Page 2 Heppner Gazette Times, Thursday, May 25, 1950 Auxiliary at lone Elects Officers at Meeting Last Week Mrs. Victor Rietmann was elected president of the Ameri can Legion auxiliary at the last meeting, heading a group includ ing Mrs. Ernest McCabe, first vice president; Mrs. Gordon White, second vice president; Mrs. Earl McCabe, secretary treasurer; Mrs. Pete Cannon, chaplain; Mrs. Robert DeSpain, sergeant-at-arms. ' Saturday, May 27 will be Pop py Day and everyone is urged to wear a poppy in memory of trie aead 01 the two world wars "The poppies have no price. The auxiliary asks all Americans to 'wear a poppy' (not "buy a poppy") and to contribute what they can for the dsabled veterans and the needy children of vet erans. All American Legion auxiliary poppies are made by disabled war veterans, who are given gainful employment and valuable therapy through the poppy program." A window was decorated at the Swanson store which consists of white crosses placed in V shape with a poppy tree and poppy poster in the background, green crepe paper is used for the grass, lattice work of red, white and blue streamers, and two flags. Those working were Mrs. Richard Lundell. chairman; Mrs. Ernest McCabe, Mrs. Walter Corley and Mrs. Pete Cannon. The 7th and 8th grades had their class day Friday afternoon under the direction of their teach er, Mrs. Carl Linn, when the fol lowing program was given: in troduction of the 8th grade class by the master of ceremonies, Jerry Bristow; two songs by the 7th and 8th grade; class history by Duane Baker; class will by Beverly Carey; class prophecy by Janet Howton; a farewell tribute to the 8th grade by the 7th grade, and numbers by the band. The 8th grade class in cludes Arthur and Roy Lindr strom,. Tommy White, Janet How ton, Darlene Madden, Duane Baker, Beverly Carey, Herbert Peterson, Lee Palmer Kenneth Brenner. Virginia Jepsen, Helen Salter. Paul Barnert, Arlene Mc Kissick and Jerry Bristow. Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd Rice and son Bobby were visitors in The Dalles last week where Mrs. Rice received medical aid. Mrs. Margaret Davidson and children of The Dalles are visit ins her parents, Mr. and Mrs. William Seehafer. Mr. and Mrs. Sam Esteb left for Hood River Sunday to at tend funeral services for David Dixon, Monday. Mr. Dixon was a brother-in-law of Mrs. Esteb and was a former resident here. Mr. and Mrs. Merle Baker and j children were Walla Walla visi tors Sunday. Week-end visitors at the Ray Heimbigner home were Mr. and Mrs. Con Schauermann and Mr. and Mrs. Henry Michaelson Jr. and two daughters of Odessa, Washington. Mr. and Mrs. Schau ermann and Mrs. Michaelson are the parents and sister, respective ly, of Mrs. Heimbigner. The following officers were elected at an extension unit meeting at the Congregational church Tuesday evening, May 16: Chairman, Mrs. James Lind say; vice chairman. Mrs. Bryce Keene; secretary-treasurer, Mrs. Lewis Halvorsen. Mrs. L. A. Mc Cabe gave a report on 4-H club work and Mrs. E. M. Baker a report on the beef and sheep club. She told of the fat stock show to be held at The Dalles June 5, 6, and 7. Mrs. Mabel Flint reported on the festival at Boardman and gave a demon stration on herb cookery. Guests at the Lana Padberg home over the week-end were Mr. and Mrs. Rudy Misetich and sons Michael and David of Port land and Mr. and Mrs. Harlan Devin and children, Lynn Marie and Ralph of Condon. Mrs. C. W. Burton who visited there for some time returned Sunday to her home in Portland. Mr. and Mrs. Harland Lundell and family of Boise, Idaho spent the week-end with his parents, Mr. and Mrs. Oscar Lundell. One hundred sixty-three votes were cast here in the primary election and 67 for the city measures. Both city measures carried. The first was to raise money for the city hall and li brary and the second for parks and grounds. A second election on the county school budget will be held June 8. Those qualified to vote are: Anyone that is a registered voter in Oregon; a resident of the school district six months prior