Heppner gazette-times. (Heppner, Or.) 1925-current, April 13, 1950, Image 1

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P 0 K T L A :; ,
$3.00 Per Year; Single Copies 10c
Heppner Gazette Times, Thursday, April 13, 1950
Volume 67. Number 4
Lumoer lompany
Cleans Up Winter
Stockpile of Logs
Roy Hisey Makes
Closest Guess On
Final Sawing Time
Tin? sawing plant of the Hepp
ner Lumber company will be
down for two or three weeks for
the annual overhauling job. Or
ville Smith, manager, announced
the first of Hie week. The shut
down came Friday evening alter
Hie last lug of the winter stock
pile was sawed and sawing will
be renewed as soon as the ma
chinery is cleaned and repaired
and the millpoiul cleaned,
it is the custom of the em
ployees to form a pool and each
one make a guess on Ihe time
the last log of the huge winter
.stockpile will be run through the
mill. Guesses vary from within
a few minutes of the actual time
to several days. This year one
lucky employe, Roy Hisey, came
wilhin one minute of the actual
time, having guessed it to be
3:45 p.m. Friday and the actual
time was 3:10 p.m. Hisey was
ahead 50 cents per employe as
a result of his guess. There were
several guesses ranging within
." minules of the actual time.
All employes of the mill parti
eipaieu. While the sawmill is under
going an overhauling, the other
oivisions of the company's opera
tion here are functioning as
usual, and busy at that. It is
expected that logging operations
will he running in high gear by
the lime the sawmill resumes
cutting and everything will be
shipsh.'pe for a good run through,
mil the season.
In the meantime there Is no
let down on employment at the
mill as the regular hands are
being employed in the overhaul
v.ui k.
Eddie Chidsey. district
way maintenance engineer with j Decemlwr. how well do I remem- is preparing to enlarge its
headquarters at LaGrande, was i.r, was walking down the . bounds. While Ihe town is usual
a business visitor in Heppner sir,.Pt with manly pride. My i ly thought of as embracing the
Wednesday. A former resident 1 heart was all a-flutter, when I 1 entire project, such is not Ihe
heie and a graduate of Heppner t
nigii M iiooi niui uii- ua , over and lav down by my side.
I'.Cl. Kudie still finds many ac- while my heart was still a-flut-iuam'..nrvs
with whom he likes ,r ami ay in ,ne gutter, a
to vim.. He called attention Jo i ady piissiiiR by was hoard to sav.
Ihe new highway into Nevada ..you t.an awavs u,i a man i,at
from Hums. It goes directly to hooz,.s hy ,h(l company he
Wimieimicc.t where it connects L-hooses," and the pig got up
won m.- iw.i inKnv,y -'
. ........ ... i irtM-
est r.-.nti'S to California points
for Eastern Oregon travelers.
The Hey Orwiek home was the
id ne Siuii'av of a family reunion
when six of the seven children
of Mrs. Selma Orwiek. with their
families, spent a lew hours with
her. Included among the guests
were Mrs. Florence Washburn of
l-:ii. Wash.; Mrs. Addie kei.cr,
WcMr.n; Mrs. Pearl Brace, Jesse
and Kov Orwiek of Heppner, and
William Oiwiek, Milton. There
were also 12 grandchildren and
lour great gi andchildren among
the nests. Mrs. Orwiek" makes
her home with Mr. and Mrs. Oren
P.race of F",ight Mile.
Kay P. t osner of Irrigon was
brought to the county seat the
first of Ihe week under a charge
or assault. At first charged with
assault with intent to kill, the
case was dismissed by Justice
J. O. linger, ( osner, ferry and
tugboat operator, was later re
arrested on a charge of simple
Sale or a portion of the Guy
Huston property was consum
mated the past week as part of
the proeedue in settling the
estaie in the interest of Mr.
HiiNl'ie's heirs; Mrs. Leonard Kill,
Mile Mvron. and Woodrow Hus
ton. Deed to the parcel sold was
made to Harry Duvall.
Due to the band concert being
scheduled for April 19. which
falls on the regular dale of the
Javcee-Jav-C-etle monflily din
ner, the meeting has been post-
poller! I'Htil Anril 2ti.
it ' a
This pict iro of the Heppner
Lumber company, taken from tho
air by Jack Forsythe, shows tho
plant In lull operation. Logs In
the pond and piled around on
?.-V iJ' -Mst ,-va A-V4v3--.i
If you have not registered
to vote, let this remind you
that only four days remain
for registering. The books close
at 8 o'clock p.m. Tuesday, April
County Clerk C. W. Barlow
announces that he will be in
his oflice until 8 p.m. Tuesday
to accommodate late comers.
