Heppner gazette-times. (Heppner, Or.) 1925-current, June 29, 1950, Page Page 4, Image 4

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Heppner Gazette Times, Thursday, June 2$, 1950
Reunion Held at
The Dalles by A.
C. Morgan Family
Through the efforts of Mr. and
Mrs. John Eubanks (Mildred
Morgan) a family reunion of the
descendants of the A. C. Morgans
were held in The Dalles Auto
Park, June 24and 25 with forty
five being present.
A. C. Morgan and Addie Bar
rows were both born in Linn
county in 1862 and were married
in 1882. They made their home
in Tangent where six of their
children were born. In 1899 they
moved to Douglas where Mr.
Morgan was post master. The
town was then changed to Mor
gan. In 1911 they moved to Medical
Lake, Washington where they
made their home until their
Mrs. Morgan and their young
est daughter, Zada, died in 1923
and Mr. Morgan in 1926. Direct
descendants attending the re
union were Mr. and Mrs. B. T
Morgan, Medical Lake, Wash.;
Mr. and Mrs. W. R. Cox, Pasco,
Wash.; Mrs. H. E. McKay, Eu
gene; Mr. and Mrs. Earl Morgan,
Portland; Mr. and Mrs. Carl Mor
gan and two sons of Portland.
Lottie Morgan of Cheney was
unable to attend. Grandchildren
attending were Mark and Glen
Morgan of Portland; Mr. and Mrs.
Don Cox and two children, Pasco,
Wash.; Mr. and Mrs. John Eu
banks and two children and Mr
and Mrs. Floyd Morgan and three
cnnaren irom lone; Mr. and Mrs,
Billy Morgan of Albany: Mr. and
Mrs. Don Wynia and two chil
dren of Medical Lake, Wash.:
Mr. and Mrs. Claude Morgan and
three children of Tekoa, Wash.;
Mr. and Mrs. Gene McClendon
and three children of Portland;
Tom Davidson and Bennie Mac
Morgan of Los Angeles, Califor
nia. Mrs. John Eubanks was elect
ed president and Mrs. Don Wy
nia as secretary for next year. It
was decided to hold the reunion
again next year in The Dalles.
Bob Rietmann was elected
commander of the American Le
gion post 95 at their meeting
June 20. Other officers elected
were vice-president, Joel Engle
man, adjutant and finance offi
cer, Ernest McCabe; post hist
orian; Ted Palmateer, chaplain;
Earl McCabe; service officer, Jim
The American Legion Auxiliary
installed the following officers
June 20 with Mrs. Victor Riet
mann installing officer: President
Mrs. Omar Rietmann; 1st vice
president Mrs. Ernest McCabe;
2nd vice-president Mrs. Gordon
White; secretary-treasurer Mrs.
Cecil Thorne; chaplain Mrs. Pete
cannon; sergeant-at-arms Mrs.
Robert Despain and historian,
Mrs. Echo Palmateer. Mrs. Riet
mann presented each with a cor
sage, Mrs. Walter Corley past
piesiueni was also presenter!
with one. Miss Ingred Hermann
gave a very interesting report on
nei mp to uins state at the Wil
lamette University at Salem.
inose irom here going to
Condon Thursday evening of
last week for the Elks initiation
were Mr. and Mrs. Herbert Ek
. strom, Mr. and Mrs. Art Dalzell.
A. C. Swanson, Les Nelson, Louis
euscrme, u. a. Petteys and Elmer
Mrs. Earl McCabe and daugh
ter, Arietta spent the week-end
with her sister Mrs. Roy Petty-
junn in ine Danes.
The Odd Fellows at Morgan
have their new community hall
wirea ana ine Iioor sanded.
VV. A. Hayes is reported to be
in in a nospuai in Fort Worth
Mrs. Laxton McMu'rray'of Sa
lem is a patient in a hospital
uicic one is reponeo. 10 De im
Merle Baker's are moving into
ineir new nome on upper Main
Beecher Emert ourchased the
Fred Cox house and is moving in.
Mr. and Mrs. Roy Lindstrom
entertained the following at a
pot luck dinner Sunday: Mr. and
Mrs. Joe Houk and daughter,
Lois of Troutdale, Mr. and .Mrs.
Carl Linn and daughter Leeta,
Mr. and Mrs. Charles O'Connor
and daughters and P. J. Linn.
The Ameca club met at the
home of Mrs. Paul Pettyjohn,
Wednesday afternoon of last
week. "Cootie" was played, Mrs.
