Page A Heppner Gazette Times, Thursday, April 27, 1 950 That it is tho determination of tin' Common Council of 1 ho Cily of Boardman that, for the gen cial welfare ami public advan tage of ihe inhabitants of the Cily ol Boardman, an amendment to the charier of the Cily of P.oariiman entitled. "Charter Sub milted to the Voters by the Council" be adopted. That the Council has caused to be written and prepared that certain amendment entitled. "AN ACT to amend the charter of the City of Boardman. Morrow Coun 1y. Oregon, entitled. 'Charter Submitted to the Voters by the Council,' adopted and approved (Vioher 5, 1927." a copy of which is hereto attached and by refer ence is hereby made a part of this ordinance' as if fully set out heiein. That it is necessary that the adoption of U ereof is sold lor a delinquent essment. and there be a deficit lareil. the lot shall be subject I he lien of the deficit as if Kit or properly had never n sold. If there be a surplus lared the proper proportion- imoiml shall be repaid to the be. del ate ORDINANCE No. 26 j lar use at the time it is assessed. I annum upon the amount of such for the puiposo of the assessment An i mi i nance entitled, "An : Section 7, The Council shall ap- delinquency in addition to the i-ly. riin.r...f. n.liorinii In ihr inline ; lu.rlhin anH lew Ihe a oiemenl nn ni-0 ,:i 1 Hum sn del i nuuent . In- Stelioil 1? . Whenever ally Kit Or of Hie Cilv ol Ko.-iidman a ino- ! upon such lot. "property or parts leresi penally shall be included p.. it t hoi. 'of or properly or a part poM'd amendment to the Charter thereof, liable therefor, ils pio-jin and shall be part of the as of the l iiv ol Koaidman cnliiled. (Mirtionate share of such cost. ' sessment lien. The council may. 'Charier Submitted lo the Voters I according to the special benefit after such sum becomes delin by i ho Council " jto the property assessed and queiit. order a warrant for the Till" I'Kori.E OF THK CITY sllt n assossrr"'nl shall be uni- collection of the same to be OK B AKI)M AN IX) OKDMN AS ; f"rm. The Council may adopt any j is.ued by the recorder and di 1 Ol LOWS ' particular basis of apportion- '. rooted to ihe cily treasurer com- sessment. which in its discretion ; propertv so delinquent for the the purchaser, provided, however. is just and uniiorm. 'amount ol sucn uoiinqucnc. u- m i m v.- Section 8 The Council shall after ' fisher with the interest and costs amount will be deducted from .vxuon ?. ine vouncu snan. autr s f ( redemptioner be re determining the amount of the of salt - . r i ,7 , ,,. ' .j. ., assessment declare the same bvi Section 10. The city treasurer, u, mred u a to rtdtem su.h ordinance and order the recorder upon the receiving of such war- I . P iom , to publish notice of the nature, rant from the city recorder, shall secUo, -8. ,h it special extent and location of the im- first give notice of sale by put - ;?":' . .S'" orovement or DroDosed imorove- ! lication in a newspaper of gen- tempted b.. the I il ot Boardman e " the amoih w al circulation in the Cily of for any l.-cul improvement and mom, ini amount 01 me assess 'Eor,1m,n anii in vvliifh nubl c the same has been declared and ment; the name or names of the .Boardman. aim in wnui puu ,i i . ' . rtwr(,. f ' ... j. Lntmc are m'm'rii v nub hshed. i old o judgment or aecree 01 and the property to be assessed, according to lots or other suit able designation, and a notice of collection of the assessment, as provided for in Soction 14 of this act. Such notice shall be published in a newspaper of gen-1 once per weeK ior two eonsccu- an;, iwu u. J"' tive weeks. Such notice shall lion, or has been declared ir contain a list of all property upon ; regular by the council, or has which assessments are delin- been cancelled by the council quent. together with the amount , for irregularities, the council may of the assessments, penalties and proceed to make a reassessment, cost to date of sale; the names which reassessment may be gen- ail piopeny auu- ral cloA' inCitye"of of the owners of Ihe property as era! covins a ; prop, Boardman in which, public no-lit appears upon the lien docket. ' ; ct to t for , r,orn- r,hiwhoH 'that the property will be sold provement to w nun it r once per week for t"wo successive j to satisfy the sum so delinquent; it may i-r:h nmieo shall invite the number of the ordinance i nated the im relates, or be upon certain desig- proporty, describing the ime by block ana 101, or pan r.!, -itv, tho itv re. was entered into tne lien oocKfi. or inner aufipi.tit- ur.