Kincaids to E. M. Bakers, to Townsends, to Halvorsens, to school. West lone: From Eubanks to Davidsons, to Ileimbignors, to Rices, to Emerts, to Sher'ers, to School. Northeast lone: From Nelsons, to Morgans, to Smouses, to Crums to school. All bids must be sent to the clerk. Said bids must specify tvne of bus to be used and must conform to stale regulations. The board reserves the right to re ject any or all bids. School District No. 35. By Gladys Drake, clerk lone, Oregon. 17 -18c NOTICE OF CALL FOR BIDS Notice is hereby given that sealed bids will be received by the Morrow County Court,- at the County Clerk's office, in Hepp ner, Oregon up to and not later than 2 o'clock, Pacific Standard Time, August 2, 1950, for the fol lowing work projects and sup plies: Project one to consist of scal ing all rough wood surfaces and applying two coats of high qual ity paint to all exterior wood and metal surfaces on the Morrow County Courthouse and jail building. Outside doors to be re. finished and varnished; marble surfaces to be cleaned. Project two: To supply all the paint, of durable quality needed to complete the project at a fixed minimum price. Project three: To refloor the belfry with waterproof surface and resurface the dome with materials of enduring quality. Before bids are submitted fur ther information may bo ob tained at the office of the County Court. The right to reject any and all bids is reserved by the County Court. By order of the Morrow County Court, July 6, 1950. Garnet Barratt Morrow County Judge 17-19c PORCELAINIZE and ride with pride. Porcelainize is a beauty treatment that outlasts three or four ordinary polish or wax jobs. Phone 1092 for an ap pointment to have this beauty treatment on your car. Rose wall Motor Company, FURNISHED sleeping rooms for men. Private entrance & bath. 415 Jones St. Phone 1483. 18-19p EXCESSIVE tire wear on the front wheels of your car means you are either turning the cor ners too fast or need a front end correction. Drive down our safety lane for a free inspec tion. Rosewall Motor Company. FOR SALE Used lumber from old depot in Lexington. All di mensions, lumber long lengths. 1x4 and 1x0 flooring, ceiling, windows and doors. See Glen Griffith, Lexington. 18-19p The Morrow County Creamery's F-2 Ford truck is piling up the mileage delivering Pride of Oregon ice cream and butter. Three counties are watching the results of this truck entered in the Ford National Economy Run. Ask the driver about the performance of this thrifty truck. liOT OR Col.rr!he:o is no'piaee like home for Ford service. Rosewall Motor Company. WE MEASURE and install Ve netian blinds, cloth shades, and all metal window screens. O. M. Yeager, 415 Jones St. Phone 1483. 18-19p 194 0 INTERNATIONAL truck with grain bed; 1937 FORD truck with bed. If you need an extra truck look these jobs over. Rosewall Motor Company. CALL O. M. YEAGER for light carpenter jobs built-ins, cab inet work, inside remodeling. 415 Jones St. Phone 1483. 18-19p FORDS AND FRIENDS is our bus iness. Rosewall Motor Co. NOTICE FOR PUBLICATION Forest Exchange Oregon 01718, United States Department of the Interior, Land Office, Portland 18, Oregon, July 20, 1950. Notice is hereby given that Mabel A. Hughes, of Milton, Oregon, did, on June 15, 1950, make applica tion under the act of March 20, 1922 (42 Stat. 465), as amended bv the act of February 23, 1925, (43 Stat. 1090, 16 U.S.C. sees. 485, 486), to select certain timber from portions of sec. 12, T. 16 S., R. 33 E., W. M., Grant County, Oregon, within the Malheur National For est, in exchange for the NEVi sec. 15, T. 6 S., R. 29 E., W. M., Mor row County, Oregon, within the Umatilla National Forest. Any and all persons claiming the lands selected, or having bona fide objections to the exchange, should file their protests on or before August 31, 1950. Pierce M. Rice, Manager. 19-23 NOTICE OF FINAL HEARING NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that the undersigned as Admin istratrix of the Estate of RALPH D. JONES; deceased, has filed her Final Account and report in the said estate with the Clerk of this Court and that the Judge thereof has fixed, Monday, the 28th day of August, 1950, at the hour of 10:00 o'clock a. m., as the time, in the County Court room in the courthouse in Hep pner, Morrow County, Oregon, as the place for hearing objections to the said Final Account and Ola L. Jones Administratrix of the Estate of Ralph D. Jones, deceased the settlement thereof, P. W. Mahoney, Attorney for the Administratrix, Heppner, Oregon 19-23c NOTICE TO CREDITORS Notice is hereby given that the undersigned was duly ap pointed by the Probate Court of the State of Oregon for Mor row County, administratrix of the estate of HUBERT MAHON, deceased, and all persons having claims against the estate of said deceased are hereby required to present the same to the under signed administratrix with pro per vouchers at the law office of Jos. J. Nys, at Heppner, Ore gon, within six months from the date hereof. Dated and first published this 27th day of July, 