COURT PROCEEDINGS FOR APRIL, 1950 The minutes of the March, 1950 term were read and approv ed. The Court ordered that mini mum wage be established for employees of the road depart ment at $1.35 per hour mini- mum and that all the regularly SPECIAL SEAT COVER 41 to 48 Chev. 41 to 48 Pont. 41 to 48 Olds. SPECIAL $15.00 HODGE CHEVROLET CO. MAIN at MAY HEPPNER, OREGON FIRST ANNIVERSARY OFFER The Latest VICTROLA '45' Plus a First Anniversary Album of 20 hit tunes Both for the regular price of the Victrola "45" Phonograph Alone You get the complete automatic phonograph with super sensitive speaker and the famous "Golden Rule" tone system Pile on as many as 10 records touch a button just once for up to 50 minutes of the finest recorded music. SEE AND HEAR AT GONTY'S dilllllilSl!ll!!lillllilllli!WiJ mpimimweii .V Wllil Reward your Graduate with a special Treasured Gift COMMENCEMENT ... THE END OF THE HAPPIEST YEARS OF THEIR LIVES AND IS THE TIME FOR A SPECIAL GIFT. MIMllft employed bulldozer operators be paid a wage of $1.50 per hour. The Court ordered that the of the buildings at the fair grounds in the amount of $2120.00 be placed in the fair fund and the full amount be used for the construction of new buildings at the fair grounds. ! ; (7 oroceeds " from The auction Bale"uP Morrow County Budget for rer' Ctlr S tithe fiscal year 1950-51. The mem. Peterson's Jewelers The meeting of the Budget Committee was called April 28, 1950 for the purpose of drawing bers of this committee are Carl Bergstrom of Eightmile, Art Al len of Boardman and Norman Nelson of Lexington. The Court ordered the C. J. D. Bauman, Sheriff of Morrow Coun ty, to round up all neglected and abandoned horses in the vicinity of North Sand Hollow District and that the said horses be ad vertised and sold in accordance with the statute made and pro vided in such case. The Court ordered the trans fer of $750.00 from the Rodent Fund to Coyote Bounty Fund. The following Bangs Disease Claim was ordered paid: Jack K. Mulligan $24.00. The Court ordered dance hall license issued to Willow Grange No. 672. WARRANTS ISSUED ON THE GENERAL FUND: Sadie Parrish, Deputy $145.25 Frances Mitchell, Deputy.. 197.14 Olive B. Hughes, Deputy ... 198.00 Margaret Gillis, Nurse 209.40 A. J. Chaffee, Janitor 184.09 Dr. A. D. Murdo, Physician 24.75 Susie W. Miller, Court Reporter 49.50 William Garner, Justice of Peace 142.70 Gertrude Applegate, Office Clerk 30.48 City of Heppner, Water Dept., Emergency 9.00 Dr. A. D. McMurdo, Emergency $13.58; Coroner $18.08 31.66 Ralph I. Thompson, lllllll) Jl , i liiiniiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiniiiiiiiiii ,;. Whether it is a Ring, a Watch or some Silver, your Graduate will know that it's a Gift he or she can treasure through all the years to come. Why not stop in today and select the right Graduation Gift at the right price, one that will say, "Congratula tions" in the best possible way. Attn tfk Cewdu Heppner Gazette Times, Thursday, May 18, 1950 County Court 51.61 Russell Miller, County Court 55.46 J. H. Driscoll, Current Expense 36.76 Pacific Tel. & Tel. Co., Current expense 75.60 C. W. Barlow, Current expense 4.00 County Clerk and Recorders Ass't. Clerk ... 15.00 West Coast Ptg. & Binding Co., Election $25.20; , Clerk $64.80 90.00 Heppner Gazette Times; Official pud. $.au Election $16.25 38.75 Franklin Printing Co., Clerk 4 5-15 The Haloid Op., Clerk 38.65 Empire StaUwiers, Clerk $5.34;jiTeas. Sheriff $6.60 Court House $34.50: Clerk $5.00 52.94 Kilham Stationer and Printing Co., Tax Collection $6.77; Sheriff $1.00 7.77 C. J. D. Bauman, Jail $15:00: Sheriff $122.89.... 