He uiges all unregistered per
sons to keep the fact in mind
thct the time is growing short
and if they wish to vote in the
forthcoming primary election
they will need to be registered.
Why not do it today instead
of waiting until the very last
Random Thoughts...
The weather man proved to be
the "jolly good fellow" on FJaster.
A promised rain failed to materi
alize, it was one time a false
prophet was not without honor.
A disappointing phase of the
"Easier parade" was that we
could find no millinery about
which to wisecrack. The Heppner
women are just naturally conser
ative. Tito says the cold war may
not last much longer and that
there is not necessarily any
danger of a hot war. Since he has
defied the Communist high com
mand and gotten away with it
so far, he may know what he's
talking about. But let us not be
lulled Into a false sense of se
curity. This could be a bit of
Communist strategy to catch us
The country press, generally
speaking, has an abhorrence of
poetry the kind engendered by
the coming of spring and only
once in a coon's age will one find
something in the local paper
that smacks of "verse." This
column is breaking the rule to
bring its readers something of a
local nature, and we have a
sneakiniz suspicion that J. S.
MeMurtrv had something to do
with-it. Written prose style, it .
reads as follows! It was late lust
f,. i ih i7ii,.r and u nit
and slowly walked away
Sheriff C. J. D. Bauman is all 'changes in the city charter will
put out. Hearing that a certain (need to be voted upon to cover
well known citizen was about i'fie change in boundaries if the
to embark upon the sea of matrl. annexation move is successful,
mony he got busy and cleaned! Publication of the ordinances
up the count v jail for the purpose 1 and notices of election are con-
bedding down me groom lor
the night, he, the aforementioned
sheriff feeling it his duty to pro
tect his friend in case some of
the bovs got a little rough fol
lowing the ceremony. But low
and behold, the party in ques
tion and his fair lady hied them-1
selves off to a distant city to In !
tuin say "I do" and from there
they traveled lo far-off places
without ever informing the slier-j
iff who has been feeling his dis-.
appointment quite keenly.
The Gazette Times is trying to
keep its circulation up to date'
and to accomplish that aim;
statements are being sent out a
few weeks in advance of expira-.
lion date. Occasionally a sub-1
fcrlher is overlooked and the,
subscription becomes delinquent
'In such cases, if the subscriber
will look at the upper left hand
corner where his name is stamp
ed he will also see the expira
lion date.
Baseball season is at hand, re-
gardless of the late spring. The
I Wheat-Timber league is set up visitor in Heppner today. He is
and now come the women with a landowner in Morrow county
a proposal to form a Softball nrt makes an occasional trip in
I league. It is scarcely necessary here to look after his interests,
to guess where the crowd will He has purchased 1000 acres
'go if soflhall becomes feminized from Harry Duval and content
j hereabouts. .plates investing in more Morrow
! county land.
In a recent college poll Ihe Allen Case of Case furniture
majority of the boys wanted to company spent' several days in
be newspapermen. That finishes Portland the fore part of the
the idea that boys of today have
a m-P f()r money, says the Demo
erat -Herald of Smithville, Mo.
the ground represent the daily
haul, with the beginning of a
winter stockpile which is added
to In the fall and winter to keep
the mill running during the
Queen Joan Marie
fell pfrnkpr-h,
21 -,
M Is-"
ff "" -V 'X
H I m-mmimmr-.'SSSm " - Trt ... r T m. I
Boardman Taking
Steps to Enlarge
Corporate Limits
Looking forward to expanding
population as the Mc.Nary dam
Project is completed and more
irrigated tracts will be made
available, the City of Boardman
case, for its limits are confined
to a small area bordering the
highway and railroad.
An annexation election has
beeji set for the 19th of May at
which time the residents of the
town and of the districts desir
ing to be included in the cor
poiate limits will express their
wishes by the ballot. Some
u 1,1 "lls Mur 1,11 uaeue
Dr. R. H. Wilcox, Pendleton.