-mynu... said amendment be weeks. Such notice shall invite i the numbei to be Z"L"".:.?. Li- "'.' ,iand the time and nlace of such iand by the name of the owner '"Z.Z'X,''. Z lo. and that such sale will be or owners thereof i,,l,,r""" v" , ,ai)cnur thp awpssmen submitted to the legal voters . -n ana ... gf'.-,i; l,wlod:",he date such assessment j thereof, or by metes and bounds special election to be held for the purpose; and it is also neces sar that the lime and place for said election be fixed and de termined, and that a ballot title for said measure be provided. That the aloresaid amendment ,?n 3dt S i publication of such notice, may nee submiited to the voters of the ! proceed to co m ucn f ssess- City of Boardman for their ap- j filed within such por'iod the, costs of sale If more than one proval or rejection. . . ' lt h, .... ti.j t,. : nerson bids the amount of such That a special election be held ; ;"rc VemonWances ' sum. the treasurer shall make for the approval or rejection of ; "ear n, such remonstrances n makjng said amendment, within the.Ctty j ?"l.JLdi?Jn 'fig.LX 1 ,he first bid. If no person bid (if Boardman, at ihe usual polling ' f . . '-nrtiihe amount of the delinquent : place, as to whether said reas place therein, to-wit: Green Field " hearing The recorder ! sum Ihe treasurer shall strike the sessment shall be made, the Grange hall, on the 19 day ot j notifv such persons o filin propertv off to the city for the; amount of the assessment, what May. A.D.. 13x1. J remonstrances either personal lv whole amount that he is reqmr. properly shall he assessed, and That notice of ihe time ana : .. .. i made led to collect bv such public sale ..the amount of the reassessment ,f cmiH o eeitnn he civen ! 1 ' .. . " . .. : ., , . . , "'"-, ,hf bv mail it snail be aaaressea 10,01 .-ueu pioj-on... ... by publishing a . coy of this or- UsXei Qn iled Soction 1S. The purchaser at any UK wm puuuv-uuii vi o w.i,m 9Q When making anv IrTthe noVicI8 If no such wm LC' on 17. The city treasurer reassessment the council shall Frances ' bT' f ed fhe Council 'shall conduct such public sale subslantially proceed as follows: S YiJL f .'f an.r not less than seven days alter 1. By resolution cancel the form- I' ,., .... ' w. tho final mihlioation of such no- er assessment and direct the re- " ,x T. Y.X ,V a" ce of sale" and shall sell such I cordon to cancel the same in the propertv for the amount ot tne rielinouencv. with penalties ana docket of cily liens. 2. Declare the intention to make a reassess ment. 3. Specify the time and place that the reassessment will &e made. 4. Provide for all in terested persons to appear and be heard, at the said time and be kept separately according to the improvement. The recorder shall enter a notation in the lion docket that such application has been made. Section 36. If within twenty days after any said installments is due and the same has not been paid the whole sum comprising all the installments due and to become due shall thereupon be come delinquent and shall be treated as any other delinquent sum under the provisions of this chapter and said applicant by being so m detault ot payment of any installment shall con clusively be deemed to have waived the ngnt to pay said assessment by installments ac cording to sections 34 and 35 of this chapter. Section 37. This act amending the Charter of the City of Board- man, shall take effect on the 1st day of June, 1950. 5-6c Lexington Opens Baseball Season By Beating Hermiston dinance .mplete xvith attached : remonstrance- The cily recorder , sale authorized in this chapter amendment which is a part o ir(? thp address of each i shall acquire a lien on the prop- in.s riii.Mi.-.,Cf Vn person filing a remonstrance to erty so ma in oy nun ior two ronsecutiye wee in the , include therein before ac., amount paid at such sale c Heppner Gazette Times a news- remonstrance for' for all taxes, assessments, per paper of general circulation in ; i, B The filing of a remon- ties, costs and charges sur ,ne City of Boardman paid b him and posting a copy of th s ordinance, nrocedure or time ol collec-! shall be entitled to interest to be assessed upon each lot or part thereot. or other parcel ot land, or part thereof. 5. Provide .1 .1.,. .