Page 4 Heppner Gazette Times, Thursday, June 1, 1950 Monument Man In Hospital III With Spotted Fever By MILLIE WILSON Glenn Morrell has been quite ill with the spotted fever. He was sick several days before he was taken to the Blue Mountain Clin ic -where he received medical aid Mr. and Mrs. Earl Barnard and Mrs. Fred Gasner visited him on Tuesday. They state he is re- covering as well as can be ex pected. Mrs. Gasner is Mr. Mor rcl's sister. Mr. and Mrs. Bill Settle left Friday morning for Portland where Mrs. Settle will receive medical attention. The M.M.M . Club held its last meeting for the summer by having a pot luck dinner at the home of Mrs. Cimmiyotu on Ku dio creek. It was a lovely summer day and everyone enjoyed the day with Mrs. Cimmiyotti.- Harry Welch Jr. of Long Creek came to Monument on Tuesday for a cow and calf which he had purchased from Earl Sweek. Bob Gienger was called un expectedly to The Dalles on ac count of the illness of his wife. Mrs. Gienger recently underwent surgery at The Dalles hospital but was reported as being ready to return to her home. Her many friends are hoping her relapse is not too serious. Mr. and Mrs. Harold French are the proud parents of a baby girl, Patricia May, born in the Pendleton hospital on Wednes day. Harold was busy passing out treats Wednesday. Mr. and Mrs. French and daughters wil soon be moving to Monument where Mr. French has employ ment. Mrs. Louise Fleming and CHURCHES PENDLETON HEPPNER FREIGHT LINE Arrives at KeppBec Lexington and lM MONDAY WEDNESDAY FBI DAT For Pickup or Delivery For pickup, eall Red & White. Heppner Padberg Tractot, Lex. Omar Rietmann. Xene Connecting Carriec fax Consolidated Freightwyi LEXINGTON CHURCH Your Community Church Z. Franklin Cantrell, Minister "Truth" always wins sooner or later, while falsehood may Hour ish for a season, but always dies a horrible death. And God's Word is truth and sooner or later will be so realized. John 1:1, 14, 17; 4:23: 8:32: 14:6: 17:17. Church school 10 a.m. Worship and preaching 11 a.m. Singing and preaching 8 p.m. METHODIST CHURCH J. Palmer Sorlien, Minister Morning worship and sermon at 11 a.m. Special music by the choir, Mr. Oliver Creswick, direc tor. Sunday church school at 9:45 a.m. Mr. Oliver Creswick, super intendent. We have a class for every age. Adult Bible Class and Youth Fellowship class at this same hour. Thursday, choir practice at 7:30 p.m. Woman's Society of Christian Service meets the first Wednes day of each month at 8 p.m. Suzanna Wesley circle of the Womans Society of Christian Service meets the third Wednes day of each month at 2 p.m. We welcome into the member ship of our church Mr. and Mrs. Thomas I. Wilson who were re ceived last Sunday. Georgena Beryl daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Carl McDaniel was baptized May 14, at the morning church service. ALL SAINTS MEMORIAL CHURCH ( Episcopal) Holy communion, 8 a.m. Church school, 9:45 a.m. Holy Communion and sermon 11 a.m. Week Day Services: Wednesday. Holv Communion. 10 a.m. Friday. Holy Communion, 7:30 a.m. Choir Practice: Thursday evening at 8. Boy Scouts, Wednesday eve ning 7:30 to 9. daughter Shirlev Mae Hrmo tn John Day on Friday where they win spena me mgni ana sniney will see her doctor early Saturday. Mr. and Mrs. Case Shank anH family of Ukiah were overnight uesis oi xvir. ana Mrs. ueorge Itirritt on Saturday. Mr. and Mrs. Pari SwooU arA daughter Carol, drove to Pendle ton to watch the horse races in wnicn their son Clayton was a rider. One of the most serious acci dents in the historv nf Mnmimont occurred Sunday evening wnon ithe cars of Charles Gilman and Archie Cox collided on the high way just west of town. The ex tent of the injuries was not learn ed at this writing. LawTence Cutts took some of the injured to the hospital in John Day. Mr. and Mrs. Homer