f Page 4 Heppner Gazette Times, Thursday, June 22, 1950 Troedsons Return From Three Weeks in Sweden Mr and Mrs. Johan Troedson she attended the Rose Festival and grand chapter of the Eastern Star. Delegates attending from here were Mrs. Sam McMillan, Mrs. Lewis Halvorsen, and Mrs. Herbert Ekstrom. Mrs. Roy Lincl- strom attended and was the grand page of the grandstar points who all wore pastel green lace form als. Mrs. Lindstrom participated in a "1900" skit honoring 50-year members of the order. Mrs, L I1; FBerer, a chart member nuiiiuuj i win a i in l v ncci v ion with relatives and friends in Sweden. They went both ways across the continent by United Air Lines and overseas by the Scandinavian airlines system. They enjoyed the famous Swed ish smorgasbord which is served the passengers. The travel from Pendleton to Sweden was 25 hours flying time which was quite a contrast to the time it took Mr. and Mrs. Troedson to emigrate to America over half a centry ago. They found weather conditions excellent, the climate favorable and the secenery beau, tiful. At this time the nights are not entirely dark, "the sun setting at 9:15 p.m. and a twilight until 11 p.m., also twilight several hours before sunrise which is at 3:15 a.m. While in Sweden, Cari spent several days in the nation al capital, Stockholm, sightsee ing and going through the mu seums which displayed articles as far back as the 16th century. A tour by boat through the city enables tourists to see the capi tol. The city is composed of is lands which are connected by 43 bridges. He went through King Gustav Adolf's palace, also the ancient palace which was built in the 17th century. Miss Leta Linn returned from The Dalles last week where she attended school. Warren Stender of Salem took care of Carl Troedson's ranch while Carl was in Sweden. Don Harris of Portland arrived in lone Monday. Over 130 men and boys at tended the father and son ban quet at the grange hall Sunday evening, sponsored by the women of the grange. W. R. Wentworth was toastmaster, Robert Peter son, Henry Peterson and Frank Engelmen gave talks, and Gary White a reading. Group singing was led by Adon Hamlett, with Algott Lundell at the piano. Six young girls waited on the tables. Prizes were given the oldest dad, Matt Halvorsen; to the youngest dad and to the one having the youngest son, Donald Ball re ceiving both of these. The eve ning ended with the showing of " motion pictures. Mrs. Fannie Griffith and son George attended the wedding of her niece, Jeanne Loos, at Orcas Island, Wash., to Loyd Walker of Walla Walla, June 10. Mrs. Grif fith went on to Portland where of Locust chapter of lone and a member of the Eastern Star for 64 years was present and honored. Lewis Halvorsen attend ed the Masonic grand chapter as a delegate. The HHX of Willows grange held an all day meeting at the Marion Palmer home Friday. At the business meeting Mrs. Ern est Heliker reported that the club had purchased table cioms, dishes, kettles, utility table and coffee urn for the grange. Mrs. Berl Akers resigned as secretary and Mrs. Etta Bristow was elect ed. Plans were made to enter a float in the 4th of July parado. Refreshments were served in the afternoon by Mrs. Palmer and Mrs. Wate Crawford. Mrs. Franklin Ely left Sunday for Portland where she will at tend the University of Oregon ex tension summer school at Lin coln high school. The farm bureau met at the grange hall June 12. Soil con servation was the chief discus sion. Refreshments were served by Mrs. L. L. Howton, Mrs. Ray mond Lundell and Mrs. Milton Morgan. A "pink and blue" shower was given in honor of Mrs. Delmar Crawford Saturday afternoon at Legion hall, bhe received many lovely gifts. Refreshments were served from tables decorated with pink and blue candles and sweet peas. Hostesses were Mrs. Pete Cannon, Miss Ruby Ann Riet mann, Miss Lola Ann McCabe, Mrs. Ted Palmateer, Miss Ingrid Hermann and Mrs. Ernest Mc