Page Heppner Gazette Times, Thursday, June 29, 1950 Former Boardman Man Dies Suddenly At Longview Home By Mrs. FLOSSIE COATS Word came to Boardman friends of the sudden passing away of Claud Magers at his home in Longview Tuesday, June 23. Mr. Magers had just spent the week end in Boardman with relatives, but was alone at the time since Mrs. Magers had gone on to Summer school. Mr. and Mrs. Martin Anderson and family mo tored down for the funeral. Owen Magers returned to Boardman for a visit. Mr. and Mrs. Nick Faler left for their home in Portland Tues day after several days spent on the project visiting old friends. The Falers are old timers, mak ing their home in Portland for the past several years. Little Dicky Skoubo, son of Mr. and Mrs. Ralph Skoubo cele brated his third birthday Sat urday afternoon, his mother hav. ing several of the younger set in for games and refreshments. Mrs. Z. J. Gillespie and son Donald and Mrs. Guy Ferguson motored to Pendleton and Walla Walla Friday. Mrs. Claud Coats and grandson, rrrv Mallerv. and Mrs. R. A. Kortner motored to Lexington Friday. Mrs. Coats and Gerry were guests at the home of her ' brother-in-law and sister Mr. and I Mrs. Truman Messenger. I Mr. and Mrs. V, J. Reece and children of Los Angeles are guests this week at the home of Mrs. Reece's parents, Mr. and Mrs. William Nlckerson. Week-end guests at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Charles Ander egg were Mrs. Anderegg's son and daughter-lrvlaw, Mr. and Mrs. James Garrvson and three children of Oregon City. Mr. and Mrs. Earl Brlggs left Friday for a two weeks vacation, visiting at several valley points. While away they will attend the VFW Convention in Portland. Miss Naomi Dugger of Los Angeles was a house guest last week at the home of her niece and family, Mrs. LeRoy Fussell. The young people of the West minister Fellowship Endeavor Society motored to Bingham Springs Tuesday for an all day outing. The Rev. Hawley, and Mrs. Arnin Hug went as super visors. Mr. Hug took the group in the truck. Mr. and Mrs. Glen Mallery and son Jimmle stopped over at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Claud Coats on the return trip from San Francisco, Calif., to their home in Seattle, picking up their son Gerry, who stayed with his grandparents. Mrs. Nathan Thorpe received word her brother, Charles Smith of Union arrived in Anchorage, Alaska where he will spend some time. Mrs. Anna Cramer was some what improved and was home for a few days. Mrs. Gilbert Califf and son, Charles, left for Portland Tues day and will remain until after the 4th, when Mr. Califf and daughters will drive down for her. Gerry Peck, son of Mr. and Mrs. E. W. Peck was honored with a birthday party Monday afternoon at his home. Several boys and girls enjoyed the after noon with him. Friends gathered at the home of Mrs. Charles Anderegg Mon day afternoon where they en joyed a double birthday party honoring both Mrs. Anderegg and Mrs. Jack Mulligan. Present be sides the ones mentioned were Mesdames Nick Faler, Ray Brown, Walter Wyss, Robert Wil son, Algy Taylor, Bill Earnhardt, Henry Gantenbein, Nathan Thorpe, and Henry Zivney. A visitor in Heppner Wednes day was Mrs. Clara Kilcup, rep resenting the Volunteers . of America, with which she has been associated for a number of years. J"4 X If t ; S t 'w i? r f.H 1 Chevrolet trucks give you more powerful performance, thriftier operation NEW MASSEY-HARRIS "U" AND "27" SELF-PROPELLEDS ARE THE EASIEST COMBINES TO OPERATE if Ease oi operation, simplicity, convenience are Just natural re suite ol the common tense con struction of the 12 loot "26" and 16 fool "27." You finish a tough day of har vesting feeling relaxed and sat isfied when you own a new Massey-Harris combine. You com bine faster, eauler . . , everything is right there before you all con trols at your fingertips. Gas tank is low for easy filling , . . Grain tank unloads in a jiffy . , . inspec tion panels provide fast adjust ment and lubrication . . . extra large wheels take the jars and Jolts out of rough fields and give sure footed traction. See the new "26,f and "27" today ... get the best for your farm. Don't forget to ask about the new combine- principle Balanced Separation. yn Y0r nreat thinas of these new Chevrolet trucks. They're the most powerful trucks Chevrolet has ever built, yet they cost surpr.s.ngly little to o erate. Two rugged, wonder-working Valve-in-Head eng.nes-the Thriftmaster 92-h.p. and the new Loadmaster 105-h.p.-bring you performance that saves you time and money. New Power-Jet carburetion provides smooth, quick acceleration, and the 4-speed Synchro-Mesh transmission in heavy-duty models means fastt. shifting and greater safety on the grades. To you, this means wonderful new performance . . . less time on the road . . . less time in the haul. So do yourself a favor. Visit our showroom today. Chevrolet trucks have what you want! 1 ADVANCE-DESIGN TRUCKS LOGAN IMPLEMENT SERVICE IONE, OREGON HODGE CHEVROLET CO. Main at May Heppner, Oregon K A' I uS (Daly Five Moire UnftaE The rag im Eases IN TUESDAY, 5UH.Y 4 IPfifl(sIk MmffiKM? sift FIREWORKS after dark on turf field Play Safe - CELEBRATE at HOME (gelehz&ie aft H(Q)RJE! Sponsored by lone American Legion