137.89 Empire Stationers Corp., Tax Collection 23.43 Court Street Market, Jail . 17.53 Central Meat Market, Jail.. 2.42 Central Market & Grocery, Jail - 9.26 Pacific Power & Light Co., Court House 63.01 The Heppner Laundry, Court House 5i.tu: Jail 53c 2.03 Bureau of Labor, Court House 2.50 William F. Barratt, Banes' Disease Control 8.00 Bradley D. Fancher, District Attorney 31.00 Franklin Printing Co., Justice of Peace 18.77 Emma Breshears, Bond 50.00 First Nat'l. Bank of Port land, Withholding tax ... 190.60 State Tax Commission Withholding tax 84.29 State Industrial Accident Comm., Sheriff $3.80; Sheriff Sal. 31c; Deputy Sal. 31c; Courthouse 90c; Janitor 31c 5.63 Garnet Barratt, County Court $24.47; Juvenile Court $1.05 25.52 Tum-A-Lum Lumber Co., Courthouse 300.00 Interior Motor Freight, Courthouse 1.66 WARRANTS ISSUED ON THE GENERAL ROAD FUND: Ralph Scott, Jr. $ 89.84 Dean Gilman 259.93 Austin Wilson 224.30 Walter Gilman 283.95 Dick Borman 306.61 Roger Allen 241.69 William C. Heath 232.60 Fred Booker 260.23 W. Cunningham 332.38 Henry G. Peck 353.17 Darold Hams 292.25 George Morgan 176.25 Floyd Borman 268.53 Carl Cropp 277.73 Lewis Ball 335.24 Jack Slocum 257.58 Ed Kelly 239.08 H. Sherer 381.39 Wilbur Jackson 273.05 George A. Stalcup 295.79 C. W. Stalcup 244.26 Robert Anson Eads 24038 Harold C. Baker 250.46 Vernon L. Russell 250.44 Hodge Chevrolet Co 100.47 Pendleton Auto Parts 3.70 Tum-A-Lum Lumber Co 8.25 Umatilla Sales Co , 28.20 J. E. Haseltine Co. 7.08 Heppner Hardware & Elect. 5.49 Heppner Lumber Co 18.25 Independent Garage 1.30 Standard Oil Co 4.90 Lexington Implement Co... 17.23 iiiiiiiiiiiiiiimiiiii iiiiiiiiiiiiiiniiiiiilg Large Number of Mothers, Daughters Served at Banquet One hundred and fifty people attended the mother-daughter banquet Saturday evening at the Congregational church, sponsored by the Maranathas. The follow ing program, conducted by Mrs. Noel Dobyns, was given: Invo cation, Mrs. Ray Barnett; song by Mrs. Paul Pettyjohn; tribute to Mother, Mrs. Adon Hamlett; response, Mrs. Mary Swanson; song by the 1st and 2nd grades and beginners in Sunday school; reading, Kay Crowell; song, ju nior girls of Sunday school; reading, Judy Sherer; song, girls glee club; reading, Mrs. Frank Engelman; reading, De lores Drake, and ' benediction, Mrs. Fred Buchanan. Piano ac companists were Mrs. Cleo Drake, Mrs. E. M. Baker, Miss Pauline Rankin and Mrs. Charles O'Con nor. A fuchsia plant was given to Feenauehtv Machinery Co. 214.72 Columbia Equipment Co. ... 247.62 Shell Oil Co. 607.46 Nelson Equipment Co. 26.22 A. J. Akers 19.75 Empire Machinery Co 15.36 Russell Service 4.45 Industrial Air Products Co. 19.94 Anderson's Builders Supply 8.00 Paul Bunyan Co uw.uu Loggers and Contractors Machinery Co 20.78 W. R. Wentworth 8.50 Sunset Motor Co. 34.24 Boardman SuDDly Co. 11.60 Western Auto Supply 1.10 Jack Allen Supply Co 61.43 D. H. Jones and Son m.w Jones and Scott Co 12.00 Omar Rietmann 20.39 Rohrman Motor Co. 2.35 The Texas Co 172.80 Braden Tractor and Equipment Co 81.18 Paul G. Pettyjohn 329.35 Union Oil Company 133.89 Independent Garage 1.15 Anderson's Builders Supply 50.98 Arthur A. Allen 76.53 Lexington Implement Co... 72.42 Guy Riddle 9.50 City of Heppner, Water Dept 1.90 Rosewall Motor Co. 88.74 Pacific Power & Light Co... 21.55 First National Bank of Portland 419.70 State Tax Commission 160.89 State Industrial Accident Commission 151.89 Beal Pipe and Tank Corp 2422.12 English and Co -zua.6 Lexington Oil Co-Op 242.88 Columbia Equipment Co.. .. 