-V...11 U,i nivnt. In 'ill reouire the address ot eactvsnan acquue a u u w.r um uuuur ouan r";ii a remonstrance to eny so uiu in "'V'1''""' ...i therein before ac-1 amount paid at such sale and at such hearing, shall hear all for for all taxes, assessments, penai- tne evidence ana arguments pre. sunse-i sentea bv those persons appear- he jug, and shall give due and full . j i; n kha ho eniii ed to lmcresi ill ioiisnieraidn 10 sucn evidence complete with attached amend-j P said assessmenti and tne!the rate of six per cent per an- j;,n.l arguments. The council may ment which- is a part ol this provided for in Section 8 num on the original amount paid thereupon, after due and full ordinance, in three conspicuous . J;.inn 14 shaii be sufficient bv him. from the date of such - consideration, and in its honest places in the City of Boardman ! a CeUly4 Notice re quired. sale. , '.discretion, decide for or against at least twenty days prior to . : 9 t lne hearing so set Section 19. The treasurer sliail a reassessment; and if, for such the date of said election. ;. ., -.,, hoar ail nmn. ' issue to the person bidding in ' reassessment, the council may in That the nauot title for said:r... :, tt.ho have filed re-'.the property at such public sale jts honest discretion determine election shall read as follows: monstrances and who appear at la certificate of sale for the prop- wnat property shall be assessed, CHARTER AMENDMENT SUB- such hearing. The council shall ! erty so purchased, showing there. : the amount of the reassessment M1TTED TO THE PEOFLE BY consider all the evidence given ion the amount bid and paid by ,,nd apportion the reassessment. THE COMMON COUNCIL OF at such hearing and may alter, i such purchaser. The final decision of the louncil, THE CITY OF BOARDMAN. change or approve the .assess-i Section 20. Any and all property alter all evidence and arguments Shall the charter amendment ment as levied, giving due and I so sold for such delinquent sum are heard and considered, shall submitted to the voters by the ! full consideration to evidence of- shall be subject to redemption at be final and conclusive, common Council of the City of ; fered at such hearing. The find- any time within one year Horn s ,10 j0. The notice, as refer- Mmn hv ordinance No. 2t ines and decision of the council, tne aaie 01 scue up,., e".-. im i m .. f" be adopted 'or rejected bv the ! after a full hearing and due con. ; to the treasurer for the purchaMr voters of the Citv of Boardman; ' sideration. shall be conclusive. ; the amount for which the sam said amendment' to provide for 1 The filing of a remonstrance and 1 was sold, together with interest - f ..t-.mont lion tv,o hoarintr shall have tin affeetlat six percent per annum trom enforcement of lien and for re-1 on the notice as provided ior in assortment for local oublic im-. Section S and Section 14, and no provements? (ice so given shall be sufficient, 1(10 For the adoption of said, and the only notice necessary amendment. ! even though the council alters 101 Against the adoption of said j or changes the assessment as said amendment. j levied. If said assessment is so That said special election shall i altered or changed, no addition be held and the polling places al notice need be given nor pro will be open from eight o'clock j cedure be required to collect said in the morning until eight o'clock i altered or changed assessment, in the evening of said day. That I and the property owner so obh Mrs Grace Macomber and Mrs. gated to pay such changed or Mabel O PeCK are nereDy ap- aiterea assessment sin.. p) sist of a copy of the resolution and shall be served in the follow ing manner: by publication of said resolution in a newspaper the date of the sale on the origi- '0f general circulation in the City nal amount oaid, and tor an 0f Boardman in which public no- taves assessments, penalties. ices are generally published, to costs and charges subsequently t,e designated by the council, for paid by such purchaser at or.a period of once per week for since sucn saie. iinree conseuuuve weeis, u. uj Section 21. If redemption is made . oersonal service of a copy of said within one vear and payment , resolutions, and such personal made, as provided for in Section ; service or service by publication, 20, the treasurer shall, upon sur- whichever be used, shall be made render of the certificate of sale,at least ten days before the time by the purchaser, pay over to!0f hearing and making such re ihe nnrchaser the amount so re- assessment. Personal service shall ceived by the treasurer from the,ne made by the marshall or any Mdrxi u. 1 ""'"V sairt ew s.Ym within 14 davs of the date I redemptioner and deliver such . p,.rson authorized to serve a pointed as judges of said elec- sum , ithir i 14 days tne nf sal t0 tne reder,-.p- summons in a justice court, and proof of tfldt trc M r.. .ii SfllU i.iiaiiccr yji nuciailw... ju.u Gillispie Mrs. Flossie