Heppner gazette-times. (Heppner, Or.) 1925-current, June 15, 1950, Image 9

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Heppner Gazette Times, Thursday, June 15, 1950
Boardman Manse
Scene of Wedding
Ceremony Sunday
A quiet but impressive single
ring wedding ceremony was
performed at the Manse at 2:30
p.m. Sunday, when the Rev. C.
A. Hawley united in marriage
Donald G. Casparie and Betty
Mae Carlson. Witnesses were
John Mora of New Mexico and
Mrs. C. M. Carlson. The bride is
the daughter of Mr. and Mrs. C.
M. Carlson, having resided here
for many years, graduating from
high school this May. Mr. Cas
parie expects to receive his dis
charge from the service soon,
and he with his wife will go to
his home in California.
Mr. and Mrs. D. W. Ewing
spent two days in Pendleton
last week at "the home of their
daughters Mrs. Dorothy Pflugard
and Miss B. Ewing. They also
called at the hospital to visit
Mrs. Olive Atteberry who was
a patient there. Miss Ewing came
home with her parents for an
extended stay.
Mr. and Mrs. R. E. Rasmussen
and family have moved to
Fox, where he is employed in
the mill. The Rasmussens have
lived on the project for several
Mr. and Mrs. Don Sturgess and
family of Ordnance were dinner
guests at the Oscar Veele home
Wednesday. Miss Gracia Veelle
left for Portland Monday where
she will have an extended visit
with relatives.
Mr. and Mrs. Dale Eades and
sons Bobby and Larry left
Thursday for Leedey, Okla.,
where they will visit two weeks
with Mrs. Eades parents and
other relatives. George Delano is
staying on the farm during the.'
Eades absence.
Miss Ora Ely who is employed
at the Wallace Mathews home
in lone, spent the week end with
her parents Mr. and Mrs. Elvin
Week-end guests at the home
of Mr. and Mrs. Earl Briggs were
Mrs. Briggs son-in-law and
daughter Mr. and Mrs. Jack
Campbell and family of Pullman,
also her brother and sister-in-law,
Mr. and Mrs. A. L. Carnegie
of Albany.
Mrs. John Mulligan of Albany,
is a house guest at the home of
her son ond daughter-in-law.
Mr. and Mrs. Jack Mulligan.
Mrs. Earl Briggs, Mrs. John
Mulligan, Jack, and Richard Mul
ligan motored to Hermistpn Mon.
The local community men
gathered Saturday for an all
day's work at the North Morrow
county fair grounds and poured
the footings for both the main
fair buildings and the 4-H build
ing. Mr. and Mrs. Russell Miller
motored to Heppner Sunday
afternoon for the dedication of
the Morrow county hospital.
From where
Other night just as I was settling
down with a book and a mellow'
glass of beer, the wife calls down,
"Joe I almost forgot you and I
are going over to the High School
and take dancing lessons!"
Now, I can waltz with the best
of them, so I put up a quiet strug
gle against going but it was no use.
Turns out it was the class in
square dancing. And from the look
on some of the other men I judged
I wasn't the only one there who
had been taken by surprise!
Miss Williams and Curly Law
son taught us what to do with our
Copyright, 19j0, United States Brewers Foundation
I Mark This Date on Your Calendar
v Music by
Cliff Slacks
1 of Hood River . , . i,
Mr. and Mrs. Ralph Skoubo and
son Dickv motored to Hermiston
for the 9th birthday party of
little Jimmie Geichell, nephew
of Mrs. Skoubo.
Mr. and Mrs. Edward Shearer
and Mr. and Mrs. Everett Shib
ley and daughter Winifred and
son Gilbert stopped at Board
man Sunday morning while en
route to the State Grange meet
ing at Ontario. They visited a
short time with Rev. and Mrs.
C. A. Hawley and also attended
the Boardman Community Sun
day school.
Mr. and Mrs. Fred Smith and
son Ralph left Tuesday for Se
attle, Washington, from there
they will go by plane to Ketchi
kan, Alaska for a few weeks
with Mrs. Smith's father, Dr. P.
N. Hester. Her aunt, Mrs. Kate
Grendling of Benton City, Wash,
is in charge of the Motel dur
ing the Smiths' absence.
Mrs. Katherine Dunn left Tues
day for Bellingham, Wn whore
she will enter summer school.
Mr. and Mrs. : Vernon Farmer
of Gresham were Sunday guesls
at the Chas. Anderegg home. 1
Mrs. Chas. Anderegg, Mrs. Earl
Briggs, and Mrs. Robert Wilson
left early Tuesday for Klamath
Falls where they will attend the
annual Garden club conference.
Mr. and Mrs. Clyde Tannehill
left Monday for Ontario to at
tend the Oregon State Grange
session. Mr. Tannehill is master
and representing the Morrow
County Pomona Grange.