248.40 United Steel Co. 33.17 Clyde Equipment Co. 74.00 Hpnnnpr Mntnrs 256.!)fi Tntprinr Motor Freight 16.41 TT, wASSOT.l?!KF,5 S,?T?E miav;r.i-Lftii.uuorunL-. Carl Mcuaniei, Koaent una oi.oa Joseph Baitrenas, Koaent una zoo.4 first jai i.Bank oi roruana Rodent Fund State Tax Comm., Rodent Fund 6.40 First Nat'l. Bank of Portland Taylor Grazing Fund 3.90 State Tax Comm., Taylor Grazing , Fund ... 1.04 Jack E. Bailey, Coyote Bounty 6.00 Paul R. Wagner, Dog Fund 150.00 Loren Matteson, Coyote Bounty 54.00 Thomas C. Huston, Dog Fund 67.60 WARRANTS ISSUED ON THE HOSPITAL EQUIP. FUND: Frank W. Turner, Hospital Equipment Fund $ 5-75 Pantleys Auto Rebuild, Hospital t-quipment iuu.uu WARRANTS ISSUED ON THE HOSPITAL MAINTENANCE FUND: Robert Lowe, Janitor Salary $226.19 George Waddell, Manager Salary 411.DU James M. Monahan 128.30, Jackie Lee Gentry i atternoon at the Bristow store. Shell Oil Company 15.46 Miss Grace Cunningham of Heppner Gazette Times ... 28.85 Post Falls, Ida. is taking care of C. J. D. Bauman 1.25 her mother, Mrs. Mary Cunning First National Bank of I ham, at the home of Mrs. Fan Portland 67.90 nie Griffith. Mrs. Cunningham State Tax Commission 13.46 returned from, the hospital at State Industrial Accident 1 Pendleton Friday. Commission 1.43 Several from here went to Pioneer Memorial Pendleton Wednesday of last Hospital 6000.00 week to see President Harry Tru- and BtAD THIS ( !ARLY Look for Agency Service and Libera' Policy Conditions Backed by an Established Old Line Company With Millions of Assets Sold Only by Your Local Agent Turner Van Marter Cr Co. Heppner, Oregon Mrs. E. R. Lundell for having the most grandchildren, 14; Mrs. Elizabeth Campbell a Douquex of tulips for having the youngest daughter present, fcusan Nay. Each mother and daughter pres ent was presented with a cor sage made by the ladies of the garden club and a program. The tables were decorated with red candles, red roses and tulips. Several fathers and sons waited on the tables. Funeral services for Ralph B. Aldrich were held Friday after noon, at the First Baptist church, with Rev. John W. Ricketts o Umatilla officiating. Mrs. Mat thew Ball and Mrs. Ray Barnett, accompanied by Mrs. Cleo Drake sang, Safe in the Arms of Jesus and No Disappointment in Heav en. Pallbearers were Ray Barnett, Ed Buschke, Ed Bergstrom, Mat thew Ball, Donald and Ernest Heliker. Phelps Funeral Home had charge and interment was in the I.O.O.F. cemetery. Relatives from a distance at tending the funeral were Mr. and Mrs. August Kurrasch of Independence ;Mrs. Bessie Raines, Mr. and Mrs. Eugene Murphy, Miss Margaret Raines and Mr. and Mrs.' Roy Haddon ot inde pendence; Mr. and Mrs. Kaymona Doust of Grand Rapids, Minn.; Mr. and Mrs. Ed Aldrich and daughter Eleanor and son Leslie, Mr. and Mrs. Meivin unaquisi and Mr. and Mrs. Bob Johnson of Ordnance; Mr. and Mrs. John Neuman Sr. and Mr. and Mrs. John Neuman Jr. and son of Hermiston and Stewart Aldrich of Seattle, and Gail Ray of Her miston. The Maranathas and the La dies Aid met at the Congrega tional church Wednesday of last week and cleaned the building, A sack lunch was served at noon. The church had been redecorated