x 5 Heppner Gazette Times, Thursday, June 15, 1950 Ronald Baker Wins Top Spot in 4-H Livestock Judging Morrow County 4-H members returning from the Oregon Wheat Growers League 4 H Fat Stock Show and Sale held at The Dalles June 5, 6, and 7 brought with them their share of the honors, as well as good sale c'll'll'IIIHIIIIMIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIMIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIlliiilllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllll Ill .:illlll Illllllllt s a prices that go and sale each contest of the show, the live stock -Judging contest where ap proximately 150 club members competed for best judge was won by Ronald Baker of lone. Ronald scored 625 points out of a possi ble 700, winning this contest also in 1949. Third place was won by Janet Howton, lone who was ex hibiting for the first time at this show. Classes Judged were two of with this show, fat hogs, two of fat lambs, and year. The first three of fat steers. Judging of all classes of live stock were completed on the second day of the show. Ronald Baker again showed his ex perience as a feeder by showing the champion Shorthorn steer, bred by Sherman-Ferguson of Heppner. He was beat out in the selection of a Grand Champion of the show bv Diane Christen - sen of Moro, who also showed REGULAR AUCTION Tuesday, Jjmne 2 Beginning at 1:30 p. m. Regular Run of Livestock and Farm Equipment One Weed Sprayer Boom household Furniture Electrical Appliances Dring in what you have we'll find a buyer for you zmeir aHes IFsssd SlllIIIIIIIIIItlllllllllHIIIIIIIIIIMIIIIIIItlMllltlllMIIIIIIIIIIMMIIIIIIIlfllllllllMtltlllllllllllllllllltlllllllf IIIIIIMIIIIIIIIIIIII1II !the Grand Champion in 1949. In showmanship contests, Ice land McKinney, lone was win ner of the Junior beef division showing his Shorthorn steer. He was included in the contest for champion beef showman but was beat by experienced Duane Eakin, Powell Butte, who has won sev eral of these contests. In the senior sheep showmanship con test, Ronald Baker took first place. Morrow county club mem bers took first in the herdman ship contest and second in coun ty group of five steers. Prices were good with all 4-H members receiving premiums on their fat animals. Buyers from Morrow county were Henry Baker, Lloyd Howton, lone and O. W. Cutsforth, Lexington, buying beef; E. M. Baker, lone, and Krebs Bros, Cecil, buying lambs. o The Oddfellows at Morgan are remodeling the school house and making it into a community hall. The barn was sold to Gus Jannsen who has moved It to his property at lone. s 5 3 ' s see the Amazing m$W eieetrie two-run. IINOll OVIN COMBINATION RANGE AND ROOM HEATER Cooks and Bakes with Mod ern Electricity. Aleo Cooks and Bakes While It Heart with Oil, Coal or Wood. Campfire Girls At Lexington Honor Parents at Dinner By DELPHA JONES The Ne-Top-Pew Campfire girls were hostessess at a mother and father banquet at the W. E. McMillan home Sunday after noon at 4 p.m. The table was lovely with a lace cloth and center of floral sprays of white carnations and heliotrope. The table was set with matching crystal and place cards of small girls. The menu consisted of shrimp cocktail, baked ham, buttered potatoes, molded green salad, buttered peas, and pie and coffee, which was served in courses. The girls cooked and served the dinner. Those attend ing were Mr. and Mrs. Art Hunt, Mr. and Mrs. O. G. Breeding, Mr. and Mrs. Millard Nolan, Mr. and Mrs. Truman Messenger, Mr. and Mrs. V. E. McMillan and Mr. and Mrs. C. C. Jones guardian of the girls. After the dinner several songs were sung, and there were piano solos by Deanna Steagall, Betty Messenger, and Joan Breeding. Mr. and Mrs. Clarence Hayes of Corvallis spent the week-end at the Earl Warner home, parents of Mrs. Hayes. Mr. Hayes re turned to Corvallis Monday but his family will remain for an extended visit. V Mrs. Robert Davidson was host ess to a birthday party June 7 honoring her daughter Dora Sue's birthday. Ice cream and cake were served to 18 guests. I Those from out of town attend ing were Peggy Applegate and j Janice Martin. The Amicitia club met at the ITsN&n Oufsidz! tt'8 New Insist FRIGIDAIRE De Luxe Refrigerator with Full-Width