Heppner Gazet te Times, Thursday, May 25, 1950 Page 3 HAND CROCHETED baby sweater sets made to order. Mrs. k. Jones, 110 Cannon St. 10-12p. FRYERS FOR SALE Dressed or alive. Mrs. Julian Rauch, Lex ington. 10-16c FOR SALE 480-acre diversified ranch in Umatilla county, in cluding 30 acres bottom land' 100 acres tillable foothill land, balance grazing. Well watered. Fully modern house, good out buildings. Crops consisting of 10 acres alfalfa and 90 acres wheat and barley included in deal. Price, $26,500.00. For de tails write or call R. L. Elliott, co OSCAR SCHULTZ AGENCY, Box 684, Pendleton, Oregon. Phone 49. ?l?ic A TRIP is a treat in the new 1950 Ford. FORDS and friends is our busi ness. Rosewall Motor Co. FOR SALE Small three-room house on L street Lot 68x132. Wired for electric range. About six years old. See Turner, Van Martin & Co. 8-10c Used Car Prices Are DOWN! '48 Chevrolet 4-door sedan Excellent condition 1940 De Soto 4-door sedan One '37 Ford truck. Cheap Don't gamble Buy with a guarantee! HODGE CHEVROLET COMPANY Phone 403 . FOR SALE Co-Op self-propelled combine, 10-foot cut. Machine has Tut about 250 acres. Will sacrifice if taken immediately. Phone 452. C. A. Warren, Hepp ner. 8-10c. FOR SALE Electric Monarch range, 1949 model. See Donald Dubois or phone 585. 8p-tf. FOR SALE New, modern 2 -bedroom house. Inquire Clovis Arbogast, Lexington, Oregon. 7-10p 1947 CHEVROLET Aero sedan. This one is loaded with extras. Pay down $400.00. Rosewall Motor Co. WANTED 25 dirty cars to wash every day with our Washmo bile. Wash job $1.50. Rosewall Motor Company IF YOU are planning on buying a new car of truck Clarence Rosewall wants to see you. HAVE THE WHEELS balanced on your car before you start your vacation. It will make driving a real pleasure. We balance wheels on the car with the latest type electronic wheel balancer. Drive in for fast ser vice. Rosewall Motor Company. 1937 CHEVROLET sedan full price $125.00. Rosewall Motor Company. HAS YOUR car had its spring tune-up? We tune up motors on all makes of cars. Drive in for an early check up. Rose- any charge. Contact DeWllde & Temple Co., Box 144, Phone 3075, Pendleon, Ore. Direct Re presentatives for Stout Irriga tion, Inc., for Eastern Oregon. 49tfc SAVE MONEY on extracts during May, buy the world's largest selling vanilla from your Wat kins dealer. M. C. Pengally, Rt. 2, Pendleton, Oregon. 6-10p WANTED 2,000 yards of dirt to remove daily. Crum Bros., lone. Oregon. 48tfc END FOREVER OFFENDING ODORS with amazing new proven product, PAW PAW ODORLESS. Cleans and deodo rizes septic tanks, cesspools and outdoor toilets. Saves pumping and digging cots. Mix dry powder, pour in unit Safe, no poisons. Satisfaction guaranteed. Bold Exclusively by MARSHALL WELLS STORE Heppner Phone 503. 2tf. Use only WILKINSON'S SPRAY the best you can buy at the beat stores. Tmn riL,,., ntr.uiuitiiAa nnri irmnt other cold-blooded pests. Harmless to hu mans, HvesiocK ana an ouier wu blooded animals. Tlie only safe elfec- t ...).. r-K ri hnv. TMMC IOT It at Heppner Harware and Electric Humphrey Drug Red & White. WANTED 100 cars to wash be fore Decoration Day. unve m early for fast service with our Washmobile. Wash job $1.50. Rosewall Motor company 1946 CHEVROLET tudor sedan. Pay down $325.00. Rosewall Mo tor Company. NOW IS the time to have the old wo(rn out winter grease drained from your motor, trans mission and differential and install fresh summer grade RPM- lubricant. Drive in for fast service. Rosewall Motor Company. . PHONE 1092 for an appointment to have the wrinkles ironed out of your car fenders. We color match all makes of cars. Rosewall Motor Company. 1941 CHEVROLET truck, long wheel base, motor recondition ed in our shop. Pay down $165.00. Rosewall Motor Co. DON'T SEND out of town for anything automotive until you first try Rosewall Motor Co. 1942 CHEVROLET fordor sedan. Pay doWn $165.00. Rosewall Motor Company. IT IS ONLY 40 days until har vest. Better see Rosewall Mo tor Company about a new truck or have your old one put in shape for the big job ahead. 