4 Page 4-Section B Heppner Gazette Times, Thursday, April 20, 1950 COURT PROCEEDINGS TOR MARCH. 19b0 The it. mute., (i! the i-ol irii nr', I'lVi term were irmi arid approv ed The ('nun ordered the sale of the following proerty: 1-ot 13. Hlock 12 Ml. Vi'iiioti. Addition to the City of Heppner lor the minimum price ol SJtl.'ifi cash. 1its 1 and 2. loss builrtines. Hlock 1, Mt. Vernon's Addition to the City of Heppner for tho mini mum price of $130.00, each, rash. Blocks 22. 23. 2i and 2 Wilis Addition to the t it of lone for the minimum price of S2.".00 each. cw.h. All of Tract 19. lone. Oregon for the minimum price of jinnn, cash. The following Bancs' Disease claim was allowed: William F. Barratt SS 00. WARRANTS ISSUED ON THE r.ENKRAL KI ND: Sadie Parrish. deputy Frances Mitchell, deputy Olive B. Hughes, deputy Margaret twills. Nurse A. J Chaffee, Janitor Dr. A. D. McMurdo. Physician Susie W. Miller. Court fieporter William Garner, Justice of I'eace J, O. Haper. Justice of pea ce Garnet Barratt, County Court Russell Miller. County Court Bradley D. Fancher, District Attorney Paul Slaughter. Bangs' Disease Claim Margaret Gillis. Health Nurse Pac. Tel. & Tel. Co. Heppner Gazette Times, Official Publication Sheriff S2 45: Current Expense S-52.75; $137.70 Turn-A I.um Lumber Co. Court House Packer Scott Co.. Court House St 4 137.17 I 19S.00! 209. 10 , 1S1.12 2,7. ; 49.50 74.25 142.70 Heppner Laundry, Court House St. Anthonys Hospital, Emi i gency Pacific Stationery & Printing Co., Tax Col. Geriiude Applegate. T.i Collection Sbentf of Imatilla Co., Sheriff C .1 D. Bauman. Sheriff Henderson Office Supply, Clerk Kiiham Stationery & priming Co.. Clerk Ralph 1. Thompson. County Court State Industrial Accident Comm.. Sheriff 3.S1; Sheriff Salary 2Sc: Dep. Sal. 2Sc Janitor Sal. 2Sc Court House 90e First National Bank of Portland. Withholding Tax on Salaries Garnet Barratt. General Assistance S900; Old Age $1340: Dependent Children $120; Blind S-US.T5 Heppner Hardware and Electric Co.. Court House City of Heppner Water Dept.. Emergency Turner. VanMarter and Co.. Bonds c. E. Stalcup Will .75 1 Robert A, E.uts 53.41 i WARRANTS ISSl ED ON THE 111.00 GENERAL ROAD Fl ND I Harold E. Baker $ IS. G7 i Vernon L. Russell j Henry G. Peck 41.25 I Feenaughtv Machinery Co. 27.00 Columbia Equipment Co. 212.3 'Shell Oil Co. Heppner Lumber Co. 2.50 , Jones Scott Co. iRnardm.m Garage 6.03 i A. B. Palmer TumALum Lumber i o. 54.65 State Imiusrrial Accident Comm. First National Bank of Portland Guy Riddle Boardman Supply Co. Contractor Equip. Corp. Jack Allen Supply Co. 192.95 The Texas Co. Allen's Service Station Feenaughtv Machinery Co. Graduation Plans 11 Progressing Well l( 706.75 2.19 9.00 50.00 5JS5! WARRANTS ISSUED ON THE GENERAL ROAD FUND: sq Q7 I Fred Booker $193.65 j William Heath 233.94 ,,i Wilbur Jackson 116.50 '1A W. Cunningham . 264.11 I Austin Wilson 208.64 40.00 Roger Allen 243.03 'Lewis Ball 270.07 57.37 Walter Gilman 237.74 10"1 33 ' Dick Borman 238.19 Van unman t-v. Flovd Borman 204.29 Parold Hams . 225.95 Carl CroriD . 2rb.3i 'Fd Keliv 239.09 ! H. Shere'r .. . 335.74 i-21 1 Jack Slocum 257.SS Ralph Scott: Jr. 6309 4.21 George A. Stalcup 174.55 SU2.5P: 13.23 31.52 457.99 35.75 12.00 S.S0 13.42 33.13 89.49 195.90 2.00 2.10 77.71 70.31 65.S0 5.75 .50 Contractor Equip. Corp. 551.56 Pacific Light Power Co. 32.25 City of Heppner, Water Dept. 2oo Heppner Hardware and Electric Co. 2.80 Western Auto Supply 5.9i Rosewall Motor Co. .. 21.61 Pendleton Auto Parts . 223.55 lone Chevron Station 1.00 Padherg Tractor Repair . 