Darrell Padberg won high and
Mrs. Gordon White second high
and Mrs. E. W. Bristow the door
prize. Mrs. Marian Palmer assist
ed Mrs. Pettyjohn.
Mr. and Mrs. Jerry Bolman of
Bakersfield, California are visit,
ing her parents, Mr. and Mrs.
Ernest Heliker.
Mr. and Mrs. Norman Swanson
of Portland are the parents of
a girl, Marie Louise, born June
26. Mrs. Mary Swanson the
grandmother is visiting at the
Swanson hime in Portland;
Mr. and Mrs. Bert Mason and
grandchildren left for their home
in Oak Grove Monday. They were
accompanied by Miss Jean Ann
The elevator at Jordan Sidint?
has just been completed. It is
80 feet tall and 30 feet in dia
meter with a capacity of 50,000
bushels. The elevator is all con
crete. Mr. and Mrs. Wlliam Rawlms
are the parents of a son. Mr. and
Mrs. Claude Huston are the grand
Mr. and Mrs. Frederick Martin
, and children returned home from
West Linn last week. Mr. Martin
attended the Methodist Confer
ence in Portland.
Edison Morgan underwent a
major operation at The Dalle?
hospital Wednesday of last week.
He is reported getting along sat
isfactorily. His children Juanita
and Jimmy and Mr. and Mrs.
Morgan were with him.
Miss Jane Seehater had an
operation on her knee at The
Dalles hospital last week.
The lone Garden club met at
the home of Mrs. O. L. Lundell,
fuesday afternoon, June 20. It
was decided to hold a flower
show September 11. The club
made plans for a float in the
parade July 4. The roll call of
members was answered by tell
ins of birds that visited their
yards. The study of birds is a
request of garden clubs. A garden
tour will be conducted July 11,
starting in town and arriving at
the G. Hermann ranch for a oot
luck lunch at noon. Refreshments
were served after the meeting by
Mrs. O. E. Lindstrom and Mrs.
Charles White, son of Mr. and
Mrs. Gordon White, left recently
with 26 other students of Pacific
University and their Spanish
teacher, Dr. Roberto Hopker, of
Forest Grove for Central Ameri
ca and Mexico.
They are exchange students
and will attend the University of
Mexico, the University at Guate
mala and one at Managua, Ni
caragua. They will be two weeks
at each place and will deep sea
nsh and hunt wild game.
Wallace Coleman and Martin
Jannsen returned home from
Kansas Sunday.
A movie was shown at the j
school house Wednesday evening
of last week. They will be shown
every Wednesday evening on the
athletic field weather permitting,
otherwise in the school house.
Mrs. Frank Lundell returned to
her home in Milwaukie last week
after a visit with her parents,
Mr. and Mrs. C. W. Swanson.
Word was received of the death
of Frank Smith of Pasco, Wash
ington. He was killed by bein,"
crushed by a tractor while load
ing it on a truck. lie and his
sons, Ralph and Clarence, for
merly owned a ranch near Cecil.
Mr. and Mrs. Lewis Lmert of
Oaksdale visited their sister-in-
law, Mrs. Mary Emert last
Ronald and Duane Baker, Mal
colm McKinney and Janet How-
ton, returned home trom 4-H
summer school at Corvallis, Fri
day of last week.
Mrs. H. O. Ely received word
that her aunt, Mrs. Marie Gibson
of Portland, died June 23. Mrs.
Gibson visited her several times.
Mr. and Mrs. Joe Houk and
daughter Lois spent the week
end here with relatives. Lois re
mained in lone.
Visitors at the E. M. Baker
home during the past week were
Mr. and Mrs. Allen Gillespie and
daughter of Moscow, Idaho, and
Mr. and Mrs. Carlton Jencks and
children of Portland.
Mr. and Mrs. Jack Nelson of
Santa Jose, California and Mrs.
DeWitt MeGinnis of San Fran
cisco are guests at the Johan
Troedson home. Mr. Nelson is a
brother and Mrs. MeGinnis a
niece of Mrs. Troedson.
Mr. and Mrs. Dixon T. Smith
and son, Bruce, arrived 'homo
Saturday from a trip to Coulee
Mr. and Mrs. Higby of Forest
Grove. were week-end visitors ct
the Gordon White home.
Mr. and Mrs. Edwin Lind
quist and family of Minneapolis,
Minn, are visiting their cousins,
Mr. and Mrs. Leonard Carlson.