Coats and j sum shall become delinquent 30 Mrs Evelyn Black are hereby (days after said 14 days allowed appointed as clerks. for payment, and all the provi- Passed hv tne vommon voun- siuns u. una osi aa tt...M-... uoner . proof ot sucn service snail oe section 22. If redemption is not made and filed with the recorder, made within one vear the trea- it shall and is declared to be surer shall, upon demand of the !the duty of all the persons in- urrencer oi me n-restea to annear ai me unit rasseu u u.c - ""V" n k .iiAki nnmhaser and s aman S "lO Poertv shaTrbe lis,: certificate of sale by the purchas- and pIace of 'hearing, and pre- Yeas 5. Navs 0. ROYAL B. RANDS. Mayor Attest by City Recorder This ordinance is approved by the Mavor of the Citv of Board man, this ll'h day of April, 1950. ROYAL B. RANDS. Mayor CHARTER AMENDMENT SUB MITTED TO THE VOTERS BY COUNCIL A.N" ACT To amend the Charter of the City of Boardman. Morrow County, Oregon, entitled: "Charter Sub mitted to the Voters by the Council," adopted and approved by the voters October 5. 1927; hlC IT ENACTED BY THE PEO II I' OF THE CITY OF BOARD- MAN AND THE PEOPLE OF s'ubmitted 10 the Voters by the Council," approved and adopted er. execute to such purchaser ajsent any and all objections they deed for the property described may have. Failure to appear and on the certificate of sale. Such object shall be deemed a waiver tho torm "-ru.'nor as.'it--(i snail rz .tichv-u ... on vji-mv ...iu . used in this act, denotes the per-1 Mayor and the Treasurer for the of the council, based upon any .. ...u .1,0 ,,hiio rorHs'.ritv of Boardman. However, no irregularity in said resolutions AIl W11UI11 IIIC lui'l'V 1 J - ... . , ;ii ., - show to be vested with title, in I such deed shall be execuiea umu ,or lhe service tnereoi. the absence of knowledge to the tne purcnaser oi me .im. section 31. A reassessment may contrary. such certificate of sale shall u . he ma(je before the improvement personal serice nuuiv ...i- s mace or anv work nas oeen of such property that he .wn done on such improvement after demand a deed therefor, provided jts cost nas heen determined. that it the owner oe 1101 rounu S(,c,ion 32 $0 notice of reassess after diligent search such notice , mmt proceedings shall be re mav be by publication once a ujrerl exCepting that hereinbe week for three consecutive weeks- , fnrP mentioned, and all rights of The records of such notice shall objection and remonstrance shall appear in the records oljho city he limited to the reassessment, recorder by affidavit of the Pu.r.-;and ihere shall be no right to chaser or holder of such certui- rf.monstrate or object as to the cate of sale sixty days after no- improvement. tice or final date 01 puoiicdiion . . ,, ... n rm,visions of eed shall be exocut- ' Hens, penalties, mien-sis, pay ments, enforcement of liens, pro cedure in enforcement of liens, and all such other matters as aimlv to these particulars that part of a lot or parcel of prop- taxes, special assessments 01 . , to assessments in this act, ed for purposes of assessment to the owner. 11 known, ana 11 noi known, to him as "unknown Section 11. When the proportion ate share of the cost has been assessed, as provided in Section 5. and the council has declared the same by ordinance, as pro vided in Section 8, the council shall direct the recorder to enter a statement thereof in the docket of the city liens, as provided in the next section. Section 12. The docket of city liens is a book in which must MAN. A.-nu ir- rr.i-Lt. ur , pn'ered the following matters tice or Iinai aaie 01 puon THK CITY OF BOARDMAN DO ' ? e". " 1 . IL.ZJl t f,., before such deed shall be ex. ORDAIN AS FOLLOWS: j oca, impr0vemen'ts: U The led unto the purchaser or holder j Chapter XXI. number or letter of the lot and I of the certificate of title , . .t. ,.x...., f ..1....1. ...ho. ,..or ,iosicnatir,n section 23. Such deed shall be. City of Boardman. Morrow Coun tv. Oregon, entitled. "Charter NOTICE OF ANNEXATION ELECTION NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that an election will be held in the City of Boardman, Oregon and in the following-described territory which is proposed to be annexed to the City of Boardman, and said territory proposed to be annexed is bounded and describ ed as follows: "Commencing at a point 1080 feet North of a point 48 feet East of the Southeast corner of Lot 3, Section 8, Town ship 4 North, Range 25 East of the Willamette Meridan, and running thence North to the South meander line of the Columbia River, thence West along said meander line 300 