1919 FORD Custom Deluxe fordor sedan. Equipped with overdrive, radio and heater. Pay down $495.00. Rosewall Motor Co. I BUY, sell and repair telephones and modernize wall sets into hand sets. W. L. McCaleb, 101 Gale St. 8-llp OVERHEAD portable all-aluminum Sprinkler Irrigation Sys. terns Free engineering and es timates gladly given without STRAYED to our house, a young male collie dog, light brown coat with white and black markings and ring of white around neck; bobbed tail and nick in lower part of left ear; very gentle and well trained dog. Will owner please call for him at 202 Hill street in South Heppner. Francis L. Cook, phone 2275. FOR SALE 5160-acre cattle ranch in Umatlla county. Good improvements. Well watered by two continuous mountain streams and various springs. 800 acres meadow and farm land, balance top grazing. Price for entire ranch $105 000. 00. Will sell all or part. Easy terms. For details write or call OSCAR SCHULTZ AGENCY, Box 684, Pendleton, Oregon. 10-12c. LARGEST used Farm Equipment Lot in Eastern Oregon. DeWilde & Temple, Pendleton, Ore. 49tfc WAYNE AIR COMPRESSORS Gas or electric to fit your job. DeWilde & Temple, Pendleton, Ore. 49tfc LOST Between Easter'sGrill and Star Theater Sunday night, one gold earring. Reward. Mrs. Sam McMillan, Lexington. Oregon. lOp. FRYERS for sale. Dressed or alive. G. Herman, 37F14, Ipne, Oregon 10-12c APARTMENT for rent 1st of June. See Mrs. Shannon, second house west of city library, or nail 453. 10c. RUNNION SOLD THE BARGAIN HE HAD LAST KEEK! Now he has a bigger one: A 10-room house 5 bedrooms, living room, front room, kitchen, bathroom, fruit cellar; new wiring a beautiful home. $8,000. Would like to have all cash, but if that isn't possible, will take a reasonable down payment and balance on terms at 5 interest. If you don't buy it I'll sell it to someone else. See Bob Runnion, Heppner. LET FACTORY TRAINED men service your hydramatic. Dol lar for dollar you can't beat Pontiac. ariey ronuac m HYDRA-MATIC requires the ser vices of specially trained me- chanics. Farley Pontiac Co. SAVE TIME and expense. Have your Hydra-matic serviced at home. Farley Pontiac Co. PLACE your order now for early delivery of 1950 Pontiac, as we will be on allotment for some time. Dollar for dollar you can't beat Pontiac. Farley Pon tiac Company. QUALITY is long remembered when price is long forgotten. Buy Goodyear tires. Farley Pontiac Company. WANTED Bring your poultry, rabbits, farm machinery, furni ture, or any Misc. you may have for sale. 10 commission to the largest sale in Eastern Oregon every Friday. Miscel laneous sale starts 10:00 sharp. Hermiston Livestock Auction Yard. 9-12p. LEGAL NOTICES SUMMONS Equity No. 3892 IN. THE CIRCUIT COURT OF THE STATE OF OREGON FOR THE COUNTY OF MORROW E. S. PELTON, Plaintiff, -vs- R. S. HOWARD, Receiver, also all other persons or parties unknown claiming any right, title, estate, lien or interest in the real estate described in the complaint herein, Defendants. TO: R. S. Howard, Receiver, also all other persons or parties unknown claiming any right, title, state, lien or interest in the real estate described in the complaint herein, De fendants. IN THE NAME OF THE STATE OF OREGON, you and each of you are nereoy required to ap pear and answer plaintiff's com- plaint filed against you in the above entitled Court and Cause, within four (4) weeks from the date of the first publication of this summons upon you and If you fail to so appear or answer ior want mereoi, xne piainun will apply to the above entiled Court for the relief prayed for In his complaint, to-wit: For a decree quieting title to the fol lowing described real property, situate In Morrow County, Ore gon, to-wit: Lots Twenty-six (26) and twenty-seven (27), in Block Thirty-six (36), in the town of Irrigon, In the County of Morrow, State of Oregon, And that it be ADJUDGED and DECREED that the plaintiff Is the owner in fee simple of said real property and that whatever interest or title you may claim to have In said real property shall be null and void and that each and all of you and all per sons or parties unknown or known claiming by, through or under you be forever barred and restrained of and from all claim, right, title and interest in and to said real property and every part thereof and for such other and further relief