Heppner gazette-times. (Heppner, Or.) 1925-current, April 27, 1950, Image 1

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$3.00 Per Year; Single Copies 10c
Heppner Gazette Times, Thursday, April 27, 1 950
Volume 67, Number 6
High School Band
Awarded Grade I
Rating at Festival
Effort Being Made
To Send Group To
Eugene Contest
Evidence that Heppner's school
band is working back towards the
position it held prior to the war
years is seen in the results of
the eastern districts competition
held at La Grande the past week
end. The band made a rating of
I in the class C competition,
while the special numbers, the
clarinet and cornet trios, each
made a rating of II.
In reaching this rating, the
local organization has made a
climb from just a small nucleus
in 19)7, when the late Billy
Cochell took them in hand and
rounded out a playing group
which appeared at the Rodeo
here and took first place in its
division at the Dress Up Parade
in Pendleton. Since then, under
a second year of Billy's coaching
and two years under Robert Col
lins the youthful musicians have
been making progress of the kind
that wins them recognition in
musical circles.
Director Collins took 32 of his
hand musicians to La Grande to
play In competition with bands
from Umatilla and Irrlgon, which
also scored 1 ratings, Elgin II,
Weston III and Ukiah IV. The
numerals indicate superior, ex
cellent, good, and fair. None re
ceived poor rating.
Both the senior and the junior
bands will enter the competition
next year, Collins reports, and
he, as well as the school, is
anxious to see many more young
sters enroll with the bands. He
reports that he especially needs
three students to take up trom
bone. There will be a loss of five
band students by graduation
this year.
Driving to La Grande Saturday
to take band musicians to the
conlest were Mrs. Otto Ruhl, Mrs.
Ted Pierson, Mrs. Stephen Thomp
son, Harold Becket. Supt. Leonard
Pate and Hal Whllbeek.
An effort Is being made to get
transportation and expense funds
to take the band to Eugene for
the stale contests May 5 and 6.
Brand Recording
Deadline May 31
The state depanmet of agricul
ture today is making an appeal
to livestock owners in this area
to get in their application to re
tain their present stock brands.
The deadline for re-recording
brands, now required every five
years, is May 31.
So far not many more than
3.000 brand applications have
been received In the department
headquarters at Salem. With
about 16,000 brands recorded in
the last recording period, offi
cials estimate that between ten
and twelve thousands of these
will be renewed. That me;ftis
from now on at least 200 applies,
tions per day should be received,
instead of the 40 or 50 that have
been coming.
M. E. Knickerbocker, chief of
the department's division of ani
mal industry, reminds livestock
men that after the May 31 dead
line a brand may he recorded
by anyone if the present owner
fails to re-record his or her brand.
Hunters, Anglers
Enjoy Fine Time
At lone Meeting
The Morrow County Hunters'
and Anglers club met Friday
evening at the lone Legion hall
to carry forward regular busi
ness and to discuss any fish or
game problems peculiar to that
area which might he presented.
Approximately 50 members and
friends of the organization at
tended. .
While the major part of the
time was allotted to informal
discussion. Glen Parsons, district
court ranger, spoke on habitat
Improvement, supplementing his
address of an earlier meeting.
Two films supplied by the state
game commission, dealing with
propagation and management of
fish, were shown.
Highlight of the meeting was
a film shown by Orville Culsforlh,
recording a wide variety of sub
jects of interest to all sports
men. -o
Heppner lodge No. 3,r8, BPOE
was well represented at the cere
monies and party dedicating the
Elks club at John Day Saturday.
The local lodge presented the
new club with a three piece red
leather sectional davenport and
chair to match.
Going from here. Mr. and Mrs.
Orville Smith who flow with their
pilot, Jack Forsythe; Judge and
Mrs. J. G. Barralt, Mr. and Mrs.
1!. I. Thompson, Mr. and Mrs.
F W Turner, Mr and Mrs. C. C.