Williams and daughter Linda from Echo came on Saturday to spend the week-end with relatives and friends. Their daughter Joyce who has spent the last two weeks with her grandparents will re turn with them. Mr. and Mrs. John Hansen and daughter, Karen of Portland spent the Memorial Day holidays with Mrs. Hansen's parents- Mr. and Mrs. C. N. Wilson. o Rail Line Opened To Atomic Center Monday Morning The fabulous Hanford Works, an area in central Washington half the size of Rhode Island in which the government produces atomic fuel, plutonium, today welcomed the arrival of the ffrst Union Pacific freight train. At 8 a.m. Union Pacific's diesel- powered freight inaugurated daily service between Richland Junction and Richland over the new $2,000,000, 7 mile govern ment rail extension. Richland Junction is a point on Union Pa. cific's Yakima branch, 5 miles west of Kennewick, Washington. Union Pacific shares use of the new line with Northern Pacific and both lines have established ocal and transcontinental freight rates to and from Richland iden tical with rates applying to and from Kennewick. The government's new rail extension was completed last week under the direction of Gen eral Electric, prime contractor to the Atomic Energy Commission. The job of railroad building was done by J. A. Terteling and Sons, contractors, of Boise, Idaho. "The new line insures uninter rupted service" according to R. T. Cooke, superintendent of Gen eral Electric Company's trans portation division which operates a network of government rail lines within Hanford Works. Richland has a population of about 23,000 and North Richland, a construction town four miles distant, has 3,500. Both towns are within Hanford Works. o Here to attend graduation exer. cises for the 1950 class of Hepp- nei nign scnooi were Mr. and Mrs. I. N. Vaughn and Mrs. M. E. Wise of Prosser, Washington. mrs. wises granddaughter, Dar lene Wise, was a member of the class. Mr. and Mrs. Roy Campbell and Mrs. W. T. CamDhell left lMnn. I day by Steramliner from Pendle .ton for Terre Haute, Ind., to visit Arthur Campbell and family, Arthur, son of Mrs. W. T. Camp bell and brother of Roy. holds a responsible nositinn with one of the country's largest chemical concerns. The local people will be gone three weeks. Mr. and Mrs. E. R. Settles and sons drove to Cutler City on the coast for an extended week-end vacation. M. D. Clark and daughter, Mrs. Frank Riggs were greeting old friends and neighbors in Heppner the first of the week. They drove mained over until Tuesday to spend Decoration day here. Mr. Clark is enjoying good health and life at Eugene where he has been making his home most of the time since disposing of his busi ness here In 1942. OFANVF(JU-SZOPN CAR -AMD A SMETHEART TO DRW! THE NEW WWl. iidwoll tlf.i, omrdriva and ariUt einrd optional at extra ant. &Wm with tiUMtCAN power We invite you to road-test the new Willys Jeepster . . . thrill to the surg ing power of its higher-compression HURRICANE Engine , . . feel its road hugging steadiness. Bring your friends along plenty of room for five and sample the Jcepstcr's .smooth, comfort able riding qualities on anyroad. When you look at the Jeepster's smart lines and then look at the price buntreds lower than others you'll say it's a great buy. Come in today for a road-test in the new Willys Jeepster! Pro fedarket CL ARAN SALE inning Monday, June avings You Can't Afford to Pass Up REG. NOW 1--DAVEN0 and CHAIR 20950 15950 lDAVENP0RTand CHAIR 27950 21950 ' 1 DAVENPORT and CHAIR 28950 22950 l.-2-Pe. SECTIONAL DAVENPORT 21750 19950 3--SWING ROCKERS 6850 5550 ' All Dining Room Furniture at Savings up to $70.00 on Complete 8 piece Set 1 Twin sized nationally advertised Mattress and Box Spring set - - - - - Reg. 119.00 Now 99.50 Large Pressure Canner - - Reg. 20.70 Now 10.35 Case Furniture Company