Page 4-Section A Heppner Gazette Times, Thursday, May 1 1, 1950 nr cl tt bi a t Ci o SI c s 2 ii s BLAME THE SPANIARDS FOR PESKY INSECTS Blame the Spaniards for those pesky insects you'll be swatting and shooing this spring. The common housefly, says H. E. Morrison, OSC entomologist, was brought to this country by the Spanish explorers. The year, subject to some argument, was 1769. Meantime, screening and sticky paper control measures werp first recommended by the U. S. Department of Agriculture in 1897. Still from the enrono- logical standpoint, sanitation be gan to creep into tne picture about 1915 and fly traps were becoming popular. Fly sprays contained pyrethrum in mineral oil were used principally as a repellent until 1926. In 1933-41, DDT became available, and fly control enthusiasm reached an all-time high. Now, the enthu siasm has been dampened more than somewhat. Difficutly with present fly control insecticides . u- fnt- iUnt flw.e siems lrum mc mt are becoming increasingly resis tant. Both DDT and Lindanco, however, will give satisfactory short-time control during the early spring, cool months. They are not proving too satisfactory, however, when used in hot sum mertime temperatures. With DDT and some chlorinat ed residual type sprays becom ing out-dated, what does the future hold? Morrison believes that space spraying filling s room or building with small in secticidal particles is likely to become popular. PIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIUIIIIIIIIIIIIIIM I STAR rjn REPORTER 1 Z (v FEATURING HUNDREDS OF THE NEWEST STYLES ... All THE MOST-WANTED FABRICS . . . SUMMER'S BEST COLORS . . . IN YOUR SIZE I MISSES'... JUNIORS'... WOMEN'S... HALF SIZES I Admliilon prion afternoon and evening", unless jpe elAeaUy advertised to lie otherwise I Children I Est, Frloe .17, Fed. Tax .03, Total 20o; Grade and High School Students IS yean and overs Est. Frio .40, Fed. Tax .10, Total Mo; Adults i Est. Price .Mo, Fed. Tax .10, Total 60a Every child oooapylng a seat most have a ticket. Sunday shows continuous from 1 p. m. All evening shows start at 7:30 p. advertised unless otherwise Friday-Saturday, May 12-13 THE LADY TAKES A SAILOR Jane Wyman, Dennis Morgan, Eve Arden, Robert Douglas, Allyn Joslyn, Tom Tully, Una Romay. Joy Ahoy . . . when a reluctant dream .boat meets a nautical nifty! One of the brightest, funniest and most refreshing comedies of the season. PLUS RANGER OF CHEROKEE STRIP Monte Hale battles skullduggery with the fury of his fists and guns. Sunday-Monday, May 14-15 - RIDING HIGH Bing Crosby, Coleen Gray, Charles Bick (ord, Frances Gifford, William De marest, Raymond Walburn, James Gleason, Ward Bond. Percy Kilbride, lllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllilltlllllllllllllllll st : 'mtuUfJmv il ;-l )f -ir m see us for mn ivf i IB W '4M:P"'X Mill DEPENDABLE c. a. rtjggles Oj J I ftp-'' V i INSURANCE " P" " BX 611 Phne 7" LOOK WHAT YOU ffs ;.5p);' q)o 0 L GET FOR ONLY ? i : M 1 0)D(9l llPoao el .J , J;,- - - m p) JJ Clarence Muse, Harry Davenprot. At last! Bing has a winner! The picture as well as the horse! One of the best Bing Crosby pictures in a long time . . . with four new song's including "Sun shine Cake" and two all-time favorites. "Camptown Races" and Yale's famed "Whiffenpoof Song." Based on Mark Hellinger's story of Broadway Bill. Remember your Mother SUNDAY, MAY 14th Tuesday, Wednesday, May Hi-17 THIEVE'S HIGHWAY Richard Conte, Lee J. Cobb, Valentino Cortese, Jack Oakie, Barbara Law rence, Millard Mitchell. A hard-hitting, realistic action melodrama told against the novel backgrounds of the produce markets of California. Interesting short subjects: Freddie Slack and ins Orchestra present