Carmlchael, Mr. and Mrs. Orville
Culsforlh, Mr. and Mrs. Don Hell
l;er, Mr. and Mrs. Harlan Mc
Curdv Jr.. Mr. and Mrs. John
Saager, Mr. and Mrs. Oscar
George, Mr. and Mrs. George
Snider, Mr. and Mrs. Terrel
Pcnge, Mr. and Mrs. O. G. Hague
wood. Mr. and Mrs. Dale Brown,
Mr. and Mrs. La Verne Van
Marter Jr.. Mr. and Mrs. E. (
Dougherty, Earl Warner and
Don Bennett.
Delegations were present also
from London, Fossil, Arlington,
Pendleton and Baker.
Dr. A. D. McMurdo was In
Pendleton Thursday to attend the
cancer clinic.
Many Strange Jobs
Brought to Light
By Census Takers
Information on occupations en
gaging the attention of Ameri
cans has been collected by
census takers at every decennial
census of the United States since
1840. The 17th Decennial Census,
to be conducted in April, asks
all employed and unemployed
persons 14 years of age and over
for information on the kinds of
work they do. Probably well over
30,000 different occupations will
be reported to the Census takers.
In collecting data on occupa
tions in past censuses, the census
takers discovered many odd pur
suits. There was the woman who
gave her trade as "egg-breaker."
For eight hours a day, she broke
eggs, to be used in bakeries.
Another highly specialized job
was that of the man who mea
sures the distance of flights of
different breeds of pigeons.
The inventory of Americans at
work revealed many other strange
ways ol making a living, one
man ran a "fishworm ranch."
Another worked for a tanner as
an "unhairer." "Tooth pick flav
orer," and "whistle-tester" were
reported by two others. In the
food industry, there were found
a "potato peeler" in a potato
chip factory, a man who spent
his days as a "ham-sniffer," and
one who might be called an
"artillery-man, because he snot
cereal out of a gun.
In 1940, the enumerators some
times found the question of oc
cupation touchy. One sensitive
young girl, when asked the oc
cupation of the head of the
household, replied emphatically,
"Electrician." When queried as
to the kind of business in which
he piled his trade, she stated
reluctantly, "Well, he lights the
red lanterns on a sewer construe,
tion project."
Consolidation Vote
Set for Tuesday
From 2 to 3 P.M.
Voters of school district No.
1CJ, Heppner, are urged to go to
the polls between the hours of
2 and 3 p.m. Tuesday, May 2 to
express their desires relative to
consolidalio of 1CJ with several
other districts. (This will be next
Tuesday, In case you should ne
glect to look at your calendar.)
Districts seeking consolidation
with Heppner are Lena No. 2, Wil-
loway No. ..;, Sand Hollow INO.
tie, Balm Fork No. 42, and Wil
lows No. 24. ,
Consolidation of the several
districts with the Heppner district
would increase property valua
tion by something like $3,000,000,
giving a total valuation ui ap
proximately $4,500,000. This is
highly desirable in view of the
necessity of increasing . school
facilities to accommodate the
attendance from the several dis
tricts now being served by busses
out of Hepner. District No. 1 is
wrestling with the problem of
raising $200,000 for the construe
tlo of a grade school building.
Broadening of the district boun
daries ana adding materially to
the valuation will lessen the
burden on the individual tax
payers and make bonding the
district an attractive issue to in
vestors, school officials point out.
A goup from the Soroptimist
Club of Heppner will attend a
party in The Dalles tonight, the
annual dinner meeting of the
Soroptimist Club of The Dalles.
Guests will be present from other
SorofHimist clubs in the area.
Going from here are Mrs. Grace
Nickerson, Mrs. Clara Gertson,
Mrs. Loyal Parker, Mrs. Pearl
Devine, Mrs. Mary Stevens and
Mrs. C. C. Dunham.
Miss -Margaret Gillis gave a
resume of her activities as coun.
ly health nurse at the luncheon
meeting of the local club this
The Morrow counly ambulance
was called to the W. W. Weather,
ford ranch at Lena Saturday to
take Mrs. Margaret Madsen to
the hospital at Pendleton. Mrs.
Madsen suffered a broken hip
in a fall at the ranch.
Inside Workings
Of Chamber of
Commerce Told
Operational plans of a cham
ber of commerce were discussed
before the luncheon group of the
Heppner Chamber of Commerce
Monday noon by Oren G. Allison,
executive secretary of the Pendle.
ton chamber of commerce.