Pendleton visitors Monday
were Mr. and Mrs. Ralph Skoubo,
Mrs. Anna Skoubo, Mr. and Mrs.
Dewey West Jr. and family, and
Henry Zivney.
Carol Robertson of Pendleton
is spending a few days at the
home of Mr. and Mrs. Ed Skoubo,
coming down with the Ralph
Skoubos Monday.
We wish to extend our sincere
thanks to all the, friends and
neighbors for ' their, kindness,
words, of sympathy and floral
offerings in our sorrow of our
beloved son and brother, Farris.
Mr. and Mrs. E. R. Prock
Mr. and Mrs. Faye Prock and
Vernon Prock and Family.
Mr. and Mrs. Jack Merril and
Mrs. John Skuzeski and son of
Corvallis are visiting her par-
ents, Mr. and Mrs. Henry reter
for all occasions
in season or special
I sit ... ly Joe Marsh
Acl.!ng Feet!
feet, and before it was over, darn
if I wasn't actually enjoying my
self. Going back next week, too !
From where I sit, we sometimes
get an idea into our head for or
against something and then hang
onto it for dear life. Whether it's
square dancing, or the right to en
joy temperate beer or ale now and
then, we owe it to ourselves as
Americans to take ail open-minded
attitude that's even after we
make up our minds about it!
St. Patrick's Religious Vaca
tion school which has been in
progress for two weeks will close
Sunday, June 18. The closing will
be observed by a Parish break
fast after Mass honoring the First
Holy Communicants. This will
be "served by the ladies of the
Altar Society. Miss will be cele
brated at 9 a.m. instead of the
usual 8 a.m. There will be no
serv ice in lone.
A total of sixty two grade
school children have been enroll
ed. This represents a notable in
crease over previous years. Sisters
Kuphemie and Mildred Marie of
the Holy Name are the Sisters
in charge. Marguerite Glavey,
June Steagell and Nancy Sher
man are the helpers.
Community Church
Z. Franklin Cantrell, Minister
When a man of merit wins,
many attribute it to his good
luck, but the arm of God strikes
for right, and there answers to
prayer; yes, no and wait.
Church school 10 a.m. Worship
and preaching 11 a.m. Singing
and preaching 8 p.m.
Pastor Shelby E. Graves
Sunday, 9:45 a.m. Sunday
school. A class for every age.
11 a.m. Worship service.
7 p.m. Youth for Christ.
7:45 p.m. Evangelistic service.
Thursday 7:45 p.m. Bible study
and prayer service.
Friday. 7:45 p.m. Bible study
in lone.
J. Palmer Sorlien, Minister.
Fathers Day.
Morning worship at 11 a. m.
This service will be conducted
by the Church School with the,
superintendent Mr. Oliver Cres
wick as director of the service.
Sunday Church School at 9:4o
a.m. Mr. Oliver Creswick, super
intendent. Everyone welcome. We
Wranglers' Heyday
Admission Adults
Winners of Crow and
Magpie Contest:
lst-Carolyn McDaniels 1270
2nd-Duane Alderman 1026
3rd-Terry Thompson 955
4th-Freddie Lynch 868
5th-Gayle Cox 688
Kenneth Keeling 464
Bob Buschke 425
Earl McKenny, lone 277
Roy Lindstrom, lone 275
Alvin McCabe, lone 218
Denny Swanson, lone 175
Mike Monahan 161
Jackie Labhart 130
Donald Fahl, Lex 102
Michael Graves 50
Walt Duran 50
Omer Huston 20
Aikens' Sport Shop and the
Morrow County Hunters' and
Anglers' club wish to thank Gar
land Swanson of lone and Charles
Gomillion of Heppner for their
indispensible services counting
and keeping score, and to especi.
ally commend the following bus-
Aikens Sport Shop
Hodge Chevrolet
Heppner Hardware
Gilliam & Bisbee
Farley Motors
Rosewall Motors
Gonty's Shoe Store
C. A. Ruggles, Agent
Marshall Wells Store
Tum-A-Lum Lumber Co.
Turner & Van Marter
Western Auto
Case Furniture
Heppner Cleaners
Thomson Bros
have a class for every age.
The Womans Society of Chris
rian Service meets the first Wed
nesday of each month at 8 p.m.
Suzanna Wesley Circle of the
Womans Society of Christian Ser
vice meets the third Wednesday
of each month at 2 p.m.
The Pastor is attending the an
nual meeting of the Oregon An
nual Conference this coming
week at the Sunnyside Methodist
Church, 34th and Yamhill, Port
land, Oregon.
Glenn. Waner, Minister
9:45 a.m. Bible School, C. W.