1950. ALICE MAHON, Administratrix 19-23 CARD OF THANKS We wish to express our sincere thanks to the Eastern Star, and to all the friends in lone and throughout the county, for their kindness, words of sympathy and floral offerings during the illness and passing of our beloved one. Laxton McMurray and family Lt. Col. and Mrs. Nolan rage WARNINGI A permit is necessary to build any outside fire (except in ap proved incinerators). Absolutely no burning after 12 o'clock noon. By order of City Council. CARD OF THANKS We wish to thank our friends for their expressions of sympathy ad for the beautiful floral offer ings to th ememory of husband and father, Artie Jackson. Doris Gollyhorn and family Mary Bergstrom ad family Mrs. A. H. Jackson John C. Jackson and family ROSY SAYS: We are doing our best to keep the harvest trucks rolling to save every bushel of grain. Please bear this in mind if our service manager can't take care of your needs as fast as you have been ac customed to being served. We will break a hame string try ing tohelpj!witaUJJnie; FOR SALE Irrigated Farms and Ranches near Redmond, Ore gon. 40-ACRE farm close in. Mail, phone, school bus and electric service. Lots of irrigation water for crops, alfalfa, grain and clover pasture. 5 rm house and out biuldings. Crop and 7 head stock included in price of $8000. Terms. 80-ACRE farm with over 52 acres under irrigation. 5 rm house & Grade A barn and other out buildings. All the crop plus 3 acres spuds for $10,500. 120-ACRE farm and over 75 acres watered and 30 A more can be watered. Also out range join ing is available. Has 20 A in spuds; 34 alfalfa; and 21 acres in permanent clover-grass ir rigated pasture. Mod. home and bunk house and good outbuild ings. 19 head of milk stock; tractor and line of tractor equip ment. Crops and stock and all equipment at $25,000. 320-ACRE combination farm and stock ranch. 126 acres under irrigation. 60 A in alfalfa, and balance in grain, spuds and ir rigated clover-grass pasture. Turn out permit for 40 cows and calves. Located on paved road close to Redmond. Ranch and crop, $22,500. THE ABOVE is just a sample of my many listings in Central Oregon. If you want a dairy or wish to raise clover seed or potatoes or cattle, I am sure I have what you want. KELSAY REAL ESTATE Redmond, Oregon. Phone 401 J. Ed Kelsay, Broker. 19 -20c FOR SALE 8-ft. refrigerator and 8-piece blond wood dining room suite. Call 1233. 19-21c FOR SALE Used Domestic sew ing machine with buttonhole and hemstitcher. $150.00. One third down. Edith Mishler, next door to Piper's grocery. 19p FOR SALE 5-room concrete block house, modern; large lot. Also 17-room furnished apart ment house, three lots. Also 17 acre well improved farm one mile below Heppner. See Ernest Moyer, Route No. 2, Heppner Oregon. 19-20p PONY FOR SALE or Trade Cat tie preferred. See Bob Crowell, Morgan Warehouse. lH-2ip FOR SALE 49 Spartan used 3 months. First trailer, Neill's Camp. Call appointment. Matt O. Wilson, 2323- 19-21p FOR SALE Grain hay in bun dles in the field. Also bathtub and lavatory. George Griffith, Morgan, Ore. 19-20c A LETTER TO THE PUBLIC Heppner, Oregon, July 17, 1950 Dear NECCHI Friends: This letter is to invite you to come to Gilliam & Bisbee's on Wednesdays to see the NECCHI (Zig-Zag) SEWING MACHINE do buttonholes, sew on buttons, Mo nogram, embroider and other commercial tricks without attach ments. Amazing and simple. NECCHI wearable parts are standard. (Light; needles; motor; bobbins; belts). Approved by Good Housekeeping Lifetime Guarantee. Friends, you'll be wise to drop a card or letter now stating BU. Necchi model (portable, cabinet or desk, and color) you want and an approximate delivery date. We want to be sure and have what you need in stock for im mediate delivery. iou may have an old sewing machine that needs retiring, with pay. Home demonstrations upon invitation. Sincerely, Your Necchi Demonstrator-Dealer HELEN E. RICH, Adv. Wasco, Oregon Attention "NECCHI" Sewing Machines do all those Commercial Sewing Tricks on your garments at home. NO ATTACHMENTS Built-in Zig-Zag Unit Instant Controls Sews on Buttons Life Guarantee BF and BU Models Prices ircm $125 to $325. DEMONSTRATION Wednesdays All Day GILLIAM & BISBEE Tues. - Hollen & Sons Condon Sales by HELEN E. RICH Wasco, Oregon POMONA GRANGE PICNIC The Morow county Pomona grange picnic will he held Sun day, August 6 at the sehoolhouse park in lone. There will be dinner at noon, followed by baseball, horseshoes games for everyone. Jackman Says Buck Worth Something In South America If you've been looking for that country to visit where a dollar will still buy 100 cents worth of value and then some try Chile. E. R. Jackman, O. S. C. exten sion farm crops specialist for the past 26 years, and his wife have recently returned from the South American country. Speaking of dollar values, he says what is known as the "poorman's beef steak" comes served with a chit for 40 cents. The dish, the spe cialist relates, is a filet mignon measuring three inches through and four inches in diameter. It