The workings of the Pendle
ton chamber of commerce, for in
stance, while directed toward the
same general goal as the Hepp
ner group to work for all things
that will upbuild the community
arid make living conditions better
are operated on a bigger scale
and are kept In motion by an
executive secretary whose duty
It is to coordinate committees
acd compile data needed in fos
tering different activities. The
Pendleton club has 31 commit
tees, which Just aboul gives every
member something to do.
The main point put over by
the sneaker was that the cham
ber of commerce to be effective
must be active; it must have a
well-nlanned nrocram for each
year and follow through on the
Mrs. George Mead has gone
to Seattle where sue win spena
the summer months with
daughter, Mrs. Etta Dollarhlde.
Mrs. Dollarhlde motored over
after her,
Farm Program To
Be Discussed By
"Plan" Advocates
With final arrangements com
pleted, Oscar Peterson, member
of the state grange agricultural
committee, today announced a
general meeting of vital interest
to Morrow county farmers. The
meeting, a panel discussion on
proposed and existing farm pro
grams, will feature four authori
ties of the farm plans proposed
by various groups at this time.
Vern Livesay and Ben Buisman
of the state grange will discuss
the Brannan Plan and Grange
Plan, respectively. Jay Westcoff,
P.M.A. former fieldman will dis
cuss the 1949 plan while Henry
Baker, president of the Oregon
Wheatgrowers league, will dis
cuss the Certificate Plan advo
cated by that organization.
The meeting, scheduled to be
held at the Willows grange hall
in lone on Saturday evening,
April 29, will begin at 8:00 p.m.
It is felt that this panel dis
cussion will be of much interest
to all farmers, especially now
while much discussion is being
held on threatening surpluses
and whether farm prices will be
supported on as high a level as
in tne past.
Mr. Peterson invites all to at
tend that are interested and
promises that these men will
be able to clear up any questions
in mind concerning proposed
farm programs.
Swinging Wide On
Curves Result Of
Excessive Speed
Oregon drivers could save many
lives every year by simply re
membering that any moving ob
ject prefers to travel in a straight
line, the state traffic safety divi
sion suggested today.
Swinging wide on curves is the
the cause of many head-on col
result of excessive speed and
lisions, the division noted. On
Oregon highways outside of
cities and towns, one-quarter of
the accidents and one-third of
the fatalities occur on curves, in
dicating a need for greater re
spect on the part of motorists.
According to state police rec
ords, the usual excuse of drivers
involved in collisions on curves
is, "I thought I was on my side
Of the road." The unsuspecting
driver who enters a curve at too
great a speed finds his car creep
ing over the centcrline or pave
ment edge so gradually he may
not be aware of it. When he at
tempts to hold it on his side of
the road, he encounters centri
fugal force and a refusal of the
vehicle to turn sharply. If the
friction of the tires against the
road surface is unable to over
come the tendency to slide, a
skid is the usual result.
Trouble on curves cannot be
blamed on lack of knowledge,
the division declared, since every
driver is presumably aware of
the danger. Too many apparently
believe the modren car can be
safely handled on almost any
curve, but the record shows in
attention and carelessness are as
dangerous now as in the days
when sharper curves were match,
ed by slower automobiles.
School Measures
Discussed at J-C
Dinner Wednesday
School lax and consolidation
measures to come before local
voters on May 2 and 15 were ex
plained to Junior Chamber of
Commerce and Jay Cee-elte
members at their monthly pot
Hick supper Wednesday night by
Henry Telz county school super
intendent, and Leonard Pate, lo
cal school superintendent.
Pale explained the reason why
consolidation with the six out
lying districts Is desired hy the
local school district. He pointed
out that addition of the tax levy
for the cost of the contemplated
grade school will not bring the
lotal tax mlllage in school dis
trict No. 1 to as high a levy as
(hat paid by voters in Ashland,
Bend. Eugene, and most other
schools in Oregon as large and
larger than Heppner.
Tetz discussed the increase of
the tax levy which Is to be voted
upon May 15 in each school dis
trict in the county. He also gave
a brief explanation of the basic
school support bill to be voted
upon in November.