feet, thence South i to the North boundary line of the O.W.R. & N. Co. right of way, thence southwesterly along said North boundary line to the extended West boundary line of Lucerne Avenue of the City of Board man, thence South to the Co lumbia River Highway, thence East 285 feet, thence North 60 feet to the South boundary line of the O.W. R. & N. Co. right of way, thence North, Easterly along said South boundary line 1434 feet to the point of the begin ning, in Morrow County, Oregon." This description is based on the present incorporated boundary of Boardman which is as follows: "Commencing at a point 48 feet East of the Southeast corner of Lot 3, Section 8 Township 4 North, Range 25 East of the Willamette Meri dian, and running thence West 1619 feet, thence North 860 feet to the Columbia River Highway, thence East 285 feet, thence North 60 feet to the South line of the O.W. R. & N. Co. right of way, thence Northeasterly 1434 feet along said South line, thence South 1080 feet to the point of beginning in Morrow County, Oregon." The election will be held on the 19th day of May, 1950, and all registered voters in the City of Boardman and in the terri tory proposed to be annexed are hereby invited to vote upon ine annexation of said territory to the City of Boardman, pursuant to the provisions of Section 95- 901, Oregon Compiled Laws An notated, 194U, as amenaea prior hereto. The polling places will be open from 8 o'clock in the morning until 8 o'clock in the evening of said day. The polling place In said city for said election shall be at the usual polling place there in, the polling place used for the last preceding general election, to-wit: Greenfield Grange hall. The polling place in said terri tory proposed to be annexed for said election shall be at a booth North of Main street. The Com mon Council by ordinance has appointed Mrs. Grace Macomber and Mrs. Mabel O. Pick judges. Mrs. Daisy Gillespie, Mrs. Flossie Coats and Mrs. Evelyn Black. clerks, of said election to serve in said polling places in the said City of Boardman. The Common Council by ordinance nas appoint ed Mrs. Josephine Kanas ana Mrs. Elvira Harwood, judges, and Mrs. Norma Gwinn, Mr. Vet Conyers, and Mr. Fred G. Smith, clerks of said election to serve in said polling places in the said territory proposed to be annexed. DAISY E. GILLESPIE City Recorder By DELPHA JONES Lexington high school defeat ed Hermiston on the local field by a score of 19 to 9 Tuesday I mol her who. is very ill. atternoon. At one time the score was 9 to 2 in favor of Hermiston and then Lexington put on a rally and made 17 runs in one nning. The game was called at the end of the sixth inning at the request of the Hermislon coach. Frank Munkers is home from the hospital where he underwent surgery for a growth on his neck. Ted McMillan broke a bone in his shoulder when a horse he was leading jerked back and threw him on the ground. Mr. and Mrs. C. C. Carmichael teresling program was given by spent Ihe week end in John Day the students of Mrs. Kelly's where they attended the opening ' room. " of the new Elks club. I Al the last meeting of the PTA Mr. and Mrs. Earl Taylor of 'executive hoard it was decided Portland were overnight give the annual banquet for at the A. M. Edwards' home one! the student body the evening of night last week. They had been 1 April 28 in the dining room of on an extensive trip through the .the lOOK hall, middle west and were on their I Mrs. tret: Majesko and Mrs. way home. , Florence McMillan were elected Mrs. Everett Barlow spent last as delegates from Holly Rebekah wook in neppuer wneie sue 0dge to attend the grand lodge helped care for Mr. Barlow's in Astoria on May 161718. inouie. "o. . .n, .... , M1.s. i,-r,.,a Matthews of Eugene Rr;,aml?l,S' RSfT1"'" visiUng at the home of her ?"La"d .kirL6"; ' Parents. Mr. and Mrs. O. G. for all the neighbors and friends I Brctuin,. of Ihe Social Ridge district Sat- Mr- and Mrs. Kllwynne Peik urdav night were business visitors In La Mrs. Clarence Brown has her i Grande on Tuesday. mother from Condon visiting her I ,y for a few weeks. I Mr. and Mrs. Roger Connor are The Lexington PTA elected the, the parents of a son born April following officers to serve next ' 21 at St. Anthony's hospital In year; president, Mrs. Wilma Wih-1 Pendleton. He weighed 7 pounds Ion, vice-president, Marie Stea- , 11 ounces. Grandparents are Mr. gall; secretary Betty Groves, and and Mrs. Carey Hastings and Mr. treasurer, Valda Griffith. An in- and Mrs. Francis Connor. of the property assessed, and if I executed only after all delinquent . , . sr.o.ia assessments ol . (.rtv is assessed a oroner desig other nation of such part. i2) The whether prior to or subsequent. .. :rovbiios r.onfjct with bv the voters October 5, 1927, and I name of the owner, record owner io tne issuaiiLt. .V ' ' 'hi t specifically set out in this the same be and hereby is or that the owner is unknown caie oi saie ait. iwm ... , ,r( for reassessment, amended bv adding Chapter 1.31 The sum assessed upon such i I Section 21. Such deed shal be ifm ;;i W,enever the coun XXI and any and all provisions , lot. or part thereof, or parcel of prima facie evidence that all ' r., f!