I'matilla County Health Officer
will be guest speaker at the an
nual meeting of the Morrow
County Health Association in
lone on April 20, according to
an announcement by Mrs. Mary
Stephens, president. The politick
dinner will he sponsored by the
lone PTA. The latest film of the
National Tuberculosis Associa
tion will be shown under the
sponsorship of the Oregon Tuber
culosis Association.
J. Walter Boyer and Gertha
Parman, both of Condon, were
married at the parsonage of the
Methodist church Sunday morn
mg. Rev. J. Palmer Sorhen of
ficiating. Janet Woods and Floyd
Palmer, also of Condon, were the
only witnesses.
Curtis A. Tom of Rufus. Sher-
man county judge, is a business
week. He was accompanied by
Mrs. Ida (rimes and Matt
winter breakup when It Is next:' , , ,, ,
to Impossible to get Into the county has recently purchased
winter breakup whon it is next i her project lillnmook dairy
to Impossible to get Into the .heifer. Patsy will raise this calf
timber. a8 )ier first livestock project,
The First
Music Department
To Present Band in
Concert April 19
Following the established cus
tom, the music department of
Heppner high school will present
the annual band concert prior
to departing for LaGrande to
participate in the Eastern Ore
gon Music Festival on the campus
of the Eastern Oregon College
of Education.
Date for the concert is Wed
nesday, April 19, the program
starting at 8 p.m. Both bands,
the senior band" of 32 members
and the junior band of 41 mem
bers, will participate in the pro
gram. Supplementing the band
numbers will be special arrange
ments for quartets and a trio.
Director Robert Collins has pre
pared two clarinet quartets and
a cornet trio which will be fea
tured on the local program and
in the competitive events at
La Grande.
Personnel of the quartets in
cludes Jimmie Smith. Joanne
Bothwell, Marjorie Pierson and
Lynda Borman; Sandra Lanham.
Lynda Borman, Sharon Becket
and Jimmie Hayes. In the trio
are Jerry Dougherty, Skip Ruhl
and David Cox. Eleanor Rice is
The contest at La Grande
opens April 21 and extends
through April 22. The band has
made a II rating the past two
vea rs.
The ensembles perform on the
21st and the band on the 22nd.
Crow and Magpie
Control Contest
Outlined Monday
Representatives of Aikens'
Sport Shop and the Morrow
County Hunters' and Anglers'
club met Monday evening at the
Aiken residence to outline plans
for a crow and magpie control
contest. Results promise a county
wide hunt running from April
21st to May 31st, and featuring
both grand prizes and numerous
local prizes for the more ardent
ree-climbers. Present plans call
for counting "stations" at Board
man, Irrigon, lone. Lexington,
and two more in Heppner. Five
points will be scored for a con
testant for each pair of legs and
one point for each egg turned in.
Persons counting will have a
working knowledge of crows and
magpies, and any attempt to
substilue pieces of other poultry
will be frowned upon. Those
planning to shoot birds are
further cautioned to have their
hunting licenses handy. Com
plaint of trespass against any
contestant will result in his im
mediate disqualification, so
young and old alike must re
member to ask the owner before
taking pot-shots or shinnying up
any trees.
It is hoped that the destruc
tion of these nest -robbing pests
will greatly increase the number
of meadow-larks and other song
birds, as well as aid the produc
tion of game birds.
The state 4 H club office has
just announced that the State
game commission will continue
its program this year supplying
pheasant eggs to 4-H members.
The eggs are available after
April 15. Birds raised by the club
members will be purchased by
he game commission at $1.(X)
each when ten weeks of age.
Club members who are interested
.'nd have suitable pens for rais
ing pheasants can order through
County agents office.
Patsy Wright, one of the few
Joan Marie Hisler
Fair-Rodeo Choice
For 1950 Queen
Following the growing tend
ency to go out on the ranches to
find their candidates, the Mor
row county fair board and the
Rodeo committee have this year
mvaueu me iena a 1st net ana
picked one of the lovelist flow
ers of the hill country for aueen
of the 1950 Morrow county fair
and rodeo. It is Joan Marie,
daughter ol Mr. and Mrs. Paul
Hisler, who has been a ranch
girl all her life and who has
ridden horseback since she was
knee high to somethin' or other.