A bicycle safety program, the
park and plans for representa
tion at the state Junior Chamber
of Commerce in Eugene on May
5, 6, and 7 were discussed by the
local men's group.
A brief Initiatory ritual and
bylaws for the kindergarten
board were presented to the Jav
Cee ettes for consideration until
their next meeting on May 24.
at which time they will be voted
Places were laid for 34 at the
supper preceding the meetings.
Guests Included Mr. and Mrs.
Henry Telz, Mr. and Mrs. Marvin
Smith, Mr. and Mrs. Edwin Jones,
and Mr. and Mrs. Jack Marshall.
Hostesses for the evening were
Mrs. uon walker, chairman, and
Mrs. James Hager and Mrs. Ed
win Dick.
Mrs. Jack Woodhall and Mrs.
Virginia llildle of Milton were
in Heppner Tuesday after the
Woodhall pony. The Woodlialls
are settled on a farm on the edge
of Milton where they have an
H-room house.
Mayor Proclaims
"Heppner Correct
Posture Week"
"The best foundation for a
healthy nation is an enlighten
ed citizenry which co-operates
with the men of science who
minister to people In pain and
sickness. The men who dedi
cate their lives to guarding
and improving the health of
our people need and deserve
help from those they serve.
"The National Chiropractic
Association, which is sponsor
ing National Correct Posture
Week from May 1 to May 7,
is endeavoring to educate the
public to the value of proper
posture and to develop a na
tional consciousness on this
important health pyoblem.
Proper posture especially when
developed in young people is
one of the greatest contribut
ing factors to good health, and
good appearance.
"As Mayor of the city of
Heppner, I, therefore, welcome
the opportunity to call upon
all civic organizations, schools,
and youth training organiza
tions, to cooperate with the Na
tional Chiropractic Association
in an educational program to
make people aware of the
value of correct posture and of
its benefits to our public
health standards. I hope every
boy and girl especially will
learn the habits of good posture
and active sports which can do
so much to keep us an alert
and healthy people."
Highlights of Two
Foreign Countries
Speakers' Subjects
Two of the three speakers at
the Homemakers' Festival, Wed
nesday, May 3, will feature
highlights of two foreign coun
tries. Mrs. James Brand, wife of
the Supreme Court Justice who
sat in at the Nuernberg trials,
will tell of her experiences In
postwar Germany, stressing in
fluence of those condtions on
home life.
Colorful Mexico, a nation of
great contrasts, will be present
ed through colored slides and a
talk by Mrs. Azalea Sager at the
Boardman grange hall. Mr. and
Mrs. Sager spent some time
during 1948 traveling by car
over 5,000 miles in Mexico. The
home life and living conditions
of the people were of particular
interest to her. A glimpse of i
Mexican life and the beauties
of nature will be shown. I
Mrs. Ralph Fowler will be
speaking in the morning on !
gardening subjects of interest to I
our homemakers. lone 4-H club j
girls will demonstrate shrinking
of cotton material.
Mr. and Mrs. Russell Miller,
Mr. and Mrs. William Garner,
Mr. and Mrs. Ralph Skoubo, Mr.
and Mrs. Art Allen will do a!
couple of dances learned in the
recreation training meetings now
completed. i
Exhibits of this year's sub
jects will be featured. The new
ly formed Young Mothers' club
of Heppner will also participate
in the program.
The public is invited to attend
part or all of the program. If
lunch reservations are made,
please phone the countv agent's
office by April 30.
Henry E. Telz. rural school dis
trict superintendent, is leaving
this week end for Spokane to at
tend the northwest regional con
ference on administrative leader
ship serving community schools
to be held there May 1 and 2.
Adminislrators from Oregon,
Washington, Idaho and Miftitana
will be in attendance.
Telz will be a group leader
and George Corwin, former Hepp
ner superintendent, is a member
of the planning committee.
The conference is sponsored by
the American Association of
School Administrators and the
Department of Rural EducationJ
oi i lie national t-uueauon associ
ation. o
An impotant deal was consum
mated the past week when R. B.
hcrguson purchased the interests
of Harry Sherman in the Kelley
ranch which the two men have
operated on a partnership basis
the past few years.
