Heppner gazette-times. (Heppner, Or.) 1925-current, July 20, 1950, Page Page 3, Image 3

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Services Held Af
lone Tuesday For
Mrs. L. McMurray
Funeral services were held at
Jo clock p. m. Tuesday from the
Cooperative church in lone for
Mrs. Laxton McMurray, 74 who
passed away Friday, July 14 at
her home in Salem. Rev. W. W.
Head of Cathlamet, Wash, offi
ciated and Locust Chapter No
119, Order of the Eastern Star
Heppner Gazette Times, Thursday, July 20, 1950
Page 3
conducted the lodge funeral ser
vice. Mrs. Walter Roberts and
Mrs. Paul Pettyjohn sang "Beau
tiful Isle" and "Now the Day Is
Over." Pallbearers were Paul
Pettyjohn, Walter Roberts, Omar
Rietmann, Harlan McCurdy, Os
car Peterson and Charles O'Con
nor. Interment was in the lone
Janet (Jennie) McMurray was
born July 18, 1876 in Illinois. She
was married to Laxton McMurray
in 1913 and lived in lone until
1946 when for reasons of health
they moved to Salem. She led an
active life in eommunitv affaire
during her long residence here
and was highly respected by all
who knew her. She was a mem
ber of the Congregational church
and of Locust Chapter No. 119,
O. E. S.
j Surviving are the husband
and a son by a former marriage,
!Lt. Col. Nolan Page, stationed in
Mr. and Mrs. Leonard Emerson
of Twin Falls, Ida., visited at the
home of her sister, Mrs. Ernest
McKissick the first of the week.
Mrs. Edna Yarnell returned to
her home in Portland Sunday af
ter spending a week at the home
of her daughter, Mrs. Charles
Mr. and Mrs. Clifford Carlson
and daughters Leslie and Janis
attended the wedding of her bro
ther, Richard Balch, son of Mr.
and Mrs. Earl Balch, and Miss
Betty Sheets at Cottage Grove
July 14. Leslie was flower girl at
the wedding. Dickie and Leonard
Darst of Eugen came home with
the Carlsons. Their mother, Mrs.
J. P. Darst, will come after them
this week.
Mr. and Mrs. Frank Helena and
sons of Seattle are visiting at the
home of her parents, Mr. and
Mrs. Otto Lindstrom.
Mrs. Lana Padberg returned
from a trip Sunday with her son-in-law
and daughter, Mr. and
Mrs. Harlan Devin of Condon.
They went into California as far
as Crescent City where they saw
the Redwoods. They also went
1 &
Thanks to a First National Home Improvement
Loan, our house has a fresh coat of paint. ..looks
almost new again! -
And as the man at the First National Bank pointed
out, timely painting is actually a mighty good invest
ment because it preserves the value of a home. Our
low monthly payments are hardly missed, and there's
no mortgage required with a Firs National Home
Improvement Loan.
will pay you to discuss your borne improvement
plans with one of First National's experienced loan
officers, or write for our folder showing the many
borne improvements that can he made, and their
approximate cost.
Copyright 1920, First National Bank of Portland
i j s f, fckC
B! KT . """" JiE
Stylelin Dt Lux 2-Door Sedan
Drive home the facts !
First and Finest
thrills and thrift
Chevrolet brings you the finest
combination of thrills and
thrift . . . with its new 105-h.p.
Valve-in-Head Engine-most
powerful in the entire low
price fleld-or its highly im
proved, more powerful stand
, ard Valve-in-Head Engine,
First and Finest
for all-arcund safety
at lowest cost
Only Chevrolet offers this five
fold protection: (1) Curved
Windshield with Panoramic
Visibility (2) Fisher Unisteel
Body (3) Safety Plate Glass
all around (4) Unitized Knee
Action Ride (5) Ccrti-Safe
Hydraulic Brakes.
First and Finest
for styling and comfort
at lowest cost
Chevrolet's Style-Star Bodies
by Fisher provide extra-wide
form-fitting seats - extra-generous
head, leg and elbow
room-extra value in every
detail of styling and comfort
in this longest and heaviest
low-priced carl
First and Finest for
driving and riding ease
at lowest cost
Only Chevrolet offers finest
no-shift driving, with Power
glide Automatic Transmission
and 105-h.p. Engine ... or
finest standard driving, with
highly improved standard En
gine and Synchro-Mesh Trans
mission ... at lowest cost.
Come in -drive a Chevrolet and you'll know why it's :E53
Combination of Powerglidi Automatic Transmission and 10! h. p. Engine optional on Di Luxe models at extra cost.
.through the Oregon Caves. They
visited Mrs. Lillian Balsiger
'NTrprnh qt Nouhoro
Arthur Stefani Sr. received
word of the death of his father,
Joseph Stefani, Sunday at Canby.
He and Mrs. Stefani and Mr. and
Mrs. Arthur Stefani Jr. left imme.
diately for Canby.
Miss Lenora West of Yakima
stayed at the Oscar Lundell home
a few days 1st week.
Mr. and Mrs. Norman Griffin
of Portland spent the week-end
at the Phil Griffin home. They
were accompanied home by their
'daughters who have been visit
ing here.
