Page 6 Heppner Gazette Times, Thursday, June 1, 1950 Becket Home In Eight Mile Scene Of Birthday Party Sunday Evening By RUTH PAYNE Mr. and Mrs. Lawrence Becket entertained SnnHai. uiiniT ... a birthday dinner party at their home in the Eightmile district in honor of Mr. Becket's birthday. Present were Mr. and Mrs. Claude Buschke and sons Rnh and Jorrv Mr. and Mrs. Harley Anderson! ju. nu ivirs. cnanes ueeKei, Mr. and Mrs. Mrle IWkAt Mr on Mrs. Walter Becket and Mr. and Mrs. narold Becket and daughter, Sharon. ' Mrs. Merle Burkenbine was the nonoree at a stork shower Fri day evening for whirh MPKrt n mac Carmel Broadfoot, A. R. Shamblin ana Mabel Burkenbine were hostesses at the Burkenbine nome on South Center street. Guests present included Mrs. Anay Anderson, Mrs. Ted Hart, Mrs. Dorothy Applegate, Mrs. Margaret Phelps, Mrs. J. J. O Connor and Mrs. Adelle Han nan. Miss Darlene Moore, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Emory R. Moore ui monument, nas cnosen sun day, June 11, as the date of her marriage to John Stanley Boyer. The wedding will be an event of 2 p.m. at the school gymna sium in Monument. Miss Moore is the granddaughter of Mr. and Mrs. Add Moore of Heppner and formerly resided here. Mr. and Mrs. R. D. Allstott of Hermiston were week end guests of har parents, Mr. and Mrs. John Bergstrom. Here for the commencement exercises Frday evening was Miss Joanne Hisler who is a student at EOCE at LaGrande. Mr. and Mrs. N. D. Bailey mo tored to Newberg Sunday to spend Memorial day. They were accompanied by her sister, Mrs. Lida Gowen of Maupin who has been visiting the Baileys for the past week. During their visit In the valley, they will attend the annual reunion of Mrs. Bailey's family. Tom Deen of Oregon City spent Thursday visiting in Heppner , with his sister, Mrs. Bertha Johnson and other friends. Mr. Deen is staying for the present in Arlington with his son, Del bert Deen who brought him up for the day. Mr. and Mrs. Van Hubbard of lone spent Friday in Heppner making preparations for a week end trip to Turner, Washington for a visit with her relatives. Mr. and Mrs. Jack Pierson of Ordnance were overnight guests Friday of his uncle and aunt, Mr. and Mrs. TpH Plorcnn Mr. and Mrs. Austin Smith and iamny or Portland were guests Mrs this week of his mother, Letha Archer. Mrs. Alice Luttrell came over from Hermiston Friday to attend the graduation exercises of the Class of i50 oi wmcn ner grana. daughter, Miss Colleen Connor was a member. Mr. and Mrs. Riley Munkers and children of Arlington were weekend house guests of his father, Harry Munkers and Mrs. Munkers. A. R. Shamblin returned Fri day afternoon from a business trip to Portland. He was met in Arlington by Mrs. Shamblin. Mr. and Mrs. Carmel Broad -foot of Monument were week end visitors in Heppner. Mr. and Mrs. Lester Doolittle had as their guests over the Memorial day holiday Mr. and Mrs. Walter Rood of Elgin. Several parties have been ar ranged in honor of Mrs. Cecil J. Espey, Jr. (Patricia Mahoney) of Los Angeles who is spending a fortnight in the Heppner area visiting relatives and friends. On Saturday evening, Mr. and Mrs. P. W. Mahoney were hosts lor a buffet dinner at their home on Hager street. Present were Mr. and Mrs. Harold Cohn, Mr. and Mrs. Emile Groshens, Mr. and Mrs. James J. Farley, Mr. and Mrs. Paul Hisler, Mr. and Mrs. LaVerne Van Marter, Jr., Mrs. Mary Van Stevens, Mrs. Josephine Mahoney, Frank Baker and the honoree, Mrs. Espey. Sunday, Mrs. Josephine Ma honey entertained in honor of Mrs. Espey. Mrs. Emma Evans is home from an extended visit to Port land and the coast. Mrs. Fred Durnam of Portland is the house guest of Mrs. A. R. Shamblin. A. R. Shamblin left Saturdav for Baxter Springs, Kansas, call ed by the serious illness of his mother, Mrs. Nellie Shamblin. Mrs. Shamblin visited in HeDDner for several weeks last fall. Guests the past week of Mr. and Mrs. Pirl Howell were Mr. and Mrs. William Sewell and daughter, of Santa Barbara, Cal. and Mr. and Mrs. James Boland and two daughters of The Dalles. Victor Johnson was up from Portland for the Decoration Day nouaay. Mr. and Mrs. Frank Avers re turned home Sunday evening rrom a Dusiness trm to Portland, During their stay in the valley, they visited in Springfield with Mrs. Ayers' niece, Mrs. Lester Pruitt (Viola Knighten) and fam