their lively vmuSic; "Stars of Yesterday" in which stars of the silent screen appear . . . you 11 chuckle at the old-school acting; Techni color cartoon. The Hiatr anartments. formerlv the Jones apartments.Lanhamey Fair Dealers have changeable appetites. The returns were no sooner in, snowing under arch Fair Dealer Pepper of Florida, than Democratic bigwigs an nounced that Mr .Truman never liked Pepper, anyway. It may take a long time, but water finally reaches its true level. In venerable old Herbert Hoover's case it took 18 years for his former enemies to admit his stature. A few fair-mided Demo crats will even concede a fact that Hoover's administration, not FDR s, created that economic life-saver, the Reconstruction Fi nance Corporation. Surveys show Democratic re gistrations leading Republicans by 8,000 votes in Oregon. So what? If there are 7,000 Jeffer sonian Democrats among them, Truman's program will still have hard sledding in the nation's most "horse-sense" state. FOR SALE Lot. 50x198; good new septic tank; garden and shrubs; concrete foundation. Very reasonable. Turner, Van Marter & Co. HEPPNER GAZETTE TIMES The Heppner Gazette, established March 30, 1883. The Heppner Times, established November 18, 1897. Consolidated Feb. 15, 1912. Published every Thursday and entered at the Post Office at Heppner, Oregon, as second class matter. Subscription price, $3.00 a year; single copies, 10c. O. G. CRAWFORD Publisher and Editor m INSURED My GROWING GRAIN We can arrange proper and complete protection on your growing grain . . . don't delay act now Still Selling at Greatly Reduced Prices Coats, Suits, Blouses, Sweaters, T-Shirt? and Housed resses Anderson & Wilson Women's Apparel HAULING STEERS TO THE STOCKYARDS When it conns to tough, havy jobs you need a tough, heavy truck! Like this Ford F-5 Platform with Slock Racks. It has a Bonus Built bridge-type platform frame . . . the side roils are riveted to steel cross girders. And for flashing power plus eco nomical operation only Ford offers you a V-8 truck engine! Yes . . . look at just a few of hundreds of reasons why we say "Be Smart . . . Buy Two!" Washable blended acetate rayon and nylon crepes . . . embossed cottons . . . cottons and rayons in casual or dress-up versions. Now's the time to pick a well-rounded summer wardrobe ... at low Carnival prices! Misses', junior, half sizes. LOOK WHAT YOU GET FOR ONLY 90 'New color combinations change good old gingham into something very spe cial! Note that effective new plaid, . the cross-stripes shading f rom palest tints to deeper tones. Misses' sizes. THIS WEEK'S FEATURE! That Magic Word NYLON CORD weave DRESSES and only 2 PC. $ftOO STYLES Ot WASHABLE - New Styles! New Shades Nylon Blended with Acetate y OOO DELIVERING MEAT FROM THE CORNER MARKET When it comes to fast, light jobs you need a fast, light truck. Like this Ford F-l Panel. It has a Bonus Built reinforced welded all-steel body ... a comfortably cushioned bucket-type driver's seat. And you get a choice of a 95-h.p. Six or a 100-h.p. V-8 engine! Come in you'll get a big trade-in on your present truck! A .i.iii.i iihiti-- jjiiDitiiiniiHiii MtiTWMwtiWirtiirwiwWfifa I I W II ism HERE'S WHY AMERICA'S NO. 1 TRUCK VALUE DOES MORE FOR YOUR DOLLAR k; A choice of two V-8'i and fwo 6-cyllnder engines in over 175 models saves more by OOO fitting the job better -sV Loadomatlc Ignition laves gas -sV Aluminum alloy pistons save oil it Engine-top setting of accessories saves on maintenance. k New price reductions save money ... up to $80. Ford Trucking Costs Less Because Ufln latest registration imtu wi 6,53,000 trticbj, III Intwrame iieull reve tu4 Tracki la it longer! ROSE WALL MOTOR CO. Penney's AT i