to election and who can read and write. Mrs. Elmo McMillan and daughter Beverly of Salem are visiting her mother, Mrs. Mary Swanson. Mrs. Hilma Nelson left Mon day for Seattle to visit before returning home in Firth, Ida. Mrs. Lillian Stretch of New berg called on friends here Sun day. She was formerly Lillian Balsiger. Mr. and Mrs. Webster Hamlett who have been visiting at the home of their son Adon Hamlett left last week for their home in Sunnyvale, Calif. Announcement has been re ceived of the birth of a son, John Keith, to Mr. and Mrs. Kieth Hendrickson of Provo, Utah. Mrs. Hendrickson was music instruc tor here last year. Mr. and Mrs. Omar Rietmann and son Larry spent the week end in Long Creek where they attended an Eastern Mar recap tion. A new elevator is being built at Jordan Siding. Mrs. Roy Lindstrom gave a birthdav party for her son Ste nhen Saturday afternoon, it be ing his fourth birthday. There were 28 children present. They were entertained witn mouon pictures and refreshments ot birthday cake, ice cream and punch. Several from here attended the reception in Hermiston Friday evening honoring Mrs. Rachel Jackson, grand warder of the Eastern Star. Mr. and Mrs. Gilliam Longley of Kodiak. Alaska spent Friday at the homes of Roy Lindstrom and Mrs. Fannie Griffith, Mrs. Longley is a granddaughter of Mrs. Mary Cunningham. They are on their way home from a 10,000 mile tour of the northwest. They will leave their car at Se attle and fly to Kodiak. Their aunt, Miss Grace Cunningham, accompanied them to Spokane. The Ameca club met at the home of Mrs. Milton Morgan Wednesday of last week. Guests present were Mrs. Webster Ham lett, Mrs. Adon Hamlett, Mrs. Alan Robertson and Mrs. Tad Miller. Court whist was played. Mrs. Edmund Bristow won high and Mrs. Clifford Carlson low. Mrs. Raymond Lundell assisted Mrs. Morgan. Mrs. C. E. Brenner was in Port land last week with her mother, Mrs. Vela Eubanks. who is a patient at the Holladay hospital following a major operation. Sixteen Chevron dealers met at the Legion hall Wednesday evening of last week. Movies were shown. The auxiliary ladies served lunch. Charles White of Forest Grove visited his parents, Mr. and Mrs. Gordon White, over the week end. Mrs. White and Charles at tended the graduation exercises in Arlington Thursday evening The Milo Twins put on a show at the Legion hall Saturday night. They were formerly with the Grand Old Opry of radio fame. Henry Osibov of Hood River was a visitor here last week. He is the superintendent of schools tor the coming year. The lone Softball team was de feated at Hermiston Saturday evening but won from Heppner here Sunday. The baseball boys were defeated at Arlington bun- day. Mr. and Mrs. Lary Fletcher and children of Arlington are visiting here. The men of the community are urged to help clean up the cemetery Saturday, May 27. A potluck dinner will be served at noon at the Rebekah hall. The fire department was call ed out a couple of times last week when grass fires got out of control, but they were quick ly subdued. One fire was on the Aldrich property and one back of the Full Gospel mission. Mr. and Mrs. E. R. Lundell and Mrs. Mary Swanson returned Friday from Astoria where they attended the IOOF grand lodge convention. The senior class and adviser, E. S. Stultz, were entertained at a dinner at the L. A. McCabe home Friday evening and at a buffet luncheon at the Victor Rietmann home Sunday evening. Dinner guests at the E. M. Baker home Sunday were Mr. and Mrs. Francis Ely, Mr. and Mrs. Alan Robertson and E. S. Stulttz. Baccalaureate services were held Sunday morning for the class of 1950 at the Cooperative church, with Rev. Alfred Shirley officiating. The order of wor ship included: Prelude by Mrs. E. M. Baker; processional, Mrs. Cleo Drake; invocation, Rev. Shirley; hymns, scripture read ing, two anthems, in his Gar den Fair" and "Pilot Me, O Sa vior," by the choir; benediction by Rev. Shirley and recessional by Mrs. Drake. The church was decorated in blue and . white flowers, the class colors. Mr. and Mrs. Raymond Benton and children left last week for CHURCHES ALL SAINTS MEMORIAL CHURCH (Episcopal) Holy cornmunion, a a.m. Church school, 9:45 a.m. Holy communion and sermon, 11 a.m. Week Day Services: Wednesday Holy communion 10 a.m. Friday Holy communion 7:30 a.m. Choir practice Thursday eve. ning at 8 p.m. Boy scouts weanesaay eve. ning, 7:30 p.m. to 9 p.m. ASSEMBLY OF GOD ' Pastor, Shelby Graves 9:45 a.m. Sunday school. A class for every age. 11 a.m. Worship service. 