Joan, with her happy, smiling
personality, was one of the most
popular girls in her school days
at Hepner high school, from
which she graduated with the
class of 1948. She is a sophomore
at Eastern Oregon College of
Education, at LaGrande, where
her popularity is no less ap
parent than at home. She is a
former princess of the Heppner
Rodeo and is familiar with the
social life and routine attendant
upon the queen and her princes
ses. Selection of the princesses will
be announced shortly by the
granges. It is uderstood that
Greenfield grange at Boardman
will name a princess to serve
on the royal court this year,
making five members, the others
being Willows, Lexington, and
Rhea Creek granges and one
chosen from the Lena district.
Queen Joan is not the only
member of her family to be se
lected for rodeo honors this year.
Her sister Francine, member of
the royal court of the Heppner
Rodeo in 1947, was chosen to
serve as princess at the 1950
Pendleton Round-up.
Bramble Bushes
Make Good Screen
Along Creek Bank
Bramble bushes, ordinarily un
sightly and unfriendly, looked
both beautiful and friendly to
Mr. and Mrs. W. L. McCaleb Jr.
Sunday afternoon. Their little
girl, Jacqueline, (Jackie, for
short), wandered away from
some other children with whom
she had been playing and head
ed for the banks of Willow creek
a short distance away. It so
happened that the creek bank
was lined with shrubs and bush
es and the little tot got entangled
in them a bit of good fortune,
for had the bank been clear she
mighhave fallen over the steep
bankJv plunged into the swift
An audience that completely
filled the gymnasium greeted
Mitchell Cain, world famous ma
gician, upon his appearance in
Heppner last night under au
spices of the local high school.
Those whose good fortune it was
to attend the show pronounce it
jne of the best kind they have
ever witnessed.
Cain held his audience spell
bound for two hours with his
feats of magic and other tricks.
There was also the usual line
of comedy featuring local talent
in the form of young boys.
Construction Work
On Flood Control
Projects Moving
Contract for the construction
of channel and levees along the
Walla Walla river between
Crouse bridge and Union Street
bridge in the vicinity of Milton.
Oregon, has been awarded to
Spatia Brothers and K. C. Dack
of Portland, according to Col.
William Whipple, Walla Walla
District Engineer, Corps of Engi
neers. The contract covers section 5
of the Milton Freewater flood
control project and amounts to
$S0,33S. The work includes 70.000
cubic yards of excavation and
23.500 cubic yards of dumped
stone revetment. The contractor
will have 240 calendar days in
which to complete the job.
Award of a contract for mov
ing the Masonic Temple at Rich
land, Wash., from its present
site to a new site at F'ries street
and Thayer drive to Edmund P.
Erwen of Yakima, Wash., on a
bid of $21,500, also was an
nounced. The building, property
of the Atomic Energy Commis
sion, now occupies a site which
will be affected by McNary reser
voir. A contract for constructing
utility systems and an irrigation
piping system at the new Ma
sonic Temple site also was
awarded to the Yakima contiac
tor for STliSO.
In order that farmers may see
for themselves what is the best
grass or legume for seeding for
their particular need, demon
stration seedings are being made
this spring under different moist,
ure conditions for comparison.
The first of these seedings was
made at the L. L. Howton farm
south of lone last week. Others
for comparison under different
moisture conditions will be seed
ed as the land Is prepared and
ready for seeding. Seeded in the
Howton nursery were the follow
ing glasses and legumes that
have promise for this area: Si
berian wheatgress. Fairway Crest,
ed, Standard Crested wheatgrass.
Pubescent wheatgress, Primar
Slender wheatgress, l.ong stemed
wheatgrass, Thickspike wheat
grass. Beardless wheatgrass,
Western wheatgrass, Bulbous
bluegrass, Indian rice grass,
Sherman big bluegrass, Cnnby
bluegrass. Green needlegrass.
Tall oatgrass, Mt. Rye. Russian
wild rye, Sickle Milkvetch, Mt.
Bromegrass, Manchar Smooth
Brotne, Lodak Alfalfa, Idaho Fes
cue, Sheep Fescue.
O'Connor Installed As Exalted
Ruler of Heppner Lodge of Elks
J. J. O'Connor was installed as
exaiu-a ruier or neppner B. r. O.