the walls tinted a pale green and woodwork ivory. New drapes were put up. The Maranathat meet ing was held in the afternoon and refreshments were served by Mrs. Wallace Matthews and Mrs, Raymond Benton. The tables were decorated with a miniature Maypole in the colors blue, pink vellow and green. Plates, nut cups, cups and candles were in the same colors. Mrs. Dale Ray received the door prize. Mrs. W. W. Graham of Corval lis, department of the American Legion auxiliary of Oregon, paid an official visit to the lone unit Thursday evening. Department chairman present were Mrs. W E. WUkins of the lunior activi ties, La Grande, and Mrs. Frank W. Zimmerdahl, trophies and awards, Athena. Mrs. Graham and Mrs. Wilkins gave talks. The meeting was conducted by Mrs. Cecil Thorne, president of District b. Other units represent ed were Heppner, Pendleton Umat.illa, Athena. Mrs. Graham 'was presented with a gift. Re Ifreshments were served after the J meeting from tables decorated with the memorial poppy, ins : and candles. On the committee were Mrs, victor Rietmann, Mrs, Earl McCabe and Mrs. Cecil Thorne. Mr and Mrs Garland Swanson snpnf Saturdav in Portland. Miss hnpiipn Rpanrhamn of La Grande . jo vicitincr at Ihp SJwansnn hnmp Mrs. Sheima and sons of North Powder and Mrs. Gleneska of Baker-and daughter spent the week-end with their husbands at the Oscar Lundell home. The flower show and antique show sponsored by the Garden club has been postponed until a later date. Mrs. Oscar Lundell gave a birthday dinner Saturday in hon or of her husband and Mrs. Mary Swanson. Those present were Mr. and Mrs. Otto Lindstrom, Mr. anrf Mrc P R T nnrlpll Mr anH Mrs. Algott Lundell, Mr. and Mrs. Webster Hamlett, Mr. and , MrSi Ac)on Hamlett and Miss Mary Brackett. Mrs. Delia Corson I baked tne birthday caKe. I Mr.- and Mrs. David Montgom- lerv ana two daughters of Port- i la"Q are guests at me trnesi nei- 1Ker tome. The Ameca club made over $200 at the food sale Saturday Get Your Hail Policy THIS YEAR -Section B man and family. Mayor and Mrs. Garland Swanson were among the dignitaries who stood on the platform when the president made his speech. Mr. and Mrs. Ralph Crum and family spent the week-end in A play day ana picnic wiu w held at the school house of lone Tuesday, May 23, beginning at 10 a.m., with picnic luncn ai noon and plenty of ice cream. There will be races and games and a ball game in the afternoon. This is to be made an annual affair. The public is invited to attend. The vote on tne Duager. ai me school house Monday was 154 No. 6 Yes and 1 void. The freshmen and sophomore classes were hosts at a weiner roast up Rhea creek Friday eve- mg of last ween, lone erade school beat Arling ton here Monday, 20 to 15. The grade school took part in the track meet in Heppner last Friday and won several ribbons. Edison Morgan and daughter Juanita went to The Dalles last week where Mr. Morgan received medical check-up. Mr. and Mrs. John Eubanks spent the week end in Portland. There will be a reception alter the Commencement exercises Thursday, May 25 for the public. Mr. and Mrs. Earl McKinney and sons spent Mother's Day at Grass Valley. Mr. and Mrs. George Aldncn have moved from Ordnance to lone. Eleanor Aldrich, their daughter, is a patient at the St Anthony's hospital in Pendleton. r rank Kills oi kuck nas oeen hired as 7th and 8th grade teach er for the coming year. Mrs. Call Linn will teach the 3rd and 4th