7:00 p.m. Youth for Christ. 7:45 p.m. Evangelistic service. Thursday, 7:45 p.m. Bible study and prayer meeting. Friday, 7:45 p.m. Bible study in lone. "Come thou with us and we will do thee good." METHODIST CHURCH J. Palmer Sorlien, Minister Sunday, May 28 Morning worship and sermon at 11 a.m. with special music by the choir, Oliver Creswick. director. Sunday church school at 9:45 a.m. Oliver Creswick, superin tendent. We have a class for every age three years old and over. Youth Fellowship class and Adult Bible class at this same hour. Thursday choir practice at 7:30 p.m. The Womans Society of Chris tian Service meets the first Wed nesday of each month. Suzanna Wesley Circle of the Womans Society of Christian Service meets the third Wednes day of each month at 2 p.m. LEXINGTON CHURCH Your Community Church Z. Franklin Cantrell, Minister As a lake without an outlet becomes stagnant, so a life that is self-centered becomes bitter and unattractive, and the moie you think of yourself, the less you think of Christ. Church School, 10 a.m. Wor ship and preaching 11 a.m. Singing and preaching 8 p.m. Newman Lake, Washington to spend a month for the benefit of Mr. Benton s health. Student body officers elected for the coming year are: Presi dent, Ronald Baker; vice presi dent. Gene Doherty; secretary- treasurer, Ingrid Hermann; yell leaders. Fern Jones, Wilda Dai- zell and Mike Reininger; editor of the Cardinal, Jane beehater; athletic manager, Donald Bris tow. Mrs. Robert Seaton, Mrs. W. R. Wentworth, Mrs. Edith Nichoson and Mrs. Echo Palmateer attend ed a garden club meeting and flower show in Hermiston Thurs day afternoon. The Three Links club of the Rebekahs served dinner at the hall on election day. A business meeting was held in the after noon and discussed remodeling the kitchen. New stoves have been installed in the kitchen. Miss Pauline Rankin present ed a spring program at the school house Friday afternoon with her pupils the 1st and 2nd grades participating. The program con sisted of the rythm band, poems, songs, stories, creative dances and a skit, "At a Circus" with this cast: Barker, Phil Emert Jr., organ grinders, John Swanson and Jack Crum; acrobats, Marlyn Morgan, Linda Hams , Linda Rea Heimbigner, Jeannette Brown, Lona White and Jean Martin elephants, Harold Rietmann and kvelyn Jepsen; highstepping horses, John Jackson, Marlene Griffin, John Akers, Helen Peter son, John Botts and Karen Lun dell. Miss Rankin accompanied on the piano. Mr. and Mrs. Elmer Newton and daughter Judy of Coos Bay are spending a week with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Walter Jepsen. Joan Coleman injured her hip when she fell from a horse Tues day morning. She was taken to the St. Anthony's hospital in Pendleton. Creston Black returned to lone Monday from Portland and Alo ha. Mrs. Lee Beckner and Mrs. Beecher Emert spent Tuesday in renoieton. Mr. and Mrs. Johan Troedson and son Carl left Tuesday for Sweden. They will fly from Pendleton to New York and from there will take a plane to Sweden where they expect to land Thurs day. Mrs. Hannah Lewis and daugh ter of Walla Walla spent a few days with her niece. Mrs. Henry Peterson. Mrs. William Seehafer was elected as alternate to state grange at Ontario. The follow ing program was given at grange Saturday evening: Reading, Bren da Kay Townsend; reading, Lin da Halvorsen; piano solo, Karen Lundell, and a reading by Mrs. Gordon White. NOTICE TO DRIVERS: We will no longer issue drivers licenses. If born in an odd year, renew your license one month betore it expires, ir