Elks lodge Thursday evening at
special ceremonies Other officers
installed include Willard Blake,
leading knight; Tom Wilson,
loyal knight; W. H. 1. Padberg,
Jr., lecturing knight; Frank Con
nor, secretary; L. E. Bisbee,
treasurer; F. W. Turner, chaplain;
James J. Farley, esquire; Don
Bennett, inner guard; Harold
tfeeket, musician, Terrel Benge,
trustee replacing Eugene Fergu
son, and Harlan D. McCurdy, past
exalted ruler. Hosts and hostesses
for the ladies' night card party
the same evening were Mr. and
Mrs. Stephen Thompson, Mr. and
Mrs. Frank Wilkinson, Mr. and
Mrs. George Rugg, Mr. and Mrs.
Howard Cleveland and Mr. and
Mrs. Ralph I Thompson. There
were five tables of bridge and
twelve of pinochle. Mrs. Walter
Barger received first in bridge
and Mrs. Grace Nickerson, sec
ond. In pinochle, Mrs. George
Snider received high score and
Mrs. Harlan McCurdy, Jr. re
ceived second. Mrs. Dale Brown
received the door prize.
Several members of Sans Souci
Rebekah lodge motored to
Pendleton on Thursday evening
to attend the meeting of Pauline
Keoekah lodge. Guests Irom The
Dalles, Athena, Weston, Free
water and Elgin were also pres
ent. Those from Heppner were
Mr. and Mrs. N. D. Bailey, Mrs.
C. Payne, Mrs. Mary Stout,
Mrs. Adelle Hannan, Mrs. Pearl
Devine, Mrs. Clara Gertson, Mrs.
Mary Wright, Mrs. A. J. Chafee,
Mrs. Roy Thomas, Mrs. Letha
Archer, Mrs. Merle Krk, Mrs. Don
aid Robinson, Mrs. Victor Grosh-
ens and Mrs. Blanche Brown.
Selection of delegates to the
Rebekah Assembly of Oregon
was held at the meeting of Sans
Souci Rebekah lodge Friday
evening. Mrs. A. J. Chafee was
elected first delegate and Mrs.
N. D. Bailey, second. Ihe grand
lodge meeting is scheduled for
May 16 through 18 at Astoria.
Alternate delegates are Mrs.
Pearl Devine and Mrs. Maude
Hughes. Mrs. Chaffee also re
ceived the highest number of
votes for the office of deputy
district president.
Membership Drive
In County Nets Red
Cross $1956.45
With all districts reporting.
Morrow county's subscription to
the annual American Red Cross
membership campaign totaled
$1,956.45, according to the finance
director, Glenn Warner. The
county's quota was $1,350, which
means that there has been an
oversubscription of $606.45.
The county's share in the
SI ,350 will be 56 percent, Mr.
Warner explained, while 50 per
cent of the oversubscribed
amount will revert to the coun
ty. This will make approximate
ly 81,000 to remain here for lo
cal use.
Chairman Warner expressed
his appreciation to the workers
who helped make the campaign
a success. Those who took to
the field did a thorough job of
it, he said.
Mormon crickets are now-
hatching out in North Morrow
county. Byrne Thrailkill, Bureou
hatching will progress as the
of Entomology, reports that heavy
sun warms the ground. But,
fanners in Morrow county are
not worrying much this year.
Control programs waged the last
lew years have the cricKet proo
lem pretty well in check. Heaviest
infestation is in the old bombing
range. This year the control pro
gram will be by plane with C-47
planes used in baiting the en
tire area.
If vou are one of the several
hundred farmers who have re
ceived tree seedlings this year
from the state department of
forestry nursery, or elsewhere,
don't make the mistake of plant,
ing and forgetting them as soon
is they are in the ground, mis
tree planting reminder is ttom
Charles R. Ross, OSC Extension
Service Farm Forestry Specialist,
who says trees planted lor wind
break purposes require care. He
suggests that the area, prepared
before planting, be fenced against
livestock and that the seedlings
be watered the first year or so
even if a bucket or tank wagon
must be used. In cases where
trees have been ordered and soil
preparation and fencing have not
been completed. Ross offers this
alternative: hill them in a garden
row for a year or two. They will
grow nicely there, he points out.
and will lose little growth while
waiting to be planted permanent.
Iv a year hence. Iype ol wind
break usually recommended for
eastern Oregon is one containing
three rows, facing t lie wino, a
low erowinir line of shrubs or
low trees to intercept ground
winds is suggested. To extend the
zone of protection normally
eight to ten times the height of
windbreak a taller second, or
middle tree row variety is recom
mended. For the inside or seal
row, Koss suggests conners nav-
ing a dense foliage. One estab
lished over a period of one or
two years, trees may be grown
in windbreaks in areas with ten
inches or less annual rainfall. At
Station. Moro. for example, 30
different kinds of trees and
the Sherman Branch experiment
shrubs are growing satisfactorily
in an area which receives less
than 11 inches of annual rainfall.