Cabe. Mrs. Bert Mason is visiting at the Sam McMillan home. Her grandchildren, Janet and John Mason are visiting at the Garl land Swanson home and Alica Kay and Judy Mason at the Lewis Halvorsen home. Rollo Crawford and Mrs. Tad Miller are visiting in Portland. Mrs. Regina Miller and daugh ter Lena and Mr. and Mrs. S. W. Brown and son of Salem were guests at the Garland Swanson home last week. Condon defeated lone here in a baseball game Sunday but the softball team won from Heppner. Those from here attending ser. vices at the Lutheran Valby church at Gooseberry Sunday were Mr. and Mrs. Ernest Lund ell, Mr. and Mrs. Adon Hamlet t, Mr. and Mrs. Walter Dobyns and Mrs. Mary Swanson. Rev. Hoken son of Portland had charge of the services. He and his family were guests of the Adon Ham- etts Sunday night and dinner guests at the Leonard Carlson. Sunday. Little Johnny Swanson was pleasantly surprised last week when Lee Beckner presented him with a pony and saddle. the following attended the Catholic summer school in Hepp ner trom nere: Mary Emert, Denny, Jean Ann and Johnny Swanson, Linda Ham, Billy Salt er, Raymond and Sally Cropp. Those receiving final communion Sunday were Johnny Swanson, Mary Emert and Sally Cropp. Jean Ann Swanson celebrated her 12th birthday June 16 with the following guests: Ann Belle Coleman, Mary Emert,- Sandra Lanham and Shirley Keenan. Mr. and Mrs. Ed Bergstrom, Mrs. Artie Jackson and Mrs. Doris Gollyhorn and son Wayne visited Artie Jackson at the vet erans hospital in Walla Walla Thursday of last week. Mr. and Mrs. Charles Hoover and children of Pendleton spent the week-end at the home of her sister, Mrs. E. M. Baker. Mr. and Mrs. Henry Halvorsen and daughters of Medford spent a few days with his father, Mat Halvorsen and brother, Lewis Halvorsen. Mr. and Mrs. Robert DeSpain and son vacationed at the beach last week. Kathleen O'Brien of Olympia, Washington is a guest of Doro thy Dobyns. Those'from here attending 4-H summer school at Corvallis are Janet Howion, Malcolm McKin ney and Ronald and Duane Baker. . , Ingrid Hermann attended the Legion auxiliary sponsored Girls State at Willamette University in Salem last week. Shirlev McGreer is attending the Episcopal summer camp at Cove. The Maranatha society met at the home of Mrs. Earl McKinney Wednesday afternoon oi la.si week. It was decided to hold a bazaar and dinner October 14. Refreshments were served by Mrs. McKinney and Mrs. John Proudfoot. Mr. and Mrs. Dale Ray attend ed the wedding of their grand daughter, Miss Arlene Goodrich, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Bruce Meyer of Husum, Wash., June 4. Miss Galdys Brashers of Los Angeles also attended the wed ding. Norman Goodrich returned home with his grandparents. . Mr. and Mrs. John Bryson visit, ed at the Leslie Roundy home in Kennewiek last week. Mrs. Wate Crawford returned home from Portland last week where she visited her daughter, Mrs. John Voorhees. Mr. and Mrs. Fred Jenkinson and daughters of Vancouver were visitors at the home of her sister, Mrs. Hershall Townsend last week. Joe Crum of Camas, Washing ton was a recent visitor at the home of his brother, Ralph Crum. He is an automobile dealer. Miss Sharon Campbell of Word en, Wash, spent last week at 'he home of her uncle and aunt, Mr. and Mrs. L. L. Howton. Her par ents, Mr. and Mrs. Claud Camp bell, came after her Saturday evening. Henry Gorger has the brick siding finished on his house at his ranch. Mrs. Anne Smouse and daugh ter Shirlee of Heppner were lone visitors Sunday. Shirlee was a bridesmaid at the Teufel-Allen wedding in Portland June 12. Mrs. Delia Corson attended the wedding of Miss Bette Belle Blake, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Keithley Blake in Portland, June 10. The Blakes formerly resided here. Mr. and Mrs. Carl Cropp and family went to the valley last week anf brought back their daughter Maxine who spent the school term there. The