born in an even year, renew your li cense in an even year, one month prior to expiration date. Kile applications directly to Automotive Division, Secretary of State, Salem, Oregon. C. J. D. Bauman, Sheriff. Mr. and Mrs. W. E. Davis en joyed a visit from Mrs. Davis' uncle and aunt, Mr. and Mrs. John O'Dell of Wenatchee. Wn., the past week. They came Tues day and departed Friday. o Guests at the J. A. Troedson home over the week-end were Mr. and Mrs. C. W. Parker of Dundee. The Parkers formerly resided in the Morgan vicinity. They were also visitors of Mr. and Mrs. Cecil Thome at Morgan, who brought them to the Troed son home. CARD OF THANKS We wish to express our appre ciation of the many kindnesses shown us both in help and gifts during the recent illness and death of our beloved father, Leon W. Briggs. Opal D. Briggs Mr. and Mrs. Ray Taylor and Family. A FINE GIFT FOR '?J7 SOME ONE u r in i m - m Dates to remember: May 26 HEC of Willows grange at Earl McCabe home. May 27 Cleanup at IOOF cemetery. May 27 So cial meeting at 2:00 p.m. at uscar Lundell home. May 29 Opening of daily vacation Bible school at Cooperative Church, 9 a.m. A play day and picnic of the lone public schools and com munity was held Tuesday, May 23 at the athletic field. The. events in the morning were, potato races and wheelbarrow races for races and wheelbrrrow races for the elementary grades. Volley ball game, field and track. A band concert with the majorettes Potluck dinner at noon. In the afternoon were. Softball school versus mothers) and baseball (school versus dads). Concessions were horseshoe, croquet and nig ger babies. Over 300 people attended the picnic and hoped to make it an annual event. VA SUBSCRIPTION 'j ToTHg NEWSPAPJEB liiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiniiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiinint DANCE Saturday June 3 Lexington IOOF Hall ADMISSION $1.00 Per Person Music STAR DUSTERS of Walla Walla LUNCH AT MIDNIGHT iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiitiiiiiiiiiiini)i;iiiiiiiiiiii;iiii;iiii)iii!ii!iiii;iiii!ii!iiiii;ntmmm - and BMP THIS Gtt Your Hail Policy :ARLY THIS YEAR Look for Agency Service and Libers' Policy Conditions Backed by an Established Old Line Company With Millions of Assets Sold Only by Your Local Agent Turner Van Marter 6 Co. Heppner, Oregon STMAMUNtR "OTY Of WXTIANO"... morning rrival Chicago, fait achedule, no extra fare. "PORTLAND ROSE" Convenient through service to Denver, Kansai City, Omaha, Chicago . . . direct connectiona for Salt Lake City, St. Louis, Texai, Southwest and East. "1DAHOAN" Connecting with "City of i. Louis" Streamliner for Denver, Kansas City, St. Louis. . .1 route visit the scenic wonderlands of 3 West ... Sun Valley, Yellowstone, the i. ,rand Tetons, Jackson Hole, Zion, Bryce Canyon, Grand Canyon, or the Colorado Rockies. Let us help you plan your trip LOCAL AGENT Whether you travel by low-cost coach or Pullman, your trip will be one of rest and relaxation when you go Union Pacific. I Delicious meals . . . homelike1 lounges . . . comfortable accommoda- tions plus Union Pacific hospitahty- assure the utmost in travel pleasure. UNION PACIFIC RAILROAD SUeU ...4f 76Ut 7cl(U PENDLETON HEPPNER FREIGHT LINE Arrives at Heppner, Lexington and Ion ' MONDAY WEDNESDAY FRIDAY For Pickup or Delivery For pickup, call Red & White, Heppner Padberg Tractor, Lex. Omar Rietmann, lone Connecting Carrier. for Consolidated Freightways BIGGER & BETTER THAN EVER 4-HandFFA FAT STOCK SHOW S SALE At The Dalles WINK'S AUCTION YARDS JUNE 5-6-7 OVER 350 HEAD of LIVESTOCK To Be Shown and Sold 14 Exhibitors from Morrow County will show and sell 10 beef, 6 sheep and 5 swine BACK UP YOUR 4-H and FFA MEMBERS with CASH for their Animals Be at the Show in person or Buy Their Animals by proxy. See Your County Agent or F.F.A; Instructor for Details MIS IS i rVii i I h o o Sponsored by the Junior Chamber of Commerce o Saturday Evening May 27 o Civic Center Pavilion Jack's Orchestra Admission: $1.00 tax included Food will be served in the hall