98.95 Ralph Scott. Jr. 140.44 Howard Jacobs . 171.45 Peck and Anderson 17.34 THE HOSPITAL MAINTENANCE school. By MILLIE WILSON Plans fur high school gradua tin set for May 12 are proges sing well, according to Prinei pie McLaughlin. He announced mat Dr. Anderson from Eastern Oregon C ollege of Education has been invited to address the grad uates ai;ain this year. It is plan ned to decorate the gymnasium in a spiing motif. The graduates will de iate from the usual black caps and gowns by wearing white caps ;.nri gowns. Invitations will be mailed next week to all high school parents and special guests to attend the annual Junior-Senior banquet to be held at the high school audi torium May 6. It is an annual event in which the Junior class honors the graduates and also af fords an opportunity to include the board of education as special guests in order to thank them for their efforts in behalf of the The Home Economics Garner Home At Boardman Suffers Damage From Fire By MRS. FLOSSIE COATS The W. E. Garner home caught fire Sunday morning about 11 a.m., starting from a defective flew in the front room. Damage was done to the front room, bath room and the roof. Due to quick action of Mr. and Mrs. Garner and neighbors, saved the house from destruction. Community Bible study group had the last meeting for the spring, clusing Sunday evening with a pot luck dinner in the church basement. This study will resume in the fall. We Will Be MOVING April 29 and 30 TO THE FARRA BUILDING On West Side North Main St. AND WILL REOPEN Wednesday, May 3 In Our New Location Anderson & Wilson LADIES APPAREL FUND Robert Lowe. Janitor Salary $226.10 State Industrial Accident Commission 1.41 First National Bank of Portland - 21.00 WARRANTS ISSUED ON THE HOSPITAL EQUIPMENT FUND: Shaw Surgical Co. S7793.26 WARRANTS ISSUED ON THE MISCELLANEOUS FUND: Heppner Gazette Times. Dog fund S 33.60 First National Bank of Portland. Rodent Fund Joseph Baltrenas, Rodent Fund Orlin Huston, Coyote Bounty John F. Kirby. Labor. Tavlor Grazing fund E. P." Berry. Coyote Bounty o CARD OF THANKS I wish to sincerely thank Lex ington grange and the public for the $230 I received. This amount was the proceeds from the grange sponsored dance of April 1. Gratefully yours. BUD PECK 155.50 6.00 9S.S1 6.00 Mr. and Mrs. Everett Keithley and children spent Sunday in lone wilh her mother. Mrs. Ida Grabill. Qrrrnrri) i i 1 1 fffcnr3fe m hi r i ittitHAtimm- J illi to keep pistons clean ''' i 1 j Fv Xi I ' ' S' J ti Wlth Cooks Bakes Setter The Montag Deluxe Range bringi you a large oven to make your cooking and baking easier plus a big warming oven to keep food hot. This handsome range bat three fast-cooking surface elements, as well as the useful Econ omy Cooker with pop-up element for surface cooking. Seven degrees of heat on each ele ment. Smart high back panel with full-length light. Two deep, quiet storage drawers. Por celain-enamel finish to resist stains. Come In today and let O ftQ us show you all the advantages T ' of this Montag Deluxe Range. Case Furniture Co. Authoriied Montag Dealers A Product of SUndard cf California Cut engine deposits up to 60 over conven tional heavy-duty type oils by using RPM DELO Heavy Duty Lubricating Oil. Its new high-level compound ing stops ring-sticking, reduces oil-ring clog ging and piston depos its. RPM DELO Heavy Duty Lubricating Oil is recommended for many services i ' , 1 3 farm tractors. DISTRIBUTORS L E. DICK HEPPNER GORDON WHITE IONE class under the direction of Mrs. McLaughlin is planning the meal. The high school boys are hard at practice in