ily. i'ii'iiiniiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii;iiii!iiiiiiiiniiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii;litl,iiiii)iiiuWm Don't Th row It Away! If you want it to work bring it in to your MARSHALL WELLS STORE. WE serv ice all makes of Ranges, Oil Burners, Wash ing Machines, Home Electrical Appliances and Bicycles. WE REPAIR ANYTHING 24-hour service on Oil Burners. After 6 p. m. phone 2724 Marshall-Wells Store arrived in Heppner Saturday for a week end visit with relatives. She was met in Arlington by Mr. and Mrs. James Farley. Dur ing her stay, Mrs. Long was the guest of her sister, Mrs. Hilma Anderson. Mr. and Mrs. E. E. Rugg of Hermiston were attending to business matters in Heppner Sat. urday. Mr. and Mrs. Don Jones of Roseburg spent the week end holiday in Heppner with rela tives. Mrs. Frank W. Turner motored to Portland and Gresham Mon day to spend Memorial day. Miss Cecelia Healy was here from Portland during the week end to visit her parents, Mr. and Mrs. John Healy and other rela tives. Mrs. Grace Nickerson motored to Arlington Friday evening to attend a piano recital inwhich Mrs. Emma Long of Portland her granddaughter, Billie Pat Hayes participated. Mr. and Mrs. Rho Bleakrnan and family and his mother, Mrs. Ida Bleakrnan were over from Monument to spend the week end here with relatives. Mrs. Sara McNamer and Mrs. Lucy E. Rodgers motored to Prescott, Washington, Tuesday for Memorial day. Contrary to its usual custom, the Triple Links club will meet on Monday evening rather than on Wednesday. The meeting will be held in the apartment of Mrs. Jeanne Dobbs and is scheduled for 8:00 o'clock. Alma Gilliam of Portland was a week end guest of Mr. and Mrs. Charles Barlow. George Morgan returned Mon day from a visit to Allerton, Iowa. During his absence, Mrs. Morgan has been in Raymond, iMrmmra 3nw Stainless Porcelain Top 3 storage drawers Large utensil drawer Large bread box Handy cutting board Two drain boards Finger-tip spray Streamlined mixer faucet Full-size shelf Kust-proof soap rack Towel bar $16475 ONLY HEPPNER APPLIANCE CO. Dependable Radio & Refrigeration Service nimimmnmii mmiiiiiiiiiimiimnmimtm attiiiiiiiiiiiiiiimiiiiiiiiiiiiimttiiiiiiiii "'"iiiiiiiiittiiimiiimiiitit BIGGER & BETTER THAN EVER 4-H and FFA FAT STOCK SHOW I SATE At The Dalles WINK'S AUCTION YARDS JUNE 5-6-7 OVER 350 HEAD of LIVESTOCK To Be Shown and Sold 14 Exhibitors from Morrow County will show and sell 10 beef, 6 sheep and 5 swine BACK UP YOUR 4-H and FFA MEMBERS with CASH for their Animals Be at the Show in person or Buy Their Animals by proxy. See Your County Agent or F.F.A: Instructor for Details and READ THIS Gt Your Hail Policy -ARLY THIS YEAR Look for Agency Service and Libera' Policy Conditions Backed by an Established Old Line Company With Millions of Assets Sold Only by Your Local Agent Turner Van Marter 6 Co. Heppner, Oregon Wn. with her parents Mr. and Mrs. Bud Carlwell. Mayor Conley Lanham and Loyd Burkenbine flew to Cascade Locks Sunday for the dedicatory ceremonies at the new landing strip. The Burkenbine plane was the tenth plane to land on the new field. Some 163 planes were present and for a time, the rate of landings was a plane a minute. Mr. and Mrs. Matt Didier and son, Donald of Condon were in Heppner Monday. Donald had his tonsils removed at the office of a local physician. Mrs. Rose MeConkie of Elgin was a week end visitor in Hepp ner. Mr. and Mrs. Guy Boyer of John Day were over for Memorial day. Ernie Rixie, special agent of La Grande, was a business visitor in Heppner Monday. William Aldrich left the last of the week to make his home in Soap Lake, Wn. Mr. Aldrich soia rus property in North Hepp ner to Mr. and Mrs. Al Huit who will build a residence there. Mrs. Anna Bayless left Wed nesday for Canyon City to spend a few days looking after busi ness matters and visiting friends. Mr. and Mrs. Scott Furlong motored tO Hsv Wn Thllrsrlnv to attend the graduation exer cises of her niece, Miss Oween Stark. They were accompanied by their erandriaiihtprs Rrttv Lou, Nancy Kay and Peggy Sue muyer. A. A. Bechdolt of Hardman was a business visitor in Heppner Wednesday. Mrs. Corda Saling had as her guests for Sunday dinner, Mr. and Mrs. Marion Saling and family of Pendleton, John War ren, of Walla Walla; Mr. and Mrs. Walter Scott of Stanfield, Victor Johnson of Portland and Mr. and Mrs. Ecles Saling and family of Heppner. Six 8th Graders Have High Grades Six memhprc nut nf IU 1z In the eighth grade class of 1950 naa an average above 93 Vet cent for their entire elementary grades, it was revealed when the class graduated Wednesday eve ning of last week. Betty Lou Meadows maintain ed an average of 97.50; Ronald Currin. 