Donald and Jim McMillan, sons
of Mr. and Mrs. Pete McMillan
of Grand Ronde are visiting at the
Sam McMillan home. They are
grandsons of Mrs. Sam McMillan,
Mrs. Mary Swanson attended
the William McMillan funeral in
Corvallis, Wednesday of lsst
Visitors last week at the
Charles Carlson home were his
sister and family, Mr. and Mrs.
Glenn Schoolcraft and daughter,
Mary Esther of Casper, Wyo., and
Mr. and Mrs. Norman Everson
and son, Gary, of Portland.
The social meeting of the Topic
club met at the home of Mrs.
Fannie Griffith Saturday after
noon. Bridge and pinochle were
played. Those Ireceiving prizes
were, bridge: Mrs. Bert Mason
high and Mrs. Victor Rietmann
second high. Pinochle, Mrs. Gor
don White high, and Mrs. Verner
Troedson, second high. Refresh
ments were served by Mrs.
Charles Carlson, Mrs. C. VV.
Swanson and Mrs. Griffith.
The Three Links club met at
the Wallace Matthews home Fri
day with a 12:30 luncheon. Plans
for entering a float in the 4ih
of July parade were made. Mrs.
Paul Pettyjohn was elected secre
tary to fill the vacancy of Mrs.
Francis Ely. Mrs. Etta Bristow
received the door prize. Mrs.
Matthews was assisted by Mrs.
Berl Akers.
Mr. and Mrs. Rodger Allen and
family and Wayne Ball are pick
ing strawberries at. Gresham.
Mrs. Sam Ranier and a little
friend. Judy Miller, of Garfield,
Washington were visitors at the
John Ranier home. Mr. and Mrs.
Jerry Miller came after Judy
Saturday but Mrs. Ranier re
mained for a longer visit.
Mr. and Mrs. Millard Town-
send of Santa Monica, Califor
nia were recent 'visitors of his
brother, Hershall Townsend. They
are on their way home after a
tour of the United States.
Miss Barbara Smith, daughter
of Mr. and Mrs. Dixon T. Smith
left last week for Eujjene where
she is attending summer school
at the university.
Mrs. Cecil Thorne returned
from Oaksdale, Washington last
week where she visited her son
and family, Mr. and Mrs. Wil
liam Eagle. She also visited her
sister, Mrs. Carl Grassi in Walla
Walla and they attended the
wedding of their brother, Julius
Fox to Dorothy Herring at Te
koa, Washington, June 18.
The Legion boys spent Sundav
decorating the streets with red,
white and blue banners in prepa
ration tor the celebration.
Fred Ritchie of Gearhart was
a recent visitor of his mother,
Mrs. Ethel Stewart.
George Crum of The Dalles is
visiting at the home of his son,
Ralph Crum. The Crum children
Bonny and Jack returned home
this week from a two weeks
visit with their grand parents,
Mr. and Mrs. E. C. Strahm, at The
Rev. Alfred Shirley will leave
the first part of July to attend
a seminary - near Colorado
Springs. During his absence Rev.
W. W. Head of Cathlamet, Wash
ington will fill the pulpit, at the
Cooperative church, July 9, 23
and 30. Rev. Paul Davies of
Portland will be here July 16.
Mrs. Shirley will stay with her
son, Alfred, at The Dalles.
A' large crowd attended the
strawberry feed on the lawn at
the Masonic hall Sunday eve
ning which was sponsored hv the
Masons and Eastern Star. Those
attending from a distance were
Mr. and Mrs. Peter Timms and
son, of Pendleton, Mr. and Mrs.
Melvin Timms and daughter of
Adams, Mr. and Mrs. Frank
Sloan and Mrs. Glenn Jackson
of Slanfield and Mr. and Mrs.
Harry Proudfoot of Portland, Mr.
and Mrs. Bert Mason of Oak
Mrs. Robert Seaton received
word that her sister, Mrs. J. S.
Barton of Cociuille was elected
State President of the Business
and Professional Women's club of
Mrs. H. A. Fleischhauer of
Aurora was a recent visitor at
the home of her sister, Mrs. Rob
ert Seaton. Mrs. Fleischhauer is
postmaster at Aurora.
Mr. and Mrs. Roy Lindstrom
were pleasantly surprised ' when
about 40 of their friends dropped
in Saturday evening for a house,
warming of their fine new home.