preparation for the balance of their baseball schedule. They play Spray next Friday and that is sure to be a hard game. The balance of the season includes games with Long creek and possibly Grant if it can be scheduled before school is out. Considering the key men lost from last vear. the local b.50 : boys have been doing well, Mr. and Mrs. Earl Barnard and Mr. and Mrs. Fred Gassner were attending to matters of business in John Day Monday. Mr. and Mrs. Bill Settle drove io John Day Monday. While there they called on Mrs. Louisa Fleming and daughter Shirley Mae at the Hill's auto camp. Mr. and Mrs. Ray Aubrey of Malin were visiting friends and relatives the first of the week. Mrs. Aubrey and Mrs. Jessie Batty are sisters. Buel Harshman started his loggers back to work this week. The hills are still rather soft and muddy to haul heavy logs over. Mr. and Mrs. George Mantis and son Dickie went to Portland on Tuesday for a few days vaca tion. George Dollina of John Day was a business visitor in town Wed- Long creek. Alton McBride went through town Wednesday with some heavy equipment to use in log ging near Long creek. Myrtle Chesmor and Pete Gil man were married in Grace Chapel in Canyon City last Wed nesday. They were accompanied by Mrs. Flo Gilman and Mrs. Chrysile Enright. The newly-.-.euded couple plan on making heir home in Monument. Wilbur Flowers took his car to John Day Wednesday. He re-I t-f.-ned home with Mrs. Miles' Gilman. Mrs. ?,Iiles Gilman had the, misfortune to have her car side swiped by a truck as she was re turning home from John Day Wednesday. Luckily no one was hurt but the car was badly damaged. Those in the car with Mi'-. Gilman were Mrs. Ed En rig.'.t, Mr. and Mrs. Pete Gil :pn and Wilbur Flowers. Mr. and Mrs. Roy Munkers wore attending to matters of business in John Day and Can yon City last Tuesday and Wednesday. ."Iiss D.irlene Moore, daughter I n Mr. ai d .Mrs. Emory Moore i ! !) -is city, was complimented I t a prenupiial miscellaneous shower Friday aflernooon at the school's lunch room. Hostesses were Miss Caroline Asher, Miss Joan Roach and Miss Patricia orest. The tables were artistically decorated wilh siting flowers. A lurgc crowd was in attendance. Gai'H-s were played after which i he hostesses served refreshments .d cake and ice cream. Miss Moore was assisted" in opmirir; N t presents by her inoi her. V.u M'lore was the re-.-.-ipient of many lovely gifts. She .vill becoi ic Hie bride of Stanley Coyer, son of Mr. and Mrs. Demp sey lioy-r of this city in June. Hho Blcakman and Lynn For rest accompanied Henry Cupper to John Day and Canyon City I-'iiday. They all attended the meeting of I he rural school board in Canyon fit y. Bud Engle also attended. While in John Day Mr. Cupper purchased a new car. Last Friday evening the grade school sponsored a magician and comedian, Mitchell Cain. Altho the town was in darkness the I show was put on by the aid of gas lanterns. It was a very suc cessful show and everyone had a lot of good laughs. There was not such a large crowd owing to the light situation. John Simas, Mr. and Mrs. Ju nior Simas, Daisy Simas and ; granddaughters, Jean and Dean j na Williams were attending to 'matters of business in John Day Friday. Mrs. Fayre Sweek, district pres. ident of the American Legion auxiliary drove to Dayville Thursday to attend the Dayville unit meeting. They met at the home of Mary Stewart. On Friday Mr. and Mrs. Earl Sweek and daughter Carol went to Burns to attend the Burns unit meeting of the auxiliary. They were over night guests of Mr. and