It is understood the Shermans
will remain at the ranch until
definite plans for the future have
been made.
Voters To Decide
Matter Exceeding
6 Percent Limit
School Tax To 3e
Less This Year By
Substantial Sum
The legal voters of the Morrow
county rural school district will
vole on the proposition of ex
ceeding the 6 per cent limitation
as indicated in the published
notice elsewhere in this oaoer.
The budget has been reduced
materially this year through a
careiuny developed plan of lo
cal study and county-wide co
operation inaugurated by ihe
rural board last year. The
amount raised by taxation in the
county will be $43,038.00 less
than it was last year even though
state funds available are $3000.00
less than the previous year.
New practices adopted this
year will set up sinking funds
for bus replacement of approxi
mately $7000.00 and a special
emergency fund in the rural
budget of $5600.00 which are
both in the nature of savings
for future purchase of busses and
as a cushion in case of an emer
gency in one or more of the
schools of the county.
An additional amount of $7735.
00 is budgeted to allow for dis
counts for taxes that are paid in
full in November and which are
subtracted from each of the
budgets in proportion that the
taxes are used in each budget.
This discount was formerly taken
out of the general fund of the
county, but must now be borne
by each budget for which tax
moneys are raised.
The budget is printed else
where in this issue. It is a compi
lation of local budgets which
were voted up on by the legal
voters in the respective districts,
or hearings were held as required
by law. All local budgets re
ceived favorable action.
The rural district superinten
dent will be available for expla
nation either at the office or on
call for community meetings
where this important problem of
adequate financing of schools
is discussed.
Active Campaign
For Balanced Plan
Begins Over State
1&.-LEM April 25) The Non
partisan Committee for Balanced
Reapportionment planned a
whirlwind campaign to put the
Balanced Representation Plan on
the Ballot at the November Gen
eral Election, at a Salem meet
ing this week.
Committee members represent
ing both political parties and the
major farm and business organi.
zations are working to set up
petition commiltees in every
county of the State of Oregon.
Marshall Swearingen, commit
tee member of Salem, called for
the support of county and com
munity organizations all over
I lie state. "Delaying tactics by
Population Plan' supporters in
filing a challenge of our ballot
title has cut short the time for
gelling our petitions signed, but
Ihe Supreme Court upheld the
Balanced Representation Plan
title and we are going to put
it on the ballot for protection
of Oregon voting power." "Young
Republicans and Farm Bureau
units have come through on
their pledge to circulate petitions
and more are going out to other
groups daily," Swearingen said.
He urged interested groups or
individuals to write Blanced Plan
headquarters at 444 Marion street
in Salem for petitions and infor
mation. Balanced Plan headquarters
will furnish speakers such as
Giles French, Sherman county
representative and Charles Mc
Colloch democratic representative
of Baker to explain the reapor
tionment question. The head
quarters will assist the county
committees in organization and
promotion of the petition cam
Lawyers arc getting thicker
or denser we are trying to say
there are going to be more of
them. And of course more candi
dates for office.
Already 17(! applications for
Ihe state bar examinations to be
held in July have been received
by the slate supreme court. Last
year there were 137 applicants.
Total applications thus far this
year establishes an all-lime
Prevention Rather
Than Curative
Means Advocated
Dr. R. H. Wilcox, Umatilla
county health officer, Pendleton,
was guest speaker Thursday eve
ning at the annual dinner meet
ing of the Morrow County Tu
berculosis and Health association
at the grange hall in lone. Dr.
Wilcox chose as his subject, 'The
correlation ol the County Tuber
culosis and Health Association
and the Public Health Depart
ment in the Prevention of Disease
Rather than Curative Measures.
In elaborating upon the subject,
Dr. Wilcox explained the five
year plan of the X-raymobile unit
wnich nas been adopted in Uma
tilla county. The county has been
divided into five parts and the
unit concentrates its work on one
part during a given year in an
attempt to secure an examina
tion of 80 per cent of the adult
population over the entire coun
ty during the five year period.
The unit deals chiefly wilh pre
vention and checking of tuber
culosis. Dr. Wilcox also discus
sed common communicable di
seases and the progress which
has been made in their preven
tion and gave a detailed account
of the services of the health as
sociation which are available to
the general public.