Barlow, superintendent. Our Bible
school attendance fell down to
78 last Sunday, let's bring if
back up to where it should be
on this coming Sunday, Father's
11:00 a.m. Morning worship
Until you see the May- jf
tag Ironer in action, you f
won't believe ironing
can be so easy.
e Large size roller
Quiet, trouble-free
Double heat control
$10095 ,n lo
T 177 monthly paymtntf
Come in today for a com
vlete demonstration.
Save hours of work with
the SfeiS Awmf
Heppner Hardware
6 Electric Co.
Third Annual Show
Street Porode-1 :00 P. M.
.410 shotgun and shells
Registered puppy
$10.00 cash
Hunting axe and S2.50
1st Aid kitlamp-reel
Sheath knife and hair tonic
Hand drill set and $2.00
Carton Hersheys and pair Levis
Fishing creel and pocket knife
$2.50 and hair tonic
Miniature "cat" with dozer
Groceries and flashlight
Jeans and purse
Record Album
Gloves and pocket knife
iness houses of Heppner for their
donations of prizes, which made
this contest possible. Their in
terest in providing clean, health
ful recreation for the youth of
the community is indeed appre
ciated. OF PRIZES
O'Donnell Cafe
Empire Machinery
Heppner Appliance
Union Pacific R. R.
Saagers' Pharmacy
Bucknum's Pastime
John Keys, Barber Shop
Anderson & Wilson
(now Claudien'i)
Healy's Variety
Heppner Hotel
Walker Barber Shop
Heppner Sales Yard
Heppner Garage
Norah's Shop
Heppner Market
and communion service. Sermon
theme "A Faher's Failure."
There will be no evening ser
vice this Sunday.
Tuesday, 8 p.m. Worker s con
ference of the Bible school.
Because of the Junior Girls at
Camp at Cove, there will be no
Junior Christian Endeavor this
Wednesday, 2:30 p. m. Wo
men's missionary meeting.
8:00 p.m. Midweek service.
Thursday, 7:30 p. m. Choir
CHURCH Episcopal
Holy communion 8 a.m.
Church school 9:45 a.m.
Morning prayer and sermon 11
o'clock. The Right Reverend Lane
W. Barton, D. D., Bishop of East
ern Oregon, will administer the
wa naataattatamaam
1:30 P.M.
Children Free
22 II
EDtoll&F JF 3(BJlaF'
you cant beat a
A Wonderful Performer
at a Wonderful Price!
Almost everybody has a good word
for the immensely popular Pontiac.
The most enthusiastic spokesmen
are those who own this great car.
The facts behind this admiration
of Pontiac are very simple
Pontiac is America's lowest
priced Straight Eight. Pontiac is
the lowest-priced car with GM
Hydra-Matic DrivtJ Pontiac li the
apostolic rite of confirmation at
this service.
Week day services: Holy com
munion at 10 a.m. on Wednesday;
at 7:30 a. m. on Friday.
Choir practice at a p. m. inuia
day. Boy Scouts, 7:30 to 9 Wednes
day evening.
. o
Rev. Henry J. Hokenson or
Portland will be in charge of
communion services at Valby
Lutheran church in Gooseberry
at 11 o'clock a.m. Sunday, June
18. An invitation has been ex
tended the public to attend.
For Your
Wedding Day
For your double ring cere
mony select Keepsake, the
same rings chosen to receive
the coveted Fashion Academy
Award. Come in now and se
lect your Keepsake from our
award-winning Keepsake collection.
It's a Real Privilege and Satisfaction!
Yes, that deep down glow of satisfaction
that comes from helping doctors help you
means a lot to us. There's, a certain pride
thatr comes from knowing that our services
help check or cure illnesses . . that directly
or indirectly we have saved lives and re
stored health. We have earned this satis
faction only by the most exacting study,
meticulous research and careful fulfilling of
prescriptions. Let us serve you in all your
pharmaceutical needs
satisfaction !
most beautiful thing on wheels.
And Pontiac is famed everywhere
for its dependability and economy.
Those are the facts, and they are
impressive. But they are a lot mart
impressive to the person behind the
wheel of a Pontiac. He knows for
sure that dollar or dollar, yon
can't beat Pontiac!
Flatt's Tronifor
and Storage
Heppner Ph. 112
The Dalle PboM 2835
114 E. 2nd It
I mured Coartec
"We Go Anywhere.Anjrtiret"
for "exauisite d'
siEiiind brilliant
fashion styling"
Matching Wtddinf SU
20.00 and 12 JO
to our mutual
g? K n M K rvi m v- I
Dtuvtm Hat
5-Pissenger Streamliner
Six-Cylinder Sedan Coupe
Suit md heal Uxti, if nj,
Menu, KiIkmmI tquipmnl tmd
mtwriitextr. Print wijtct
f flhnif without imoW, Prkn
"My wry In mrmmdmt torn
nmttitl dtu to trmtftttttm
t rrvi li