(.eimines lo levy and collect of the Charter of the City of j property, or part thereof, and the the assessment proceedings were i d;t ass(.s.,m,.nts for locai im. Boardman in conflict herewith ! date of the entry according to law. that the assess- .,r0VPrnPll,s according to Article are hereby repealed. - j Section 13. The docket of the city ment was not paid, hat the prop- ' Sfl(S fij j Hub paragraph 4 Section 2. Whenever the Council liens is a public record and writ- eity was not redeemed, that () hs ( ii;,I1(,r, aml shall have determines to lew and collect ing. and the original or certified proper notice was given, that ;lsSe:i.sed the costs of such im special assessments for local im- copies of any matter authorized , proper demand for the deed as , , , t property bene- j., v u. i ... u A...roH .Wo n aro ontitloH ; m'l.l.i anH that tho I fl'l Was f'V- . ... . .' , '. ."I r provements according io onuic. " ur ,c ........ . ma.,-. . ited mercny. or name tnereioi, I .. . - l. .it. v, f,.ro -jnH offo.t thoronf ooii toH the Off eer.s. .. . ' .. . , " , . i ii-coriiing to tne provisions m and from the date of the entry . Section 25. If, upon completion I ,his rharler. it shall he lawful therein of an assessment upon ai0f any improvement or repair, it f,,r the owner of any property so ioi, or pan uicR-ui, me uic us louna mat tne sum asses..i'n , ;,,,.d for such improvement entered is to be deemed a lien therefor uixm any lot or part in the sum of S25.00 or more, at thereon, which lien shall have ; thereof, or any property or part .,., time within ten davs after VII. Section 1. Sub paragraph 4 of this Charier, the Council shall act substantially in accordance with the provisions herein set oul. Section 3. The council may de termine, levy and collect a special assessment for local im provement alter the completion of such local improvement and its cost has been determined, or before the work of such local Improvement has begun, or alter the work has be gun and Ix'fore completion, after lis eosl has been determined. Section i. Whenever properly is to bo assessed and the property is subdivided into lots, the council shall levy Ihe assessment upon the lots separately, or parts thereof, and not in gloss, upon tho several lots of the same owner. Whenever property is to be assessed and such property is not subdivided Into lots, such property, or part thereof, will be licmed'as an entirely and asses M'd as such Section 5. No assessment shall bo made upon any unit of prop etrv which is equal to or in ex cess of tho value of such prop erty. Section fi In determining the benofil of Ihe local improvement, the- property assessed should be considered in lis general rela lion and part from Hi particu- priority over all other liens or encumbrances thereon whatso ever. tain the deficit or the surplus, ! ,n,rnts, and such written applica as the case may be, and declare tjn shall slate that the said ap the same by ordinance. The ro- ; ,ic;.rit and properly owner does corder shall be directed and shall ; thereby waive all irregularities enter .me sum oi tne ueiuai or . or defects, jurisdictional or other surplus in the docket of the city iujs,., ) said proceedings for local in a column reserved lor purpose with the dale- liens, that thereof. Such deficit, if there be one. shall (hereafter he a lien thereof, is insufficient to defray n0liee of such assessment is first the cost thereof or is more than published, to file with the re sufficient to defray Ihe cost ,. order a written a indication to Section 14. A sum of money as-tnereoi, me . ouncit musi hwi- j .,.