Mrs. Earnest Seiloff of llines. On Saturday they returned to John Day where Carol attended the 4-H Achievement program. She was called on to play a piano solo. All 4-H Club members and their leaders were awarded club pins at this meeting. Others from Monument who attended The county home extension unit met at an all day meeting Monday, April 17, at the grange hall. Eighteen ladies made foot stools under the direction of Mrs. Charles Flint, Mrs. Russell Miller, Mrs. R. B. Rands, and Mrs. Clyde Tannehill will attend the coun ty unit planning committee meet ing at Lexington Thursday. Mr. and Mrs. James Garrivson and three children of Oregon City were week end guests ut the home of Garrivsons step father and mother, Mr. and Mrs. Chas. Anderegg. Little Jimmie Garrivson celebrated his birth day Sunday. Other guests Sun day were Mr. and Mrs. Walter Wyss, Mr. and Mrs. Jack Mulli gan and sons. Mrs. Dewey West Jr., Mrs. Henry Zivney, Mrs. Stanley Part low and Mrs. Willis Pierott mo tored to Arilington Thursday and were visitors of the Arlington Womens club. Tillicum club met Tuesday evening at the home of Mrs. Jack Mulligan. Seventeen mem bers and one visitor were pres ent. Mr. and R. F. Woods recently of Portland and who have pur chased the Jack Berlincourt farm south of town has taken posses sion. Dr. R. N. Hester of Ketchikan, Alaska spent a few hours Tues day at the home of his son-in-law and daughter Mr. and Mrs. Fred Smith. Leo Root motored to Walla Walla Thursday. Boardman baseball nine won the first league game of the Spveral Indies cathered nt the 1 . ,. It'., I, lnn J day afternoon to honor Iter on her birthday. Going were Mos dames Jack Mulligan, Robert Wilson, Ray Brown, R. A. Fortner, Chas. Anderegg, Earl Bfiggs, I William Nickerson and Mrs. I Henry Zivney. i Mr. and Mrs. N. A. Macomber, Mr. and Mrs. Robert Harwood, and Mr. Robert Bradley motor ed to The Dalles Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Eric Llnd of Portland stopped at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Skoubo for a short visit. Mrs. Lind Is aunt of Ralph and sister to Mr. Skoubo and Adlof Skoubo. Jack Mulligan, Charles Dillon and I. Skoubo attended the Soil Conservation meeting 'Thursday evening in Irrigon. Mesdames Henry Zivney, Ron ald Black, Geo. Gwlnn, and W. E. Garner motored to Portland CH1X AND BUNNY CLUB ORGANIZED AT IONE A rabbit and poullry club was organized Saturday at lone when nine youngsters got together for that purpose. Paul Wenlworth was chosen president, Alvin Me Cabe vice president, Wayne Ball secretary and Gerry Wentworth reporter. Name of the new group Is Chix and Bunny club. Leaders are Mrs. Gordon White and Mrs. W. R. Wentworth. Refreshments were served by Mrs. White. Thursday, April 20, where they will attend the three day Oregon State convention of Federated Womens club of America at the Multnomah hotel. Mr. Hubert Bradley, Mrs. Olive Atteherry and Mrs. Margaret Klitz motored to Pendleton Monday. and took part In the program season on thp home field phh.v . I arternoon, playing Lexington. were Mrs. Lois Bleakman and daughter, Rhoene, Mrs. Ouida Cork, Mrs. Mabel Roach and daughter Joan and son Charles Mr. and Mrs Rober wjson .it., iviia. luiis .aji!ii unu daughter Darlene, Mrs. Ona May Leathers and Mr. and Mrs. Lewis Batty and sons Joe and Lewis. Charles Jr. sang solo. Rhoene and Darlene played an aecordian duet and the three boys represented the girls in a dress style show. Mr. and Mrs. Ed Round, Mrs. Josie Round and Mrs. Mamie Ferguson spent Sunday on Cot tonwood visiting the Geinger families. They