Page 6 Get your Plumbing Supplies at your Marshall-Wells Store Galvanized Pipe and Fittings, Sewer Pipe, Bath Tubs, W ash Basins and Toilets 500 Gal. Septic Tank $76.00 Why pay to have your plumbing done when I have books that tell you how to do it. CHURCHES Heppner Gazette Times, Thursday, April 6, 1950 i I nunv thines of interest concern-1 A ki. iL. Your Home Town Paper Only 3.00 a year METHODIST CHURCH J. Palmer Sorlien, Minister Easter Sunday April 9. Morning worship and sermon at 11 a m. with special music by the choir. Mr. Oliver Oreswick. director. Sunday Church school at 9:4:i a.m. A class (or every age. You'h Fellowship class and Adult Bible Class. Mr. Oliver Creswick, su perintendent. Good Friday service at 7:30 p.m. Sermon and communion. Sunrise service at the Assem bly of God Church with Rev. Glenn Warner giving the sermon. This is a Union service all wel come, at 6:00 a.m. There will be a nursery for small children during the Easter services next Sunday. ASSEMBLY OF GOD Pastor Shelby E. Graves Rom. 10:13. Will you? Sunday 9:45 a.m. Sunday school Lesson topic, "Jesus, The Risen Master." 11:00 a.m. Rev. and Mrs. Ben intendi, just returned from China will speak and are bringing manv things of interest concern nig the present conditions in China. 1:00 p.m. Youth for Christ. 7:45 p.m. Special musical and vocal numbers and the Beninten dis Missionary will again bo .-.peaking. Only these 2 services so come and hear this line consecrated young couple who have spent " seeiul years in China. HEPPNER CHURCH OF CHRIST Glenn Warner. Minister 9:45 a.m. Bible School, C. W. Barlow, superintendent. The Easter story, the greatest l story ever told or lived, will De i brought in each of the classes. 11:00 a.m. Morning woismp .nd communion service. Easter music by the choir. "The Angels Message from the Tomb" will be the topic of the pastor's message. 7:30 p.m. Evening service. You are invited to this hour of fellow ship, singing, and study of the Scriptures. Sermon topic: "The Inspiration of the Resurrection. HOLY WEEK SERVICES Schedule of Services. Lenten Devotions Wednesday, 7:30 p.m. . Holy Thursday: Mass at 7:30 a.m.; all day adoration; Holy On The Stage - (3 HnfPerson Dim World Famous Magician an Comedian Featuring His Sensational BOY ESCAPE 1 - - V!i-NiSi I I If - 11 (1 -Jrrt HYPNOTIZING COMEDY THRILLS CHILLS Two Hours or Fun and Mystery Featuring E, A. Y The Princess of "MAGIC" Wednesday, April 12 - - - - Heppner High School Auditorium Admission, 35c - 75c 8 pm. MOT! i The City Dump Ground will be closed to the general public except between the hours of 1 and 5 p.m. on Satur day afternoons, starting Saturday, April 8. An attendant will be on the grounds during those hours to direct unloading of garbage. Full cooperation of the Citizens is urged in ing the Dump Grounds usable and availabe Violations of this rule will be prosecuted to the full ex tent of the law. 1 mak- to a Heppner, Oregon April 6, 1950 By Order of the City Council April Month for Receiving Cancer Fight Donations April is the month declared by the Cancer Society for receiv ing of donations to the cancer control program. Morrow county is taking an active part in this program. Heading the field army for this county as Commander is Mrs. James Healy. Serving her as vice commander is Mrs. Otto Steinke, Finance officer is Mrs. Jack Van Winkle and Mrs. Mabel Flint is the publicity director. Each community has its own captain who will take care of the donations and contributions from that locality. They are, for Heppner, Mrs. Chris Brown; Hard man, Mrs. Kenneth Batty; Lex ington. Mrs. Eldon Padberg; lone, Mrs. Adon Hamlett; Boardman, Mrs. Selh Russell and Irrigon, Mrs. Ida Slaughter. Actively participating in the cancer programs for several community groups during the winter months have been the medical director, Dr. A. D. Mc Murdo, and public health nurse, Miss Margaret Gillis. Sponsoring the cancer program within the county is the American Legion auxiliary. This group along with the extension units, chamber of commerce and Soroptimist club have studied growth of neglected cancers and reviewed recent re search studies. Establishments in these trades reported a combined total of 145 paid employees for the work week ended nearest November 15, 1948. This compared with a total of 105 employees reported for the week of November 15, 1939. These preliminary figures have been derived from a census re port on Morrow county. Final figures, superseding the preliml- included in a bulletin