-,y smd assessment in instai- sessed for the improvement can not be collected until the Coun cil, by order to the recorder, causes the recorder lo publish once per week for two successive weeks in a newspaper of general ciiculation in the City of Board man a notice of the order for collection issued by the Council, said notice to be included as a part of and published with the notice required by Section 8 of this act. Such order shall grant a period of fourteen days from the last publication of said no tice in which to pay said sum assessed, and such notice must substantially contain the mat ters required to be entered in the docket of city liens concerning such assessment. Section 15. If, within thirty days after the expiration of such four teen days notice, as required in Section 14. the sum assessed is not wholly paid to the city treasurer, It shall thereupon be come delinquent, and shall bear penalty of tlx (6) percent per improvements for which said as sessment is levied and in the apportionment of the cost there of Said atinlieation shall contain upon the lots or part thereof, or a provision that the said appli property or part thereof, assessed .,..,( and nrouerlv owner agrees and shall be applied apportion- i ,0 ,,ay s;,jd assessment in twelve ately, in like manner and with j monthly installments, with in like effect as In the case of the j forest at the same rate on all of sum originally assessed, and ; s;.id assessments which have not shall be payable and may hereon paid, as that expressed in collected in like manner andiihe bond issued to pay for such with like effect as in the case0eal improvements. Said appli of such sum so assessed. If cation shall also contain a state there be a surplus, the poisons j ment of convenient description who paid such surplus, or their, of Ihe property of the applicant legal representatives, are entitled i assessed for such improvement, to repayment of the same by. Section 35. The recorder shall warrant on the cily treasurer. Ikeep all such applications as Section 26. All money paid and are specified in section 34, sep lor'lol ntu.n .jssf.ssme rils f or ! ra tel v and In convenient form improvements shall be kept as a and the applications for each tice before tailoring separate fund and shall be used separate local Improvement fhall cont, 4-7 REGISTERED JERSEY PURCHASED FOR BOARDMAN FARM Peter Cassldy of Boardman has nurchased one registered jersey Valiant Paula Lucy, from the herd owned by Archie E. Jones of Boardman, Oregon. Jerseys are registered at the national office of The American Jersey Cattle Club in Columbus, Oh o. The club has kept com olete records on all registered Jerseys in the United States since 186H. FEATURE HOME FURNISHINGS Home furnishings was selected Ihe maior topic for the 1950-51 home extension program for Morrov county. The workshop will be upholstering of furniture, states Mrs. George Currin, coun ty committee chairman. Twenty delegates from every part of the county met with tne county com mittee and college representa tives, Mrs. Mabel Flint and Mrs. Azalea Sager, to analyze the needs and interests of the home makers. From the homemakers' own suggestions, the following program was developed. Mrs. Currin adds that any homemaker is welcome to attend any of the monthly unit meetings given on repairing of innerspring cushinos, floor finishes, lamp shade construction, use of sew ing machine attachments, chil dren's self-help clothing for pre school boys and girls, oven meals and preparing cooked foods for the freezer. One-day technique meetings will be given In a district meet ing for each hookea rug anu braided rugs. Project leaders who held the better dress work shops will repeat that again for their communities. Silk, rayon, or wool can be used this year. This will give them more prac- a suit or MAYFLOWER v Cottage Cheese Now you can have that famous quality and freshness in Cottage Cheese under the Mayflower brand. Mayflower's improved process brings you a rich, y delicately flavored cottage cheese that fasfes Iresh and stays fresh longer. Rich and creamy in creamed or country style, packed in pints or half pints. AT YOUR STORE OR AT YOUR DOOR 4 v (ti'JSlCl'fJ BUILT LIKE A BATTLESHIP II I Ford for big cor comfort ond readability. Its low, box-ivclion fram with five erois mmbrt glvi txtra ttrngth and rigidity. Th advonctd nginnerlng dtiign provides low center of gravity and unuiual stability. BUT TOPPED LIKE A GIFT For Ihe second yar In a row, the New York Fashion Academy has awarded Ford Its Gold Medal as "Fashion Car of the Year." m,-.m ' ei MeitTi mm IS THE BIG ECONOMY PACKAGE! WW! Iti low Aril cot, low upkwp and high male valu Ford li th mw llandord of valuo. And In th fnt Mobilgol Grand Conyon Economy Hun, offlclally uprvltd by AAA, a '50 ford "Sl" with Ovtrdrlvo won tho conomy ehamplonihlp of Iti elan tho 3 full-ilrt can In tho low-prlct Hold. CP -OV iu huitu dealers IRosewall Bftoftor Co.