They were presented with a
lovely punch bowl. The hostesses
were Mr. and Mrs. Clifford Carl
son, Mr. and Mrs. Garland Swan,
son, Mrs. and Mrs. Charles O'Con
nor, Mr. and Mrs. Adon Ham
lett, Mr. and Mrs. Franklin
Lindstrom and Mr. and Mrs. Ray
mond Lundell.
Mr. and Mrs. Donald Peterson
are the parents of a son, Carey
Donald, weight 5-pounds and 6
ounces, born June 21 at the Em
manuel hospital in Portland. Mr.
and Mrs. Oscar Peterson are the
Mr. and Mrs. E. R. Lundell at
tended a reception in Pendleton,
for the Grand Master of the Odd
Fellows Lodge. A. C. Holmes,
the Rebekah Assembly president,
and Mrs. Helen Davis of Seaside
were present.
Fred Ely of Morgan also at
tended the reception and visit
ed his son, David Ely, of Pendle
ton. -
Mr. and Mrs. A. Alplanalp of
Beavsrton spent the week-end
with her brother and family, Mr.
and Mrs. Herbert Ekstrom. Thev
took their son, Jimmy back with
Arlington defeated lone in a
baseball game here Sunday 7-4.
Several from here attended the
Elks picnic in the mountains
Mr. and Mrs. Robert DeSpain
and son, Bobby Lee, returned
home Saturday evening from the
July 2 Sunday school picnic
of the Valby Lutheran church at
French's in the mountains.
Friends are invited.
July 4 Celebration at lone.
Two Heppner boys and one lone
lad enjoyed an all-expense trip
to Portland the past week-end
where they stayed three days as
the guests of the Oregon Journal.
Kenneth Easter and La Verne
Keithley of Heppner and Ernest
Drake of lone were the lucky
They were taken to the city
by Wesley Quinn of Echo, district
circulation manager of the Jour
nal. While in the city they had
a day at Jantzen Beach and an
opportunity to be piloted through
ihe Journal building which is
now one of the great newspaper
plants of the west.
The application of Grace M.
Field for annulment of her mar
riage to Estel F. Field was pass
ed upon favorably by Judge
Forrest Hubbard when the case
came to his attention in a re
cent session of the circuit court.
You are cordially invited
to attend a
Conducted by the Well
Known Hearing Aid Authority
Heppner Hotel Heppner
JUNE 30th 1 to 6 p.m.
Without cost or obligation,
this noted Beltone consultant
will make a thorough, scien
tific analysis of your hearing
needs will demonstrate the
latest Beltone Hearing Aids
and recommend the one which
you require for satisfactory
hearing, Beltone is accepted by
the American Medical Associa
tion and guaranteed by the
Good Housekeeping Institute.
Please write if you wish us to
call at your home.
712 S. W. 9th Ave.
I wish to thank the Womens
Society of Christian Service, Re
bekah lodge, Suzanna Circle,
Home Economies club of Lexing
ton grange and the many friends
who set flowers and beautiful
cards to me while I was in the
St. Anthony's hospital.
. Mrs. Chris Brown.
CHURCH (Episcopal)
Holy communion, 8 a.m.
Church school, 9:45 a.m.
Holy communion and sermon,
11 a.m.
Week day services:
Holy communion, Wednesday,
10 a.m.
Friday at 7:30 a.m.
Choir practice Thursday eve
ning at 8.
Arrives at Heppner,
Lexington and lone
' For Pickup or
For pickup, call
Red & White, Heppner
Padberg Tractor, Lex.
Connecting Carrier for
Consolidated Freightways
Omar Rietmann, lone
V. f r.v l j 1 l
&"7Y mote tftte
Mayflower Milk and Cream
Homogenized Milk
Chocolate Drink
Butter Buttermilk
Cottage Cheese
Cheddar Cheese
Ice Cream and Sherbet
People Who Shop
In Heppner
Lay in your supplies ro do you
until July 5
Business Houses Will Be Closed
JULY 3 and 4
Merchants Committee
Heppner Chamber of Commerce
Don't Throw It Away!
If you want it to work bring it in to your
ice all makes of Ranges, Oil Burners, Wash
ing Machines, Home Electrical Appliances
and Bicycles.
24-hour service-on Oil Burners.
Marshall-Wells Store
Rolei with Both . T . $3. SO up
Rotes without Bath . . $2.00 up
In the Heart of the
Theatre and Shopping District
Nwmt and Sevtitt
WXMtSSaSWB Z&itlS. mmmmms
lain FbmvMSAto-sffSS
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Progressive American business keeps bringing you
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How PP&L has reduced the
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