grades and Mrs. Franklin Ely the 5th and 6th. Mr. and Mrs. B. C. Forsythe, Mrs. Omar Rietmann, Mrs. Vem er Troedson, Mrs. Noel Dobyns and Mrs. E. M. Baker attended the P-TA meeting in Heppner May 10 where the delegates gave tneir reports on tne convention. Adon Hamlett sang a vocal solo, "M-o-t-h-e-r," during the morning worship at the Co-operative church Sunday. The choir also had special singing. Guests at the Algott Lundell home Sunday were Mr. and Mrs. Oscar Lundell, Mr. and Mrs. Adon Hamlett, and Mr. and Mrs. Web ster Hamlett who are from Sun nyvale, Californ.a. Mr. and Mrs. E. R. Lundell and Mrs. Mary Swanson left Sunday to attend grand lodge and Re- bekah assembly at Astoria this week. The study meeting of the Topic club was held at the home of Mrs. Milton Morgan Thursday of last week. The book, The Big Eye, by Ehrlick was reviewed by Mrs. Uscar Lundell. Refresh ments were served by Mrs. Mor gan and Mrs. Lundell. Mrs. L. L. Howton was a visi tor at Connell, Washington last week. The Mothers Tea was held at the school house by the Girls League and their advisor, Miss Mary Brackett, May 12 from 1:30 to 3:30 p.m. The program was as follows: song, "Through the Years," by Patricia and Delores Drake; song, "Scarlet Ribbons," by Delight Biddle; reading, "Mother," by Ingrid Hermann. The girls and Miss Brackett wore formals. Cookies, tea and coffee were served from a table decorated with white, yellow and pink tu lips and white candles. Mrs. Henry Peterson and Mrs. L. A. McCabe poured. Those present were presented with corsages. The regular meeting of the Eastern Star was held Tuesday evening, May 9. Mr. and Mrs. Webster Hamlett and Adon Ham lett put on the initiatory work. Mrs. James Lindsay. Mrs. John Broadfoot and Mrs. Herbert El- strom were the hostesses. The tables were in spring decorations. lone lost in their ball game at Condon Sunday. Several from here attended the Rodeo at Arlington, Sunday. wauace (.oieman ana Martin Jannsen are in Sharon Springs, Kansas where they are employed. waner uoDyns returned from Portland last week. The Arlington hieh school de- feated lone in a baseball game nere lasr week. A. A. McCabe of Adams is vis iting here. Mr. and Mrs. Lawrence Jones and Mr. and Mrs. Darmen Jones of Union were guests at the Geo. Myles home bunday. Lawrence Jones is a brother to Darmen Jones and a nephew of Mrs. Myles. Mrs. C. W. Burton of Portland is visiting her mother, Mrs. Lana Fadberg. Mrs. Lela Johnson of Willets. California is visiting her sister, Mrs. wuiiam zinter. Mr. Zinter is home from St. Anthony's hos- pnai in renoieton. Mr. and Mrs. F. J. Rieth of Harrington, Washington were guests last week at the home of his sister, Mrs. Paul O'Meara and mother, Mrs. Ellen Rieth. Mrs. Clara Kincaid returned Saturday from The Dalles where she spent a week. Mr. and Mrs. John Jackson and family, Mr. and Mrs. Ed Bergstrom, Mrs. Artie Jackson and Mrs. Doris Goiiyhorn and son, Wayne, went to Walla Walla, totnaay to visit Artie Jackson In the Veterans hospital. They found mm Doner. Mr. and Mrs. John Broadfoot and daughter, Pamela, were Port land visitors last week. Mr. and Mrs. James Lindsay spent the week end at the home ot their daughter, Mrs. Roy Petty john at The Dalles. Dates to remember: May 19 Election Day, dinner at noon, Rebekah hall. May 20 Regular grange meet ing and dance at Legion hall. May 21 Baccalaureate sermon, Cooperative Church, 11 a.m. I (Continued on page 6)