is served smothered with French fries and onions with two soft fried eggs on top. It is called a "poorman's beef steak" because it is served on a single' dinner plate. Chileans, ac customed to more ceremony at the table, expect to pay more when their restaurant meals come served with the customary five courses. Jackman said, how ever, that he ate a good many "less fancy" meals where the tab was 20 cents five' courses and all. On four months sabbatical leave from his O. S. C. duties, Jackman and his wife visited a married daughter who with her husband is teaching in Santiago, the Chilean capital. Most of the agricultural lands are in large holdings and date back to Spanish land grants sim ilar to those in California, Jack man says. Farm mchinery on the ranches called fundos is In short supply and the beast of all work is the ox. Wine grapes, rice, irrigated pasture and barley are the prin cipal crops. And, the most widely used irrigated pasture mix is or chard grass and red clover. Near I the equator where great nitrate deposits are located, the annual rainfall is absolutely nil, while in that portion of the country near Cape Horn, the annual rain fall is 300 inches. Although only four and one half million persons live there, Chile, if one end of it were stretched north from San Diego, would reach northern Alaska. Copper and nitrate are the two principal exports, said Jackman, and despite the fact some of the farm land has been farmed for 400 years little of the nitrate is used at home. Mr. and Mrs. Jack Estberg mo tored to Portland Sunday on a short business trip. Mr. and Mrs. Marlowe Need ham and her father, Frank Fra tes, motored to The Dalles Sat urday where they were guests of Mr. and Mrs. Clyde Austin. Mr. and Mrs. Lester Hall and Mrs. Carl Schultz of San Jose, Ca lif. were guests last week of Mrs Ethel Zeimantz and Mr. and Mrs. A. J. Chaffee. Another recent vis itor at the Chaffee home was Mrs. Eva Scott of Spokane. Mrs. Scott accompanied the Chaffees as far as Spokane on their trip to Colville recently. Mr. and Mrs. John Simpson and two daughters have returned to their home in Santa Barbara, Calif, after spending a week here with her sister, Mrs. C. H. Privett and family. J. C. Owens is in Voncouver, Wash, for a brief visit with his daughter, Mrs. Bessie Herrington. Mr. and Mrs. James Hams of Rood Canyon district were trans acting business in Heppner. Mr. and Mrs. Tom Perry and Jim Morgan were over from Lone WHEN ARE. THESE ROADS 60IN3 TO IMKKUVE r NEVER,BUDDY, NEVER ca-Wi, America's total highway de ficiencies on state highway systems, in urban areas and on county and township roads have been documented by a Con gressional comn. uee at over $41 billion. Additional deficiencies caused by greater traffic vol umes, higher speeds and wearing out oi existing highways are accumulating at the rate of $1.4 billion each year. If the na tion's highway network is to be brought up to 1950'i needs with in the next 10 yean, annual ex penditures of $5H billion are needed. We u spending only flK billion yearly now. Fl owers for all occasions in season or special MARY VAN'S FLOWER SHOP L A S5$ggf a IMPROVE ? 1 . ..7"?- .:? Rock Monday. MSrs. George Peck and Mrs. Newt O'Harra of Lexington we're transacting business in Heppner Tuesday. o PLAN NEW HIGHWAYS On-the-spot information on proposed routes for new high ways and the examination of ex. isting roads and highways are the principal objectives of a six day tour being made this week in eastern and central Oregon by state highway commissioners . FIRE AT WILL g3 The Complete Home Cleaning and Renovation System At the present time there are enough ma chines to go around to all who desire them. But because they are made out of steel and alumi num, we cannot say just how long the machines will be plentiful. Your local representative .... GLENN WARNER will only be in this territory until September 1, 1950. Call Heppner 2224 or write for an ap pointment for a complete demonstration in your home. There is no obligation. SEE US FOR DEPENDABLE INSURANCE PROTECTION July Clearance FLOOR SAMPLES AND 1949 MODELS ELECTRIC APPLIANCES ! i i General Electric 6 cu. ft. Refrigerator j Regular $189.95 Sale $169.95 j General Electric Automatic Washer i Regular $369.95 Sale $275.00 j General Electric Vacuum Cleaner ! Regular $74.95 Sale $67.95 General Electric Vacuum Cleaner Regular $53.25 Sale $49.95 ' A. B. Apartment Range; Regular $135.00 Heppner Hardware & Electric Co. lijr-TMMnnn-n nrnirrrffa Members of the commission making the tour are Ben R. Chan, dler, chairman, Charles H. Rey nolds and M. K. Mclver. Several highway department engineers and officials of the federal roads bureau will accompany the commissioners. Transferring Cr Heavy Hauling Padded Moving Vans Storage Warehouse U.PandN.P. Penland Bros. Transfer Co. 39 SW Dorlon Avenue Phone 338 Pendleton, Ore. m INSURED MY CR0WWC GRAIN We can arrange proper and complete protection on your growing grain . . . don't delay act now.' C. A. RUGGLES P. O. Box 611 Phone 723 Heppner, Oregon Sale $90.00