Miss Grace Roumagoux, super
visor of public health nursing,
Pendleton, accompanied Dr. Wil
cox. A general outline of her
work was made. Other speakers
included Mrs. Mary Stevens, pres.
ident of the association, who con
ducted the meeting; Miss Marga
ret Gillis, Morrow County Health
iMurse and Judge J. U. Barratt
who spoke on the Morrow Coun
ty Memorial Hospital which is to
be in operation about June 1.
An important feature of the
meeting was the showing of the
latest film of the Oregon Tuber
culosis Association, "Going
Mrs. Clara Gertson received
the nomination as Morrow coun
ty's representative delegate to
the Oregon Tuberculosis and
Health Association for the com
ing year. The election is held
by the state health association
after recommendations are made
from each county.
The lone Parent -Teacher assoc
iation sponsored the dinner and
furnished the meat dishes while
the rest of the dinner was pot
luck. Encampment Team
From Pendleton
Visits Local I00F
A delegation of members from
Umatilla Encampment, No. 17,
Pendleton, were in Heppner Sat
urday evening to initiate four
candidates into the order. These
were John Bergstrom, Pirl L. How.
ell, Theodore R. Pierson and Cor
nette Green. The meeting was
held at the IOOF hall. Those1
participating in the ceremonies,
included, Mark Wllsey, past
grand patriot and grand repre-
sentative; T. B. Bomboy, scribe; I
Bert -Greene, district deputy
grand master; Claude Stamper,
chief patriot; Vern Courtright,
first watch; John Roumondo.
second watch; Roy Turney, high
priest; 3. L. Wright, senior ward
en; Kenneth Wilsey, junior ward
en; Neal Laughlin, treasurer;
James Courtright, guide; Wayne
tourtrght, outside sentinel;
Ralph Pueschel. inside sentinel; (
Walt Wilsev, Fred Scheerer, Frank
Taylor, J. M. Wright, Frank Bed-
dow, Merel Teasley, Walt Clarke,
Art Wright, John Young, Alva
Albers. Clarence Parrish, past
chief patriots; and George N.
Perry, chief cook, hollowing tne
meeting refreshments were
served. The third degree or
"Royal Purple" will be given the
above candidates at the Pendle
ton lodge Saturday evening of
this week.
Mrs. W. O. Dix and Mrs. C. W.
McNamer were hostesses Monday
evening at the Dix home on
Baltimore street for the Past Ma
trons club. There were two tables
of bridge and one table of pic
ture puzzles. For bridge. Sirs.
Pearl Carter received high score
and for games. Mrs. Tom Wells
received the prize. Others pres
ent were Mesdames Fay Fergu
son. Ealor Huston, Gertrude
Parker. Hazel Vaughn, Alice
Anderson. Anna Bayliss, llattie
Wightman, Anna Graham and
May Gilliam and Ruth Tamblyn.
Refreshments were served.
Mr. and Mrs. Roger Connor are
the parents of a son born April
21 al St. Anthony's hospital in
Pendleton. He weighed 7 lbs.
U ounces. Grandparents are Mr.
and Mrs. Carey Hastings and
Mr. and Mrs. Francis Connor.
A daughter. Helen Marie,
weighing 9 pounds 5 ounces,
was born April 20 to Mr. and
Mrs. Andy Anderson at St.
Anthony's " hospital in Pendle
ton. Mr. Anderson motored to
Pendleton Tuesday to bring them
Mrs. Anna Heiney who has
been here for several" months with
her daughter, Mrs. Gene Fergu
son, left the last of the week for
her home In Fairview. She went
down with Mr. Ferguson who was
enroute to Gold Beach where he
planned to do some fishing. Miss
Calla Heslin, a sister of Mrs.
Heiney, will be in Fairview with
her for the summer.
Mrs. Neil Dohrrty of lone was
a business visitor in Heppner
early in the week. Mrs. Dohcrty
is planning a trip to Ireland and
Home about the first of June.
She will be accompaned by a
daughter. They expect to fly from
New York to Ireland where they
will visit her former home and
from there continue on to Rome.