Mr. and Mrs. Carrol Johnson
and son of Eugene were visitors
at the Algott Lundell home last
week. They were on their way
nome irom a trip to Washington,
D. C. and Canada.
Mrs. M. E. Cotter and Mrs. Jua
nita Rietmann accompanied Mrs.
Henry Clark to Pendleton Mon
day. Mrs. Clark will remain in
Pendleton for a few days for a
by Warren Goodrich
. . .
"Thanks for releasing this
party line. It's very urgent
a frog here says he's going to
croak!". . . Good party-line
neighbors let the other folks
use the line for important calls
. . . Pacific Telephone.
j medical checkup at St. Anthony's
Mr. and Mrs. Olson of Port
land visited at the home of her
sister, Mrs. Henry Clark, last
Mrs. Harry Yarnell returend
home Friday of last week from
Vancouver, Wash, where she vis
ited her son Clifford. Her grand
daughter, Robyn Yarnell, return
ed home with her.
Dinner guests at the Algott
Lundell home Sunday were Mr.
and Mrs. Otto Lindstrom and Mr.
and Mrs. Oscar Lundell.
Mr. ad Mrs. John Skuzeski and
son have been visiting at the
home of her parents, Mr. and
Mrs. Henry Peterson.
Mr. and Mrs. James Crane of
Forest Grove and Susan Mills,
daughter of Dr. and Mrs. Victor
Mills were visitors at the Wallace
Matthews home last week.
Mr. and Mrs. Delmer Crawford
are the narents of a rianpht
Marlene Ruth, weight six pounds
11 ounces, born at The Dalles
July 12. Mr. and Mrs. Fra
Ely and Mr. and Mrs. Wate Craw.
iora are tne grandparents.
Mr. and Mrs. Walter rinhimo
and their niece, Dorothy Dobyns,
left for Portland Sunday morning.
The lone Garden rlnh wpnt nn
a garden tour Tuesrlav nf last
week. They started at the W. R.
Wentworth home and inspected
the vards in town anrt hart a r.!n.
nic at noon at the G. Hermann
Arrives at Heppner,
Lexington and Ions
For Pickup or
For pickup, call
Red & White, Heppner
Padberg Tractor, Lex.
Connecting Carrier for
Consolidated Freightways
Omar Rietmann, lone
We can arrange proper and
complete protection on your
growing grain . . . don't delay
acf now.'
P. O. Box 611 Phone 723
Heppner, Oregon
Crisply butter-fried, this tasty brook
trout is Union Pacific's featured dining
car meal attraction during July.
These Union Pacific "meals that appeal"
add to the pleasure of your journey over
a smooth roadbed that assures restful
riding. For real travel enjoyment in
air conditioned comfort go by train 1
ranch. They also visited the Ma
rion Palmer yard.
Mr. and Mrs. Van Ness and
daughter of The Dalles were vis
istors at the home of their dau
ghter, Mrs. John Proudfoot, last
The Maranatha club met at the
home of Mrs. Echo Palmateer
Wednesday of last week. After
the business meeting devotional
services were conducted by Mrs.
Frederick Martin. Mrs. Walter
Dobyns was co-hostess.
Truman (Bud) Cannon of Gre
sham visited at the home of his
brother Pete last week.
Mrs. Verda Ritchie of Portland
The Wm. Seehafers have mov
ed in the Fred Neal house on Sec
ond street.
Rev. Paul Davies, superintend
ent of the Congregational church
es of Oregon, from Portland, con
ducted services at the Cooperat
ive church Sunday morning. He
was accompanied by Mrs. Davies.
They had just returned from a
trip east and in Canada.
The Misses Betty Ball and Lola
Logan of Arlington were week
end visitors here.
Mrs. Verda Ritchie of oPrtland
is cooking at the Phil Griffin
ranch during harvest,
Harvesting is pretty well under
way in this part of the county.
Joe Gaarsland of Battle Lake,
Minn., arrived in lone last week
to work during harvest.
Mr. and Mrs. S. Brown and
daughter and son and grand-
daughter of Salem are visiting at
the Garland Swanson home. Mrs.
Brown and Mrs. Swanson are
Herbert Ekstrom made a busi
ness trip to Portland over the
W. R. Wentworth spent last
week in White Salmon.
The Ernest Helikers had their
house redecorated last week.
Mr. and Mrs. Adon Hamlett
were Pendleton visitors Monday.
Mr. and Mrs. Ernest Lundell,
Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd Morgan and
family and Mr. and Mrs. Paul
Pettyjohn and family, Ernie
Drake and Merle Lundell from
here and Mr. and Mrs. Lester
Baker and daughter Esther of
Walla Walla held a picnic at the
Round-Up park in Pendleton
to reduce tractor wear
this way
tractor rou"
5 ''
A Product of
Standard of California
Longer life for your
tractor is assured when
you seal vital track
bearings from mud and
dust. And that's just
what the special com
pounds in RPM Trac
tor Roller Lubricant
do cover all track
bearing surfaces with a
tough film that really
stays onl
L. E. Dick
Gordon White
Main at May
Heppner, Oregon