as may be just and equitable. This summons is published by order of the Hon. Homer I. Watts, Judge of the above entiled Court, made and entered on the 15th day of May, 1950, directing pub lication of this summons once a week for four (4) successive weeks in the Heppner Gazette Times, a newspaper of general circulation, published in Morrow county, Oregon, and of general circulation therein and the date of the first publication of this summons is May 18, 1950. JOS. J. NYS Attorney for Plaintiff Address: Heppner, Oregon 9-13c OF SPECIAL INTEREST TO 0P Because you want your wedding to be perfect in every detail, we suggest you order your wedding flowers from us. Prize blooms and flower artistry at its finest combine ... to give you thrillingly beautiful arrangements for yourself, your party . . . and the setting, whether church, hotel or home. Call us today to talk it over! . Jlaxij Qan' JIowex fiojp. NOTICE OF BUDGET MEETING OF THE CITY OF HEPPNER Notice is hereby given that on the 5th day of June, 1950, at the hour of 7:30 P. M of said day, at the Council Chambers in the City of Heppner, Oregon, the tax levying board of said City will meet for the purpose of discussing ana considering the tax budget here inafter set forth of said City for the fiscal year beginning July 1, 1950, and ending June 30, 1951, any person of said City, subject to said tax, may at said time and place, appear and be heard either in favor or in opposition to said tax levy as set forth or any item thereof. ESTIMATED EXPENDITURES NOTICE OF SCHOOL ELECTION UPON QUESTION OF INCREAS ING TAX LEVY OVER AMOUNT LIMITED BY SECTION 11, ARTICLE XI, STATE CONSTITUTION Notice is hereby given that a special election will be held in School District No. 1CJ of Morrow County, State of Oregon, June 8, 1950, at 3:30 P.M. to 6:30 P.M. at Heppner City Hall in said school district, for the purpose of sub mitting to the legal voters of said district the question of in creasing the tax levy for the year 1950 over the amount limited by Section 11, article XI, of the Con stitution of Oregon. The reasons: The low tax base due to the fact that some districts lost their base and others could only be increased 6 per year while costs have gone up more rapidly during and alter the war years, mcreas ed costs are due to increased cost of personnel, supplies, equipment, and services; to added services like transpor tation, hot lunches, and mu sic; to bringing school physl cal plant and equipment up to meet the required stand ards. The total base for all districts in the Rural School District is $103,214.23 and the total to be raised by tax is $336,913.00. The amount of tax, in excess of the 6 limitation, proposed to be levied tor said year is 3233.- 698.76. Dated this 16th day of May, 1950. Attest: RURAL SCHOOL BOARD HENRY E. TETZ District Clerk. VERNON MUNKERS Chairman Board of Directors. J9-11 Dr)v hum Ihli '" FIRST ... and Until ... for ALl-HOUND SAFETY AT LOWEST COST Drive hem thli tetll . . , FIRST ... and Finest ... for STYIINO AND COMFORT AT IOWEST COST Drive heme fall lacll . . . FIRST ... and Fineil ... for THRILLS AND THRIFT Drive hem tab 'aerl . . . FIRST . . . and Flneii ... for DRIVING AND RIDING EASE AT LOWEST COST Drive home the facts . Only Chevrolet brings you this brand of thrills and thrift. It's FIRST ... and Finest ... at Lowest Cost! Step into our showroom . . . step out in a new Chevrolet . . . and you'll enjoy motoring pleasures and thrills "stepped up" be yond anything you have ever experienced in any low-priced car! That's true whether you drive a new Chevrolet embody ing the revolutionary Powerglide Automatic Transmission, teamed with 105-h.p. Yalve-in-Head Engine, for finest no shift driving at lowest cost ... or a new Chevrolet embodying the famous Silent Synchro-Mesh Transmission, teamed with Chevrolet's highly improved, more powerful standard Valve-in-Hend Engine, for finest standard driving at lowest cost! r Come in... drive a .Jiewoef ...and you if Know wny ir AMERICA'S BEST SELLER . . . AMERICA'S BEST BUY I HODGE CHEVROLET CO. 7-1-48 7-1-49 7-1-50 CLASSIFICATION to to to 6-30-49 6-30-50 6-30-51 PERSONAL SERVICE Parking Meter Expense $ 240.00 Mayor $ 600.00 600.00 City Superintendent $ 3,600.00 4,800.00 1,135.00 City Police 3,000.00 7,500.00 4,420.00 City Recorder 360.00 360.00. . 