They plan to return to the United
States In August.
1 Governor Douglas MsKay deliv
ered a trans-continental lecture
on profanity from his office in
the Oregon capitol this week.
He set forth a detailed indict
ment against swearing in answer
to a request for moral support
from 14 Hi-Y clubs in Knox coun.
ty, Tennessee. The southern Hi-Ys
are about to launch a clean
speech campaign aimed at tidy
ing up the language of adults
and high school students who use
unbecoming verbiage.
The governor's letter to off!
cials of the Knox county clubs
said he dislikes it as much as
they do.
"It has always been my cofn
viction," he wrote, "that substi
tution of coarse epithets, foul in
vective and Godless words for
the perfectly adequate English
tongue endangers moral stand
ards and injures the reputation
of those who resort to them."
It was the governor's opinion,
he informed the Hi-Ys, that
sweares gain nothing from what
ne described as their false no
tion that profanity spells ma
turity, authority and bravery.
And that wasn't all the Oreeon
governor had to say on the sub
ject. He said that those who dis
color their speech with swearing
sacrifice so much in stature and
the esteem in which they are
held by their associates that the
realization of their losses should
appal them into counting the
proverbial 'lO before venturing
their next epithet, no matter
how mild it might be. Not only
that, it tends to adulterate their
vocabularies and dim their ac
quaintance with proper gram
matical construction."
It may not have occurred to
you Mr. Oregon State Taxpayer,
but you're in the publishing bus
iness in a very big way. Your
publication has a larger circula
tion than the combined circula
tions of all the daily newspapers
in the state of Oregon. Right now
775,000 copies are being mailed.
The circulation of the publica
tion is growing faster than that
of any other publication for the
additional reason that the rates
what they should be. The last
for advertising are about one-fifth
issue cost $55,000 and returns
for paid space grossed only
You may have received your
copy this week, Mr. O. S. Tax
payer. It is profusely illustrated
with nicely retouched photo
graphs and touched-up biogra
phies of candidates for nomina
tion at the May 19 primaries.
Health examinations and fol
low-up for all children, preferably
before entering school was given
emphasis at a conference at the
canitol Tuesday by state board
of health officials.
Pre school clincs and well
child conferences are advised to
make more persons health and
doctor conscious. The program is
based on the premise of "A
healthy child learns best and
easiest. Children, even though
not checked before entering
school, get county health and
i-ental Health examination in
the seventh and ninth grades.
Sir Oliver Franks, British am
bassador to the United States.
is scheduled to make an official
visit to Oregon's state capitol
May 4.
The ambassador will be the
guest of Governor Douglas Mc
Kay at a luncheon in Salem. He
will be accompanied by Ladv
Franks and by James McDonald
British council of Portland, and
Mrs. McDonald.
Sir Oliver is a former Oxford
university professor and was
with the British Ministry of Sup
ply during world War II.
A group of women gathered at
tne nome of Mr. and Mrs. J. F.
Lucas Wednesday evening to
confer with Mrs. George T. Ger
linger, representing the Council
of Oregon Republican Women, on
current political issues and prob.
lems contronting our own state.
Mrs. Gerlinger covered several
pressing issues, including the
proposed l VA, the Hoover Report,
the trend toward socialism, and
the Balanced Plan of reappor
tionment in Oregon. She left
petitions for getting the Balanced
Plan on the ballot.
New Names Added
To H. S. Honor Roll
The list of honor students at
Heppner high school is growing
as the year advances. For the
fourth six-weeks period there
were 12 on the roll; now comes
the fifth period and there are 1C
Included on the roll are Wen
dell Connor, John Mollahan.
Roger Palmer, Marjorie Pierson.
Mae Pinner. Jack Sumner, Ron
ald Taylor, Joanne Bothwell.
Sally Cohn, Donna Gayhart.
Eleanor Rice, Jim Smith, Marion
Green, Juanita Matteson, Jim Or
wick, and Loren Piper.
I wish to express my thanks
for the many cards and lovely
flowers sent to me during my
recent Illness.