Freezer Chest Model shown DM-90 $30975 Others from $194.75 You'll have to how beautiful, how convenient It It with Its- Ice-Blue Interior trim New odjuttable aluminum ihelvei New all-porcaloln stack-up Hydraton New improved Meter-Miter Coma in I Ask about all the new FRIGID AIRE Refrigerator models I Heppner Appliance Co. Dependable Radio & Refrigeration Service - Fries 1 tm. -e 1 a Extra larjs "Tsmptral ovn. Waiil-high top-of-ofsn broilsr. Thsrmo-Kltsn Monotvbt lUmmli, Two-way hsattng ssction . . circulate and radiates htar. a Fvsl tconomy. Gilliam S Bisbee n r n 1 i I M in 61 AT THE AMERICAN LEGION HALL HEPPNER SATURDAY EVENING, JUNE 17 That's Where the Crowd Goes for a Good Time ! : $1 .00 tax included Music: Star Dusters of Walla Walla Lunch will be served home of Mrs. Bernard Doherty with Mrs. Robert Davidson M co-hostess. Lqw was won by Betty Groves, high by Lavonne Bloodsworth, door prize by Gladys Cutsforth and traveling by Thelma Smethurst. Refresh ments of jello, whip cream and cake and coffee were served. Mr. and Mrs. Art Hunt have had as their guests Mr. and Mrs. Percy Connor and sons of The Dalles. Mrs. Connor is the former Elsie Tucker, sister of Mrs. Hunt and this is the first visit in quite a number of years. Mr. and Mrs. Dean Hunt have recently moved to Lexington from Heppner. Miss Dona Barnett and Mrs. Trina Parker left Sunday for Portland where Miss Barnett will receive medical attention. They were taken down by Mr. and Mrs. Charles Marquardt. Mr. and Mrs. Glenn Griffith spent Sunday in Spray visiting relatives, who were there from Idaho. Mr. and Mrs. George Irvin are spending a few days in Rose burg. Mrs. C. C. Jones is keeping their small dauehter. Mr. and Mrs. Wilbur Steagall left Sunday for California on their vacation. Miss Jean Griffith who has been in Spray with her grand mother, Nannetta Griffith, re turned to her home Sunday. The following girls left Tues day morning for summer camp in corvallis, at the 4-H cluo camp; Betty Lou Messenger, Glenna Griffith and Joan Breed ing. They were accompanied by Mrs. Breeding. Mr. and Mrs. Elza Vinson of Butter creek are staying at the Dan Way home for a few weeks visit. Clifford Green, small son of Herman Green, was painfully in jured Monday when the end of a car trailer fell on his head. He was taken to a Heppner physician. Mr. and Mrs. Bill Nichols have moved into the house across the creek recently sold them by Mr. ana Mrs. v. Brown, who have moved to Heppner. ine Morrow County Grain- grower dinner which was served by the Three Links club in the IOOF hall Tuesday was well at tended. Mr. and Mrs. Joe Feathers and family left Wednesday for Clackamas for a visit. Mrs. Truman Messenger enter tained the Three Links club at her home Thursday. This was President Mrs. Dan Way's birth day and she was pleasantly sur prised with a cake decorated with candles. Refreshments of cake, salad, tea and coffee were served. Mr. and Mrs. L. D. Vinson of Kimberly are visiting at the Oris Padberg home. o TWO RECEIVE DEGREES Two students from Heppner received degrees from the Uni versity of Oregon on June 11. Bachelor of science degrees were received by Hugh McLaughlin, son of C. N. McLaughlin; and. Robert Runnion, son of V. H. Runnion. Deluxe Duncan Pbjfe Styling yh Chrome furniture at its best. Features large, oval extension table with Duncan Phyfe base and heavily padded chairs. Table is 35" x 48" closed and 35" x 60" r with extension leaf, micalite top and duran j - upholstery available in matching shades of rc J, blue, tan, jrey. ;reen: nnJ yellow. TABLE $64.95 CHAIRS $10.95 each CASE FURNITURE CO. PENDLETON- HEPPNER FREIGHT LINE Arrives at Heppner, Lexington and Ion MONDAY WEDNESDAY FRIDAY For Pickup or Delivery For pickup, call Red & White, Heppner Padberg Tractor, Lex. Connecting Carrier for Consolidated Freightways Omar Rietmann, lone COMING TO MORROW COUNTY The Western Livestock Journals OREGON BEEF TOUR Sunday, June 18 We cordially invite you to visit our ranches and see our purebred Hereford herds which will be shown at the following times: A-l Ranch, Floyd Worden-12:45 Frank Anderson, Hereford Ranch- 2.00 Sandhollow, Hereford Ranch- 4:00 Kirk & Robinson amttmmKmmmttffltrotmmtmtffitmnffltrmr