360.00 City Attorney 360.00 360.00 360.00 City Treasurer 360.00 360.00 360.00 Fire Boys' Salary 500.00 500.00 600 DO $ 8,180.00 $14,480.00 $ 8,075.00 MATERIALS AND SUPPLIES Public Liability $ 300.00 , $ 300.00 State Compensation $ 150.00 200.00 200.00 Bond Premiums 150.00 175.00 100.00 Fire Equipment 500.00 500.00 500.00 Printing & Advertising 250.00 300.00 300.00 Auditing 500.00 600.00 390.00 $ 1,550.00 $ 2,075.00 $ 1,790.00 PUBLIC PROPERTIES Light $ 1,500.00 $ 1,800.00 $ 1,800.00 Streets and Bridges 20,000.00 8,000.00 10,900.00 Swimming Tank 600.00 600.00 1,200.00 Fire Insurance 575.00 300.00 150.00 Garbage Disposal 5,500.00 4,000.00 2,000.00 Building Repairs 900.00 900.00 300.00 Shop Equipment 600.00 500.00 500.00 $29,675.00 $16,100.00 $16,850,001 BOND REDEMPTION Bonds ' $ 2,000.00 ' $10,000.00 $10,000.00 Bond Interest 1,532.50 1,500.00 1,300.00 $ 3,532.50 $11,500.00 $11,300.00 DONATIONS Library $ 600.00 $ 600.00 $ 600.00 Others , 300.00 100.00 100.00 $ 900.00 $ 700.00 $ 700.00 WATER DEPARTMENT Bookkeeper $ 500.00 $ 720.00 $ 720.00 Asst. Superintendent 3,300.00 3,438.00 Labor 5,000.00 5,000.00 5,000.00 Replacements & Improvements 5,000.00 3,500.00 ' 5,000.00 $13,800.00 $ 9,220.00 $14,158.00 PARK FUND $ 500.00 $ 500.00 $ 500.00 EMERGENCY FUND $ 3,000.00 $ 3.000.00 $ 3,000.00 TOTAL EXPENDITURES $61,137.50 $57,575.00 $56,373.00 NOTICE OF SCHOOL ELECTION IN THE RURAL SCHOOL DIS- TRICT OF MORROW COUNTY, OREGON, UPON QUESTION OF INCREASING TAX LEVY OVER AMOUNT LIMITED BY SECTION 11, ARTICLE XI, STATE CONSTITUTION Notice is hereby given that a special election will be held June 8, 1950, by the Rural School Dis trict of Morrow County, State of Oregon, in all component school districts of said Rural School District. The election will be between the hours of 2:00 P.M. and 8 P.M. and will be held in the school house or place designated by lo cal school board In each of said component districts. The purpose of the election is to submit to the legal voters of the rural school district the question of increasing the tax levy for the fiscal year beginning July 1, 1950, over the amount limited by Section 11, Article XI of the Constitution. The reasons: The low tax base due to the fact that some districts lost their base and others could only be increased 6 per year whue costs have gone up more rapidly during and after the war years. Increas ed costs are due to increased cost of personnel, supplies, equipment, and services; to added services like transpor tation, hot lunches, and mu sic; to bringing school physi cal plant and equipment up to meet the required stand ards. The total base for all districts in the Rural School District is $103,214.23 and the total to be raised by tax is $336,913.00. The amount of tax, in excess of the six per cent limitation proposed to be levied by the rural school district of Morrow County, Oregon, for the fiscal year be ginning July 1, 1950, is $233 698.76. Attest: RURAL SCHOOL BOARD HENRY E. TETZ District Clerk VERNON MUNKERS Chairman Board of Directors. J9-11 ESTIMATED RECEIPTS 7 1-49 7-1-50 CLASSIFICATION to to 6-30-50 6-30-51 Water Department $16,000.00 $19,000.00 County Road Tax Refund 6500.00 4,500.00 License and Liquor Revenues ' 400.00 400.00 Swimming Tank 500.00 500.00 Fines 500.00 500.00 City Share of Gas Tax 7,000.00 6,400.00 Garbage Disposal 3,600.00 Parking Meter Receipts 1,800.00 2,600.00 TOTAL ESTIMATED RECEIPTS $36,300.00 $33,900.00 Subject to 6 limitation $11,173.00 Outside 6 limitation 11,300.00 Amount to be raised by Taxation $22,473.00 Outstanding Bonded Indebtedness $55,000.00 DATED AT HEPPNER, OREGON, THIS 5th DAY OF JUNE. 1950 BUDGET COMMITTEE AND LEVYING BOARD By J. R. Huffman, Chairman By Walter Barger. Jr., Clerk of the Board FARMERS Install a Spring Mounted Combine Tongue Remove Front handling 1009 Wheel and Easier. make Patented Spring Cushion absorbs vi bration and jar. Eliminates problem of harvesting over erosion and ditches. INSTALLED AND GUARANTEED International Case Harris John Deere MOON EQUIPMENT CO . Wasco, Ore. Phone 322 Heppner, Oregon Main at May