Laura Scott
Budworm Control
Battle to Start
Here About June 1
500,000 Gallons
Of Spray Bought
For Campaign
Spruce budworms and other
destructive pests have approxi
mately another 30 days to carry
on their work of destroying
merchantable timber In this
area, according to Glenn Par
sons, ranger of the HepDner dis
trict of the Umatilla National
forest, who stated that the cam
paign for controlling the pests
will start about June 1.
Initial action in the spruce
budworm battle was launched
with the awarding of a contract
to the Pennsylvania Salt Manu
facturing Co. of Portland for
500,000 gallons of DDT spray at
a cost of $232,500. The Portland
concern offered to supply the
spray for 46 cents per gallon.
The spray is made up of one
pound of DDT to Vi quarts of
solvent, adding sufficient fuel
oil to mixture to make a gallon.
u requires one gallon of spray
to cover one acre of timber land.
The Kinzua-Ukiah area com.
prising approximately 200,000
acres will be conducted by the
state board of forestry. Running
concurrently with the state Dro-
ject will be a federal project
covering approximately the same
acreage, ine lederal spraying
project will be located largely
in the northeastern part of the
state where the infestation is
centered largely on the national
Basing of 20 planes on the lo
cal project will necessitate con
siderable ground work before
actual spraying can start. It will
be necessary to develop an air
strip on the upper portion of Big
Rock flat approximately one and
one-half miles southwest of Opal
guard station. It is proposed to
keep 16 planes in action on the
job, holding four extra planes in
It is understod that the spray
ing crew will be housed in Hepp
ner during the operation and they
will be transported to and from
their work. This more than off
set the cost of setting up tem
porary housing at the guard sta
tion. The spraying is done in the
early morning hours when there
is little stir in the air.
Parsons explained that a ground
crew checks the results of the
spraying while the planes are
in operation to determine wheth
er or not the right coverage is
being made. 1 he checking Is ac
complished with discs placed
here and there along the spray,
ing course. The amount of spray
accumulating on the discs de
termines the success of the op
eration. Robert Furniss, bureau of
entomology and plant quaran
tine, with an assistant, will be
in charge of the program.
Aldrich Plans 14
Unit Motel on Land
In North Heppner
W. H. Aldrich. whose residence
was destroyed by fire early this
month, announced Monday that
he plans for construction of a
14-unit motel which he expects
to get underway about the first
nf June and have completed in
September. The motel will oc
cupy his present property and
some additional lots he is pur
chasing, which will extend his
limits to 110 by 190 feet.
Mr. Aldrich will go to Salem
this week to go over the plans
with a contractor with whom he
was associated for many years
and who will come to Heppner
to assist with building opera
tions. The motels will be available
for either permanent renters or
overnight accommodations, but
Aldrich expects there will be no
vacancies for transient renters
once the building is completed.
Mr. and Mrs. Earl Blake re-
1 - A fAnacl'iir nf thtt
birth of a 7-pound son to Mr. and
. . r.. 1.. . V. ..
Mrs. ivennem singer cany mat
morning at Augusta. Kan. Mrs.
Singer is the Blake's elder daugh
ter. Her sister. Mrs. Howard Gil
liam, who resides in Colorado, is
at Augusta at present.
Visitors In Heppner Monday
from Pendleton were Rev. Eric
Robathan an dMrs. Robathan,
who accompanied by two friends
from Echo spent a short time
here. While the ladies were en
joving coffee at a restaurant,
"Roby" dropped In on the edi
torial sanctum and pulled one of
his characteristic gags. This time
he was sporting an artificial
nose that out schnozzled"Schnoz
zle" and for a time the office
force was a bit non plussed.
Guests of Mr. and Mrs. O. G.
Crawford over the week end were
Mr. and Mrs. Raymond Coopey
of Richland. Wash. The families
were friends in Klamath Falls a
number of years ago. At that
time Mr. t'oopey taught science
in Klamath and Union high
school and was band director and
Mrs. Coopev had charge of the
chorus work in the same school.
Dr. C. C. Dunham is leaving
for Portland this evening where
he will supervise examinations
of applicants for licenses to prac
tice as chiropractic physicians In
Oregon. Examinations will be
held through Friday and Satur
day. He was accompanied by
Mrs. Dunham and their daugh
ter Camela.