96:38; Diane Van Horn, 94.66; June Privett, 93.99; Larry Lovgren, 93.83, and Adelia An derson, 93.16. iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiimiimiiiiiiiiiiimuilmt iinmnniiwiiiiinrmtTt Home Builders Estimates Gladly Given On New Homes or Remodeling We Carry a Complete Line of Builders Supplies Tum-A-Lum Ph. 912 WE LIKE TO HELP FOLKS BUILD m;siiii!iini!iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii;;Hi)mmnfflmrma:miiiiiiiiiiiiiiuiiiiiii;im pillllllllllllllllllllillllllllllllllllllllllllH - Admission prices afternoon and eveninff. nnless m. School Btadant. u J xi.. S elfloally advertised to be otherwise I Children! eh; PwL Tax -10' Total 600 ' Adults i Est Price .60c, Ped! Wee .17. Ped. Tu .03, Total 20c; Grade and Hl,h most SvftLSt " O0OPyU 1 Sunday shows continuous from lp.B.U evening shows start at 7:30 p. m., unless otherwise ; advertised 3 I STAR did REPORTER I ... THE BUSINESS-LIKE BUILDING FOR BUSINESS-LIKE FARMERS Low cost; permanent construction; easy, fast erection; unob structed floor and storage space these are some of the big reasons why the arch top Timberib buildings are seen so often on America's finest farms. - The Timberib is a one-piece curved rafter that extends con tinuously from floor to ridge. It is formed of durable Douglas flr lumber, kiln dried and Joined together under pressure with glues of permanent bonding strength. They are Pre-cut, need no further cutting or fining. 4 times as strong as nailed rafters. Quickly erected with regular farm help. Available In widths from 1 J to 75 feet, lengths as desired. If you are contemplating a cattle barn, granary, loafing barn, milking parlor, implement shed or utility building, ask us for complete information on Timberib buildings. No obligation. Cuddles Thurs.-Fri.-Sat., June 1-2-3 MONTANA Errol Flynn, Alexis Smith, Sakall, Douglas Kennedy. Thrilling western adventure in the land of shining mountains, photographed in beautiful Technicolor. PLUS FIGHTING FOOLS Leo Gorcey brings his malapropos vo cabulary to the fight ring with hilarious results, and is ably abetted by the rest of the Bowery Boys. Sun.-Mon.i June 4-5 WABASH AVENUE Betty Grable, Victor Mature, Phil Harris, Reginald Gardiner, Margaret Hamil ton. Tune-and-fun film done in the tradition of the greates musical hits . . . photo grauhy by Technicolor. ALSO a special short subject, WOMEN OK TOMORROW, depicting the activities of the Girl Scouts of America. Tuesday-Wednesday, June 6-7 THELMA JORDAN Barbara Stanwyck, Wendell Corey, Paul Kelly, Joan Tetzel. Resourceful story and excellent per formances combine to make this a su spenseful and exciting drama. I ll". n'fi n.lii.'i,r I America Lowett-Prlred Straight Klghl loirett-Prlred Car irlth CM Hudra-.Halle Itrlrc Optimal im all modtb at extra cost. BoUar for Dollar- you cant beat a Power-Parked Sllrer Streak Knglnet i'holce ol Six or Eight World Henoarned Road Herord lor Bronomu and Long Life The Moat Beautllul Thing on Wheelt a product of flMBER STRUCTURES, InC. EASTERN OREGON BUILDERS SUPPLY P.O. Box 21 West Court Street Phone 1733 PENDLETON, OREGON Truscon Steel Windows ' Smithwick Haydite Building Blocks Lyon Steel Kitchen Cabinets with Formica Tops. Free Plan Service and Estimates hnrM'tUV is written all over it! It's a wonderful feeling to take the wheel of a magnificent new Pontiac convertible to feci the pride of driving a car with character in every line and action. Naturally, the convertible is the sweetheart of the Silver Streaks, a car with a manner all its own. But tbaracter is a basic Pontiac in- grcdient-one that adds greatly to the pride and pleasure of owning and driving any Pontiac model you choose. Every new Pontiac has character written all over it and stamped deep into its background. Thats an important reason why dollar for dollar, you can't beat a Pontiac! a iiHtiiiiii)miiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiniiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiimiiiiiii!!ii)imam :i:mimmiiimmmmn:nttumttitnmtmnmmmmawmnstmuuuuutu