They are not watered.
I Dr. and Mrs. Jack Wnodhall
are leaving soon to make their
home in Milton-Freewater. Dr.
woodhall plans to remain in
Heppner for at least two months
or unity his business appoint
ments are cleared away. Mrs.
Woodhail and the children will
leave at once, however. They
nave rented a farm house on
the edee of Milton.
Mr. and Mrs. William Richards
drove to Pendleton Saturday to
spend Easter with Mr. and Mrs.
Emmett Kenny. Tommy and
Johnny Kenny who have been
visitine with the Richards for
the past fortnight returned to
tneir home in Portland Saturday.
They are the sons of Mr. and
Mrs. Matt Kenny.
Recent guests of Mr. and Mrs.
Paul McCoy were his brother-in-law
and sister, Mr. and Mrs.
Wesley Corning and children of
Salem. ,
New books at the Heppner
Public library include: Wilson,
Prince of Egypt; Alcott, Little
Men; Field: Famous Fairy
Tales; Judor-Jenks: Tales of
Fantasy; Flynn, The Road
Ahead; The Aspirin Age; Ken
nelly, The Peaceable Kingdon;
Waltari; The Egyptian; Lundy,
Tidewater Valley; Henry, Dixie
Doble and Sea Star; Martin, Sil
ver Stallion; and Emery, T
Quarterback. Mr. and Mrs. Ray Drake had
as their guests over Easter, Mr.
and Mrs. Walter McGee and
daughter, Barbara, of Portland
and Mr. and Mrs. Claude Drake
of Richland, Wn.
Dean Stout of Oregon City Is
spending some time in Heppner
visiting his grandmother, Mrs.
Mary Stout.
Mr. and Mrs. Lester Doolittle
motored to Pendleton Thursday
afternoon to visit Miss Leta
Humphreys who is a patient at
St. Anthony's hospital.
Jim Dawson was over from
Prineville to spend the Easter
weekend with friends in Hepp
ner. Mrs. Robert Gammell is a pa
tient at The Dalles hospital
having been taken down the last
of the week. Her mother, Mrs.
Harold Evans is in The Dalles
with her.
Mrs. Clara Gertson left Wed
(Continued on page 8)
Girls and women of the com
munity interested in playing
Softball have been invited to
meet at the home of Mrs. Edith
Porterfield Monday evening. Mrs.
Porterfield resides at 406 Gale
Several of the gentler sex have
expressed a desire to play soft
ball this season and if enough
players will sign up an effort
will be made to form a league,
or at least have one team to
compete with teams from other
Mrs. Porterfield may be con
tacted by phoning number 1454.
lone Sportsmen To
Play Host to Club
The Hunters' and Anglers' club
has accepted an invitation from
sportsmen of lone to meet in the
lone Legion hall the evening of
April 21st. The State Game Com
mission has been requested to
send a representative and sup
ply appropriate films for the oc
casion. Any problem or question
related to hunting or fishing will
be open to discussion, and any
one having views either pro or
eon is urged to attend and be
As problems of fish and game
management are relatively new
to this area, and are likely to
become acute quite rapidly with
large population increases near
by, it is expected that many will
be interested in these discussions
and the organized action result
ing from them.
Soil Conservation
District Returns
Borrowed Tractor
Meeting recently the Heppner
Soil Conservation District super
visors returned the International
TD-14 tractor to the Soil Conser
vation Service. Necessary re
pairs were made and a repair
fund over $900 accompanied the
tractor which had been on loan
to the District for the past three
years, reflecting excellent equip
ment management by the Hepp
ner Board.
Over 200 acres of alfalfa and
grass have been seeded with the
new cultipacker seeder purchased
by the district board last fall.
The seeder has been in heavy
demand this spring and still is
going strong. Contour grass
strips on wheatland are on the
increase in the Heppner area with
approximately 700 acres recently
established, district cooperators
including Elmer Palmer. Dallas
Craber. Ellis Mover, Glenn Way.
and William Barratt.