had birthday din ner with Mrs. Ruby Geinger. Monument's baseball team played a practice game with the Kinzua team on Kinzua's dia mond, Sunday. Kinzua won the game 8 to 4. One of the Kinzua players hurt his knee and one of Monument's players, Buddy Batty, sprained his ankle. It was a good game and all the Monu ment baseball fans were there to see it. Mrs. Helen Brown left the first of the week for a visit in California. score was 51. Mr. and. Mrs. Ray Brown and mo tored to Richland, Wn., Sunday. Mesdames Leo Root, Guy Fer guson, Frank Cole and Claud Coats motored to Pilot Rock Tuesday afternoon where they attended the dinner and evening meeting of Presbytery, Miss Vir ginia McKenzie recently return ed from Japan was the speaker. Rev. 4 Mrs. Chas. Hawley spent three days last week in Yachats where they attended the confer ence for ministers and wives. The Hawleys enjoyed a visit with Mrs. Jim Luhrs, who re cently moved to Yaehats from Boardman. Greenfield grange members are remodeling the old feed store room into office space. The Ore. gon State Highway engineers who recently moved here from Baker will occupy the office. Mr. and Mrs. Bruce Lindsay and family of Kinzua, were week end guests at the home of Mrs. Lindsays parents Mr. and Mrs. R. A. Fortner. the finishing touch ... for your smartest outfits ! THE STETSON PLAYBOY : ; . actually giakes you look better. Its simple, flowing linet and jaunty brim put fnap into your informal sport clothes. In fact, this hat is so casually correct it fits in perfectly with your neatest business suits. See it... today 1 no Wilson's Men's Wear The Store of Personal Service 0 II mWSMZ TOO H8IP Y, With WEED-B-GON'64 W eed G. N. Perry returned to his i home in Pendleton Saturday after .spending the week here looking after business matters. During I his stav in Heonner he was the You can increase your CASH INCOxME by keep ing your grain fields weed-free ! Give your grain a chance to grow and to use all of the soil's plant foods . . don't let weeds compete with your grain ! PROMPT DELIVERY... We'll have your 0RTH0 2,4-D delivered without delay where and when you need it ! No worries ! Just give us your delivery order . . it'll be handled promptly ! FREE FIELDSERVICE It's important that you spray for weeds at the correct time and make the proper dosage appli cation ; we'll give you this advice without charge or obligation. AIRPLANE SERVICE... There .are a number of reliable airplane applica tors and we'll arrange for the application of your ORTHO 2,4-D . . thus you can be positive that you're getting the genuine 0RTII0 2,4-D weed killers. " We got an increase of 5 bushels to the acre," says ... SHERMAN McGREGOR Hooper, Wos'i., Operator "W.. used riHTLItCIUK 33(1 lo control annual weeds i.i our wheal and barley. We have, principally, mustard, China lelluce and some tar-weed, We found thai KSTKRCIDE 330 really does a fine Job of weed control. We know ORTHO 2, -1 -IJ prtiducls are good. All the farm ers around here Ihat used OUTIIO 2,1 D products were well satisfied . . , unci Hie only comment we heard was 'I wish I had sprayed more acreage than I did.' As far as our own acreage is con cerned, I have estimalcd Ihat we got an Increase of 13 bushels per acre or more, and as a result of have a weed free field, our harvest was more rapid ami there was much less dockage." KSTHRCIDE 330 WEED B GOiN' CI are reg. tin's U.S. Pal. Off. See H,,, E. For 2,4-D YOUR DEALER FOR: Fine Quality ORTHO PRODUCTS Made By CALIFORNIA SPRAY-CHEMICAL CORPORATION -4 3 guest of Mr. and Mrs. J. C. Payne. J?