Willows grange met at the 'hall Saturday evening. Mrs. Wm. Seehafer gave a report on the 'grange convention at Ontario. Mrs. O. L. Lundell and Mrs. Ed Buschke served refreshments. Dwight Haugen, son-in-law of Mrs. Fannie Griffith was select ed to enter Harvard university, Mr. ana Mrs. Haugen are plan ning on going to Boston in Sep tember. Dates to remember: June 23, 3-Links club at the home of Mrs. Wallace Matthews. July 4, cele bration at lone. Berl Akers was reelected as director for three' years at the annual school election Monday. Those present approved of build, ing a separate building for a shop and music room. Plans for building a teacherage were dis cussed. A new recording machine was tried out at the meeting. William McMillan Dies at Corvallis Monday Morning Word was received in Lexing ton Monday morning of the death of William (Bill) McMillan in Corvallis. The funeral was held Wednesday of this week. Those going down from here were Mr. and Mrs. Sam McMillan, Mrs. Fannie McMillan, Mr. and Mrs. W. E. McMillan and Lou Broad- ley. Bill left to mourn his pass ing - in this community, one brother J. F. McMillan and two sisters, Mrs. Lou Broadley and Mrs. Earl Warner. Miss Dona Barnett underwent a major operation at the Ema nuel hospital in Portland last Wednesday morning. The latest report is that she is getting along as well as can be expected. Mrs. Jim Bloodsworth and Mrs. Roger Campbell were Walla Walla visitors one day last week. Mr. and Mrs. Joe Feathers and family returned . home from a short vacation in the Willamet te valley. At the annual school board election last Monday afternoon Glenn Grilfith was ejected to till the place of Mrs. Mary Edwards whose term expired this year. Alonzo Henderson was elected from this community on the five man board. Mr. and Mrs. .Wilbur Steagell returned Sunday from a vaca tion in Lauiornia ana way points. Mr. and Mrs. C. C. Jones and family, Max Breeding, Pat Mc Millan and Earl Miller made a trip to La Grande Tuesday. Maurice Groves returned last week from a trip to Salem and Portland. His family remained in Salem for a vacation of a couple of weeks. Mr. and Mrs. Truman Messen ger entertained the young peo ples Bible class at a pot luck dinner. The young people invited their parents for Fathers Day. Those attending were Elmer Messenger of Boardman, father of Truman Messenger. Mr. and Mrs. Charles Marquardt, father of Bill and .Carl, and Mrs. Homer Hughes, Mr. and Mrs. William Zinter, parents of Mrs. Truman Messenger Jr., Mr. and Mrs. E. E. McFadden, Mr. and Mrs. Don Campbell, Mr. and Mrs. Feathers, . and Mr. and Mrs. F. E. Daven-' port of Walla Walla, cousin of Truman Messenger. There were 36 attending counting the class and their guests. Also attending the Christian church were the Minister and family, Mr. and Mrs. Z. F. Cantrell. Mr. and Mrs. Lawrence Palmer returned Saturday from a trip to Cascade Locks where they visited their daughter and family- o THAT AIN'T HAY The Hoover Commission has reported that $140 million a year could be saved by modernizing the orgaiization methods and equipment of the U. S. Post Office Department. Hiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiin Mark This Date on Your Calendar JUNE 24 UK HEPPNER RECREATION HALL Music by Cliff Slacks of Hood River f Tiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiinin THEY'RE HERE! Our Bucilla 6- Fleisher Threads in Cotton or Wool Pattern Books - Hook ring patterns and frames Knitting needles, rug hookers, crochet hooks Embroidery hoops, needles. FLOWERS ALWAYS HEPPNER FLOWER SHOP American Legion lone invites you to (Selelbiratie The Nation's Birthday in the traditional American Manner Hie M Bay off Potluck Picmc Pinner aft SOTRJ Mission Legion Indians vs lone - Indians playing in both games Admission 75c for the two games Fireworks After Dark on Athletic field turf OPEN AIR DANCING ON TENNIS COURT MUSIC Rod Esselstyn Admission $1.00 per Person mmmmAT