Sweet clover-barley seedings in
alternate rows fro green manure
on wheatland are being made
this spring on over 125 acres of
six different localities in the
Heppner district. The supervisors
have been aware of the need for
a soil-improving crop rotation in
the wheat-fallow area of the
Heppner district if the consersa.
tion progrm is to succeed. Seed
production may be on the in
crease in the Heppner district if
recent seedings prove successful.
Paul Brown has seeded 20 acres
of Primar Slender Wheatgrass;
Elmer Palmer, 20 acres of Whit
mar Beardless Wheatgrass and
12 acres of Pubescent Wheat
grass; William Barratt. 25 acres
of Intermediate Wheatgrass and
40 acres of Sherman Big Blue
grass; and John Hanna is seed
ing 10 acres of Intermediate
l Wheatgrass this spring,
C. of C. Dispenses
With Sign Board
On Turner Building
Council Asked To
Consider Change
To Daylight Saving
Deciding that the membership
roster which has adorned the
front of the Turner, Van Marter
& Co. office for several years is
of no particular value, the cham
ber of commerce Mondav voted
to discontinue the board and
asked F. W. Turner to have it
The question arose about keep,
ing the board up-to-date a job
that involved some time and ex
pense. Heretofore it has been
painted at so much a name and
of recent years it has not been
kept up. Jack Loyd submitted
a sample of stainless steel letter
ing at 17 cents per letter which
probably would have been ac
cepted had it been decided to re-
lain the board.
Frank Turner, when secretary
of the chamber of commerce,
evolved the idea and was largely
instrumental in getting the board
put up.
James Keyes, representing the
Lilg Drug company, largest man.
ufacturer of penicillin, has intro
duced by Paul McCoy and spoke
briefly about his company's plant
which he recently visited at In
A letter from the Old Oregon
Trail association asked that the
local chamber of commerce be
represented at a meeting to be
held in Pendleton next week for
the purpose of stimulating more
tourist travel over Highway 30.
Judge Garnet Barratt indicated
that he might be able to attend.
A vote was taken on the ques
tion of daylight saving time. Nine
were in favor of switching to the
earlier hour, while seven reg
istered a vote against it. Several
did not vote. The city council
will be asked to act on the pro
posal at Monday night's session.
Business houses find it incon
venient to adjust the regular
time hours to the earlier hours,
it was argued. On the other hand,
it was pointed out that the farm
ers have an equally difficult
time in meeting the change
brought about by moving the lo
cal clocks ahead.
Frank Turner, who recently re
entered the ranks of the bene
dicts, passed a box of cigars
and gave a brief resume of the
wedding trip he and Mrs. Turner
enjoyed to Nevada and Califor
Warren M. Young, of Clatska
nie. grand master of the Inde
pendent Order of Oddfellows of
Oregon, paid official visits "to
lodges of Morrow county this
week. He visited the lone lodee
Tuesday evening, at which time
the Morgan chapter was present.
and Wednesday evening he met
with the Heppner and Lexington
lodges at Heppner.
In the Heppner lodge he was
greeted by one of his grand as
sembly officers, J. Palmer Sor
hen, grand chaplain.
Carl McDaniel. in town the
first of the week, reported that
Joe Baltreanas. government trap
per operating in the east end
of the county, recently ran onto
and captured a den of coyotes
including a mother and 15 pups.
Visitors here the fore part of
the week were Mrs. W. B. Potter
of Portland and Mrs. Clarence
Hogan of Minneapolis, Minn.
They were guests of Mrs. Hogan's
father. Frank Roberts. Mrs. Ho
gan came west to attend her
mother's funeral in Portland last
week. The guests departed for
their respective homes Wednes
day. Mrs. W. O. George and Mrs. O.
G. Crawford left this morning
tor Salem where they will attend
the conference of Soroptimist
clubs of the Northwestern region.
Plans will be perfected for the
biennial convention of the Sorop
timist International to be held
in Seattle July 2-7. The ladies
will return Monday.
Mr. and Mts. Ronie Oscnrson
and Ralph Oscarson, Elk. Wash,
were weekend guests of Mr. and
Mrs. Jesse Orwiek.
Jimmie Whetmore's popular
dance orchestra has been con
tracted to supply the music for
the big Rodeo kick-off dance
and for the three nights of the
Rodeo dances.
Jimmie i band has become one
ol the most popular organiiationa
on the coast today, due to the
unique type of muaic arrange
ments to much in demand with
the modern dancers.
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