for the stale of Oregon and be issued in several months. Similar data will be made available this year in preliminary and final from for nary data for the county, will be each of the counties and states. I STAR nn REPORTER J iiion prloei afternoon and Tuning, nnlan jp. School Stodsr.U 11 year, and oven Et Prlo .40, ouy lilwtlMd to b. otharwUol Children! Bat. ' ! AluU, E"' PrlM t00 roa- Prica .it, Ted. tm nn .., -. , . T" Every ohJd occupying a aeat SOo; Grade and High matt have a ticket. Sunday ahowa oontlanon. from 1 p. m. All ewnlng- ahowa .tart at T:30 p. m., uul. otlierwlae advertlaed Retail Sales in '48 275 Per Cent More Than in Year 1939 Retail and service establish ments located in Morrow county, Oregon, showed a substantial expansion in dollar volume of trade from 1939 to 1948 accord ing to preliminary figures from the 1948 census of business re leased today by the Bureau of Census, U. S. Department of Com merce. Retail sales in the county dur ing 1948 aggregated $4.5 million, an increase of 275 percent over the 51.2 million in 1939, when the preceding census of business was taken. The service trades in cluded in the census of business recorded receipts totaling $156, 000 in 1948 compared with $15, 000 in 1939. Employment in the county rose over the 9-year period between 1939 ad 1948 for the above trades. Hour 7:30 p.m. Good Friday: Mass of the Pre sanctified 7:30, followed by Ven eration of the Cross. Stations of the Cross at 2:30 and again at 7:30 p.m. Holy Saturday: Blessing of the Paschal Candle,' new fire and Baptismal Water at 7:30. Easter Sunday: Masses at 8:00 in lone and at 9:30 in Heppner. H to reduce tractor wear lllllllll with M A Product of Standard of California Longer lire Tdr your tractor is assured when you seal vital track bearings from mud and , dust. And that's just what the special com pounds in RPM Trac tor Roller Lubricant do cover all track bearing surfaces with a tough film that really stays onl DISTRIBUTORS L. E. DICK HEPPNER GORDON WHITE IONE TO THE LADIES . . . It is our pleasure and privilege to present each lady and high school miss attending our program on Easter Sunday, April 9th, a beautiful Easter lower, through the courtesy of MARY VAN'S FLOWER SHOP The coming of Easter brings with it one of the most beautiful sea sons of the year. May you find it as such and may this Easter be a happy and joyous one for you all. Sunday-Monday, April 9-10 ADAM'S RIB Spencer Tracy, Katharine Hepburn, Judy Holliday. Tom Ewell, David Wayne, Jean Hagen Right at the top of the brilliant best In the comedy line! The female of the species decides to prove woman's equal ity to the male and leads the story in a wildly hilarious whirl. Here is laughter at its loudest! Tues.-Wed.-Thurs., April 11-12-13 CHICAGO DEADLINE Alan Ladd, Donna Reed, June Havoc, Irene Hervey. Arthur Kennedy Ladd returns to his most popular type of role , . , a fighting reporter slugging his way to the hottest story of the year! RHYTHM Dancin' and romancin' to those home spun Jimmie Davis tunes. FrL-Sat.-, April 14-15 BAGDAD g Maureen O'Hara, Paul Christian, Vincent Price, John Sutton, Jelf Corey A desert adventure story . . , beautifully photographed in Technicolor, PLUS H RIDE, RYDER, RIDE Jim Bannon, Little Beaver, Emmett Lynn, E5 Peggy Steward j2 Red Ryder fights for law and order in EE: a western that can boast on abundance of true Western action. Color enhances 5S the outdoor photography. sss 'iiiiiiuiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiniiiiiiH Smart! New! DRESSES FOR EASTER 5 90 and Q90 Choose from our large and complete stock. In one or two piece styles. Rayon Crepes, Cord Weaves, Jr. Butcher Weaves, Miami Cloths or Cottons in Prints,' Plains or Novel ties. Sizes 9 to 20-16V-- to 241.. Mi GAYMODE NYLONS 98c For sheer flattery ... in 51 gauge 15 denier. First quality , , . made for per. feet fit, longer wear . . in colors keyed to fashion I 8M. to 10'. LACY RAYON S CREPE SLIPS ' 2.98 Lots-more-money looks ' to our. well-cut, smooth fitting rayon crepe slipsl Lavished with lace and applique-touched .... white and pastels, 32-40, MEN! DON'T FORGET THAT NEW MARATHON FOR EASTER! FINE FUR FELTS THRIFTY PRICED! 4.98 Marathon" felts In this Sport Felo model aro lined; factory blocked to hold their shape. Me dium width bands. Reg ular and pastel colors. '7 NYLON GU)VES 98c .. r. Sheer nylon , , , looks so fragile, acts so tough, washes and dries in a hurryl Buflle - cuffed shorty in black, white, or arbutus pink . , , 6-8 PENNEY'S